Book Read Free

The Visitor 1862

Page 14

by Barbara Svetlick

  “You’re safe.”

  “You’re home?” She struggled to sit up as he helped her. “I am sorry about...”

  “I hurt your feelings and sometimes I just am insensitive to emotional situations. I want to apologize for that.”

  She looked away wondering if he had any idea that even when apologizing for being insensitive that he did it with little feelings.


  “Dominic, I want to thank you for allowing me refuge this last year but it is time I leave.”

  He thought about the dream, the pain and how distant she sounded. He stood and walked over to the window. “I promised your father I would not allow you to leave unless your safety here was in jeopardy.”

  “And you don’t think my safety is in jeopardy?”

  “Mirisa, your father was very specific. He does not want you to go to Philadelphia.”

  “He’s not here and how do I know what he told you.”

  “Alright. Allow me the time to write to your father before you make arrangements to leave. If I cannot persuade you to stay here at least give your father the opportunity to explain his wishes to you. In the meantime, I promise to be a better host.”

  “Will it take long?” She pulled her knees up as she looked at her palm running her finger along the line absently.

  “No, I’ll send a dispatch right away. If you are feeling better, I will have the kitchen set out a light lunch since I am sure you are hungry.” She watched as he left the room then she reached up touching the necklace. She untied the leather, wrapped it carefully and placed it in box.

  Mirisa came downstairs as the smell of the hot soup filled the house. No one seemed to be about so she walked into the dining room to find the table set for two and the server waiting. He pulled out her chair then ladled soup into her bowl before setting the biscuits on the table with the bowl of honey butter. Dominic walked in and sat down at the head of the table as the server set a full plate in front of him.

  “I didn’t know if you were up to heavy food but if you are hungrier then soup…”

  “It is perfect, thank you.”

  “I am going out to survey the damage to the plantation. Would you like to join me?”

  She hesitated with her spoon half way to her mouth. “I would enjoy that.”

  “Good. We’ll go after lunch. Do you have a riding habit?”

  “Yes. I have been riding daily for most of the time I have been here.” She sipped on the soup. “Your stable boy found me an old saddle so that I can ride astride.”

  “I believe he may be smitten with you since he has been up to the house several times inquiring on your health.”

  “I find his company very pleasant and his knowledge of horses very expansive.”

  “His father has been in my employment for a long time. A very fine young man though I doubt if your parents would approve of a courtship.” She laughed which caught him off guard. “Do you find that funny?”

  “I do not believe in this day and age that I need my parent’s approval to court someone or to even get married.”

  “Oh and why do you say that?”

  “Because I am quite capable of making my own decisions and have in fact been making them since I arrived here.”

  “I see. You believe that you have been in control of your own life?”

  “I have. I do what I want when I want.”

  “And what have you done that has given you such confidence?”

  “I have ridden by myself and I have become well acquainted with your workers. I have studied things that interest me rather than spending senseless hours learning to be useless.”

  He thought her bravado was endearing because she had no idea that no matter what she did or where she went that someone under his employment was always nearby. “Do you not enjoy poetry?”

  “I love poetry. I have already read every book in the house.”

  “I see. And is that not your needle point in the front parlor?”

  She knew he was mocking her as she narrowed her eyes. “I only do that on rainy days. I much prefer working in the garden or riding.”

  He turned back to his lunch wondering how difficult it was for her to live such a sheltered life and then end up in a big house with no one but staff for company. He had sent a letter off to her father explaining her desire to travel to Philadelphia and his belief that the route was even more dangerous now then it had been a year earlier. He hoped that the delay would give him time to win her over. After lunch she excused herself to change clothes as he had her horse saddled. She had been riding a small mare that had been part of his stock for a few years using the saddle had been his when he was young. He ran his hand along the worn leather remembering the hours of freedom it had given him. Ben, the stable boy, stood there with the reins as she walked across the paddock dressed in a riding habit that clung to her curves so perfectly. His father looked up from his anvil as he pumped the billow and just chuckled. Dominic turned back to her and wondered if she had any idea that every man who crossed her path would fall in love with her at first sight.

  Dominic watched as she took the reins flirting with Ben as she thanked him. Even though she thought she knew what she was doing, she had no idea of the consequences. He mounted his horse and they headed South toward the fields and out buildings where most of the help lived. After hours inspecting the damage and talking to his supervisor, they rode east slowly until they reached a fork where it broke out and followed the small river that ran east of the town. It was crisp out but the skies were clear blue and the sun felt good on their faces. Most of the leaves had turned and fallen which made a crackling sound with each step. Mirisa pulled her horse up and dismounted as Dominic turned in his saddle to watch her.

  “Mirisa?” She was walking along the path almost without any purpose other than she could. He was so used to being brisk and matter of fact that he really was struggling with talking to her. He dismounted and stood in her path. “I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.”

