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Slipperless #2: Billionaire Romance

Page 2

by Sloan Storm

  “In a way, I kind of feel bad for her,” Amanda said.

  “You do? Why?” Melissa snapped. Hostility and frustration laced her tone as she continued, “She got the promotion we wanted and she’s fucking him at the same time.”

  Amanda hummed as she contemplated Melissa’s reply. “Do you… really… think he’s fucking her?”

  “You don’t?”

  “I don’t know.” Amanda said with deep exhale. “Seems like a big step down for him.”

  Melissa let loose with a sinister chuckle. “Yeah, big is the right word isn’t it?”

  “Haha,” Amanda snorted in agreement. “I didn’t even think of it that way, but you’re right.”

  Melissa added to her insult. “Anyway, she doesn’t have the stomach for it. If we mess up a test here or botch a report there, that’s all it will take. There’s no way Gabe is going to tolerate that from her.”

  “Well, what if she complains to him and says that we did it deliberately? He could fire us also.”

  “Don’t worry, we won’t have to go to such an extreme. You’re giving her way too much credit, Amanda.”

  “I don’t know.” Amanda replied with a rising tone. “She caught us by surprise once already. What’s to say she won’t do it again? And if…”

  “I’ll tell you why,” Melissa said, interrupting her. “Once I explain it to you, you’ll understand. Just trust me. We have nothing to worry about.”

  “Okay,” Amanda began. “I’m all ears.”

  But no sooner had she finished speaking than a mobile phone began to ring.

  “Shit, it’s my husband,” Melissa grumbled. “I need to take this. I’ll explain later.”

  Within a matter of seconds, they wrapped up their conversation and exited the restroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts, of which there literally seemed to be millions.

  It was at that moment I realized I faced a much bigger issue…

  What if their toxic behavior had already spread to the rest of the team? I would have no way of knowing right away. Experiments and lab work can go wrong for any number of reasons. If they were clever, it would be nearly impossible to detect.

  My espionage complete, I stood and realized I had no choice about how to handle what I’d heard.


  It had been a few days since Fiona assumed her new position in the lab and nearly a week since I’d been with her. I decided to summon her to my office for an update and see how she was holding up. These were early days, and I had every reason to suspect she’d need my guidance if things got to be too difficult. In fact, as she arrived, Fiona seemed tense—much more than normal, even for her.

  After offering her a seat at the conference table, I probed her with a few questions to see if I could coax some answers from her. Yet all she offered to me were a series of curt one and two word responses. In fact, if I wasn’t mistaken, I sensed a bit of hostility from her. At last, my curiosity got the better of me, and as I took a seat at the table next to her, I posed a direct question on the issue.

  “Something the matter, Fiona?”

  Locking eyes with me, she hesitated for a moment before looking back down at her notes. “No.”

  I nodded and leaned back in my chair, interlocking my hands behind my head. “Fiona, you know what I’ve said about lying to me. Don’t do it.”

  As I finished, she snapped her head back in my direction. Her blue eyes glimmered with focus, even a hint of anger. “Why am I here, Gabe? In your office? Right now?”

  I wrinkled my brow. “Well, I require regular briefings as part of your new position, Fiona. You’re no different from any of my other senior executives in that respect.”

  “I see,” she began, as she nodded, her gaze still locked on mine. “And how many of them are you currently sleeping with?”

  I smirked. Now we were getting somewhere. After a brief pause, I decided to entertain her question.


  “Okay, so then what is the purpose of this meeting? Is it business or personal?”

  “It’s whatever is required to get the job done.”

  After a disdainful blink and quick shake of the head, Fiona turned away from me.

  “Mmm, hmm,” she muttered.

  I pursed my lips as I looked at her. Something wasn’t adding up. There was no good reason for her to be acting this way. I studied her for a few moments as she sat hunched over the table, hidden behind her hair.

  “Do you have something you want to say to me, Fiona? If there’s anything wrong in the lab, we need to discuss it. That takes precedence over everything else. Do you understand?”

