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American Aurora

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by Richard N. Rosenfeld

  1828 E. g., PG, Apr. 22, May 15, 1799.

  1829 For complete story, see TCPL.

  1830 GW to Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, Mt. Vernon, July 21, 1799, GWW, XXXVII, 312-314.

  1831 Timothy Pickering to JA, Phil., July 24, 1799, JAWO, IX, 3-4.

  1832 Timothy Pickering to William Rawle, Dept. of State, July 24, 1799, TPPM, XI, 486.

  1833 Timothy Pickering to William Rawle, Dept. of State, July 26, 1799, TPPM, XI, 495-496.

  1834 JA to T. Pickering, Sec. of State, Quincy, Aug. 1, 1799, JAWO, IX, 5.

  1835 T. Pickering to JA (Private), Phil., Aug. 1, 1799, JAWO, IX, 5, 7.

  1836 Elijah Griffiths to TJ, Aug. 4, 1799, TJ Letters (LC Microfilm). See WDKP, 95.

  1837 GW to Sec. of State (private), Mt. Vernon, Aug. 4, 1799, GWW, XXXVII, 322-324.

  1838 U.S. Circuit Court (3d Circuit). Copy of an Indictment. No I [-II]. In the Circuit Court of the U.S. [Phil., 1799], LOC. REDX 36,513.

  1839 GUS, Mar. 5, 1799.

  1840 GW to Maj. Gen. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Mt. Vernon, Aug. 10, 1799, GWW, XXXVII, 325-327.

  1841 GW to Sec. of War (Private), Mt. Vernon, Aug. 11, 1799, GWW, XXXVII, 327-328.

  1842 Timothy Pickering to Richard Harrison, Esq., Phil., Aug. 12, 1799, TPPM, XI, 599-600.

  1843 Timothy Pickering to Zebulon Hollingsworth, Esq. Dept. of State, Phil., Aug. 12, 1799, TPPM, XI, 603-604.

  1844 JA to Timothy Pickering, Sec. of State, Quincy, Aug. 13, 1799, JAWO, IX, 13-14.

  1845 GUS, Aug. 14, 1799, JBZP, 227-230.

  1846 Timothy Pickering to Thomas Nelson, Esq., Dept. of State, Phil., Aug. 14, 1799, TPPM, XI, 611-612.

  1847 JA to T. Pickering, Sec. of State, Quincy, Aug. 16, 1799, JAWO, IX, 15-16.

  1848 GUS, Sept. 7, 1799.

  1849 See announcement in GUS, Sept. 2, 1799.

  1850 FETT, 398-400.

  1851 FETT, 390-398.

  1852 FETT, 385-386, 387n.

  1853 This issue of PG is dated “From Aug. 29 to Sept. 6, 1799.”

  1854 TCPL, 103.

  1855 Timothy Pickering to William Rawle, Esq., Trenton, Sept. 20, 1799, TPPM, XII, 82.

  1856 FETT, 376-377.

  1857 “Keystone,” see AGA, Oct. 8, 1803, HSKD, Chap. 1.

  1858 C. Lee, Att’y Gen’l to JA, Winchester, Oct. 6, 1799, JAWO, IX, 38.

  1859 FETT, 361-362, TJAH, 389-390.

  1860 GUS, Oct. 15, 1799, AGA, Oct. 17, 1799.

  1861 AGA, Dec. 24, 1799.

  1862 See THRF, 238.

  1863 AGA, Oct. 28, 1799.

  1864 See AGA, Nov. 1, 1800.

  1865 On the intimidating effect of the letter, see WCED, 121-122.

  1866 Date of Oct. 18 is approximate. ND, IV, 295, VII, 369.

  1867 See EMAF, 618, 635-639 which examines JA’s diplomatic inertia.

  1868 Judge Peters to Timothy Pickering, Belmont, Oct. 23, 1799, TPPM, XXV, 259.

  1869 AGA, Aug. 16, 1800.

  1870 “Extract from a Pamphlet Addressed to the Electors of Pennsylvania,” WCED, 121-122.

  1871 GW to William Vans Murray, Mt. Vernon, Oct. 26, 1799, GWW, XXXVII, 399-400.

  1872 Abigail Adams to William Shaw, East Chester, Oct. 28, 1799, SFP.

  1873 TJ to Charles Pinckney, Monticello, Oct. 29, 1799, TJWF, IX, 86-87.

  1874 “Trial of David Frothingham for a Libel on Gen. Hamilton,” WFST, 648-651. Also, AHP, XXIV, 5-6, 6n.-7n.

