by Mark Dery
“Cyber-Superstition,” 64
Cyborgasm, 186–87
“Cyborg Manifesto, A,” Haraway’s, 242–46
Cyborgs, 107, 154, 162–63, 183, 190, 231, 241, 263–74, 282–83, 287
coining of the term, 229
described, 230
Haraway’s “A Cyborg Manifesto,” 242–46
in science fiction novels, 231, 234
in Terminator 2, 231, 263
see also Borging or cyborging; Morphs and morphing
Dadaists, 188–89, 194
D’Amato, Brian, 239
Dancing Wu-Li Masters, The (Zukav), 57
Darby, Bruce, 135
Datamation, 220
da Vinci, Leonardo, 178, 286
Davis, Erik, 50, 54, 56, 62, 79
Dawkins, Richard, 308
Daydream Nation, 80
DeCurtis, Anthony, 101–02
Dee, John, 62
Deitch, Jeffrey, 292–93
de la Mettrie, Julien Offray, 141
De Landa, Manuel, 44, 55, 117
Delany, Samuel R., 155
de Leon, Mario, 190–91
Delgado, Jose, 170
Deliberately False Statements: A Combination of Tricks and Illusions Guaranteed to Expose the Shrewd Manipulation of Fact, 118–19
Delysid, Maxwell, X., 56, 61, 70, 72
Denise, Toni, 246–47, 258–59
Dery, Mark, 6–7, 306–08
Descartes, René, see Cartesian worldview
“Desire to Be Wired, The,” 287
Deutsche, Eddie, 282
Dibbell, Julian, 51, 55, 66–67, 68, 69, 70, 206, 278
Dick, Philip K., 80, 86, 304
Didion, Joan, 15
Diggers, 35, 40
Disappearing through the Skylight: Culture and Technology in the Twentieth Century (Hardison), 317
Disney, 123
theme parks, 7, 115, 144–45, 146–47, 148–49
DNX Corporation, 230
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Dick), 304
Dobelle, William H., 288
Donchin, Emanuel, 290
Donna Matrix, 210
Douglas, Mary, 276
“Downloading,” 299–302, 308, 309, 316, 317, 318, 319
Downward Spiral, The, 87–88
Dozois, Gardner, 75
Dr. Adder (Jeter), 86, 116
Dr. Strangelove, 224
Dream Machine, The, 146
Drewry, Raymond, 120
Drexler, K. Eric, 8, 44, 71, 293
Drugs, 43, 52
psychedelic, see Psychedelic drugs
smart drugs, see Smart drugs
Duchamp, Marcel, 189
Dunlop, John X, 69
“Dynamo and the Virgin, The,” 187–88
Dyson, Freeman, 309
Eagleton, Terry, 195
East Bay Monthly, 39
Echomail, 51
Eclipse (Shirley), 101, 102, 103, 107
Eco, Umberto, 146–47
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 233, 260
“Eighties, The,” 101–02
Einstein, Albert, 63
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 28–29, 45
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 47
Eliade, Mircea, 168
Eliot, T. S., 249
ELIZA, 214
Elle, 185
Elmer-Dewitt, Philip, 5, 24, 31, 207
Embedded microprocessors, 7, 64, 148
Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology (Drexler), 71
ENIAC, 4, 65
Entertainment Weekly, 268
Environment, 165, 306, 313–14, 315
Erewhon (Butler), 90
Ernst, Max, 188–89
Erotism: Death and Sensuality (Bataille), 89–90, 125
Escape velocity, 8, 159, 316
approach of cyberculture to, 8
defined, 3
Eugenics, 175
Euthanasia, 175
Evans, Christopher, 65
Evening Standard, 177
Event Horizons, 204
Evolution, posthuman, see Posthumanism (posthuman evolution)
Ewen, Stuart, 69, 142, 238, 247, 262
Exploratorium, 133, 134
Extropians, 301–06, 312, 313, 315
Extropy, 301, 302, 303, 304, 306
Eye Body, 158
Faces of Death, 224
Facing Tomorrow: What the Future Has Been, What the Future Can Be (Hine), 10
Feedback Machine, 83
Felsenstein, Lee, 26
Feminists, 165, 255–56
attitude toward science and technology, 244–46, 269
body art of, 158–59
body politics, 231, 233, 236–42
corporeal, 237–42
criticism of mechanical spectacle by, 127, 128
