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Face Value (Next Generation 7)

Page 21

by Cheryl Douglas

  “I’m sure you will.” Nikki giggled. “I thought it was mighty big of y’all to invite Amanda to the wedding. I would have taken your daddy’s head off if he’d suggested inviting one of his exes to our wedding.”

  “Amanda is the mother of Tucker’s children. That makes her family. Besides, she’s been my friend for a long time.”

  Nikki raised an eyebrow at that comment.

  “Okay, we were friendly. We still are. The fact that I’m marrying her ex-husband doesn’t change that.”

  “Do you think she still has feelings for him?” Nikki asked, trying but failing to sound casual.


  Nikki released a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you picked up on that. I was afraid you hadn’t noticed.”

  It would have been hard not to, but anyone who’d noticed Amanda’s feelings for her ex would also realize he didn’t reciprocate her feelings. Tucker was Lauren’s. Lauren didn’t have any reservations about that. “I don’t blame Amanda. If Tucker was my husband and the father of my children, I wouldn’t have wanted to let him go either.”

  “I just don’t want her stirring up trouble for you two.”

  “She can’t. I know how Tucker feels about me. Nothing Amanda can say or do will change that.”

  Nikki smiled as she set Lauren’s hair over her shoulder. “I’m so proud of you, baby. You’re so strong and confident.”

  Lauren laughed. “Daddy tells me I’m just like you were at my age.”

  “I guess you are.” Nikki sniffled before pulling Lauren into a tight embrace. “I know I wasn’t always there when you were growing up, but I hope you know I was thinking about you every single second.”

  Lauren rubbed her mother’s back. “I know that, Mama. I loved the time I spent on the road with you. It was always an adventure. I’m not gonna lie. I missed you a lot. But you were such an amazing role model.”

  Nikki stepped back, holding Lauren’s hands. “What do you mean?”

  “You weren’t just some celebrity. You figured out a way to do what you loved, put your family first, and give something back. That proved to me I could do the same.”

  “I think it’s amazing that you and Tucker have started that foundation in his sister’s name.”

  “It’s helping him to heal. He needed to do something positive, to give back.”

  “He does seem to be a lot calmer now.” Nikki smiled. “J.T. said he’s even been in to have a few beers with the boys after work and he hasn’t started any fights or broken anything. That’s definitely progress.”

  “As if Daddy would let him get away with that now.”

  “You’re right about that.” Nikki hesitated. “Tucker had so much hurt in his heart, Lauren. It looks like you’ve helped him to heal.”

  “He’s helped me too, Mama. He’s helped me realize there’s more to life than work.”

  Nikki winked. “That’s a very valuable lesson. Don’t forget it.”


  Tucker stood at the end of a handmade runner under an arch embellished with hundreds of fresh, fragrant blooms, smiling at the dozens of guests who had flown in to share their day.

  Nikki stood off to the side, singing her daughter’s favorite song, as J.T. walked Lauren between the rows of chairs.

  Tucker’s breath caught in his throat when he saw her. She wore a stunning cream silk strapless gown that grazed the soft white sand. Her hair was swept up with a few loose tendrils blowing in the tropical breeze, and she wore a simple pearl and crystal tiara that glittered with every step she took.

  J.T. kissed Lauren’s cheek before offering Tucker her hand. He stood in the front row, waiting for his wife to join him.

  The pastor started the ceremony, welcoming the guests, but Tucker couldn’t take his eyes off Lauren. The only thought running through his head was… What did I do to deserve this woman?

  As though Lauren sensed and shared his sense of awe at their union, she squeezed his hands before turning her attention back to the man issuing the orders.

  Tucker’s turn came to share the vows he’d written for Lauren. He just prayed his voice would hold out long enough. “Lauren…” He cleared his throat. “When you walked into my office asking for help on a project, I never expected you’d be the one helping me. But you did. You forced me to face my fears.” When she started to cry, he brought her hands to his lips, kissing them. “You challenged me when I wanted to duck and run. Everyone thought I was so strong. Only you knew how weak I was. Only you cared enough to uncover the reason I was broken. Only you loved me enough to help me pick up the pieces so I could move on with my life.” He flattened her palm against his chest, holding it over his heart. “If not for you, I would still be merely existing. Waking up every day with this gaping hole in my heart.”

