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OUTCAST: A Stepbrother Romance

Page 18

by Wilde, Ora

  I responded to their words with a polite smile. Someone even approached me - a sophomore - and asked if I she could take a selfie with me. I didn’t know how to react. Before I can even answer, she snapped her phone’s camera and thanked me profusely.

  The way they treated me, like some sort of a heroine from a Greek myth, made me feel uncomfortable, yes. But somehow, I felt a semblance of joy. I wasn’t used to being admired. But I discovered that it wasn’t something that I hated.

  Before I entered the Ladies room, I looked at my watch to check the time. 8:17 P.M, it read. It was still early. My folks probably haven’t left the movie house yet. Nash, I thought, just finished eating the dinner that Aunt Susan prepared.

  I missed them.

  It may sound banal... melodramatic, even... but at that particular moment, I actually found myself yearning for their company.

  Before I could look up, someone opened the door and hurriedly went out. She bumped into me. I quickly apologized. It was my fault for not looking at where I was going.

  My penitence quickly dissipated, however, when I saw who she was.

  “Well, well,” Kyla Sanders started to say. “Talk about deja vu...”

  I tried to ignore her. I proceeded to walk towards the restroom. But before I could pass her by, she drew her head near my ear and whispered something...

  “It’s going to be an unforgettable night,” she muttered.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw her flash a devious smile.

  I quickened my pace and went straight to one of the cubicles. I closed the door and started to regulate my breathing.

  Inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale... calm yourself, Andrea... you’re a strong girl...

  What did she mean by that, I asked myself repeatedly, as if I haven’t gotten used to her riddles.

  It’s nothing, Andrea. She’s just playing with your head. What could she possibly do that would be worse than the things you have already endured?

  I went out of the restroom with newfound confidence. Indeed, I have been through hell and back. Kyla Sanders wouldn’t be able to top any of the bad things that have happened to me the past month.

  The people who continued to greet me as I walked across the gymnasium further boosted my self-esteem, and in so doing, gave me more strength to carry on despite Kyla Sanders’ newest missive in a long series of thinly veiled threats.

  Finn greeted me back with a playful tap on my shoulder.

  “I missed you, kid,” he amorously said.

  I just smiled at him. I couldn’t return his affectionate banter. I didn’t want to give him false hope.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” someone’s voice blared all over the gym, magnified by huge speakers on every side of the area. It was Principal Hendricks once again. “I know you’re all hungry...”

  Everyone screamed their agreement. Some even pumped their fists in the air.

  “Okay, okay...” he continued, “I guess that’s my cue to hurry this thing up. At this point in the evening, we would like to announce results of the voting for the Homecoming Court.”

  Cheers resounded everywhere. Everyone was excited to know who would be this year’s most heralded couple. Even Finn, shy and reserved most of the time, showed a tinge of thrill. I felt him take a deep breath, one which I think he forgot to exhale.

  “First, the Homecoming King,” Principal Hendricks spoke and everyone fell silent. He clumsily opened an envelope and read its content. “Ha! As if there was any doubt! I don’t think a vote was necessary for this one. What a waste of good paper...”

  “Hurry up, gramps!” someone shouted from the crowd and everyone bursted into laughter.

  Principal Hendricks pretended that he didn’t hear it. Or was he pretending? With his age, perhaps his hearing has diminished.

  “Okay...” he began to speak once more. “Delfin Henshaw, come over here, you won!” he anticlimactically exclaimed.

  Everyone applauded. Some hooted. The school’s favorite son has finally been given the crown.

  But instead of looking at the adoring masses, Finn’s gaze turned to me. He had that strange look on his face... he seemed like he was nervous... like he was ashamed... like he was unsure... like... like he was lost...

  “Go get ‘em, Finn,” I egged him on.

  It was what he needed to hear, I guess... encouraging words from me, words that told him it was alright to bask in the glory that was bestowed upon him by the people he grew up with. Finn heaved a sigh, then started to walk towards the stage. The crowd parted, forming a path for the newly-crowned king who was about to ascend to his throne.

  As he reached the stage, he was met by some of the teachers as well as a few members of the organizing committee. Jaynie was there and she was the one who put the crown on his head. Principal Hendricks gave him his scepter as a female instructor placed a sash around his torso. Once his ensemble was complete, the audience roared again. Finn looked at them with a sheepish smile, then he raised his scepter, and the audience screamed louder.

  I found it all very amusing... the most popular boy in school didn’t even desire the attention he always managed to receive, without even trying. He looked so disoriented up there. He was merely going through the motions, praying hard for that part of the ceremonies to end.

