Passion Never Dies (A Promise of Passion Book 2)

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Passion Never Dies (A Promise of Passion Book 2) Page 5

by M. E. Nesser

  “Why thank you. It feels good to get dressed up in something other than a suit. And thank you again for letting me tag along. I still feel guilty about being so forward; I don’t know the standard protocol for asking a man out these days. I’m glad I said something, though. I’ve been looking forward to the evening all day!”

  “Me too,” was the extent of my reply. I was still paralyzed by her magnificence.


  Ian looked so scrumptious in his tuxedo that I felt flustered when I first saw him. His suit must have been tailored to his incredible physique, and the way he was staring at me was lethal. It felt like he was going to pounce at any moment—and, God, how I wanted him to do just that.

  Ian’s staring told me that he thought I looked good, too. I’d had my hair and makeup done on the way home and then taken a bath to wash my body off. I was wearing one of my favorite Armani dresses; I’d been worried that it would be too big since I was down about ten pounds, but it was actually more comfortable a little looser. It was too warm for nylons and I hated panty lines, so I decided to forego underwear all together. It felt a bit provocative of me, but that added to the excitement of the evening. Even if the date never progressed to that level, being bare under my dress was thrilling. It felt like my naughty little secret that I hoped to share with him one day. Most importantly, I’d wanted to look elegant. Now, eyes locked with Ian’s, I felt confident that I had succeeded. He looked like he wanted to consume me. It was an incredibly exciting feeling. It was raw and oh, so hot.

  He took my hand and walked me to his car—tonight he had picked me up in a stretch limousine. The driver opened the door for us and gently closed the door once we were situated. We sat across from each other. It felt strange at first, but it made for easier conversation. Ian offered me a glass of champagne, which I gladly accepted. It was a bottle of Krug: he was going all out tonight. Krug was the caviar of champagnes, but it was also my favorite. I wondered how he knew that.

  “Are you trying to woo me with expensive champagne, Mr. Jensen?” I teased him.

  “Is it working?” he asked me in that seductive voice that just about sent me over the edge.

  “I’ll reserve judgment until later, but I’m flattered by the niceties thus far.”

  Sipping our champagne, we talked casually about the day. Our conversation flowed freely, but I couldn’t help assessing everything about him. He had slicked his hair back, which made him look even more handsome and distinguished. He had pronounced facial features, stoic and very masculine, and set off by dimples as adorable as I had ever seen. And his blue eyes made me swoon. He had beautiful hands, large but manicured. His suit coat was open, so I could see how his perfectly fitted dress shirt hugged his muscles. He looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine. I cannot remember the last time I scrutinized a man so thoroughly. Even though it was a bit unsettling being on a date at forty-five years old, there was a sense of confidence that I felt as an adult woman that I didn’t have when I started dating Bryce. It was a strange, but exciting dichotomy of feelings racing through my head and my body.

  It wasn’t until I met Ian that I became cognizant of how I suppressed any sexual feelings in my body. I thought the sexual part of my being had passed away with my husband. I couldn’t have been more mistaken. I had an ache between my legs that I thought had died a year ago. It was a relief to know that my body hadn’t ceased to function. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the appropriate time to be feeling turned on. I found myself squirming in my seat and squeezing my legs together to quell some of the tingling. He must have sensed that I was feeling a myriad of emotions, because he gave me the most devilish smile.

  “A penny for your thoughts?” he said in a light and amusing tone. “OK, woman,” I told myself, “This is it.” Oh Christ, here it goes.

  “I’m a little embarrassed by what I’m thinking,” I said honestly.

  “You should never feel anything but safe with me, Katharine. I will gladly admit that I’m smitten with you, and I would love to do all sorts of naughty things to you right now,” he said with a smile so wide I swear his dimples winked at me. “I would like nothing more than to ravish every part of that delectable body of yours.”

  “So what’s stopping you?” I asked him daringly. Holy cow, what was getting into me?

  “My precious Katharine, the first time I make love to you will not be in a car, even if it is a limousine. I want to savor every part of you. It will happen slowly, and properly, in a very large bed. And I don’t want to rush you into something you aren’t ready for,” he added compassionately.

  “I think I’m becoming more ready by the minute,” I said playfully. I finished off my glass of champagne and licked my lips seductively.

  “Don’t tempt me, counselor. We’ve only known each other a short time, and I’m having a very difficult time maintaining restraint as it is,” he playfully scolded me.

  I couldn’t believe how much I liked it when he called me counselor. I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that he adopted a nickname for me so soon in our relationship. “I don’t want to wait anymore. I want to be with you,” I told him, as sincerely as I could. Holy crap, I couldn’t believe how brazen I was being.

  He leaned forward, took my hand, and kissed it gently. I felt shivers travel through my entire body. I lifted my hands and caressed his face. He had shaved, and his skin was very soft. I couldn’t help but put my mouth on his cheek, then near his neck. I kept kissing him lightly. He let out a soft moan. I knew I was playing with fire, but I couldn’t help it. I craved his touch, and I didn’t want to wait. He grabbed the back of my head, careful not to mess up my hair, and pulled me into a deep, sensual kiss. I opened my mouth, and his tongue found mine. I loved the way he tasted. His teeth were smooth, and his breath was fresh. The champagne taste we shared made us taste like one. The ache between my legs was intensifying. We kissed for several minutes before he pulled back.

