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Into Thin Air: Omnibus Edition Parts 1 - 3

Page 9

by Mark R Silgram

  Taylor couldn’t believe it; they were right back where they had started and still arguing over the same thing as they drank coffee in the Oval office. As usual Taylor wanted to do the decent thing and make a stand and fight and Charlotte wanted to fuck off and leave them to it. “How did you get here and where’s Milton?”

  “Milton fucked off when we gave him some of our lottery money,” Charlotte said fighting back the tears. “I never want to see that bastard ever again.”

  “We’re going not back!” Taylor said “I’m sorry Charlotte but this time you don’t have a choice or least you forget I’m the President of the United States. I could have you locked up until this is over.”

  “That wouldn’t hold her Charlie-boy,” David said sipping his coffee “She can open tears.”

  “It’s why we’re here,” Charlotte said with tears streaming down her face “they’ve got Ellie.”

  “Who has?”

  “The Rainbow Corporation,” Older Charlotte said cutting in. “And we’re running out of time,” She slumped into the desk chair and started filing her nails. “This was a bad idea I forgot what a pompous dick you can be.”

  “Where’s Troy?” Taylor said having completely forgotten about him. While they’d been arguing he’d done a runner.

  “I thought he was dead?” Charlotte said before shaking her head. “It doesn’t matter we’ll help you if you promised to help us as soon as your other self is incapacitated.”

  “You’ve got deal,” Taylor said feeling like a complete bastard having to lie to her about his powers. No not now he thought as he heard his heart thumping loudly as he licked his lips remembering the taste of his last feed; a bum he found on a street corner. He started to sweat. Clenching and unclenching his fists he dug his fingernails so hard into his palms that he broke the skin making them bleed. To make it worse David decided to open the curtains to the Oval office dousing him with a beam of light. He ran over to the curtains and quickly drew them again just in time before started to burn. “I’ve got a headache sunlight will make it worse.” Taylor said to a bemused David.

  “So how do we stop your evil self?” Charlotte said cocking her gun.

  “He said something about a final experiment and infecting soldiers with vampire DNA. He wants to create an army of super soldiers so he can win the war.”

  “Vampire DNA? What the fuck?” David said with a laugh. “I think your evil self is a bit of loony. I don’t think we’ve got anything to worry about Charlie-boy.”

  “It won’t be fucking funny when the whole world is full of vampires and Nazi’s,” Taylor said throwing David against a wall. Once again he could feel an uncontrollable thirst wash over him and he was just about to fuck the consequences and drain David of his blood when Troy entered the room.

  “Taylor’s right we can’t let the Nazi’s get even a single drop of vampire blood,” Troy said unfurling a set of blueprints on the desk. “This is the blueprints for the facility where the final experiment is being conducted I say we go in undercover and blow it up.”

  “Why are you helping us?” Charlotte asked. “you only help yourself.”

  “I want a ride home I’m sick of living in 1945,” Troy shrugged before whispering to Taylor handing him a syringe. “Inject yourself with this it should help with your withdrawals symptoms including the sunlight.”

  “What’s inside it?”

  “Just something I had I cooked up while you were out cold thought it would come in handy. It won’t last long though but at least you’ll be able to function long enough to do what we need to do.

  “And what do I owe you?”

  “Think of it as a freebie,” Troy winked. “Chemistry is one of my hobbies. So is snorting cocaine off the back of rent boys.”

  “Okay people let’s go and blow up a factory,” David said rubbing his hands together like he was just about to go and watch a football match with the lads.

  “We’ll need a car,” Taylor said through gritted teeth. His withdrawal symptoms were being to bite.

  “Tut tut,” Older Charlotte said shaking her head with a smug grin. “Aren’t you forgetting that I can open a tear we’ll be there in seconds.”

  “Hmm I don’t want to keep banging on about it but the last time you did that you killed 7 billion people remember?” David said.

  “I’ll be careful. Lets go.”