  Then he looked at me and gave me an awkward-looking, crooked grin... and I was able to confirm right there and then that he would’ve preferred to stay on the floor with me than up there under the bright spotlights of fame.

  “Okidoki,” Principal Hendricks interjected, drawing some groans of disbelief from the crowd. Who says okidoki in 2015? “I know it’s a little lonely to be there, Delfin, so let’s go on and announce who your queen is going to be.”

  The audience excitedly clapped their hands.

  Someone from one corner of the room shouted Jaynie Martell’s name. But instead of being met with cheers, her name was swamped with boos. It was surreal. Jaynie... who everybody loved... was being jeered?


  When I tried to answer that question, my body stiffened as fear started to engulf my soul.

  There was only one reason why they would not cheer for Jaynie Martell. Just one possible reason...

  They have found a new queen.

  “And this year’s Homecoming Queen is...” Principal Hendricks started to announce.

  And the unthinkable happened.

  The students started to chant.

  A name with three syllables.

  My name.

  Principal Hendricks was flabbergasted as he looked around the gymnasium in obvious incredulity. He was expecting them to shout another’s name... the more familiar choice... the surest winner up until two days ago. Amidst their cries, he opened the envelope and drew out the paper that contained the result. He started to read, and his eyes widened in shock.

  “Is this correct?” he asked the teachers behind him, forgetting that he was still holding the microphone and that the entire gymnasium could hear what he was saying. “The numbers... they’re not even close...”

  Two of the teachers approached him and double checked the piece of paper. They studied it quickly, then nodded at him. Principal Hendricks shrugged and proceeded with his announcement.

  “Very well,” he said, “as determined by your votes... this year’s Homecoming Queen is...”

  Oh please, no... please, please...

  “Ms. Andrea Higgins!”

  Oh fuck...

  Everyone screamed in jubilation. Hands from out of nowhere raced to pat my back, to rub my arm, to caress my hand... to touch me.

  Just like with Finn’s ascent, the crowd parted to form a path towards the stage. But my feet were frozen, as were the rest of my body.

  “Woohoo! Let’s go Andrea!”

  “We love you, Andrea!”

  “Andrea, your victory is our victory!”

  Their words of encouragement weren’t enough to yank me out of my daze. I still stood where I was, unable to move.

; Then someone pushed me from behind. It was a gentle shove... like soft hands setting a paper boat adrift. I didn’t have to look behind me to know who she was. Her squeaky voice gave her away. It was Martha May.

  “Well go on, sugar,” she said. “Everyone’s waiting for their queen.”

  I didn’t want the walk towards the platform to seem like forever. The sooner I would get there, the sooner it would be done. Besides, trudging towards the stage would just be misconstrued as me basking in the glory of the moment. So I ran - I literally ran - to where Finn and the teachers were.

  I was huffing and puffing when I got there, but they didn’t give me the chance to catch my breath. A teacher placed the sash around me. On its surface read All Hail The Homecoming Queen 2015. Principal Hendricks awarded me a scepter, which was different from Finn’s. Mine was shorter, but shinier. It was gold, while Finn’s was silver.

  Then Jaynie approached me. She was holding a crown... a beautiful diadem of bright silver studded with stones that looked like diamonds. Of course, they weren’t real diamonds. The school wouldn’t be able to afford that. But it looked really, really nice, nevertheless.

  Jaynie was smiling as she placed the crown on my head. She was careful enough not to mess my hair, and she took her time pinning the sides of the crown so that it wouldn’t fall off.

  “Congratulations, Andrea!” she said, yelling so that I could hear her in the midst of the loud cheers from the crowd. “You deserve this... you really do!”

  She squeezed my arm and pecked my cheek. Then she arranged my bangs, sweeping my hair towards my temple. She grabbed my arms once more and gave me an enthusiastic joggle. She was excited for me, that much I could tell. I smiled at her.

  “Thanks, Jaynie,” I uttered.

  “All hail the queen!” she delightedly remarked before going back to the row behind me.

  Finn joined me in front. He held my hand. With our fingers clutched together, he raised his arm with mine and everyone bellowed their approval.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you... your Homecoming King and Queen for this year!” Principal Hendricks announced once more. “Mr. Delfin Henshaw and Ms. Andrea Higgins!”

  Then I felt it... a sensation I have long denied... a sensation I never wanted to acknowledge. But at that moment, when I was being adored by the community I belonged to... a part of me started to embrace it.

  It was pride.

  I was proud to be there, in front of them, savoring their exaltation, appreciating the homage they have bestowed upon me.

