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Escape Velocity Page 44

by Mark Dery

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 302

  Nightwatch, 209

  Nine Inch Nails, 84, 87–90

  1984 (Orwell), 170, 173

  1990s computer culture and counterculture of, 21–33, 45, 51, 71–72

  1960s, 98, 99, 101, 277

  Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, 290

  Nixpix, 206

  Nomad, 172

  North, Timothy, 170, 172, 173, 178

  Nova, 124–25

  Nova (Delany), 155

  Numan, Gary, 81

  Objectification, 311, 315

  Omni, 145, 219, 288, 290

  O’Neill, Gerard, 36

  O’Neill, William, 38–39

  One Man and His World, 209

  On the Media, 122

  Oren, Tim, 205

  Orgasmatron, 199, 213

  Orlan, 239–41

  O’Rourke, P. J., 42

  Orpheus, Rodney, 53–54, 67

  Outlaw Biker Tattoo Review, 284

  Pacheco, Marcus, 282, 283

  Paglia, Camille, 25

  Paik, Nam June, 112

  Palac, Lisa, 185, 186

  Panopticism, 141

  Paradise Garden, 137

  Patten, Terry, 58

  Pauline, Mark, 111, 115–22, 126–31, 143–44, 147, 148, 150, 225, 283, 285

  PBS, 146, 156

  Pengo, 93

  Penley, Constance, 62

  Peoples’ Computer Company, 26

  Persian Gulf War, 120, 121–25, 158, 223, 224

  Philadelphia Inquirer, 224

  Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God, and the Resurrection of the Dead, The (Tipler), 9

  Picabia, Francis, 188, 189

  Pirsig, Robert, 72

  Pittman, Robert, 97–98

  Pixar, 134

  Plastic surgery, reconstructive, 285, 286–87

  see also Cosmetic surgery

  Platt, Charles, 317

  Playboy, 28, 29–30, 46, 129, 206, 222, 230

  Poaching, 62

  Politics, 251

  advertising and, 176

  body politics, 231, 233, 236–42

  radicalism of the sixties, 32, 98

  religion and, 169

  technology used as power mechanism, 169

  see also Socioeconomic and political problems, indifference to

  Pollack, Andrew, 290

  Pollitt, Katha, 244

  Pomeroy, Jim, 127

  Pornography, 206–08, 217–18

  P-Orridge, Genesis, 52, 55, 61–62, 81

  Portrait of an American Girl in a State of Nudity, 188

  Post Human, 293

  Posthumanism (posthuman evolution), 9, 45, 46, 154–55, 159–66, 168, 263, 292–319

  cosmetic surgery and, 241, 242

  perils of, 292–306

  reconstructive surgery and, 286–87

  Posthuman sex, 187, 212–17

  Postman, Neil, 70

  Poststructuralism, 244, 245, 246

  Power of Myth, The (Campbell), 65

  “Precession of Simulacra, The,” 295–96

  Pretty Hate Machine, 87

  Prigogine, Ilya, 297

  Privacy, issue of, 174–75, 257

  Privacy for Sale: How Computerization Has Made Everyone’s Private Life an Open Secret (Rothfeder), 257

  “Probability Pipeline,” 31–32

  Procter, Lynn, 277

  Prodigy, 5, 207

  Proportional Study of a Man in the Manner of Vitruvius, 178

  Prosthetics, 231, 233, 288, 289

  “Prosthetics, Robotics and the Remote Existence: Postevolutionary Strategies,” 164

  Psychedelic drugs, 25–30, 37, 43, 48, 49

  Psychic TV, 52

  Punk music, 81, 91, 105–07

  Push Piece, 158

  Queen Mu, see Mu, Queen (aka Alison Kennedy)