  “If you knew you hurt me then why did you do it?”

  At that point, he knew that she had taken control but he didn’t understand how. He could either banter with her over nothing or he could end the conversation. He put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her up to him as he softly kissed her. His desire and hunger began to spread through his body and he didn’t want it to stop. She responded to him with a familiarity that flew against her naivety. He finally stepped away from her.

  “We should head back before they send out someone to look for you.”

  “They know I’m with you.”

  “Which should concern them more then you being out here alone?”

  “Are you a bad man? My mother said you are.”

  “Some believe I have no scruples and even believe that I do not have the disposition to become a good husband.” He pulled out a cigar and lit it as she watched his eyes. “I believe that I have just not met the right woman to change my ways.”

  “Then you are a womanizer?”

  He laughed. “And where would you learn such a word?”

  “I’ve heard other women call you that.”

  “Women tend to talk too much about things that do not affect their own lives.”

  “Did you kiss me because you want to have your way with me?”

  “No. I kissed you because I find you breathtaking, I find you challenging and I find you off limits. I do not handle that very well I am afraid.”

  “Do I scare you?”

  “No. What scares me is that I am struggling between protecting your virtue and wanting to sweep you into my arms.”

  “And I am afraid of not finding a man who will love me above all else.”

  Mirisa mounted her horse as he followed suit and they headed back toward the house as the sun began to set on the river. As they entered the house, Dominic informed Mrs. Chauvin that they would have a light dinner in the library. Mirisa excused herself and went up to her room to change. She was braiding her
hair when Jasmine came in to tell her that Dominic was waiting for her to join him.

  The library was lit by candles but there was neither dinner nor Dominic. She walked across the large room taking in the sweet smell of cigars and though about the way he kissed her. She had nothing to compare it to except her childhood kisses as her fingertips ran across her lower lip.

  “Does that mean you found my kiss to be memorable?”

  Turning she smiled. “Do you have intentions that I must consider?”

  “Mirisa.” He took her in his arms and swept the curls off her cheek. “When I wrote to your father about your desire to travel to Philadelphia, I took the liberty to ask him for his blessing to marry you.” She didn’t respond so he continued. “I hope he will consent though I believe he will be quite upset considering his intention to keep you from being exposed to men like myself but I do not think I have the luxury of waiting for his reply.” She opened her lips to respond and he put his finger across them to silence her. “Please hear me out. My job is dangerous, right now it is extremely dangerous and something that I cannot share with you but I will be leaving after the holidays and I often leave without advanced notice. This is not a life that a woman or a family should ever endure.”

  The server came in with a tray and placed it on the table in front of the fireplace then inquired in if he would need anything else before leaving.

  “I honestly have never considered what will happen to the Plantation if I didn’t return but it’s something that I have thought about a lot since meeting you and more so since the death of Suzanna. I want a wife who can handle my life despite things I cannot share or the fact that I may one day not return, one who wants to be part of this house and one who will give me children to inherit my holdings.”

  She started to respond but he quieted her again. “I want you to consider it. I know you are young. I also know that the reason you wanted to leave was because of my bad behavior. I do not have the luxury of waiting for a response but if you believe you need to hear from your father before you respond then I will accept that decision. Mirisa, I don’t know if what I am asking is fair to you but I love you.”

  She had not taken her eyes off of his and didn’t know if she heard anything except the last words. “And you will always love me?”


  “Then I will marry you.”

  He laughed before he kissed her. “I will let you think about it a little longer for I think you need to get to know me better and then I will ask you properly.”

  Dominic led her over to the couch and poured her a glass of wine before sitting down next to her. They spent the rest of the evening talking about the Plantation and their families. He finally summoned for someone to remove the dinner and escorted her up to her room. Lifting her chin, he kissed her with such passion that she leaned her entire body into his. He responded instantly as she wrapped her arms around his neck breaking what resolve he had to give her time. He immediately lifted her in his arms and walked down to his bed chambers closing the door with his foot.


  “I love the way you say my name.”


  She moved her hands up through his hair as he whispered in her ear. “I said I would marry you and you promised me your love.”

  “I did and you will want for nothing.” He set her down and began to unbutton her dress. It slid off her shoulders to the floor as his hands cupped her small breasts with such tenderness as a small sigh escaped her lips. Slowly he untied her chemise exposing her to his full view. “You are so beautiful.” He moved slowly taking her with such passion that her emotions flared beyond anything she had ever experienced. They were up until the sun was beginning to come over the tree line. He climbed out of bed, put on a pair of pants then gathered up her clothes before picking her up. She mumbled something about wanting more but he told her that he did not want the entire house knowing he had taken her virtue. She laughed as he kissed her to quiet her. He carried her up to her bed chambers and pulled back the covers as she curled up and instantly fell asleep. He laid her clothes on the bed then bent over and kissed her.

