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The Prince’s Virgin

Page 67

by Charlize Starr

  I found an HBO series and watched it as I munched on the buttered popcorn and settled against the big pillows piled around me. I wondered if I’d someday have a house like this with a guy that I’d meet here–a place where I could relax and just be me. I felt like I was finding myself now, here on my own. I said a small prayer for my mom before I looked back at the hot vampire on television.

  I pulled a blanket over me after a while and watched the third show of the season with a happy expression on my face. I could get used to this.

  Chapter Six

  I woke up in a darkened room. I blinked and stretched my arms. I felt around and came to the conclusion that I was on a bed. I looked around slowly and saw that I was in the room near Logan’s. I wondered if Lance carried me in here when he arrived home. If so, why?

  I was covered with a soft blanket. I rolled over and saw on the alarm clock that it was coming up on four in the morning. I must’ve been tired. I certainly had no recollection of being brought in here. I turned onto my side, closed my eyes again and listened to the sounds of the house for a moment.

  I realized that I was thirsty. I pushed the blanket back to stand up. My clothes were the same except I couldn’t find my shoes. I padded into the hallway and listened at Logan’s closed door for a moment before walking to the kitchen. The light was on. I looked around and ran a hand through my hair. Nobody needed to see me like this–especially Lance.

  I grabbed some water and walked into the living room to see the television still on and some beer cans were lined up on the coffee table. Lance was stretched out, sleeping in his worn jeans and a fitted t-shirt.

  It would be best if Logan didn’t walk in on this so I cleaned up the cans, draining them in the sink before they went into the recycling bin in the garage. Lance slept the entire time, a frown on his face. I covered him with the blanket I had used earlier and turned the television off. I grabbed the monitor from the table and carried it back to the bed, setting it on the nightstand beside the bed.

  Had something happened? I didn’t know Lance well enough to know if drinking was normal for him, but it didn’t seem like it would be to me. He looked troubled in his sleep, and I pushed the image away as I curled up under the covers and closed my eyes. I needed to be fit when Logan woke up tomorrow.

  It seemed like only moments had passed before I heard noises from the handheld unit a few feet away from me. I grabbed it and blinked at the image on the screen, seeing Logan sitting up in his bed calling for his daddy. Jesus, it was six in the morning. I slipped out of bed and made my way to his room. There was a look of confusion on Logan’s face as he walked over for a hug. “Hey, little man. Your dad has an upset tummy, and he’s sleeping on the couch. Want to get dressed and go make breakfast with me? We have to be super quiet.”

  We ate some cereal and toast before I took Logan to his playroom. There, we built Lego castles and filled them with a variety of figures. He declared war on my castle, making me laugh. We played like this for a few hours before he asked to go outside. I straightened my appearance as best as I could before we ventured outside.

  There was still heat in the air from the previous day. Logan went tearing through the grass towards the pond. I had learned early on that the pond was his favorite spot, but I needed to be careful with him here. Logan had taken some swimming classes on and off, but he was not good enough to save himself from drowning. I watched him as I used my dying phone to take some pictures of the beautiful area.

  It chimed a little while later, and I glanced down to see a text from Lance.

  Lance: Where are you guys?

  Me: We’re by the pond. He wanted to burn off some energy.

  Lance: Sorry for dropping him on you. I didn’t think I’d sleep this long.

  Me: Are you alright?

  Lance: Mostly. I’ll jump in the shower and come give you a break.

  I put the phone into the pocket of my cotton pants. Logan was running towards the fruit trees, and I laughingly called out to him as I followed and tried to fix my hair into a presentable messy bun. It was there that Lance found us, dressed in some jeans and a long sleeved shirt that brought out his eyes. The only bad thing was that they looked troubled.

  Logan jumped up and hugged his dad before going back to playing. Lance looked at me. “I’m sorry, Brie,” he told me, his voice contrite.

  “What are you sorry for, Lance? You work so hard. It’s okay to take a break. I got plenty of sleep, and he’s a blast to hang out with.” He blinked at me. “Are you okay?”

