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The Visitor 1862

Page 22

by Barbara Svetlick


  When there was no answer Dominic headed for the kitchen but only Miss Minnie and a server girl was preparing the evening meal. He walked through the kitchen as they watched him out of the corner of their eyes but knew not to speak to him when he looked irritated. He walked out into the garden and then turned toward the stables. Mirisa’s horse was still in the stall so he talked to the blacksmith who pointed toward the river. Dominic didn’t know how many times he had told her not to go near the river by herself but obviously she was strong headed and independent because she refused to understand the warnings. He walked along the bank before spotting her sitting in the little opening that had been his mother’s favorite place. He hadn’t been in that part of the garden in years though he had it maintained. The climbing vines on the gazebo were bare of roses and had a haunting look. She was sitting on the stone bench reading a book.

  “I’ve been looking for you.”

  Mirisa looked up but didn’t close her book. “I didn’t want to disturb you since you needed your sleep.”

  “You never disturb me but I think we need to have a talk.” He stepped up on the veranda and leaned against the banister facing her. She was so beautiful that he was always stunned when he took the time to step back and really look at her. “I know it is difficult but you must understand that there will never be a time that I don’t come home to you and there will never be a time when I allow you to be in any kind of danger.” He hesitated as she sat watching him. “I don’t want you to be one of the boys. I want you to be my wife and to be there waiting when I return.”

  “You might be more mature than I am in these affairs but I do not wish to be a dutiful wife just waiting at home.”

  “What do you want? I will not allow you to be in danger nor ride with us ever.”

  “Then maybe you should not have married me.”

  “Have I treated you badly?”

  “Dominic we haven’t been married long enough for me to know if I am treated good or bad. I love you with all my heart but I am questioning whether my parents were right that I wasn’t ready to make such a grownup decision.” Her eyes started to tear up but she took in her breath vowing to herself that she would not cry. “You are so compassionate when we are alone, so generous with my every need and want but yet there are times when you cut me off and I have no idea what I have done to displease you.”

  He lit a cigar and though about what she said. Even he knew that his ability to show emotion was non-existent but his need for control was something that was part of who he was and what kept him alive. “You’re right and I feel like I am constantly apologizing which I don’t like to do. I love you and I think if you will be patient I will try to be more aware of your feelings.”

  There was a sinking feeling in her stomach and when she looked at him she realized that Conrad was standing up against the post watching them. She tried not to draw attention to him so she closed the book and stood. Conrad wondered whether she had any idea what happened in the circle or how much she would have to endure before she came to terms with her path in this life. She was so fiercely independent, almost to a fault, but she had what it would take to survive.

  Dominic drew her in and kissed her passionately. “I believe you have invited people to dinner?”

  “Only your friends and, of course, that woman who doesn’t speak to me.”

  “Don’t worry about her.” They walked back up to the house to find everyone except Maggie in the library talking. Mirisa excused herself and went up to her chambers to change clothes. Jasmine was sitting by the fire mending with Simone’ curled up at her feet. Mirisa told her to remain seated as she undid her blouse laying it on the bed then sat down at her dressing table and took out the ribbons so that she could brush out her hair.

  “I think I’ll wear the emerald dress.” Jasmine nodded taking out a simple dress that was low cut. She smiled to herself because it was obvious that Mirisa was going to make Dominic pay for his behavior even if she wasn’t fully aware of it. Jasmine laid it out on the bed then picked up her discarded outfit hanging them on the hook to be laundered. Mirisa tied her hair back, put powder on her cheeks and a little rouge on her lips. She stood as Jasmine helped her step into the dress and then buttoned it up the back. She picked up the hem and shook it until it lay perfectly against Mirisa’s small frame.

  “Thank you Jasmine.”

  “It’s always my pleasure to repay your kindness.”

  Meeks stood as Mirisa walked into the library and immediately noticed a difference in her demeanor. They all knew that the reality of the night probably had set in and none of them envied Dominic at that moment. If he had his choice in women, Meeks much preferred women like Maggie because there was no baggage or guilt. Mirisa tended to pull on his senses way too much and he didn’t like it at all.