  “Wait,” Taylor said putting his hand up. “I need the bathroom I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Taking off his belt he wrapped it around his arm until he found a vein and proceeded to inject himself with Troy’s anti-vampire drug. The relief hit him almost instantly and for the first time in days he felt normal again. A few months ago he wouldn’t even touched a cigarette and now he was jacking up like a pro junkie. Maybe there was a cure in this facility. He hoped so anyway for he couldn’t go on fighting it for much longer and that scared him more then anything. For a few moments he thought about his missing airmen and his wife back home and wondered if he’d ever see them again. He was interrupted by David walking in. “It’s not what you think.” Taylor said throwing away the syringe.

  “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t tell Charlotte right now Charlie-boy.”

  “Because that will the last thing you’ll ever do.” Taylor snarled said putting a gun to David’s temple and cocking it.

  “Whatever you say boss,” David said with hands up. “Now can I have a piss without a gun to my head?”

  “What’s taking you boys so long?” Charlotte shouted from outside the bathroom “I’m getting worried about you two!”

  “There’s something you should about our friend Charlie-boy” David said as they came out of the bathroom.

  “I’m warning you.” Taylor hissed with the gun in David’s back ready to fire. He wasn’t really going to shoot him but he really couldn’t afford Charlotte finding out the truth for if she did then how long would it be before every man woman and dog would be hunting him down like a monster. The truth didn’t need to come out not when he was so close to a antidote.

  “He’s been-” Taylor blew a sigh of relief when the building rumbled cutting David off mid sentence.

  “What the fuck?” David said as the walls started to collapse. Charlotte quickly made a tear to the outside of the White House and they quickly jumped through it to an airship rising up no doubt with President Taylor on it.

  “The little bastard,” Taylor muttered under his breath. “Troy set me up, he set us all up.”

  “What do you mean?” Charlotte asked as they helplessly watched the airship rise up into the air.

  “He already has vampire DNA,” Taylor said remembering the walk-n-talk he had with Troy earlier. The little bastard must’ve already plucked one of his hairs when he was out cold and maybe took some blood as well. That was how he was able to create to drug to block his withdrawals. He pretended to be on their side just long enough to give his boss the chance to escape. “We’re too late!”

  “Don’t worry they won’t get far,” Charlotte said with wink. “I’ll open a tear.” But no sooner had she opened a tiny rip in the fabric of reality when she collapsed with exhaustion.

  “Quickly grab her and throw her over your shoulders I’ve got another idea,” David said to Taylor as pulled out a UFO from one of his pockets.

  “I don’t think this is the time to play with toys now do you?” Taylor said as he threw Charlotte over his shoulders. “We need to find-” But he cut himself off when the toy UFO started getting bigger. In fact it was getting that big that they had to leg it for several miles to escape being crushed. And still it got bigger as they stole a motor-bike.

  “I forgot it was that big!” David said with a guilty look on his face as the UFO flattened everything in its path while they tried to outrun it.

  “Don’t worry it’s only fucking Nazi’s,” Taylor said gunning the throttle as he correctly guessed.“It’s your ship isn’t it?”

  “I take it where ever I go so it doesn�
��t get stolen by space pirates.”

  “How big is it?”

  “Oh about 10 miles across.”


  “Home sweet home” David said as they as walked onto the bridge of SS Veloiraptor. Taylor threw Charlotte onto one of the seats as they took the controls.

  “A proton torpedo should do the trick,” David said as he started to target the airship.

  “No there could be innocent people on board we’ll have to go in undercover,” Taylor said thinking more about getting an antidote then about any innocent people who might be on board.

  “Whatever you say boss.”

  Now wearing Nazi uniforms making Taylor feel sick they climbed on board the airship. The whole ship had been converted into some sort of creepy hospital as they walked among rows of beds occupied by muscular soldiers all with blue eyes and blond hair.