  It felt good.

  It felt really, really good.

  The band began to play David Pomeranz’s King and Queen of Hearts. It was a hokey choice, but I guess they found it apt considering the situation. It was a slow song... a romantic one... that invited a sweet dance.

  And that was exactly what the crowd asked for. They hooted for us to lead the dance, as was the custom. Finn looked at me. He wanted to know what we should do. I just shrugged. Then, with his hand still holding mine, he led me down to the floor and the audience spread out, forming an empty circle in the middle...

  Finn held my hips and he started to sway. From left to right, he swung... awkwardly, though... it was more like he was wobbling. I swayed with him. The audience applauded.

  Pair after pair after pair of students joined us. Soon enough, there were more than a dozen people partnered up, dancing with us.

  “I missed this,” Finn suddenly remarked.

  “Miss this?” I asked, confused. “It’s the first time for you... for us... to be king and queen.”

  “No, not that,” he began to explain. “I miss this... you and me... being this close... us... being together... as if nothing else matters...”

  I fell silent. I didn’t know how to respond.

  I missed that, too, perhaps just as much as he did. He has been a part of my life... a big part. There have been a lot of wonderful memories between us. Memories which I will forever remember... and after some time... memories that I will cherish once again.

  But it’s over now.

  I’m with Nash, though informally so.

  And I’m pregnant.


  I’m pregnant!

  In the next few months, my tummy will begin to bloat, and everyone would know. If I would keep my mouth shut, they would start to speculate... and speculation is often worse than the truth.

  Should I tell them? At least the people I know? Most especially Finn?

  In due time, perhaps.

  In due time.

  I just... I just wanted to enjoy that moment, underneath the disco ball and the light that bounced off its surface, dispersing throughout the floor in a variety of colors, all of which were enchanting. I just wanted to enjoy the love of the students, who have surrounded us to express their admiration and adoration. I just wanted to enjoy the feeling... of being important, for once... of being regarded... of being looked up to.

  Even that little dance I was having with Finn... I wanted to enjoy that, too. It was the last, as well as the first, dance we’ll ever have.

  I just... wanted to enjoy everything.

  Maybe my personal concerns can wait... at least until the night was over... until I will have to get back to reality.

  Everyone started complaining and cursing when the music suddenly stopped. The band was still playing, its members puzzled by what just happened. It seemed like the speakers were turned off. The vocalist stopped singing. The guitarists stopped strumming. The drummer stopped hitting the toms. Everyone, including the crowd, were looking around the place, wondering about what was going on.

  Then, a video played on the giant screen hanging over the stage.

  There were a lot of oooohhhhsss and aahhhhhsss from the crowd, as they believed that they were about to witness something grand and phenomenal.

  The video started with a shot of the floor. There was nothing special about it. The camera was shaky. It looked like it was filmed using a phone cam.

  But what happened next flooded me with dread.

  A hand. A female hand. It appeared onscreen. It was holding a small, narrow, white box that I was very familiar with.

  It was a pregnancy test stick.

  The camera zoomed in to the top of the stick, to where an indentation was.

  There were two red lines there.

  It was the stick that I lost.

  The crowd was stunned into silence. There were mutterings of curses, because of shock more than anything else.

  I felt my chest contract and I found it difficult to breathe. Absolute terror was devouring me, and I didn’t know what to do.

  The video faded to black. Words flashed on the screen.


  Someone got knocked up!

  But who could it be?

  The video cut to another scene... outside the ladies restroom... the same place where I thought I lost the pregnancy stick. Whoever was taking the video was doing so in secret. The camera kept going in and out of a wall a few feet away from the door of the restroom.

  The view of the closed door along the empty hallway played for few more seconds.

  Then, I went out, frantically searching every inch of the floor, rummaging through the trashcan just outside the room, checking my bag to see if I just didn’t find it the first time around.

  A deafening silence filled the gymnasium. I didn’t look at anybody. I couldn’t. But I felt their eyes staring at me... judging me... condemning me... some of them may even be mocking me...


  Their queen...

  The royalty who has ascended to and fallen from grace in a span of five short minutes.

  The screen faded to black once again, and more words flashed...

  Damning words...


  Andrea Higgins...

  Your Homecoming Queen.

  Champion of pregnant teenagers.

  Because birds of the same feathers always love to fuck.

y, cut that thing!” Principal Hendricks screamed and a couple of teachers scampered towards the control desk to find the device that was playing it.

  I didn’t wait for the video to end.

  I fought off my tears as much as I could, then I started to walk away.


  I started to run.


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