  1875 FETT, 403-404.

  1876 AGA, Nov. 12, 1799.

  1877 ND, IV, 429-430, 463, 560 (map), VII, 364.

  1878 GW to Sec. of War, Mt. Vernon, Nov. 17, 1799, GWW, XXXVII, 428-429.

  1879 “Trial of David Frothingham for a Libel on Gen. Hamilton,” WFST, 648-651, except your author sets the trial date as the 21st rather than the 16th per AGA, Nov. 25, 1799. See FETT, 400-417.

  1880 AGA, Dec. 6, 1799.

  1881 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Nov. 26, 1799, AANL, 215-216.

  1882 GWWS, II, 2, GWMK, 267, 269-270, GWKB, 151-156. See Eugene E. Prussing, The Estate of George Washington, Deceased (Boston: Little, Brown, 1927), 148-149.

  1883 Detail, plate #11, BRP.

  1884 Queries and Remarks …, BFSM, X, 54, 57-58, 60.

  1885 Speech in a Comm. of the Convention, Jun. 11, 1787, BFSM, IX, 595, 596.

  1886 BF to M. Le Veillard, Phil., Oct. 24, 1788, BFSM, X, 673-674.

  1887 THRF, 238.

  1888 Calculation of electoral result based on 1799 county gubernatorial voting, as reported in AGA, Dec. 24, 1799, and the district plan of the Penn. Senate, as reported in AGA, Jan. 4, 1800.

  1889 James Monroe to TJ, Richmond, Jan. 4, 1800, JMOW, III, 169-170.

  1890 See Carl E. Prince, New Jersey’s Jeffersonian Republicans: The Genesis of an Early Party Machine, 1789-1817 (Chapel Hill: Univ. of N. C. Press, 1967), 60-61.

  1891 ANC, 6C, 1S, 28-29.

  1892 AGA, Feb. 25, 1800.

  1893 “Trial of James Thomson Callender for a Seditious Libel,” WFST, 700.

  1894 JCPB, I, 18, 85, 86.

  1895 ANC, 6C, 1S, 47.

  1896 ANC, 6C, 1S, 49.

  1897 ANC, 6C, 1S, 53.

  1898 ANC, 6C, 1S, 62-63.

  1899 TJ to Samuel Adams, Phil., Feb. 26, 1800, TJWF, IX, 114.

  1900 ANC, 6C, 1S, 67.

  1901 ANC, 6C, 1S, 68, 85-86, 90.

  1902 Italicized words in this paragraph are from WD’s announcement in AGA, Mar. 22, 1800.

  1903 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., Mar. 5, 1800, AANL, 236-237, 237-238 n. 3. Abigail Adams mistakenly wrote “1779” which your author has corrected.

  1904 ANC, 6C, 1S, 103-104.

  1905 ANC, 6C, 1S, 104.

  1906 Stevens Thomson Mason to James Madison, Phil., Mar. 7, 1800, JMAP, XVII, 371.

  1907 Anas, TJWF, I, 353.

  1908 ANC, 6C, 1S, 104-105.

  1909 TJ to James Madison, Phil., Mar. 4 [-8], 1800, TJWF, IX, 118, 121-123.

  1910 ANC, 6C, 1S, 106.

  1911 A new Republican journal, the American Citizen (New York), succeeded Mrs. Greenleaf’s Argus. SDOP, 30, FETT, 414-415.

  1912 On August 18, 1800, “Burleigh” complained in the Connecticut, Courant (Hartford) that AGA was being “sent around the country gratis.” SDOP, 637.