  Fiona nodded her head, but continued to avoid making eye contact with me.

  “Everything is fine,” she mumbled. “There aren’t any problems to report.”

  I narrowed my gaze at her.

  “I see,” I replied. “So, you won’t mind if I summon say… Amanda or Melissa up here then?”

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Fiona placed her palms flat on the table and turned her upper body back to face me.

  “Do you trust me to do the job you’ve given me or not, Gabe? Because if you don’t, you might as well give it to someone else. If I’m not the right person, there’s plenty of work I could be doing back in the lab in my old position.”

  As she finished speaking, I noticed Fiona labored for breath. Was she bluffing or just nervous? She looked away from me again. My sense was that she was keeping something from me and putting on a brave face to keep me from asking too many questions. If there was a problem with the work, I trusted her to be honest with me about it.

  It wasn’t the work. No, it was something else.

  Maybe it was still some lingering issues between her and Amanda and Melissa. Or maybe not. Either way, I got the sense she was afraid of something and was putting up a front in the hopes I’d back down. I’ve seen it in plenty of negotiations over the years. It’s a common distraction technique, but there was no reason to call her on it… not yet anyway.

  In a way, I admired her resolve. Respected it. At last, she was showing a bit of backbone, and I had to admit, it turned me on. As I looked at her, my mind suddenly drifted back to my conquest of her. I recalled the image of her bouncing up and down on my cock. While my brain conjured the memory, my fingertips curled inward, as they would when I grasped at the crease in her hips. Reaching up to my face, I rubbed my chin as I remembered how it felt when I slid inside of her for the first time. She was so tight, it felt as if my cock might split her in two.

  My stillness caught her interest, and soon after, she glanced at me once more.

  “Gabe,” she began with a whisper. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  I leaned back in the chair again, casually tossing my right arm over the back of it. “Like what?”

  Fiona cast an anxious glance towards my open office door. I’d made my desire too transparent. It’s one of the hazards of being a man.

  “What if…” she began, as she leaned in towards me still whispering. “Well, what if Holly comes in? It’s not really appropriate.”

  I nodded. “Fiona, you’re absolutely right. Holly!”

  Fiona’s eyes widened. She leaned away from me as fast as she could, straightened her posture and her clothing. Just then, Holly’s shadow fell across the entrance and a moment or so later, she appeared in the doorway.

  “Yes? Did you call me?”

  “I did. Close the door will you, my sweet?”

  Holly smiled and answered with quick nod. “Of course.”

  “Lock it first,” I added.

  Without changing her expression or missing a beat, she did as I asked and clicked the lock prior to pulling the door closed behind her. Afterward, I did a half-turn back towards Fiona.


  She cocked her head at me in suspicion. “No. In fact, it’s worse. I’m really not comfortable, Gabe. Now please, if you’d like to discuss work, I’m happy to. But if not, I’d rather just get back
to the lab.”

  “Oh I see…” I said as I gestured towards the door with my chin. “You’re afraid you won’t be able to control yourself. Now that you’ve got me right where you want me. Is that it? That’s it, isn’t it?”

  “I’m not sleeping with you in the middle of the day in your office, Gabe. If that’s what you’re insinuating.”

  “How about a blowjob then?”

  “Uh! No!”

  Fiona’s face wrinkled with frustration and a bit of anger. She slammed her planner closed and began to get up from her chair. I grabbed her arm at the wrist, startling her in the process.

  “Where are you going?” I asked. “I never said you could leave.”

  Fiona’s hair swished in front of her eyes as she snapped her head in my direction. She glared at my fingers for a moment. Her chest heaved with labored breath.

  I softened my grip a fraction and made a slow swipe across the top of her hand with my thumb. As I did, I studied her breath once more. Where moments earlier it threatened to flare up in defiance, it grew softer, slower. I stood from my chair, unfolding the rest of my fingers and dragging them up the length of her arm. I drew in close to her neck, inhaling her scent.