  “It was something of a bad night,” he admitted. He looked over at his son playing with a branch on the ground with a smile. “I still feel bad. Do you have plans for today?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” I waited for him to speak, beyond curious.

  “I’m starving, and I’d like to take you both to lunch. There’s a diner nearby that cures hangovers with their cheeseburgers like nothing else. Care to join me?”

  “Do I look acceptable enough to go out in public?” I asked him.

  He narrowed his eyes for a moment. “You’re gorgeous, Brie. Don’t you know that?” I shivered as he spoke and he shook his head. “Nobody has told you that?”

  “Just friends and family, but they’re obligated to say that,” I replied. I felt my cheeks blush.

  “That’s hard to believe.” He looked me over. “You look beautiful. But if you want to change or anything, we can wait here for you.”

  I thought that over before I shook my head. “I think I’m good.”

  “So you’ll come?” Lance verified and I nodded. “Good. Hey, buddy! Want to go see Mabel and have a grilled cheese sandwich?”

  “Yes, Daddy! I’m so hungry!” Logan came running over to hug Lance and grabbed my hand. “Come with, Miss Tenley?”

  “I already invited her, buddy. She’s coming along.” Logan smiled, and we made our way to Lance’s green truck. He let me get in before easing himself in to buckle Logan into his car seat. Once he was in his seat and starting the engine, I felt a smile crossing my face. “What is it?” Lance asked.

  “I haven’t been driven to town by another person until now,” I said quickly, not wanting to say that I was happy to be going with him. “Just a few times with Logan to do a little shopping for groceries and such.”

  “How does a girl from New York get excited about going to a small town diner?” Lance asked as he pulled forward and headed down the long driveway.

  “They say it’s the little things in life that you should appreciate,” I responded. We smiled at each other.

  I loved driving in this powerful truck. Even if I did go on dates in New York, we more than likely would’ve taken a cab. There was something manly and sexy about this. I rolled the window down some and let my hand rest on it. I asked if he minded.

  “No, I work outside so fresh air is essential for me. I only run the air conditioning when it’s sweltering out and almost always leave the windows open,” Lance replied, and I silently agreed. It was brutal sometimes in New York, but I always preferred the fresh air when I could get it. “So, you haven’t met Irene before this? That surprised me.”

  “That’s something I’d ask my mother if I could. They’re great, and I am going to make up for lost time as best I can,” I replied, shrugging.

  “I’m sorry for your loss,” Lance said.

  “It happens, right? You lost your parents as well,” I said.

  “Yeah, I did, but the farm got me through that. I’d always thought that I would take over some time. It just happened faster than anticipated and a lot was going on.” Lance glanced at Logan in the rear view mirror. “I’m just sorry they didn’t get a chance to know him.” He looked over at me. “What about your dad?”

  “I never knew him. He left when I was young, and that’s all I know,” I explained with a small smile.

  “That’s tragic, Brie. He missed out on so much,” Lance said as we pulled into town. I looked at the small businesses that made this town tick. There
were the usual chain stores scattered about, but they were mixed with mom-and-pop places that had clearly been there for ages. There was a great mix of contemporary and small town architecture, something I appreciated. Some people think that New York is all big buildings. While Manhattan is mainly composed of those, Brooklyn had a feel that reminded me of this town in some muted manner. I smiled as I looked around. New York was missing Lance in that worn cowboy hat, though.

  Chapter Seven

  He pulled up to a restaurant that looked right out of the sixties or seventies. It was cute. I smiled widely. “Like it?” Lance asked. I felt his eyes on me.

  “I do. Diners are my favorite. The food is always so simple and good,” I replied as Lance hopped out of the truck and walked around the front to get my door for me.

  “Thank you, Lance.” I smiled at him and as I slid down he made sure that I didn’t fall. The truck was made for a man his height and not so much for my five foot five frame. The idea of him catching me made me giggle as well as blush a little. What would it feel like to be held by him?