  1913 AGA, Mar. 17, 1800.

  1914 ANC, 6C, 1S, 110.

  1915 ANC, 6C, 1S, 111-112.

  1916 ANC, 6C, 1S, 112.

  1917 ANC, 6C, 1S, 113.

  1918 ANC, 6C, 1S, 116-117.

  1919 ANC, 6C, 1S, 117.

  1920 Thomas Cooper to TJ, Phil., Mar. 23, 1800, TJPM, XXII, 64.

  1921 ANC, 6C, 1S, 118-119.

  1922 AGA, Mar. 27, 1800.

  1923 ANC, 6C, 1S, 121.

  1924 ANC, 6C, 1S, 122-124.

  1925 ANC, 6C, 1S, 126, 146.

  1926 John Dawson to James Madison, Mar. 30, 1800, Madison Papers (LC), as quoted in WDKP, 88.

  1927 Stevens Thomson Mason to James Madison, Phil., Apr. 2, 1800, JMAP, XVII, 376-377.

  1928 TJ to James Madison, [Phil.] Apr. 4, 1800, JMAP, XVII, 378.

  1929 FETT, 386-388.

  1930 FETT, 383.

  1931 TJ to L. W. Tazewell, Phil., Apr. 10, 1800, TJ Papers (MHS), Reel 5.

  1932 See TCPL, 118-119, “Trial of Thomas Cooper for a Seditious Libel,” WFST, 659-60.

  1933 Italicized words from AGA, June 10, 1800.

  1934 FETT, 379-381.

  1935 AGA, Aug. 16, 1800. See Examiner (Richmond), May 2, 1800, Ebeling Collection, Houghton Lib., Harv. Univ.

  1936 WD to James Thomson Callender, Apr. 17, 1800, Examiner (Richmond), May 2, 1800, Ebeling Collection, Houghton Lib., Harv. Univ.

  1937 TJ to Edmund Pendleton, Phil., Apr. 19, 1800, TJWF, IX, 118n-119n.

  1938 See WFST, 662-669, 676ff, FETT, 307-333, TCPL, 124-129.

  1939 “Trial of Thomas Cooper for a Seditious Libel,” WFST, 659, 671-673, 676-677.

  1940 ANC, 6C, 1S, 678.

  1941 Stevens Thomson Mason to James Madison, Phil., Apr. 23, 180
0, JMAP, XVII, 381-382.

  1942 “Trial of Thomas Cooper for a Seditious Libel,” WFST, 659, 677, 679. Wharton misdates this hearing as on the 30th (see Mason’s letter to Madison, Apr. 23, 1800, cited above).

  1943 JA to Sec. of State and Heads of Depts., Phil., Apr. 23, 1800, JAWO, IX, 50-51.

  1944 ND, V, 443, 550 (map), VII, 369.

  1945 “Trial of Thomas Cooper for a Seditious Libel,” WFST, 659, 679.

  1946 AGA, Apr. 29, 1800.

  1947 ANC, 6C, 1S, 691.

  1948 “Trial of the Northampton Insurgents,” WFST, 458, 544-545.

  1949 “Second Trial of John Fries,” WFST, 610, 612.

  1950 “Second Trial of John Fries,” WFST, 610, 622n-623n.

  1951 “Second Trial of John Fries,” WFST, 610, 633-634, 636.

  1952 EMAF, 732, TJAH, 454.

  1953 “Seeond Trial of John Fries,” WFST, 610, 637-641.

  1954 ABDM, II, 61.

  1955 ABDM, II, 61-62.

  1956 JAPS, II, 1027-1031, JAGC, 298.

  1957 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., May 5, 1800, AANL, 250-252.

  1958 See FETT, 359-373.

  1959 “Trial of Anthony Haswell for a Seditious Libel,” WFST, 684-686.

  1960 Alexander Hamilton to John Jay, N.Y., May 7, 1800, AHP, XXIV, 464-466.

  1961 ABDM, II,61-62. See SDAR, 370.

  1962 AGA, May 17, 1800, EMAF, 731.

  1963 ANC, 6C, 1S, 713.

  1964 WCPW, XII, 41.

  1965 T. Pickering to JA, Dept. of State, Phil., May 12, 1800, JAWO, IX, 54-55.

  1966 JA to Timothy Pickering, Phil., May 12, 1800, JAWO, IX, 55.

  1967 TJ to James Madison, Phil., May 12, 1800, JMAP, XVII, 386-387.

  1968 AGA, May 14, 1800.

  1969 ANC, 6C, 1S, 1530.

  1970 WCPW, XII, 44-45.

  1971 JA to James Lloyd, Feb. 11, 1815, JAWO, X, 118.

  1972 JCPB, II, 122.

  1973 ANC, 6C, 1S, 183-184.

  1974 JA to J. McHenry, Phil., May 15, 1800, JAWO, IX, 55.

  1975 JA to Att’y-Gen. and Dist.-Att’y of Penn., Phil., May 16, 1800, JAWO, IX, 56.

  1976 Speech in the Convention …, BFSM, IX, 590-592.

  1977 BF to Benjamin Vaughan, Passy, Mar. 14, 1785, BFSM, IX, 291, 292.

  1978 SDOP, 482-485, FETT, 344.

  1979 James Monroe to TJ, [May 25, 1800, Richmond], JMOW, III, 179-180.

  1980 TJ to James Monroe, Eppington, May 26, 1800, TJWF, IX, 135-138.

  1981 FETT, 345.

  1982 “Trial of James Thomson Callender for a Seditious Libel,” WFST, 688, 695, 710, 718.

