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Irresistible Knight

Page 20

by Tierney O'Malley

  “No,” Bors heard his own voice harden ruthlessly. “Wanna shoot me, huh?” Bors spread his arms wide. “Then pull the fucking trigger. Shoot! You son of a bitch. But get this, you're not getting out of here alive.”

  He could feel his adrenalin surging. His anger became a scalding fury. The beast inside him wanted to charge the punk, head butt him, and pulverize his face. But years of training taught him to do the opposite. He could get out of this, he thought. He'd recognize a street punk and a hired killer anywhere. And this one, he could tell, was at the lowest rung of the wannabe killer's ladder. Right now, he had to keep the man's attention on him, away from his family.

  Obvious fear glittered in the man's eyes. Bors took the opportunity. “You didn't consider the fact that you could end up bloody before you came here, did you?”

  “Son, my name is Judge Arthur Knight. Put the gun down and I'll do everything to help you.” Arthur's voice sounded calm, but Bors knew his father well enough to know that he, like him, was beyond furious. One thing his dad couldn't tolerate—anyone who threatened his family.

  “I know how powerful you are, Judge, but I don't need your help. If I need help, Congressman Jean can give it to me. Now, Agent Knight, don't do anything stupid, or I'll fire. I don't care who I hit.”

  “Damn you, asshole.”

  “Do it. Aim it here! Make sure you kill me right away, you son of a bitch!”

  “Cabbage head, shoot my brother and I'll tie your uncircumcised dick to my bike and drag you around until nothing is left but your foreskin!”

  “If you hurt anyone here, I'll turn you into ground beef!”

  Bors's family talked at once. But that last remark came from his mother. Her trembling voice pierced his heart.

  Bors kept his eyes on the man who seemed to have suddenly noticed his sister. Maybe because she insulted him or because his sister's charm worked like it normally would to any man who happened to glance at her.

  “Hey, look at me,” Taylor yelled at the man.

  The man blinked like an owl that just woke up. He frowned at Taylor.

  “You have no right to come here and threaten this family. They are not Jean's enemy.”

  “Tsk. Miss Taylor, don't tell me you've been sleeping with your father's enemy and didn't know about it.”

  Once again, the Knights turned quiet. Bors could hear the birds chirping, the muted sound of cars driving by and the loud thudding of his heart. He knew Taylor would eventually find out about his job, but not like this. He thought to take her out to the cove and reveal the truth, but it wouldn't happen now because this son of a bitch came.

  Taylor released her hold on his arm and stepped forward. “I'll go talk to my father. Just don't hurt anybody.”

  “Taylor, babe—” Bors saw movement coming from the kitchen doorway, but he didn't show a sign that he did. A chubby arm pressed against the doorjamb, shot straight out and pointed at the man.

  Before their very eyes, the man's face became contorted from unspeakable pain, collapsed in a heap on the ground and started twitching. Bors picked up his gun off the ground at the same time Teta came out of her hiding. Her Small Fry pointed at the man.

  “Die you, pig! This will teach you a lesson not to threaten my family. Your nuts will be fried when I'm done with you. Die. Die,” Teta screamed, her face bright red.

  * * * *

  Everything happened in a blur. Taylor remembered watching Bors run toward the man twitching on the ground and kick the gun away from him. Tristan went over to Teta and wrestled the stun gun from the woman who kept screaming threats about sending the man to hell herself. Gawain managed to plant his fist on the man's face a couple times before Kirsten pulled him away, and Percival, the ever-passive brother, stepped on the man's hand, crushing his bones, probably imagining it was the man's head he was stepping on.

  But with all the ruckus, her gaze riveted on Bors and the gun he held. So it's true. But he said...

  Someone placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up. It was Judge Knight. His expression was tight with strain. Most likely from anger, he bottled up the entire time his family faced the horrible nightmare.

  “We should go inside.”

  Taylor didn't get a chance to say no. Arthur maneuvered her into the kitchen. “Did someone call the cops?”