  “I can’t keep this up, Katharine. My attraction to you is becoming more obvious by the minute,” he whispered in my ear. I glanced down at his lap. Oh God, his bulge was beautiful. I hadn’t seen one of those in a very, very long time.

  “I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep a steady composure being next to you all night either,” I shared. “I’m feeling very frustrated at the moment, and it’s starting to feel almost painful. It has been quite a while, you know.”

  That was when he sat back and pulled my feet on his lap. He removed my shoes and started to rub my feet. I didn’t have nylons on, so he was able to rub my skin. As he rubbed one foot, the other rested against his crotch, where I could feel him getting harder by the minute. It fueled my desire for him. I started to wiggle in my seat and squeeze my legs together even more tightly. I needed a way to release the frustration I was feeling.

  “I think we both need to find some release before we go into the gala, or we’ll never be able to function like respectable adults,” he said.

  “I’m feeling anything but respectable right now,” I said in a low and breathy voice. His smile assured me that he wasn’t feeling respectable either.

  “I told you that the first time I make love to you will absolutely not be in a limo, but I think I can help us both out right now if you’re game.” I greedily nodded my consent, and he asked the driver to keep driving around until further notice. “I have a naughty idea that should make us both feel more comfortable. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  “And how exactly shall we do that?”

  He released my feet from his grasp, opened up his trousers, and pulled out his penis. It was big and hard and even more beautiful than I’d imagined. Holy crap, was this really happening? I took his cue and shimmied my dress up to my waist. Now, I felt embarrassed because I didn’t have panties on, but it was too late to turn back now. I had never done anything like this before. It was so wanton. It made me pant with anticipation. Bryce and I had an amazing sex life, but we didn’t do things like this. It was obvious that sex with Ian
would be exciting and different. I felt like a giddy school girl in an adult body.

  “No panties, counselor. How decadent of you,” he said playfully.

  “I didn’t want to have panty lines, Mr. Jensen. It is always a point of contention for a woman. Nylons tend to be hot and always have the propensity to tear, and panty lines sully the look of a well-dressed woman. Thus, I made the conscientious decision to look as elegant as possible and leave the panties at home. On another note, I must say that you have quite an impressive member in your hands. I would love to get to know him better.” Holy shit, where did that come from? I couldn’t believe how bold I was being.

  “All in good time, my lady. Right now, I’d like to see you touch yourself. I’ll do the same. We need to release the tension so we can behave like proper adults at the gala. When the evening is over, if you are so inclined, I will let you do whatever you want with my member,” he offered.

  He started to pump his penis slowly and lovingly. It was killing me. I wanted to suck on it. I wanted to sit on it. I wanted him to slam it into me. But he was right; now wasn’t the time for that. I started to rub my clit in circles. I felt like I was in some kind of porn movie. It was so incredibly naughty and so fucking hot. What the hell were we doing? We were two grown people who barely knew one another and we were simultaneously masturbating in the back of a limo! He continued to rub my feet with the hand that wasn’t pumping his gorgeous body. I knew it wouldn’t take me long to find my release. Obviously, he felt the same way.

  “I’m ready when you are, counselor,” he challenged.

  I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and came for the first time in months. When I started to recover, I stared as he came into the palm of his hand. When he started to relax, he pulled a handkerchief out of his breast pocket and wiped off his body. I realized at that moment that my body was also dripping wet. I looked down at my hand, and he knew exactly what I was thinking. He closed his pants quickly and came over to my side of the vehicle. He kissed me lightly behind my ear and on my neck and started wiping off my juices. He palmed my body with the cloth in his hand, massaging my clit in slow, loving circles. Oh my God, I couldn’t believe how amazing that felt.

  “One more time, counselor. You appear to have a lot of tension that you need to get a handle on.”

  He kept kissing my neck and ear as his touch became harder and more deliberate. My breath was ragged, and my heart was speeding up. He found my mouth and started to kiss me passionately. As I was getting closer, he put several fingers inside of me. That was all it took. I came long and hard. It was spectacular. He continued to kiss me until I came down from the incredible high. When I finally started to come down, he wiped the rest of my body off with his handkerchief so I would be more comfortable. It was a loving and considerate gesture. He helped me slide my dress back down over my hips. He rolled up the handkerchief and put it in a small trash receptacle. Our faces were inches apart. I gazed into his eyes and was blown away by everything I was feeling. I could feel his breath on my face. I should have been embarrassed by what had just transpired, but I wasn’t. It felt so decadent; it felt so amazing. It was hard for me to find the right words to express what I was feeling.

  “Thank you, Mr. Jensen. This was quite an impressive way to start our evening” was the best I could come up with.

  “The pleasure was all mine, counselor.”