  QuickTime software, 209

  Quine, Robert, 91

  Rabinbach, Anson, 266, 267

  Radzik, Jody, 47

  Ranaldo, Lee, 80

  Rand, Ayn, 302, 304, 307

  Ratcliffe, Mitch, 13

  Raves and ravers, 22, 52–53

  Rayns, Tony, 270


  rechoosing, 42–43, 49

  virtual reality, see Virtual reality

  Reality Hackers, 36

  Reed, Lou, 81, 92

  Reich, Robert, 3, 69

  Reiss, Jonathan, 88

  Religion, 179–80

  politics and, 169

  technology and, 169, 173, 179

  see also Rituals, cultural

  Re/Search, 117, 223

  Modern Primitives issue of, 275, 276, 277, 278–79

  Restak, Dr. Richard, 163–64, 318–19

  Reznor, Trent, 84, 87–90

  Rheingold, Howard, 22, 24, 120, 205, 211, 212, 213, 215, 225

  Riefenstahl, Leni, 103

  Ritual Mechanics, 171–73

  Rituals, cultural, 159, 168, 169

  of cyberculture, 166

  resistance through, 275

  Road Warrior, The, 282

  Robb, Paul, 80

  Robbins, Anthony, 232, 302

  Robbins, Rossell Hope, 174

  Roberts, Elizabeth J., 225

  Roberts, Jane, 57

  Robertson, Pat, 85

  RoboCop 2, 261

  RoboCopulation, 192–93, 198–99

  see also Sex machines and machine sex

  Robopsychology, 219

  Robosaurus, 143

  Robot Group, 113

  Robots and robotics, 8, 111, 112–15, 118–20, 131–50, 155, 163, 218, 300–01

  battles fought by, 123, 124

  entertainment, 115, 142, 144–49

  history of, 114–15, 140–41

  at monster truck rallies, 143–44

  “organic,” 118

  RoboCopulation, 192–93, 198–99

  teleoperation of, 120–21, 124, 134

  in the workplace, 145–46, 150

  see also Sex machines and machine sex

  Robot Wars, 114

  “Rockit,” 113

  Rock of Ages: The Rolling Stone History of Rock & Roll, 97–98

  “Rock On,” 100–01

  Roger and Me, 143

  “‘Roid rage,” 261

  Rolling Stone, 27, 47

  Romulus Entertainment, 209

  Rose, Barbara, 240

  Rose, Tricia, 270

  Rosen, Dr. Joseph M., 116, 285–86, 287, 291–92

  Rosenthal, Rachel, 167

  Ross, Andrew, 62–63, 111–12, 115, 146, 250, 251–52, 262–63, 306, 313, 315

  Ross, David, 301–02, 318, 319

  Rossetto, Louis, 46–47

  Roszak, Theodore, 25, 27

  Rothfeder, Jeffrey, 257

  Rothstein, Edward, 54

  Rotten, Johnny, 186

  Roxy Madam, 129

  Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), 153, 156

  Rucker, Rudy, 31, 63, 93, 187

  Rudhyar, Dane, 83

  Ruppersberg, Hugh, 48

  R.U.R., 114

  Rushkoff, Douglas, 23, 31–32, 41–45, 48, 49

  Saenz, Mike, 209–10, 214, 218, 219

  Sainsott, Craig and Charlene, 113

  “St. Jude” (Jude Milhon), 198–99

  Sandia National Laboratories, 124

  “Sandman, The,” 196

  “Sane Revolution, A,” 34

  San Francisco Chronicle, 124

  San Francisco Examiner, 239

  Santos, David, 113

  Savage, Jon, 81

  Sayre, Rick, 134–35, 148

  Schickel, Richard, 148

  Schismatrix (Sterling), 6, 95, 155, 296, 297

  Schneemann, Carolee, 158–59, 165, 223

  Schodt, Frederik, 196

  Schwartz, Barry, 170–71, 283

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 7, 262, 263, 264, 266, 268

  Science and Invention, 124

  Science fiction, 88, 166, 168

  cyberpunk, s
ee Cyberpunk, science fiction

  cyborgs and borging in, 155, 231

  rock music and, 81

  see also names of individual science fiction authors and works

  Science Fiction Eye, 94

  Scorsese, Martin, 294

  Scott, Giles Gilbert, 179

  Scribe, 114–15, 147

  Scrying, 62

  Seaside Suspension: Event for Wind and Waves, 157

  “Second Thoughts on the 1960s,” 42

  Seizing the Future: How the Coming Revolution in Science, Technology, and Industry Will Expand the Frontiers of Human Potential and Shape the Planet (Zey), 314