  “Daddy! Miss Tenley!” The little voice from the back broke the gaze lingered between us.

  “Coming, buddy,” Lance said before he went to open the door and get him out. I smiled at both of them. “Hungry?”

  “I want cheese and apple pie,” Logan replied and Lance laughed. He told me to follow him and opened the heavy door for me before we walked inside.

  “Well, if it isn’t my favorite boys in this town.” A blonde woman looked up from the register, and her face was soft and wrinkled. She smiled warmly. “Who is this pretty friend of yours?”

  “Mabel, this is Brie. She’s Irene’s niece from New York and she’s helping me with Logan. Brie, this is Mabel. She’s run this place for years along with her family,” Lance introduced us.

  Mabel stepped away from behind the counter and shook my hand, smiling curiously at me. “You do look like Irene and Sarah. I see the family resemblance. Are you here to stay, Brie?” Mabel asked, and I nodded slowly. “How do you like our little town compared to that big city that you came from?”

  “I was in Brooklyn, so there are some similarities. People are far politer here, though.” That earned me a broad smile from Mabel. “I hear that you have good burgers.”

  “So they say,” Mabel drawled as she looked over the room, a quarter full of customers. “Where would you like to sit today?”

  “There,” Logan said as he pointed across the restaurant. Mabel walked us over to a corner booth and set up a booster seat for Logan before she asked for our drink order. Lance had asked for milk for Logan before he looked at me.

  “I’d love a Coke or Pepsi,” I replied as she nodded and asked Lance if he wanted the usual. He nodded and she headed to the back. I looked around. “I like this place.”

  “It’s like home to me. I’ve been coming here since I was little, and now Logan is doing the same. It’s a great tradition.” Lance smiled, and I saw the happiness in his face. Life here revolved around family and tradition. I felt like I missed out on that sometimes, as loving as my mother had been. She was just kind of scattered sometimes. I could see the difference between her and her sister.

  “I think that I’d like a tradition like this,” I murmured. He looked across the table at me.

  “You’re young and starting over. You can have anything that you want,” Lance told me. I felt my cheeks warm. He noticed my age, and it hit me that I was just his nanny, which is how it should be. I just wondered what it would be like to be one of his traditions. “You’re welcome at the ranch as long as you want to stay. It’s like a family there.”

  “I can see that,” I replied. I glanced at him before looking at Logan. He was coloring on his placemat with a little box of crayons and a huge smile on his face. In New York, a lot of the places had tablets on the table, and this was refreshing and innocent to me. My mom had always encouraged me to embrace technology but to welcome creativity into my life as well. Logan embodied that lifestyle with his simple drawing and crayons. I thought of her with a soft smile.

  “What are you thinking about?” Lance asked me as I blinked at him.

  “My mom was an artist among other things. She had a lot of talent but so did people around us. Mom worked three jobs, one of which was at the gallery where she showed her paintings. I can’t help but think of myself watching him coloring like that. That’s all that I did as a kid.” I looked at Logan and he grinned at me.

  “Logan liked you a lot from the start. You two seem to get along great.” Lance sipped his sweet tea and looked up. “Mabel’s headed this way. Do you know what you want?”

  I hadn’t looked at the menu, but I didn’t have to. “How are the bacon cheeseburgers here?”

  “Copycat,” Lance teased me as she stopped by the table and looked us over. He ordered two of them and a grilled cheese with fries for Logan. Mabel assured us that she’d bring it soon and I settled back against the worn cushion of the bench seat and stretched.

  Our meals were brought over quickly. The burger looked fantastic. I tried to eat healthy to drop the extra twenty or so pounds that I was carrying around but sometimes a girl just needed bacon and cheese in her life. I dug into it with gusto. Lance laughed at me as I moaned at the first bite. I thought I saw something in his eyes when I looked up, but he directed his gaze towards his plate as he reached for his own sandwich. We ate in silence for a few minutes while Logan chattered about his lunch. I watched him as I tried to eat slower. Lance looked at him every moment that he could. I sensed that he had a fear of losing his son deep inside. Was it because his family was gone? Was it because Logan’s mother left them?