  “Why? This imbecile should go to jail. He should be punished. I don't care if Dad sent him here. He threatened your family. He pointed his gun at Bors. What if he accidentally pulled the trigger? What if he got shot? He'd be bleeding right now and he doesn't like hospitals. He told me so. What if ... what if he died? I can't let him die. I love your son, you see.” Tears blinded her eyes.

  God, she was so afraid. Taylor began to shake as the fearful images of what could have happened built in her mind. When she saw the barrel pointing at Bors, her heart lodged in her throat. She imagined a bullet hitting Bors, piercing his shirt, his flesh. But she couldn't cry then. Now ... now she couldn't stop shaking. Just thinking of him hurt and in pain shattered her. God, she loved him.

  “You can tell him that you love him yourself. But right now, Taylor, we can't call the cops until Bors gives it a go. He's an undercover agent and it would jeopardize him if someone outside this family learned about it. That's why we have to keep this man here until the right help comes. You understand, right?”

  Taylor nodded. Of all the people, she should know that the cops here could be working for her dad, too. She looked at Bors talking to someone on his cell. He didn't look like the same man she shared glorious moments in bed with. Right now, he looked thunderous and menacing. His stance, legs wide apart and hand fisted at his side, proved how furious he was.

  She glanced briefly at the man on the ground with his hands handcuffed on his back. Bors's handcuffs. How did she miss seeing his badge and whatever an agent carried?



  They moved to the living room where Katherine, composed with her chin up, was already waiting. Except for Bors, the Knights, including Teta gathered in one big circle and hugged each other. They could have lost someone today—because of her.

  She shouldn't have come here. Never should have contacted Arthur. If one of them had gotten hurt, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself. Taylor was about to leave the room when Katherine called her name. She turned around to face the Knight family whom she learned to love and adore in such a short time.

  “We have room.” Katherine motioned at a spot beside her.

  Taylor's tears fell like rain. After all that had happened, after the trouble that she brought with her, Katherine still wanted her in her home? Taylor shook her head. She'd never met such a wonderful family in her life. Their love for each other was immeasurable despite the squabbles, the teasing, and the name-callings. She couldn't imagine what would happen if they lost Bors today. Devastated would be an understatement. It could happen if she remained here. Her father would send another stupid butthead to get her.

  “It's my fault one of you guys nearly got killed. My dad will not stop until he gets me. He'd only send another one.”

  “Then he, too, would suffer.”

  “Thank you, Teta. But I think it's time for me to leave.”


  Taylor turned to see Bors staring at her. His handsome face contorted from a dark, angry expression. “I am. And you can't stop me.”

  “Why? Because I lied to you?”

  Taylor met him stare for stare. All those times when they cuddled together in the dark, sharing childhood experiences, he was most likely transferring information to his supervisor. She should hate him for his deception, for squeezing information out of her so he could find out more about her dad. For lying. But she couldn't.

  “Answer me, damn it,” Bors said, his voice grated harshly.

  “You're mad? You have the right to be mad at that man you handcuffed outside, but you can't be mad at me. You lied to me. You used me. But I'm leaving because this is n
ot the right place for me.”

  “Yes, it is. Dad's right there. The best judge there is. You've been wanting to talk to him, to ask for his help. Stay and talk.”

  “Bors, have you forgotten? The reason why I wanted to talk to Judge Knight was to help me figure out how to make Dad stop his unsavory business. To find a way to keep my dad out of jail. The opposite of what you want. Like you said, I am only putting your dad in a bad situation. From the very beginning, without my knowledge, you've been playing a charade with me, Bors. It's time to stop.” She looked at Arthur. “I'm sorry.”


  “Why? Tell me.”

  “I need you.”

  “Didn't you get enough information about Congressman Bruno Jean? Did your supervisor tell you to dig for more so you can put my dad in jail?”

  “No. Damn it! You got it all wrong.”

  “What? Everything's been laid out on the table. You work for the bureau, hunting my dad. I want to save him. Simple. And you tell me I got it all wrong? Do you honestly think that I'm that gullible? Just because I was a virgin when you had me doesn't mean that I don't have a brain.”