  Self, 185

  Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 308

  Self-transformation, 302, 303, 305, 312

  Seth Material, The (Roberts), 57

  Sewell, Brian, 177

  Sex, 183–225, 233, 236

  advertising and, 184, 188, 279

  automobiles and, 189–92

  CD-ROMs, adult-oriented, 208–10, 218

  computer slang and, 220–21

  cybersex, see Cybersex

  death, and technology, 223–24

  death and, 126

  interactive X-rated computer programs, 199

  machines, and machine sex, 183–99, 219, 221, 225

  male desire displaced onto machinery, 219–23

  mechano-eroticism, 87, 183–84, 187–92, 198, 221, 222, 271

  on-line, see Text sex

  posthuman, 187, 212–17

  religious sacrifice and, 89–90

  technoporn written from female perspective, 198–99

  teleoperated computer, 201

  text, see Text sex

  Sex machines and machine sex, 87, 183–99, 219, 221, 225

  Sharp, Elliott, 84–86

  Shatter, 209

  Shaw, Jonathan, 278, 281, 283, 284

  “she being Brand,” 190

  Sheeler, Charles, 10

  Shepard, Lucius, 86

  Shiner, Louis, 75–76, 93, 97

  Shirley, John, 91, 93–97, 101, 102–03, 105, 128, 154–55

  Shivers (aka They Came from Within), 277

  Shoot, 157

  Short, Robert, 188

  Shrader, Charles R., 236

  Silicon Man, The (Platt), 317

  Silicon Valley Guy Handbook, 221

  Sim, Hannah, 135

  Simons, Geoff, 220

  Sinatra, Pat, 281–82, 283

  Sinistrari, Ludovico Maria, 174

  Sirius, R. U. (aka Ken Goffman), 22, 31, 34–38, 39–41, 47, 305–06, 314–15

  Sitting/Swaying Event for Rock Suspension, 157

  Sitwell, Edith, 280

  Six Million Dollar Man, The, 282–83

  Sixties, see 1960s

  Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage, The (Gitlin), 29

  Sixties People (Stern and Stern), 25

  ’60s Reader, The, 26

  Skal, David, 247–48, 308–09

  Slusser, George, 103

  Smart drugs, 24, 33, 57, 293, 302

  Smart weapons, 121–25

  Smith, Jack, 271

  Smithsonian World, 256

  Snow, C. P., 23

  Snyder, David P., 288

  Snyder, Gary, 25

  Sobchack, Vivian, 35, 37, 310–11, 312, 315

  Social constructionism, 63

  Socioeconomic and political problems, indifference to, 10–11, 17, 41, 49, 70, 304, 305, 306–07

  Solotaroff, Paul, 261

  Sorayama, Hajime, 193

  Soul of a New Machine, The (Kidder), 66, 219–20

  South Atlantic Quarterly, 201

  Space Coast Software, 209

  Space migration, 298, 313

  Spare, Austin Osman, 52

  Spin, 51

  Spinrad, Norman, 36, 55, 86, 104–05, 106–07, 255, 302–03, 306

  “Spider Rose,” 234

  Springer, Claudia, 126, 166, 243, 269–70

  Stapleton-Gray, Ross, 13

  Star Trek, 216, 260, 309

  “Steel Madam,” 193

  Steger, Mark, 135

  Stelarc (né Stelios Arcadiou), 153–57, 159–69, 170, 296, 303, 313

  “Stelarc, Performance and Masochism,” 167

  Stepford Wives, The, 194

  Sterling, Bruce, 6, 13, 22–23, 24–25, 64, 86, 92–95, 99–100, 105, 128, 153, 162, 209, 234, 292, 296–97

  Stern, Jane, 25

  Stern, Michael, 25

  Stevens, Matt, 210

  Stone, Allucquere Rosanne, 310

  Street Suspension, 157

  Sunderwirth, Stanley, 221–22

  Surgical simulation, 285

  Surveillance, 146, 147, 174–75, 253

  Survival Research Laboratories, 111, 116, 118–22, 126–31, 137, 143, 155

  Sussman, Gerald Jay, 293–94

  Sutter, Eric, 289, 290

  Synners (Cadigan), 213, 252–56, 319

  Tactical Neural Implant, 81–82

  Taguchi, Tomoroh, 272

  Talk of the Nation, 207

  Tao of Physics, The (Capra), 57

  Tatsumi, Takayuki, 95

  Tattoo Flash, 274

  Tattoos, 246, 274–85

  biomechanical, 280–85

  Taylor, Bruce, 207

  Taylorism, 141, 146

  “Techgnosis: Magic, Memory, and the Angels of Information,” 56

  Techno-evolution, see Posthumanism (posthuman evolution)

  Techno-literacy, 147, 149

  “Technological Self-Transformation: Expanding Personal Extropy,” 304

  “Technology and the Irrational,” 148

  “Techno-onanism,” 202

  Technopaganism and technopagans, 22, 41, 49, 50–72

  defined, 50

  Techno-surrealism, 271

  Techno-transcendentalism, 9, 45, 48–49, 161

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 9, 45–46, 47–48, 57, 59

  Telecommuting, 245

  Teledildonics, 215, 217

  Teleoperation, 120–21, 124, 134, 163, 201

  Television, 175, 176, 224–25, 234, 278, 279, 294

  Terminator, The, 125, 262, 263–64

  Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 216, 229, 231, 263–70

  Tesla, Nikola, 124

  Tetsuo: The Iron Man, 270–74

  Text sex, 199–206, 207–08, 217, 219

  Therrien, D. A., 169–80

  Theweleit, Klaus, 266, 267

  Third Wave, The (Toffler), 36

  Thompson, Hunter, 265

  “Thoracobrachial Pterygoplasty Powered by Muscle Transposition Flaps,” 286–87

  Thorpe, Marc, 114

  Throbbing Gristle, 81, 91, 283

  Ticket That Exploded, The (Burroughs), 126

  Tierney, John, 217–18

  Time, 4, 5, 24, 207, 211

  TinySex, 205

  Tipler, Frank J., 9

  Toffler, Alvin, 36, 231

  Tolonen, Pekka, 214

  Tomorrow Makers: A Brave New World of Living-Brain Machines, The (Fjermedal), 293–94