  1983 SCRT, 43.

  1984 SCRT, 43-44.

  1985 Gouverneur Morris to R. King, Morrisania, June 4, 1800, RKLK III, 251-252.

  1986 WCPW, XII, 42.

  1987 Italicized words from AGA, July 12, 1800.

  1988 AGA, June 30, 1800.

  1989 See AGA, July 29, 1800.

  1990 GUS, Aug. 1, 1800.

  1991 GUS, July 1, 1800.

  1992 E. g., PG, May 15, 1799.

  1993 Oliver Wolcott, Jr., to Alexander Hamilton, Wash., July 7, 1800, AHP, XXV, 15-16.

  1994 ND, VI, 128-129, VII, 366.

  1995 ND, VI, 172, 213, 566 (map), VII 366.

  1996 ND, VI, 195, 566 (map), VII, 367.

  1997 Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., N.Y., Aug. 3, 1800, AHP, XXV, 54-55.

  1998 See WWHJ, 209.

  1999 W. Bingham to R. King, Phil., Aug. 6, 1800, RKLK, III, 284-285.

  2000 TJ to Philip Mazzei, Monticello, Apr. 24, 1796, TJWF, VIII, 235, 238-241. TJ drafted a constitution for Virginia, in 1776, which—though it included a single chief executive and a senate—embraced the same unicameral values as the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776. TJ’s final draft (3rd) called for a Virginia House of Representatives, annually elected by all taxpayers, which would itself choose both the state’s executive (a one-year administrator without any veto power) and a senate with longer terms but whose 15-50 members would, as in the case of the Pennsylvania executive council, rotate from office one third at a time. Because TJ’s executive and senate would be creatures of his House of Representatives, they would serve the House of Representatives rather than any different constituent interest, such as wealth or property. See TJPB, I, 356, 358-359.

  2001 TJ to Jeremiah Moor, Monticello, Aug. 14, 1800, TJWF, IX, 142-143.

  2002 GUS, Aug. 30, 1800.

  2003 Oliver Wolcott, Jr., to Alexander Hamilton, Wash., Sept. 3, 1800, AHP, XXV, 104, 108.

  2004 WWHJ, 213.

  2005 AGA, Dec. 24, 1798.

  2006 JCSH, 224.

  2007 AGA, Mar. 4, 1801.

  2008 TJ to James Monroe, Monticello, Oct. 19, 1823, TJWF, XII, 316.

  2009 BF to David Hartley, Phil., Dec. 4, 1789, BFSM, X, 72.

  2010 TJ to Dr. Benjamin Rush, Monticello, Sept. 23, 1800, TJWF, IX, 146, 148-149.

  2011 BFCV, 774.

  2012 Thomas Paine to TJ, Paris, Oct. 1, 1800, TPW, II, 1406, 1407, 1410, 1412.

  2013 ND, VI, 422-423, 566 (map), VII, 366.

  2014 See AGA, Oct. 12, 1795, on constitution as a compromise.

  2015 TJ to John Taylor, Monticello, May 28, 1816,TJWF, XI, 527, 533.

  2016 TJ to Isaac H. Tiffany, Monticello, Apr. 4, 1819, TJPM, Reel 51, No. 162.

  2017 TJ to John Taylor, Monticello, May 28, 1816, TJWF, XI, 527, 531-532.

  2018 TCPL, 7, 136. See TJMD, III, 467-468.

  2019 ND, VI, 456-458, 566 (map), VII, 364.

  2020 Gabriel Duvall to James Madison, Annapolis, Oct. 17 1800, JMAP, XVII, 424.

  2021 FETT, 301.

  2022 ND, VI, 489, 525, 566 (map), VII, 368.

  2023 THRF, 246-247, DMAF, 256-258, 280.

  2024 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States, [N.Y., Oct. 21, 1800] AHP, XXV, 169, 186-234. For info. on this letter’s publication as pamphlet, see AHP, XXV, 173-178.

  2025 James Madison to TJ, Nov. 1-3, 1800, as quoted in AHP, XXV, 181.

  2026 JA to Abigail Adams, Wash., Nov. 2, 1800, JAPM, Reel 399.

  2027 THRF, 246-247, DMAF, 256-257.

  2028 JCPB, II, viii, 97-98.

  2029 THRF, 247-248.

  2030 O. Wolcott, Sec. of Treas., to JA, Wash., Nov. 8, 1800, JAWO, IX, 88-89.

  2031 SDOP, 601-602, JBZP, 207, W&A, II, 446-447.

  2032 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Wash., Nov. 21, 1800, AANL, 256-258.