  Meeks decision to go to VMI was from rebellion of his upbringing and meeting the others was a fluke. His father had died when he was still in boarding school and his fortune was left in a trust to him and his older sister so money was never an issue. This war was different then their years out west for the enemy was no longer a stranger and reliance on others was diminished by the mere fact that you could no longer tell the good guys from the bad guys. He had often argued that they should call it quits and let someone younger take over but as long as the other three stayed in the action then he would stand with them.

  Meeks handed her a shot of whisky as Dominic gave him a dirty look but Meeks knew he wouldn’t say anything. Maybe if he had sat up with her all those days he would realize just how young she was in this big grownup world where death was around every corner. She sipped it then sat down next to James. Dominic walked out and Meeks followed him.

  “Meeks stop encouraging her.” He was chewing on the end of his cigar in an effort to control his anger.

  “You can’t protect her from her own feelings nor from the fear she has been suppressing for the last few weeks. She’s only seventeen and if she had any idea how dangerous these assignments were she would probably run home to her mother.” Dominic shot him a look but Meeks stood his ground. “You weren’t watching her face last night when you came into that room. I don’t know what advice to give you because quite frankly she scares the shit out of me but don’t make her so meek that she can’t handle being your wife. She deserves more than that from a husband. And even though you married for practical reasons, it is obvious that she married for love.”

  “You are awfully knowledgeable about what my wife needs.” He didn’t realize he was yelling until Garnett stepped out onto the veranda. Dominic stepped back as Garnett looked from one to the other.

  “Dominic, whether you acknowledge it or not you brought her into our world and there is not a one of us that wouldn’t put our life down for her. We all have our own reasons but the fact is Mirisa is the first woman who has accepted all of us unequivocally though she has no idea who we really are. If we step over your boundaries when it comes to her, then you need to get used to it.” By that time, James had joined them but he didn’t chime in. Dominic stepped off the veranda and walked down toward the river. They all stood there knowing that marrying her was the dumbest thing he had ever done but it was too late to change the effect she had on them. Mirisa was standing behind them and by the look on her face they knew she had overheard everything. They parted as she walked down the steps following him.

  James sipped on his whisky. “Well damn, does this mean dinner will be late?”

  Mirisa caught up with him on the dock. He put his arm around her and she leaned into him. “They are right. You are making more of an effort then I’m willing to accept.”

  “Dominic, do you love me?”

  “A lot more than them.” She laughed and told him it was time for dinner.

  “You look beautiful tonight.”

  Dinner had been set out on the south end of the veranda where the heat pots had been lit to ward off the chill of the night air. Maggie finally joined them but
remained aloof from Garnett. They had a leisurely dinner with light talk but there didn’t seem to be any lingering of the earlier argument. Mirisa rose from the table walked behind her husband and whispered in his ear. James watched as his eyes softened though he didn’t respond in any other way. James had always been the most observant of the group and could accurately size up any situation within seconds. There were many times when he would stop them in the midst of an assignment based only on his intuition but it always turned out to save one if not all of them.

  James had also been observing Maggie more than anyone tonight but he realized she was acutely aware of his attention and that it was not in a sexual nature. Even though she was a woman, she wasn’t as instinctive as much as reactionary and very good at changing directions when it would save her own neck. His focusing on her bothered her a lot. James didn’t worry about Garnett because Maggie probably worked quite well for whatever releases he needed at the moment. He decided to do a thorough background into Maggie and exactly what she had been doing in the last year. He didn’t like having her being privy to anything involving them and he would have to talk to Dominic.

  “Maggie. Grant’s division will be arriving this week to start penning his horses and building their temporary camps.” Dominic let the sentence hang for a moment. Garnett caught the edge in his voice and sat back to see where it would go. “I can’t have you here so we have decided to house you on the other side of town until Richmond sends you new orders.”