  THE SUN drenched the room as she turned over to find Simone’ sitting on the window sill cleaning himself. Mirisa stretched as the night filled her with such delight. She hurriedly braided her hair and dressed before heading down to find Dominic. She looked in the library and when she didn’t find him she stepped out onto the veranda. The breeze brought goosebumps along her arms as she walked down into the garden. Dominic was standing near the stable talking to his foreman so she decided to go look for something to eat. After fixing a pot of tea and buttering a plate of freshly baked biscuits she looked in the cupboard for berry preserves then found her heavy shawl before stepping out onto the veranda. Dominic watched the cautious smile form when their eyes met and he knew she was uncertain about his feelings.

  He sat down in the chair and poured a cup of tea. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Incredibly well, thank you.”

  “I must apologize for last night for you seem to have put a spell over me.”

  She picked up a biscuit and put jam on it before handing it to him. “Is that because you regret it or because it means we must get married?”

  “It means I did not give you the opportunity to get to know me as a person.”

  “Oh, I believe I got to know you quite well last night.”

  “Yes, I believe you did. I think we need to talk about getting married.”

  “Would not Christmas be a good time since you have already sent out dinner invitations?”

  “I would also suggest that we maintain proper etiquette in front of others for your reputation and virtue should be intact to avoid rumors.”

  “And at night?”

  “The nights are ours but I shall make arrangements for the wedding sooner than later.”

  “Why have you not asked me if I love you?”

  “Because I am afraid of the answer and you are too young to understand loving a man.”

  “And you’re experienced in love?”

  “I am experienced in women and have a lot of experience avoiding love.”

  “I see. And these other women were there a lot of them?”

  He frowned then sat back. “You only need to know that I love you and I will always take care of you.”

  Mirisa nodded then refilled her teacup as she looked deep into his eyes. The world was much different then she expected. He finally put down his cup. “I have to go into town to handle some papers and should be home by dinner.” She wanted to kiss him but knew that he was concerned about the least transgression in front of the help though they knew more about what happened in the house then he did. It was only three weeks until Christmas and since it took her mother months to prepare for events she was sure that he would decide to marry her on Christmas day which would be her seventeenth birthday. Closing her eyes she could smell the muskiness of his warm skin as he came together with her. No matter how her parents felt, they could not object to this marriage even if they found it improper.

  Dominic walked into the Tavern to find his friends sitting by the front window having lunch. He nodded to the waiter then sat down at the table. They were talking about the latest news from the East and the strangulation of supplies from all direction. Dominic listened until there was a pause in the conversation before he spoke.

  “I am getting married this Saturday.”

  The silence could have been sliced without any effort. James kicked back looking at him. “Don’t you think this is a foolish thing considering first her age, who she is and the fact that you are probably going to make a horrible husband?”

  Meeks measured him. “Why would you choose this time to make someone your wife?”

  “Look, I have considered everything and it is possible I will not survive this war. I need the security of a real home, I need a reason to return and I want children. I need children.”

  Meeks held up his ha
nd and the waiter brought over the whisky bottle and placed it on the table. “Well, then I guess we should congratulate you. She is beautiful, though not your normal taste in women, but I am sure she will provide you with the things a whore cannot.”

  Dominic shot him a hard look before downing his shot. “And I will provide her with a good home.”

  Garnett stood up and said he had things to do. They all knew his moods well enough to know if he didn’t leave they might have an incident in the midst of all the womenfolk who were having tea. “So, where are you planning this wedding?”

  “At the small church. If you’ll excuse me, I didn’t get a chance to ask Garnett to serve as best man before he made the decision to leave instead of shooting me. I guess he believes she is too innocent and I have taken advantage of that innocence.”

  “And haven’t you?”

  “Of course I have but I think it’s the best thing to do. If something happens to me then she will be set for life and if I have learned nothing else it is that she is very happy at the Plantation. This war will leave little hope of her finding someone to marry much less someone who can give her everything she wants.”

  “How altruistic of you.”

  “I don’t make decisions based on emotions.”

  “None of us do which is why I wonder if you are doing her any favors.”

  “Is it not better that she be protected by marriage then continue to live under my roof amid the growing rumors?”

  They both agreed as he stood and told them the time for the wedding and his wish that they attend. He found Garnett in the Judge’s chambers going over his docket and asked if he could interrupt their business.

  “Have a seat Dominic. What brings you into town?”

  “I had to take care of a few things for the wedding.”

  The Judge looked from him to Garnett then back. “Who’s wedding?”


  “No, seriously.”

  “I am marrying Mirisa on Saturday at the chapel. Garnett left the dining room before I could ask him to stand up with me plus I would like you and the Mrs. to attend.” Garnett sat back watching Dominic and trying to measure his own feelings. “Garnett I know you object given the circumstances but as my closest friend I would appreciate your support not only for me but for Mirisa.”


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