  “Oh shit we’ve been rumbled,” President Taylor said in mock horror. “Quick Troy we need to get out of here.” He then burst out laughing. “You’re too late Lieutenant Taylor they’ve already been converted and its all thanks to your vampire DNA.”

  “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t give you a taste of your own medicine.” Taylor said baring his fangs.

  “Troy do you want me to tell him or should I?”

  “I de-fanged you,” Troy said with an evil giggle. “Or rather you did with that anti-dote you injected yourself with.”

  “Does that mean I’m cured?” Taylor said feeling his heart rise with hope.

  “Nah it will wear off in a few hours,” Troy said with a shrug “It just gives us enough time to conquer the Earth.”

  “Set a course for London!” President Taylor barked at one his men.

  “Then we’re going have to do this the old fashioned way,” Taylor cocking his gun before he was thrown through the air by one of the Vampire-soldiers. But then something odd happened. The airship lurched violently to the right.

  “Shit,” Troy said as he looked out of the window. “Charlotte’s opened a fucking tear we’re being sucked in.”

  “Come with us,” Taylor pleaded to Troy. He didn’t like the little bastard but right now he was his only hope of being normal.

  “You can go to hell!” Troy hissed as the floor gave way sending them tumbling through the air. The vampire soldiers were sucked out of the windows and into the tear and any second now they would be joining them. That’s when another tear opened up and through it Taylor could see David’s time ship.

  “Look,” Taylor shouted to David pointing to the tear. They both frantically scrambled for it as he watched President Taylor fall into the other tear letting out a terrifying scream before he vanished.

  “Make me a brew will you?” Charlotte shouted without looking up from filing her nails as they tumbled into the control room of the SS Velociraptor. Moments later and they were back in the White house or what was left of it.

  “Can’t you go five minutes without destroying anything Lieutenant Taylor?” Older Charlotte laughed as she opened a tear to get them back home.

  All four of them dropped into Charlotte’s apartment as if they’d just come back from a night out or something.

  “I’ll put the kettle on,” David said. “Taylor you can give me a hand.” he said shooting Taylor a dirty look.

  “Wait,” Charlotte said seeing someone crashed out on her sofa dressed in a straight jacket. It was Milton!

  “Am I glad to see you guys” He gushed giving them all a hug.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Charlotte demanded giving him a slap. “Locked up in a mental hospital,” Milton wailed. “I’ve been hearing voices man.” He then saw older Charlotte and passed out. When he came too Charlotte gave him a mug of sweet tea. She then went through everything including about their powers and how she was responsible for all the tears and for Taylor going missing and killing 7 billion people not long from now.

  “Fuck me man,” Milton said. “That’s some fucked up shit” Then he face brightened “So you mean we’re fucking superheroes now like Batman or Superman?”

  “They’ve got Ellie.” Charlotte said “Will you help us get her back?”

  “Of course I will man whatever you need!” Milton said holding her hands in his.

  “Now the gangs all here I’ll infiltrate Rainbow’s research facility and leave the light on for you,” Older Charlotte said before opening a tear. “I’ll message you the details Charlotte.”

  Chapter 5 - The Man

  They had gone over the rescue plan at least a dozen times but Milton wouldn’t shut up as they drove in a van to the facility where The Man was keeping Ellie. “So these powers?”

  “Yeah?” They all said rolling their eyes. This was another thing he wouldn’t stop talking about. “Why don’t we use them for good? I mean become superheroes?” It was then that he produced a mask.

  “Milton what the fuck?” Charlotte said grabbing the mask and throwing it out of the window. “After tonight must never ever use our powers ever again.”

  “But don’t you think it’s kinda cool that I’m like a Jedi?”

  “What’s a Jedi?” Taylor said confused. The stuff Troy gave him before was starting to wear off and he was already starting to feel the withdrawals kick in.

  “You know like one of those dudes in Star Wars who can read peoples minds and shit.”

  “Yeah it’s cool Milton but it’s also dangerous isn’t that right Lieutenant Taylor.” David said shooting Taylor a look as he drove.