  “I appreciate your concerns.” She relaxed a bit thinking that too much had happened and her nerves were on end making her feel vulnerable.

  “I’ve made arrangements and Mirisa will ride to town with you tomorrow so you can settle in.” Mirisa looked at him because she knew he would never allow her to ride along much less leave the Plantation without an escort. Garnett immediately knew there was a problem as his eyes locked with Dominic but nothing needed to be said.

  The staff cleared off the table and brought out coffee but the whisky was already flowing. Meeks took a glass and put it in front of Mirisa challenging Dominic at the same time. It wasn’t like him to push so hard but all four knew that it was time to face the fact that they were in the midst of the enemy and life would be so dangerous that they just couldn’t pretend any more. The night was thick with things that weren’t being said. James took out a deck of cards and slid them to Meeks who shuffled them before dealing. Maggie told him that she didn’t play cards and that she was tired so she excused herself. Mirisa started to say something but Dominic shook his head. She looked at each of them and didn’t think she had ever seen them all look so serious at the same time.

  Meeks dealt the cards and for the first time in weeks it was a real card game. Mirisa didn’t know what was going on but they were playing hard and fast burying her with every hand. She tried pouting but they just laughed at her and told her to grow up. Dominic finally agreed that he enjoyed her a lot more when she was confrontational and playful. They drank and played for an hour before they ended the game.

  “I think it’s time to head to the Tavern.” Garnett got up drained his glass as the other two joined him.

  “Aren’t you staying the night?”

  “Thank you Mirisa but I have things to do.” He bent over and kissed her cheek as Dominic walked them to the door. Mirisa picked up the cards and put them back in the little red box. She ran her fingers across the emblem on the top and sighed.

  “Do you think it’s smart to let Mirisa ride with her?”

  “She’ll object in the morning both to moving out and Mirisa going with her.” They mounted their horses as Dominic stepped between their horses. “I want a complete record on her. We have never let anyone in before and I think the whole episode was a ploy to get her into our trust.” They all agreed.

  Mirisa was undressing when he came up to their room. “I don’t understand what just happened.”

  “Mirisa you have spent way too much time with my friends. I think you need to pamper your husband for a while.” He told her to get dressed for a ride and took her for a hard ride under the moonlight then curled up on the veranda holding her. She didn’t know what he was thinking but this Dominic was the one she fell in love with and was far different then the man that returned that night reclaiming his power and trying to put her back into that safe little box. Such was his love.

  Mrs. Chauvin came out with a tray of coffee and fresh scones. Mirisa had gone upstairs hours earlier for a nap but he was still unable to sleep. “Mr. Lanfear?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Chauvin.”

  “You are not her destiny. It is she who has come to save you.”

  He looked at her and thought about Conrad. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you are not a descendant of Jake and Sara.”

  Dominic sat looking at her and she waited because she knew he would ask. “I believe that I am but why do you think that?”

  “Conrad’s first son was raised by Sara and Jake as their own.” He thought about it and what little he knew about the family stories.

  “Do you speak to him?”

  “No. Mirisa is the only one who can actually converse with him and he always responds when she is in crisis. He told you that he would always come no matter how you felt and he will.” She turned and went back into the house. Mirisa was standing just out of view and the two locked eyes but said nothing. None of this was unknown to Mirisa but then Conrad had been very thorough in the dreams to bring her along the path of the family. It was why her love for the two were so intermingled and why she had such a difficult time pulling her feelings apart and making a decision. She thought back through the dreams of Conrad and the thought that Dominic was following in his footsteps, a silent and ruthless killer made sense. Mirisa knew the husband better then she knew the man who kept so rigidly in control when around her. She closed her eyes and willed Conrad’s name out of her mind. Mirisa struggled constantly with needing to bring him to her when Dominic was gone but she knew she shouldn’t.

  Mirisa stepped out onto the veranda as he stood. “I think we should have coffee in the library for the temperature is beginning to drop.” He kissed her lightly. “I hope you got a little sleep.”