  “Teejay was a virgin?” Gawain said in a loud whisper.

  “Shut up, bro,” Percival said.

  “Julie was, too. Where can I find one?”

  “Gawain, learn to shut up, will you?”

  “Boy, better listen or I'll stun you.”

  “I love you, Teta.”

  “Shut up. This is a Hallmark moment and I want to listen.”

  Taylor heard the comments followed by shuffling and grunts, but she ignored them. Although her body felt warm from embarrassment, she stayed put.

  “I didn't take advantage of you, if that's what you mean. What happened ... what happened between us has nothing to do with my case.”

  “I think otherwise. I have to go, Bors.”

  “What, to tell your father to run?”

  She wiped the tears that blinded her and choked her voice. “More than that. I know you'd do anything for your family. You love them that much. I love my dad and I'll do anything to keep him from harm. Obviously, we are on both ends of a spectrum. So please, just let me go.”

  “What about your freedom?”

  Crestfallen, she forced a smile, betraying nothing of what she truly wanted—to stay. “For the past seven days, I've tasted enough freedom to last me a lifetime.”

  * * * *

  The cold Pacific Northwest wind whipped, penetrating his jacket. The waves smashed against the sandy shore where he stood. His boots began to sink into the wet sand, but he didn't give a shit about it. For the past two days, the weather had been as crappy as his mood. Clouds refused to lift and expose the mountain the same way the heaviness in his chest resisted going away.

  He missed Taylor so much. Damn, it hurt. When she left, she took the sunshine with her, heat in his house and the beauty of his surroundings. In a very short time, she crawled deep inside his heart and claimed a big spot. Now that spot was empty. Because he was the very person she hated the most—a man in uniform.

  When she asked him why he wanted her to stay, he didn't know how to reply to that. Unsure about what he was about to say. It had been ages since he uttered the three letter words to someone other than his family. He wanted to say it, but was afraid Taylor wouldn't believe him. After all, he had already lied to her.

  He started walking along the shore. The closer he got to the cove, the deeper he sank in his despair. “Babe, I miss you. I didn't want us to end.”

  The hem of his jeans was soaked when he finally decided to go home. He walked past the birds’ nest in a hurry. Ignored the blooming white and blue bells Taylor loved to admire. Didn't stop to watch the scurrying squirrels. He walked briskly, then jogged, trotted and finally, he ran full speed. The air filling his lungs felt good. He focused on his breathing and not the pain gnawing deep inside his chest. He didn't stop running until he reached his home.

  Teta's car was parked at his driveway. Bors racked his brain trying to remember why Teta would be here. Did he let another important date slip again? At least, she got a key to get inside the house. Opening the front door, he found the old woman in the middle of the living room, arms akimbo, and with a scowl on her face.

  “Hey, Teta. I didn't know you were coming today.”

  “Me either. I should be at the shooting range right now, but I miss seeing your ugly face. So here I am.”

  “I miss you, too, Teta.”

  “Cut the crap. What are you doing here hiding like a hermit? Look at you. Look at this house. Looks like you forgot to shave and shower since Taylor left. And I smell old pizza. You looked even better when you were working undercover. What have you been doing these past two days? Staring at these rocks?”

  “I'm just busy.”

  “Doing what? Moping and thinking about that girl? Don't know why when you could just go and see her.”

  “Teta, it's not that easy. She left because—”

  “She's hurt. You lied. You're after her father. But you love her and she loves you. Now think about how you two are going to solve your problem. Moping isn't gonna help.”

  “Wait. Stop. Did you say she loves me?”

  “Only a stupid person wouldn't see that she's in love with you. And I heard her tell your dad that while you were busy with the bastard that I stunned.”

  “Dad knew?”

  “Oh, the whole family knows about it.”

  Could she be? “Okay, say she loves me.”

  “She loves you, dolt.”

  “Fine. She loves me. But she loves her father more, Teta.”

  “Knock, knock. Any brain in there? Wake up, Knight. Think. So she loves her father. She wants him safe. You love her and I guess you'll do everything for her. What are you going to do about the situation?”