  We finished our meal slowly and I pushed my plate away with a long groan. “So good,” I said. Lance laughed.

  “We always split a piece of apple pie a la mode,” he said as my stomach protested the large meal. “Want to share?”

  “A bite. Any more and I’ll die,” I said. He nodded at Mabel. “How often do you guys eat here?”

  “I’d say once a week. It gives us a break from the ranch and some time alone. We eat well and bond with Mabel here. It’s nice,” Lance replied as he looked around the room.

  “You’re there a lot, aren’t you? The ranch?”

  “Well, when my father passed away I had a new baby. I needed to do something to support him, and the ranch was successful. It was what I knew, so I made it my permanent home. I have a great staff to assist me and now a good nanny. The others weren’t that great and always leaving. I want someone that Logan bonds with,” Lance said. I smiled. “I think that’s you.”

  “Thanks. I hope so.”

  We talked about the college studies I was planning on as he paid the bill (at my protest) and went out to the car. He secured Logan and showed me around town before winding back to the ranch. Logan was quiet in the back. I turned my head to see him sleeping soundly.

  “Time for bed?” I asked Lance. He smiled and nodded before giving me a look. “Why did you take me to the room last night? Your couch is really comfortable.”

  “I wanted you comfortable, and I was nursing some wounds. I just wanted to sit in front of the TV and drink, as you saw. Thanks for cleaning that up.” I nodded. “He’s young and wouldn’t get it, but I want to set a better example for Logan.”

  “Want to talk about it?” I asked as he stopped at a sign and looked at me.

  Chapter Eight

  “I don’t know you well enough to dump my drama in your lap,” Lance said as he pulled forward with a hard press on the gas pedal.

  “You can, though. I’m a good listener,” I offered, seeing the pain on his face. “It’s okay to let go.”

  “Were you able to when your mom died?” Lance asked me. I pressed my lips together.

  “I had friends there that helped me through it, though they were all missing her as well. I had support, though.” I shrugged. “I think it’s a process, personally. Did you find that?”

  “In a few ways, yes,”
Lance admitted as he pulled into the driveway. “You have a day off. What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know,” I admitted as he parked in front of the house. “I might sleep this meal off for a bit. I might spend some time with Irene.”

  “I’ll make you a deal. If you’re up, meet me by the pond later and we can check out some stars. I remember a few of the constellations from astronomy class. We can go back to the house and have some coffee on the porch a little closer to Logan.”

  “That sounds great,” I told him as I opened the door slowly. “I might see you later.” I smiled as I slipped out of the cab and walked over to the house with my stuff in my hand. I wondered if Lance wanted to talk about what was bothering him. I wondered if he did this kind of thing with girls at all since his breakup.

  I walked through the front door to find Irene and the family lounging in the living room watching television.

  “Hi, Brie. Last night ran late, huh?”

  “I fell asleep and he didn’t wake me up,” I replied. “We went into town for lunch with Logan.”

  “Mabel’s?” Michael asked as he stroked Irene’s hair. He grinned at me. “Everyone loves it there, but he’s been going since he was a kid. Mabel’s nice, isn’t she?”

  “Very. So warm. The burger was amazing,” I told them as I took a seat on the recliner and stretched out. “This feels so good. Logan gets up at six. Do you know how much energy he has when he first wakes up?”

  “I can imagine.” Irene laughed as she looked at me.

  “How does he do that on his own all of the time and work so hard? Has Lance had nobody in his life since Logan’s mom left?” I asked in a tired voice, waiting for the answer with my eyes closed.

  “Lance isn’t a casual kind of guy,” Irene explained carefully as I pretended to relax. “If he’s dated, he’s kept it away from the ranch and Logan. I don’t think he’ll introduce a woman to him until he’s serious about her.” Irene paused. “I’m almost surprised that he hired you so quickly, but Kathy quit so quickly on him… It worked out well.”


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