  Tools for Exploration, 57–58, 59

  TOPY (Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth), 51–52, 55, 56, 61

  Transhumanism, 302–05

  Transmaniacon (Shirley), 95–96

  Trayle, Mark, 78

  Trees Are Walking, The, 134, 136

  Tri-City Labor Review, 141, 146

  Trigram, 135

  Triumph of the Will (Riefenstahl), 103

  True Names (Vinge), 298

  Tsukamoto, Shinya, 270–74

  Tucker, Ken, 97–98

  2001: A Space Odyssey, 45, 192, 252, 297

  Ultimate Masterpiece: The Reincarnation of Saint Orlan, The, 239

  Useless Machine Activity, 148

  UseNet, 5, 51, 207

  Vale, V, 275

  Van Der Leun, Gerard, 201, 218

  Vaporware, 7

  Vaucanson, Jacques de, 114, 141

  Vaughan, Henry, 11

  VCR, pornography and, 217–18

  Velvet Undergr
ound & Nico, 91, 92

  Victory through Air Power, 123

  Videodrome, 248, 294–95, 296

  “Video Killed the Radio Star,” 99

  “Video Star,” 279–80

  Village Voice, 54, 261

  Villiers de l’Isle-Adams, Jean, 196–97

  Vinge, Vernor, 8–9, 298, 309, 312, 315

  Violence, 224–25

  see also Weapons

  Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier, The (Rheingold), 205

  Virtual instruments, 77–79

  Virtual Light (Gibson), 280–81

  “Virtual Nintendo,” 33

  Virtual reality, 8–9, 23, 43, 49, 83, 121, 292, 299

  sex in, see Cybersex

  Virtual Valerie, 209, 210, 217

  “Vitruvian Man,” 178

  VR. 5, 7

  Walking in an Exaggerated Manner around the Perimeter of a Square, 158

  Ward, Darrell E., 290

  Warhol, Andy, 34

  Washington Post, 35, 75

  Weapons, 236

  mechanical spectacle as critique of hightech, 119–22, 126–27

  sex, technology, and death, 223–24

  smart weapons, 121–25

  Weber, Max, 278

  Weizenbaum, Joseph, 214

  WELL (Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link), 5, 13, 35, 41, 52, 70, 185, 198, 202, 203–04, 205, 206, 210, 213, 216, 225

  Werner, Eric, 118

  Westmoreland, General William C., 124

  Westworld, 125, 193, 198

  “What Are Muds and Muses?,” 205

  “Where All the Flowers Went,” 98

  White Album (Didion), 15

  Whiteway, Erika, 198, 199

  Whiting, Jim, 113

  Whittaker, Lloyd, 171

  Whole Earth Catalogue, 22, 27

  Whole Earth Review, 313

  Wiener, Norbert, 309

  Williams, Bob, 145–46

  Williams, Walter Jon, 279–80

  Willis, Ellen, 39

  “Will the Real Body Please Stand Up? Boundary Stories about Virtual Cultures,” 310

  Wilson, Edward O., 313–14

  Wilson, Peter Lamborn, 93

  “Winter Market, The,” 84

  Winthrop, John, 10

  Wired, 36, 185, 201, 205, 287

  “Wireheads,” 287

  Wolf, Naomi, 237, 241–42, 247, 259

  Wolfe, Tom, 28–29, 45

  Wolpaw, Dr. Jonathan R., 290

  “Woman’s Home Companion,” 198–99

  Wonderwoman and Superman: The Ethics of Biotechnology (Harris), 230


  automation of, 141, 145–46, 150

  inability to escape work life, 12

  robots in, 145–46, 150

  surveillance, 146

  see also Labor

  World Wide Web, 6

  Yablonsky, Lewis, 129

  Young, Liz, 171

  Young, Toby, 23

  YRTSI, 214

  Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Pirsig), 72

  Zerzan, John, 16

  Zey, Michael G., 314–15, 316

  “Zippie” (“Zen-inspired pagan professional”), 23

  Zukav, Gary, 57


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