“A Cyborg Manifesto,” 242–46
Fernbach, Susan E., 202
Ferrari, Enzo, 189
Fineman, Howard, 22
Finster, Howard, 137
Fisher, Scott, 285, 292
Fjermedal, Grant, 293, 316–17
Flamenca, 189
Flame Wars (Dery), 6–7
Flaming Creatures, 271
Flanagan, Bob, 88–89, 90
Fleming, Dave, 133
Flynn, Anita, 285
Footlight Parade, 184
“Fornication of Automobiles,” 190–91
Foster, Paul, 26
Foucault, Michel, 141, 165, 259
Fox, Terry, 158
Fractal geometry, 23, 42, 86
“Frantic Life and Symbolic Death among the Computer Bums,” 27
Fraser, Laura, 41
“Freezone,” 102–03
Freud, Sigmund, 38, 42, 89, 187, 196, 265, 277, 278, 292, 294
Friedkin, John, 257
Friedman, Norman, 57
Friedrich, Otto, 4
Front Line Assembly, 81–82, 280
Frye, Northrop, 235
“Fuck Machine, The,” 194–95
Fulber, Rhys, 82
Fuller, Buckminster, 3
Fuller, Margaret, 263
Fussell, Sam, 262
Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature, The (Murphy), 293
Future Sex, 185–86, 187, 215, 225
Gaia hypothesis, 43
Garb, Yaakov, 313
Gardner, James, 239
Gatewood, Charles, 275
Gender Crash, 259
Gender reassignment, 233, 246–47
General Motors, 143, 144–45, 146
Genetic engineering, 175, 230, 233, 298, 302
GEnie, 5
Gernsback, Hugo, 124
Gibson, William, 6, 55–56, 82–86, 91, 93, 94, 107, 128, 215, 279, 280–81, 285–86
Neuromancer, see Neuromancer (Gibson)
“The Street Finds Its Own Uses for Things,” 15, 59, 147–48
.GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) files, 206, 217
Giger, H. R., 82, 88, 280–83, 284
Gingrich, Newt, 27
Ginsberg, Allen, 25
Gitlin, Todd, 29, 32, 40, 69
Glass Hammer, The (Jeter), 80
Glenn, Jerome Clayton, 44
Goddesses, 158–59, 187–88, 245
Goffman, Ken, see Sirius, R. U. (aka Ken Goffman)
Goldstone, Brett, 111, 133, 136–40, 147, 150
Goodwin, Andrew, 98, 99
Gorman, Shotsie, 282
Grogan, Emmett, 40
Gross, Terry, 107
Grosz, Elizabeth, 237
Gun People (Carr), 269
Gysin, Brion, 313
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (Levy), 26, 66, 198, 219
Hafner, Katie, 75
Hambrecht, F. Terry, 289
Hamilton, Linda, 263, 268
Hancock, Herbie, 113
Handswriting, 160
Hanson, Peter G., 12
Happiness, 88–90
“Happiness in Sla
very,” 88, 126
Haraway, Donna, 11, 16–17, 147, 223, 237, 252, 256, 259, 269, 284, 316
“A Cyborg Manifesto,” 242–46
Hardesty, Linda, 203
Hardison, O. B., Jr., 317
Hardware, 125, 128
Hardy, Ed, 283
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, 63
Harkins, Arthur, 199
Harris, John, 230
Harth, Erich, 318
Hasselstrom, Linda, 234
Hays, Mark, 143
Heckert, Matt, 118, 119
Hedegaard, Erik, 261
Hellraiser, 86, 88
Henson, Keith, 303
Hestenes, Helen, 173
High Frontier, The (O’Neill), 36
High Frontiers, 36, 37–38, 39, 40
see also Mondo 2000
Hills, Daniel, 293
Hine, Thomas, 10, 231, 260, 292, 313, 316
Hiraiwa, Akira, 290
Hirschorn, Michael, 201–02
Hoberman, J., 271
Hoffmann, E. T. A., 196
Horvitz, Robert, 66
House of Dreams, 209
Howe, Joan, 245
“How to Make a Monster: Modifications for the Millennium,” 284
Hudak, Chris, 186–87
Hudson, Michael, 171
Hultkran, Andrew, 34
Human potential movement, 22, 58, 72, 232, 305
Human Robots in Myth and Science (Cohen), 193
Hunting, Eric, 216–17
Hutchison, Michael, 58–59, 293
Huxley, Aldous, 27, 38–39, 217
Hynde, Chrissie, 91
I.D., 221
Idol, Billy, 76
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 290
Iles, Alex, 113
Index (Machines for the New Inquisition), 173–74