  Tucker knew she would probably chastise him later for ruining her makeup, but he didn’t care. He wanted the world to know how much he loved her. He wanted their witnesses to know that without her, he would be half a man. “You gave me your love, and it didn’t take me long to realize that was the only thing I needed. You’ve made me a better father because you made me realize it’s okay to admit your weaknesses.” Tucker glanced at his children sitting in the front row beside their mother. “It’s okay to admit you need other people to make your life complete. It’s okay to admit you’re nothing without the love of the people who matter most.” His gaze swept over Lauren before turning to Monica and Mason. “The three of you are my entire world. If I had nothing else, I wouldn’t care, because you’re all I need.”

  Lauren withdrew one hand from Tucker’s to brush a tear away.

  “I want to make all of your dreams come true, Lauren. The big ones and the small. The fact that you chose me to make all of those dreams come true is the greatest honor anyone has ever given me. I’ll work every day to give you more than you ask for, never less than you deserve, and always more than you think you need… because you are my princess.”

  Lauren blinked and cleared her throat when she was asked to say her vows. “You really expect me to be able to do this now? I’m a mess.”

  Tucker chuckled and winked at her. He knew she would be just fine. Lauren was a force to be reckoned with when she set her mind to something, and he knew she wouldn’t let anything diminish their magical moment.

  “When I met you, I was looking for a contractor. I certainly never expected to find a husband.” Lauren smiled when a few of their guests laughed. “It turns out you were a pretty good contractor, but I’m sure you’ll be an even better husband.”

  She winked when he gave her a wry grin. “Sometimes we find exactly what we’re looking for when we don’t even realize we’re looking for it. That’s what happened to me when you came into my life. I didn’t know I needed strong arms to hold me at the end of a grueling day. I didn’t know I needed a new best friend to share my hopes and dreams with. I didn’t know I needed a mentor to help take my business to new heights. I didn’t know I needed someone to remind me that being a parent can be the greatest blessing in life, but I did. I needed you, Tucker.”

  Tucker looked into her eyes, and he knew he would never tire of seeing the awe-inspiring love he knew must be reflected in his own eyes.

  “I had a great example of a loving marriage growing up, so I was confident that when I met my soul mate, my heart would know. It did. From the moment I set eyes on you, I knew you were different. I knew you would take me places I’d been afraid to go, and you did. It was scary, but you held my hand, and I’ve realized that makes everything easier. There’s nothing I can’t face with you as my husband, nothing we can’t conquer together. I know there will be challenges, but I also know it’s the good times we’ll remember fifty years from now when we’re looking back on our life together.”

  Tucker wanted nothing more than to kiss her, to show her without words how much he loved her, but he knew his mother-in-law would slap him upside the head if he broke from tradition and kissed the bride too soon. So he did as he was told
. He slipped the diamond band on his bride’s finger, watched her slide a platinum band on his left hand, and waited until he was invited to kiss Mrs. Lauren McCall Brooks for the first time.

  It was definitely worth the wait.

  About the Author

  To learn more about this author or other books in the Nashville Nights or Next Generation series, visit

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  Coming Soon

  Book Eight – Ava Cooper owns a successful dating service. Her life`s work is to connect people and hope they`ll fall in love, but she isn`t looking for her soul mate. On the contrary, she`s a busy professional with a full life. She has a great family, friends, and a cute little dog who follows her wherever she goes. When she gets a private message from a man who`s intrigued by her profile, she`s knows her assistant, Tara, is to blame. Tara`s determined to help her boss find a man, apparently against her will. But Ava isn’t taking the bait.

  When Brent Armstrong`s brother emails him a link to a dating website, he assumes he’s just giving him grief again, but when Ava`s picture appeared on his screen, he can’t breathe. He knows that woman. He tries to get her out of his head, but when that doesn’t work, he decides to swallow his pride and send her a private message, hoping she`ll remember him. When she doesn’t respond, he has a choice to make. Should he let it go, or give her a friendly reminder of the night she rocked his world?

  Two New Series by Cheryl Douglas

  Coming Summer 2013

  Music City Moguls

  Texas Titans




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