  “Borrow your gun and stun myself.”

  Whack! “Imbecile.”

  “Damn it, Teta. That hurts.” Bors rubbed his elbow where Teta's bag hit him.

  “You know, Knight, many men came into my life. Men with thick hair. Handsome mustaches, bulging muscles, some size eight. Beautiful men, like your brothers.”

  “What about me?”

  “Yes. You, too. They were all great. They taught me pleasures in bed that I would never forget.”

  “Um, Teta. Do I have to hear this?” Size eight? Where is lightning when you need it?

  “Yes, you do. But you know, none of them taught me the meaning of love, sacrifices, loyalty. Except for one. My husband. He wasn't perfect. He was horrible at mowing the lawn and I had to show him how to nuzzle—”

  “Teta!” Bors took a deep breath and pointed his stare at the rocks lined along the windowsill. “I didn't know you were married.”

  “I was. I was a hot babe in my younger years.” Teta huffed. “Anyway, I loved my husband so much that I tried conceiving his baby even though the doctor told me it would be dangerous. But you see, I wanted to give him what he wanted the most.”


  Teta's chubby chin quivered. “I lost the baby. Five months later, my husband died of a heart attack. But you know what? He died happy. He couldn't believe I'd put my life at risk to make him happy. But you know what? I'd do it over again if he were still here. How about you, Knight? Do you love Taylor enough to sacrifice what you value most?”

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  * * *

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rain hadn't let up yet. The sky was gray and thick with clouds. What horrible weather. Just like his situation. After his illuminating conversation with Teta, he thought about calling Taylor on her cell. But what would he say? Sorry? What could he accomplish by doing that? No, a sorry wouldn't be enough to prove how much she meant to him and it wouldn't be a sacrifice. A sacrifice was what Teta had done for her husband.

  Teta pegged him—he would do anything for Taylor. But what he had in mind, he wasn't sure if it would work. After all, he would be bargaining with the devil himself.<
br />
  Unmindful of the rain, he got out of his truck and walked toward the gated mansion. He stared at the most attractive and imposing lakefront property in Lake Washington. He wondered if Taylor was looking out, waiting for him, or if Jean locked her up in a windowless room and threw away the key. He knew they were both here. Ray, Taylor's bodyguard, told him so through a text. The man followed the instructions he gave him before he took Taylor away. Jean must have decided to stay here to figure out what to do with his daughter.

  Bors scanned the windows, hoping to get a glimpse of the woman who rocked his world with her beauty and charm, quirkiness and kind heart. Nothing. No shadows, no movements. What if he was too late? What if Jean had taken her somewhere? What if she was on the plane to Italy? Damn it. He wanted to call Ray but he specifically said not to return his message. Jean probably beat the shit out of him when he let Taylor escape. As much as he would like to text or call him, he wouldn't do it. Jean could be monitoring his cell phone. He owed Ray big time. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have met Taylor.

  He stood in front of the intercom. After two deep breaths, he pressed the button. Someone answered right away.

  “What do you want?”

  “I'm Agent Bors Knight. I need to talk to Congressman Jean.”

  “Agent Knight. The agent that zapped Rocco and kidnapped Miss Taylor? You fucking nuts?”

  No. I'm in love. “Tell Jean I'm here.”

  Bors heard the man talk to someone and they all laughed. Fucking pigs. He was about to press the button again when the gate slowly swung open.

  A black man three times his size and a Shaquille O'Neil lookalike, stood behind the gate, obviously waiting for him. He held a golf club that he swung back and forth, pretending to hit a golf ball. Bors bet this guy could take his head off in one shot. He quickly assessed the perimeter, but other than Shaq here, no one was around. But he knew better. Jean's kind felt safe when surrounded by goons and guns. Somewhere, he knew, guns were aimed at him. He'd bet his house on it.

  “Gun,” the man said, pointing the head of his club on his chest. “On the ground.”

  Bors removed his gun he tucked from his waistband. Without taking his eyes off the man, he did what he was told.


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