Information economy, 3–4
Information Machine: Ideological Engines, 177–79
Infoworld, 221
Inner Technologies, 24
Inside the Robot Kingdom (Schodt), 196
Internet, 5–6, 44, 47, 56, 70, 205, 207
“Isolation Syndrome of Automation, The,” 145
Jackson, Cindy, 230, 242
Japanese female, portrayal of, 273–74
Jaquet-Droz, Henri-Louis, 114–15
Jaquet-Droz, Pierre, 114–15, 141
Jarry, Alfred, 260
Jean, Marcel, 183, 187
Jeter, K. W., 80, 86, 116, 194
“Johnny Mnemonic,” 91, 279
John Paul II, Pope, 173
Juno, Andrea, 275
Kadrey, Richard, 80, 91, 279
Kelley, Mike, 143
Kelly, Kevin, 16, 47, 205
Kemp, Martin, 178
Kennedy, Alison, see Queen Mu (aka Alison Kennedy)
Kennedy, John E, 22, 45
Kesey, Ken, 26, 28–29, 45
Keyboard, 75, 77
Kidder, Tracy, 66, 219–20
Kienholz, Edward, 129
“Killing Machines,” 124–25
Kimbrell, Andrew, 232, 304, 312–13
King, Stephen, 190
Kirn, Walter, 49
Klein, Alan M., 260–61
Kroker, Arthur, 169, 246–47, 281
Kroker, Marilouise, 246–47
Kruger, Barbara, 231
Kubiak, W. David, 250–51
Kubrick, Stanley, 45, 224, 252
Kuenz, Jane, 149
Kulz, Greg, 275–76, 282–83
Kurtz, Steve, 257–59
automation’s effect on, 141, 145, 146
chasm between technocratic elite and underclass, 251
ephemeralization of, 3, 6
female workers, 245
illnesses association with working at computers, 146
worker as robot, 141, 146
Lacan, Jacques, 195–96
Laidlaw, Marc, 31
Lane, Tony, 59–60, 72
Lang, Fritz, 103, 116
Lanier, Jaron, 22, 217, 292
Laurel, Brenda, 22, 215–16, 222
Lawnmower Man, The, 7, 211, 248, 260
Lawrence, D. H., 34, 236, 248–49
Leary, Timothy, 22, 23, 27–28, 32, 35
Lebel, Robert, 189, 211
Lecht, Charles, 316–17
Leeb, Bill, 82
Leonard, John, 288
“Let’s Get Radical: Why Should the Right Have All the Fun?,” 39
L’Eve Future (“The Future Eve”) (Villiers de l’Isle-Adams), 196–97
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 112
Levi Strauss, David, 274–75
Levy, Steven, 26, 66, 198, 219, 220, 221
Lewis, Peter H., 218
Leyh, Greg, 130
L-5 Society, 36, 302–03
L’Homme Machine (“Man a Machine”), 141
Liddy, G. Gordon, 129
Life, 28
Life against Death (Brown), 38, 277
Lipkin, Efrem, 26
Little Heroes (Spinrad), 104–05
Litton Industries, 145
“Living Large,” 261
L’Ora X, 148
Lord, M. G., 242
Lovelock, James, 43
Lukas, Victor, 202
LULU, 214–15, 217
MacArthur, John R., 122–23
McCaffrey, Larry, 80, 91, 92, 94, 101
McEvilley, Thomas, 158
McGovern, Farrell, 67
Machinery (Black), 188
bodybuilding and, 261–62
control of, and control by, 147, 156, 165, 172–73
fear of being superseded by, 87
human-machine hybrids, see Borging or cyborging; Cyborgs
mechanical spectacle’s use of electronic components and parts of, 111–40, 148
parallels between organisms and, 309
sex machines and machine sex, 183–99, 219, 221, 225
useless, 148
see also Posthumanism (posthuman evolution)
Machine Sex, 117, 118
Machine That Changed the World, The, 146
Machover, Tod, 77–78, 79
McKenna, Terence, 9–10, 45, 48, 52–53, 298–99
McLuhan, Marshall, 3, 28, 45–47, 116–17, 154, 165, 167–68, 279, 294
on sex, technology, and death, 183–84, 192, 199, 222, 223
technology as auto-amputative, 116–17, 160, 164, 234, 319
MacMurtrie, Chico, 111, 131–36, 147, 148, 150, 283
MacPlaymate, 210
Magic of Tone and the Art of Music, The (Rudhyar), 83
Magid, Larry, 207
Making of a Counter Culture, The (Roszak), 25
Male Fantasies (Theweleit), 266