  Fiona pressed her head into me and the soft blond strands of her hair draped across my face.

  “Gabe, please don’t,” she began with a whisper. “I’m scared.”


  “Of what?” he asked, as he curled the tips of his long fingers under my chin. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Fiona.”

  My eyelids fluttered closed as he caressed my jawline. It was then I felt the familiar urge swell within me. Gabe pressed his lips into mine and he swallowed me into his arms with powerful embrace. I almost couldn’t wait to taste him once again. But as I resisted with my mind, my lips gave in with a weak defense and parted, allowing his tongue inside. I sensed myself slip away into him as he pressed his body against mine.

  No, no, no!

  “Mmm, mmm,” I began, as I struggled to break myself free of him. At last I did, begging. “Gabe, I can’t, please. Don’t make me.”

  He leaned away from me. I was almost certain I’d angered him with my refusal. Instead he looked at me, his face softened with a look of reassurance.

  “Would you like to leave, Fiona?” Gabe’s voice carried no hint of frustration or anger. He merely asked a question.

  I licked my lips, desperate to savor him across my tongue once more. Crossing my arms in front of my body, I tugged at my sleeves and swallowed my hands completely within them.

  “Oh,” he said as he glanced down at my cotton-covered fingers. “This is serious, isn’t it?”

  I shook my head, doing my best to deny him the satisfaction of seeing me smile. “No. That’s not going to work. You can’t charm me into this.”

  “Into what?” he said with a shrug. “If you’d like to go, please, feel free.”

  “I didn’t say I wanted to go. I just said…”

  Gabe stepped back towards me. “What are you saying, Fiona? That you don’t want me to do this?”

  As he finished speaking, Gabe reached toward my face, cradling my entire jaw in his hands before kissing me once again. My body flexed stiff at first as I tried to resist. But, as the seconds ticked by, rigidness gave way to softness as I drifted towards him. Just then Gabe widened his stance so that both of his feet were on the outside of mine. Taking measured steps, he began to guide me backwards in the direction of the couch. I wanted to stop him but I didn’t want to release his lips from mine.

  I… couldn’t.

  Before long, Gabe stopped walking just as the backs of my calves brushed against the couch. The entire time, I’d kept my eyes closed, giving him complete control as he guided me. But as we came to halt, Gabe separated his mouth from mine and as he did a smattering of heat escaped from between my lips.

  “What were you saying, Fiona?”


  As I looked at him through a haze of lust and confusion, Gabe reached down towards my pants. He began to remove them as he continued.

  “What was it? That you didn’t want me to do this?”

  After the snap of a button and the hiss of my zipper, I felt the cool air of the room lick against my flesh as Gabe hooked his fingers inside of my pants, tugging them down. Falling deeper into my trance, I tipped my head forward and watched as he dropped before me and removed them. My resistance was in its death throes now. On the verge of complete surrender, I muttered one last refusal.

  “Gabe…” I said with a cross between a moan and a whisper. “I… we shouldn’t…”

  As I mumbled, Gabe slid his warm hands beneath my shirt, cradling my tits in them. I struggled to remain standing as he touched my tender nipples. They were hard as diamonds and a hundred times as sensitive. I writhed in place as he fondled me. Gabe rolled them between the tips of his digits, sending electric shocks through my body with each twist. Before long, he’d removed my bra and in fact, most of the rest of my clothing.

  And now, in spite of my half-hearted protest, I stood before him with my curves on full display. Gabe moved in once more, teasing me with innuendo.

  “What were you saying, Fiona? That you don’t want me to do this?”

  With that, Gabe slid his fingers beneath my thong, gliding it down my thighs with an easy, unhurried motion. As the panties fell to my feet, I stepped out of them, my surrender now final. Without hesitation, Gabe helped me down onto the sofa. The feel of the cool leather startled me a fraction as I fell onto it. My hair drifted across my eyes, partially obscuring my view of him. Gabe hovered over me for a moment or so before positioning himself on the couch between my thighs.