  2033 TJMD, III, xxx, 490.

  2034 “To the Citizens of Pennsylvania on the Proposal for Calling a Convention,” [1805], TPW, II, 992, 998-999, 1006.

  2035 BFBR, 39.

  2036 ND, VII, 8, 312, 369, 462 (map).

  2037 TJ to Robert R. Livingston, Wash., Dec. 14, 1800, TJWF, IX, 150, 152-153.

  2038 TJ to John Breckenridge, Wash., Dec. 18, 1800, TJWF, IX, 156-157.

  2039 JA to Elbridge Gerry, Wash., Dec. 30, 1800, JAWO, IX, 577-578.

  2040 On BFB’s views, see BFBW, 34-40, AGA, Jan. 29, 1795. On James T. Callender’s, see JCPB, I, 10-11, II, 56, 89, 143-144, JCSH, 63, 83-89, JCHT, 86-90. On Thomas Paine’s, see TPLW, 3-4, “To the Citizens of Penn. on the Proposal for Calling A Convention,” TPW, II, 992-1007. On WD’s, see [WD], Experience the test of government in eighteen essays written during the years 1805 and 1806, to aid the investigation of principles, and operation of the existing constitution and laws of Pennsylvania. (Phil.: WD, 1807), AGA, Feb. 18, 1800, Jan. 1, 1801, JA to Benjamin Rush, July 7, 1805, A&R, 29.

  2041 JCHT, 89-91 delineates the “radical” distinction.

  2042 See BFBT, 128, 138-140, AGA, Apr. 14, 1795, Feb. 18, 1800, WD to Franklin Bache, Wash., Mar. 4, 1804, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3.

  2043 See AGA, Feb. 2, 1801.

  2044 Anas, TJWL, I, 451-452. TJ places this conversation “about” Feb. 12 or 14.

  2045 MJFE, 236. Rep. James Bayard of Delaware broke ranks with his fellow Federalists to allow the vote for TJ. SDAR, 435.

  2046 AGA, Mar. 7, 1801.

  2047 AGA, Mar. 6, 1801. “Race”-street is a popular name for Sassafras-street, two blocks north of High. PDS, 7.

  2048 JA to Benjamin Stoddert, Quincy, Mar. 31, 1801, JAWO, IX, 582.

  2049 JA to Christopher Gadsden, Quincy, Apr. 10, 1801, JAWO, IX, 584.

  2050 TJ to WD, May 23, 1801, TJWF, IX, 255-258.

  2051 TJ to Abigail Adams, Wash., July 22, 1804, TJWF, X, 86n-88n.

  2052 JA to Thomas Boylston Adams, Quincy, Sept. 15, 1801, JAPM, Reel 401.

  2053 TJ to Attorney Gen. (Levi Lincoln), Wash., Oct. 25, 1802, TJWF, IX, 400-401.

  2054 William Plumer to Edward L. Livermore, Wash., Dec. 21, 1802, William Plumer Collection (LC), No. 165.

  2055 WD to Franklin Bache, Wash., Mar. 4, 1804, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3.

  2056 JA to Benjamin Rush, July 7, 1805, A&R, 29.

  2057 Margaret Hartman Duane to Peter Markoe, Phil., Mar. 10, 1807, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3.

  2058 TJ to William Wirt, Monticello, Mar. 30, 1811, TJWF, XI, 197n.-198 n.

  2059 JA to Benjamin Rush, Dec. 4, 1811, A&R, 196-197.

  2060 TJ to James Monroe, Monticello, Oct. 19, 1823, TJWF, XII, 316. See SDOP, 634-640. Concerning AGA’s credit for TJ’s victory in 1800, see SDOP, 632-634.

  2061 Timothy Pickering to James Robertson, Salem, July 29, 1824, as reported in John Womack Wright, “Pickering’s Letter on Washington,” TYQ, VII (July, 1925), 16, 25.

  2062 Mason Locke Weems, A history of the life and death, virtues and exploits, of General George Washington … (N.Y.: Grosset & Dunlap, 1927) (Phil.: John Bioren, 1800). That Weems’ clerical credentials and cherry tree account were fictitious, see Marcus Cunliffe, “Parson Weems and George Washington’s Cherry Tree,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Lib. (Manchester, Eng.), XLV (Sept. 1962), 71-96.

  2063 AGA, Aug. 30, 1799.

  2064 Napoleon had secretly acquired the land from Spain in Oct. 1801 (while America was waging its undeclared naval war against France).

  2065 New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 273-274 (1964).

  2066 1739 ed., PRA, I, 153.

  2067 JMAD, II, 583.

  2068 See BFPP, 121.


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