Mandel, Tom, 210–11
Mandlebrot, Benoit, 86
Marans, Michael, 77
Marie Claire, 185
Marinetti, F. T., 190, 261, 263
Markoff, John, 5, 60, 75
Marx, Karl, 32
Marx, Leo, 10, 316
Matrix, the, 5–6
Mazlish, Bruce, 236
Meagher, Dr. Lance, 287–88
Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man, The (McLuhan), 184
Mechanical spectacle, 111–40, 143, 147–50
as critique of high-tech weapons, 119–22, 126–27
as cyberpunk art form, 128, 130
described, 112
feminist criticism of, 127, 128
precedent for, 112–14
Mechano-eroticism, 87, 183–84, 187–92, 198, 221, 222, 271
Medical records, confidentiality of, 257
Medical technology, 161, 229–33
genetic engineering, 175, 230, 233, 298, 302
political uses of, 174–75
Meeks, Brock, 207
Mega Brain Power: Transform Your Life with Mind Machines and Brain Nutrients (Hutchison), 58–59, 293
Melman, Seymour, 126–27
Merry Pranksters, 22, 26, 27, 28–29, 32, 45
Metal Machine Music (Reed),
Metrophage (Kadrey), 279
Metropolis (Lang), 103, 116
Michalik, Steve, 261
Micro Millennium, The (Evans), 65
“Microsurgery: The Future,” 291
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) instruments, 79, 105, 172
Milhon, Jude, 198–99
Milkman, Harvey, 221–22
Millenarianism, 8, 9–10, 308
high-tech, 10, 48–49, 71–72
Miller, Jean Baker, 265
Miller, Laura, 225
Miller, M. S., 44
Miller, Mark Crispin, 98–99
Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence (Moravec), 300, 306
Mind machines, 33, 57–58, 59, 293
Mindplayers (Cadigan), 86
Minitel, 218
Minsky, Marvin, 232, 300
Mirrorshades, 24–25, 92–93, 97, 99–100, 102
Mirror stage of psychological development, 195–96
Misfortunes of Desire: Acted Out at an Imaginary Location Symbolizing Everything Worth Having, 119
Misogyny, 195
Missile Envy (Caldicott), 127
Moby-Dick (Melville), 275
Modern Primitives, 275, 276, 277, 278–79
Modern primitivism, 275–80
Mona Lisa Overdrive (Gibson), 55, 128
Mondo 2000, 17, 22, 31–41, 47, 83, 87, 93–94, 186–87, 198, 280, 305–06, 314–15
Monster truck rallies, 143–44
Mook, William, 70–71
Moorcock, Michael, 94–95
Moore, Michael, 143
Moore, Paul, 80
Moravec, Hans, 8, 236, 299–301, 306–08, 309, 312, 313, 315, 316
More, Max, 302, 304
Morello, Carol, 224
Mori, Masahiro, 196
Morphs and morphing, 229, 230, 242
defined, 202
gender, 202–03
see also Borging or cyborging
Mosher, Mike, 213
MTV, 88, 97–99, 102
Mu, Queen (aka Alison Kennedy), 22, 31, 33, 34, 39, 305–06, 314–15
MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons, Dimensions, or Domains), 205–06
Munari, Bruno, 148
Musafar, Fakir, 166–67, 278
Muscle: Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder (Fussell), 262
MUSEs (Multi-User Simulation Environments), 205
Myers, David, 82–83
Myst (computer game), 54, 55
Naked Lunch (Burroughs), 253
Nanotechnology, 8, 33, 71, 302, 319
National Review, 239
Nauman, Bruce, 158
Necronomicon books, Giger’s, 282, 283
Necrophilia, 193, 225
Neglected Fixations, 171
Nelson, Ted, 26–27
Net, The, 256, 257
net.sleazing, 205
Neuro-Associative Conditioning, 232
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), 232
Neuromancer (Gibson), 55, 76, 82, 83, 91–92, 93, 94, 249–52, 286
“Neuromantic Cyberpunks, The,” 106–07
New Media, 209
New Medicine Publishing, 209
Newsweek, 22
Newton, Adi, 54, 55
New York Times, The, 3, 5, 47, 54, 69, 76, 207, 236, 240, 290
New York Times Magazine, The, 46–47