  I shivered and trembled as he drew close. Excitement prickled across my exposed flesh in the form of countless tiny goosebumps. Deftly, Gabe positioned his hands behind my knees and after sliding them down a fraction, he wrapped his fingers around the insides of my thighs and spread them apart.

  I lifted my head as a sigh escaped from my lips. Glancing down, I watched as Gabe began to pepper my inner thighs with tender kisses and subtle flicks of his tongue. My breath came to me in fits, haphazard gulps. Unblinking, I looked on as Gabe meandered towards my mound with a lazy rhythm, kisses growing wetter by the second. At some point, I think I stopped breathing altogether. That is, until he slid the palm of his hand on top of my pussy, cupping it.

  Slamming my head back down on the sofa, I stifled a desperate groan.

  Gabe pivoted his palm over my folds, spreading them as he descended towards them with his lips. I flexed my pelvis in anticipation of his mouth against my pussy, half-thinking I might cum as soon as he did. I glanced towards him, readying myself as he raced downward, when at the last instant he stopped, and hovered. Gabe narrowed his lips and let out slow, hot breaths. The small puffs rippled across my wet, pink flesh and sent my eyes rolling back in my head.

  “Ohhhh, Goddd…” I whispered.

  As he lingered there, I reached towards his long hair and slid my fingers into it. Losing myself and almost desperate to the point of madness, I caressed his thick locks, twirling and intertwining them between the tips of my fingers. Gabe remained silent as I did, content to torture me for just a few precious moments longer.

  “Gabe…” I hummed in a hushed tone. “Ohhhh, Gabe.”

  As I spoke, I sensed his head fall away from my grasp and a split second later, he swallowed my mound into his mouth, dragging his tongue between my lips. I shuddered and twitched, instinctively lifting my thighs and hooking my legs at the ankle across his upper back. As he began to devour me, Gabe grunted in pleasure. I allowed my head to fall back into the couch with a tender bounce. Gabe lashed at the lips of my pussy with his tongue, dipping inside of me on occasion with the tip of it.

  As he did, he moved his hands, sliding one under my ass to support me and the other flat against my belly as he held me in position. I did my best to remain quiet as he licked and flicked and sucked. And aside from the occasional chirp
or grunt, I managed to keep myself under control. Even so, I began to worry about the inevitable… I was all but certain he intended for me to cum and I had no idea how I’d keep quiet when the moment arrived.

  But it wasn’t long before the thought left me and my attention returned to Gabe. He moved his head back and forth between my legs as the sound of soft smacks and tender licks against the lips of my pussy floated in the air between us. Soon we settled into a sort of synchronicity and with each pass of his tongue, I would rock my hips back and forth into his mouth. I rolled my head to one side, exhaling a breath of bliss.

  It wouldn’t be long now. Not long at all.

  For several more moments, Gabe continued to consume me, swirling and twisting his tongue, pressing it against my clit. I felt my breathing quicken, and in that instant, Gabe dragged his fingertips from my belly. The pressure of them against my flesh vanished from my awareness for a moment and then in the very next, came crashing back.

  I inhaled a breath and clenched hard between my thighs as Gabe slid two of his thick digits inside of me. Forming an ‘O’ with my lips, I reached up to my tits, fondling them as he began to curl and bend his fingers within me. All the while, he continued to flick at my clit with his tongue. Now helpless and on the edge of a mind-splitting climax, I relaxed my hips and gave in to him without reservation. My eyelids opened and through a lust-filled haze, I looked down at him. The steady rhythm returned, only this time Gabe used pressure-filled strokes from his fingers to coax me.

  Gabe lifted his head and locked eyes with me.

  “Cum Fiona. Do it.”

  I spread my lips, dropping my mouth open slightly. Bursts of hot breath expelled from me as I nodded at his request.

  “Do it.”

  On his command, I sucked in my lower lip, biting hard. It was time, the moment was upon me. My entire body began to pump, keeping time with the pace of his strokes inside of me.


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