  “So we all know the plan?” Taylor said swiftly changing the conservation “The moment Charlotte’s future self locates Ellie we go in all guns blazing and grab Ellie before they know what hit them.

  Coming up to a security gate Taylor said. “Okay Milton do your thing be a “Jedi” and get that security guard to open that gate.

  “Ah,” Milton said looking worried. “How do you activate it?”

  “I thought you knew,” Taylor said nervously watching the guard who had an assault riffle slung over his shoulder.

  “Mine starts when ever I think of elephants,” Charlotte said with a shrug. “I don’t fucking know. We’re not exactly The Avengers!”

  “Hurry up people,” David said slowing the van down as they approached the gate “Milton you’ve got about ten seconds or we’ll have to do this the hard way.”

  “That’s a good idea David,” Taylor spat their relationship getting ever more strained. “Put the lad under fucking pressure.”

  “Hold on I think I’ve-” Milton said before cutting himself off. All of a sudden he was watching the van from the point of view of the guard. In fact he was the guard! He was inside the guards mind and he had to use all his willpower not to replay the night before when he was fucking a brass in a whore house. Everything was now happening in slow motion as he watched David and Taylor bickering. Opening the gate he waved the van through and then had another idea. Using duct tape he sealed his mouth shut before tying his legs and arms together. Moments later he was back inside his own head again watching the security guard struggle as he flapped about like a fish out of water.

  “Nice one Milton!” Charlotte said breathing a sigh of relief as they entered the compound. Her mobile beeped and after swiping to open it she read a message from her older self: Room 101 was all it said. “I know where they’re keeping Ellie.” she said with a smile.

  The reception was pitch black apart from the glow of security monitors and a lanky guard puffing on an E-cigarette. “Milton?” Charlotte said as the security guard scrabbled for his weapon.

  “Already on it” Milton said filtering out hours of porn and dogging before knocking himself out with the butt of his rifle.

  “This is too easy,” Taylor said glumly as he started sweating. He started to itch all over his body like there was a million ants crawling all over his body. This was taking way too long.

  “Easy Charlie-boy we might just get away with this.”

  More guards more porn went by when Milton n
oticed Taylor had vanished. “I’ll go an look for Taylor,” He said to Charlotte “You and David concentrate on finding your daughter and here,” He threw her a radio “Any problems get me on this.” He then ran off in the direction of the unconscious guards and within moments he found Taylor gauging himself stupid sucking the life and blood out of one the helpless guards turning his skin grey. “Cool man you’re a fucking Vampire!” Milton said impressed and a little bit jealous. He always wanted to be a Vampire every since watching the Twilight saga.

  “It’s not cool Milton” Taylor said sliding down a wall with his face covered in blood “I’m finished buddy. I’ve lied to Charlotte and now David is out for my blood.”

  “Please kill me.” The Guard whimpered barely alive as he clutched his neck. “I joined up for the free dental plan.” He then slumped to the floor dead.

  “Don’t worry pal we’ll get you back to normal some how.” Milton said to Taylor as he sat with him.

  “You better go before I start draining you’re blood.”

  “Hell man I’d be dead plenty of times if it wasn’t for you I’m going no where.”

  “Actually you’re both coming with us.” A security guard said as they were surrounded.

  “Shit we’ve been set up,” Taylor said. “Milton deal with them.”

  “I can’t,” Milton cried as every time he tried a jump his mind bounced back. “There must be a dampening field surrounding the building.” He grabbed the radio. “Charlotte we’ve been set up get out of there!”

  Charlotte’s radio crackled just as they reached Room 101. Entering the room she was knocked to the floor by a guard.

  “Take it easy with her dick-head,” she heard her older self say before opening a tear with a flick of wrist sending the dumpy guard god knows where. “We’re the same fucking person you cunt.”

  “You’re The Man?” Charlotte said struggling to get up. “Why?”


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