  “I did.” She picked up the tray and he took it away from her as she went through the French doors. They met Maggie coming down the stairs so Mirisa told him she would get fresh coffee and picked the coffee pot off the tray turning the opposite way.

  “May I speak to you?” He gestured to the library and walked around sitting at his desk as she stood looking around. Maggie walked over and closed the door. “I don’t think I should leave the house. I am a lot more effective if I’m not as visible.” He expected this argument and could have actually written the conversation. He opened the humidor and removed a new cigar but he didn’t light it. Maggie tried sizing up his mood but couldn’t so she made the fatal mistake of assuming that he was willing to change the plans. “I should get instructions from Richmond soon so I don’t see the need for you to go out of your way to find another place for me to stay.”

  “How does Richmond know where you are?”

  “The couriers will tell them. The ones I headed off.”

  Dominic wondered if she knew how little water her lies could hold. He listened to her which made her feel very uneasy but she tried hard not to show it. He read every thought that went across Maggie’s face and then he spoke. “Garnett actually made the request for obvious reasons. Mirisa is too young to understand the underbelly of life and I don’t want her exposed to it.”

  The look on her face told him everything. This was not a dumb woman by any means and he had no doubt that she could kill if cornered but she didn’t have the instinct to kill another without thinking. Some could find the means to save their own lives but it took something far deeper to give your life for those you love.

  “I see.” Maggie started to turn and then turned back to him. “Do you mind if I use the Bay until I can get another horse?”

  “Not at all.”

  “I don’t need anyone to go into town with me. If you’ll just give me the directions, I’ll leave now. I need to do some shopping since I lost everything when my horse ran away.” Dominic wrote them down and handed her a key. She thanked him and left the house.

  Mirisa came in with a new pot of coffee when Maggie brushed past her heading for the front door. Dominic was watching her from the doorway and Mirisa knew that whatever happened in that room put Maggie on the other side of his trust. Mirisa kissed him and said she would be in the kitchen if he needed her. He put the coffee down before lying on the couch falling asleep instantly.

  Miss Minnie looked up as Mirisa came back into the kitchen taking her apron off the hook. She missed the days when they would bake for hours. Miss Minnie took a vial out of her apron and handed it to her. “Does he know you are doing this?”

  “No, but this is not the time to bring a child into the world. I am too young and he has too much to worry about without more.”

  “He would probably feel more secure if you were with child.”

  “He will get his sons when the time is right.”

  Mirisa picked up the rolling pin and started rolling out the dough. Miss Minnie added pure sugar to the blackberries and shook the bowl until they were coated. Mirisa reached over and took out a blackberry sucking her fingers after.

  “Mirisa if you eat all the berries we will have awfully sorry lookin’ pies.” They laughed as they put together the third pie.

  “Is there a reason we are making so many pies?”

  “It’s for the church social this Sunday.”

  “I miss going to church with my family.”

  “Maybe you can join us next time he leaves.”

  “Maybe.” She worked her fingers around the crust as Miss Minnie slid the other two in the oven. Mirisa got up and washed her hands at the sink. She decided to let Dominic sleep. He woke to the sound of a gunshot and for a split second didn’t know where he was. He got up and looked out the window. Mirisa was standing in the middle of the yard shooting at things she had put on the wall. He watched her for a moment and was impressed at how well she handled the gun but when she holstered it and tried to pull it out she almost shot her foot off. He decided it was time to see if he could show her the things the boys obviously neglected to teach her. He put on his gun and hat and walked out into the garden. He reached around startling her because she never heard him approaching. He took her gun, unloaded it and put it back into her holster. He placed his hand on hers and slowly brought it out. He did this several times then told her to try it on her own. She kept catching the barrel on the edge of the holster but he would guide her again until eventually she could get it out half the time without catching. He reached down and readjusted the strap around her leg so that the holster sat better. She tried and it came out effortlessly. She smiled at him and he reached down and kissed her.


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