  The limousine ride was more thrilling than I could ever have expected. This woman was intoxicating. I knew I would never be able to get enough of her. It took us both a few minutes to compose ourselves. I slid back into my seat and advised my driver to take us to the gala. Katharine fixed her hair and put on more lipstick, I tucked my shirt in and fixed my bow tie, and we had another glass of champagne. Suddenly, Katharine started laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” I was curious to know what she was thinking.

  “Oh gee, I don’t know. How about the fact that two grown, respectable adults just simultaneously…well, you know? We both have pretty conservative careers, and what we just did was anything but conservative,” she explained.

  “Are you regretting what just happened?” I asked.

  “Not at all. It’s just funny that no matter how you portray yourself publically, you never know what happens behind closed doors.”

  “Well, I’m glad that you’re comfortable with what transpired, because I found it quite exhilarating,” I assured her.

  “It was exciting. It was also naughty, and I think I’ve missed being naughty,” she confessed to me with the most adorable smle on her face.

  “It was a pleasure to bring some decadence into your life again. I hope there is a lot more where that came from.”

  After that exchange, we talked about nonsexual things, and our conversation was easy and unembarrassed. She was curious about my involvement in the gala.

  “So what is your role in this event,” she asked me.

  “Once my mother was declared cancer-free, we established a non-profit organization called BIC or Believe in a Cure. We raise money for cancer victims and their families. It has been a huge success and the organization is growng every year. I don’t have much of a hand’s-on part of the operations anymore, but I always make sure that this event is a success. It is, by far, our largest fundraising event of the year,” I said proudly.

  “Well, I am honored to be a part of it,” Katharine said sincerely.

  At this point, a hint of our escapade was still lingering in the air, but we were adults. The sex (or nonsex) was hot as hell, but we both seemed very comfortable with how the situation played out. I felt a connection with Katharine that I hadn’t thought I could feel with any woman.

  When we walked into the entranceway of the theatre, my mom greeted us immediately.

  “Who is this lovely lady, Ian?” she asked me pleasantly as I planted a quick kiss on her cheek, careful not to disrupt her makeup.

  “Katharine Collins, this is my mother, Patricia Jensen. Mom, this is Katharine. Please be nice. We haven’t been seeing each other very long, and I’m quite fond of her.”

  “Oh, I’m always nice, you silly boy. Katharine, you are a sight for sore eyes. Give me a little hug. I was afraid that horrid ex-wife had turned Ian against women forever. You are so lovely, my dear. What is it you do for a living?” she asked eagerly, obviously anxious for more information.

  “I’m a partner at Stryder, Ross and Burton.”

  “A partner? That’s impressive. I’ve worked with Doug Burton before. He’s a top-notch attorney. Good for you, my dear. That’s quite an accomplishment for such a young woman.”

  “I’m not as young as you think, but thank you, I appreciate the compliment. I love the firm, and I’m proud to be a part of it,” Katharine said confidently.

  “So where did you kids meet?” she continued. I could feel the whole twenty-question interrogation beginning. Besides, we were hardly kids.

  “Mom, leave her alone already. We have the whole night for you to grill her. No more questions for now, please.”

  I was feeling a lot better now that the introduction was over with. It was obvious Katharine could hold her own in any situation, including in front of my mom. Thank God for that. My mother could be difficult and very protective. She knew I was a wealthy man, and she assumed every woman who showed interest in me was a gold digger like my ex-wife. For some reason, she was being unusually pleasant tonight. It unnerved me.

  “Katharine, could you please excuse us for just a moment? I need to talk to Ian about a few boring details about tonight’s gala.”

  “Of course not, Patricia. I’d actually like a moment to powder my nose.”

  Katharine gave me a little wink and was on her way. I imagined it wasn’t her nose that needed to be “powdered.” It was obvious that my mother was dying to say something to me, so I figured I would get her to spit it out as soon as Katharine was out of earshot.

  “What’s up, Mom?” I asked her.

so thrilled for you, Ian. Katharine is lovely. And she’s an attorney? Oh my, that’s wonderful. She must make a good living. She won’t be after your money like that hussy you were married to.”

  “No, I’m confident she could care less about my money. Not only is she a successful attorney, she’s also a widow. Her husband was a successful CPA in Manhattan who died last year of a massive heart attack. He was very young, and it was unexpected and extremely sudden. It has been a horrible year for her, and she is just starting to get out into the world again. She’s really special, Mom. I like her a lot. Please be nice to her won’t you? For me?” I begged her.

  “I’ll behave, darling. She seems lovely. I can feel the intensity between the two of you. It’s exciting. And you are such a handsome couple. I’m rooting for you. It’s about time you moved on from that money-hungry…”

  “Mom, stop it. Here she comes,” I pleaded with her.

  The evening was a huge success. The food was excellent. The cash bar seemed to be thriving, which meant even more money would be raised for breast cancer. The band was energetic and quite talented. Katharine and I danced for a long time. Our bodies were in tune with each other, which made the night that much more enjoyable. We danced to every slow song, our bodies melting into each other with every beat. I couldn’t help whispering naughty things in her ear and kissing her neck while we danced. Her body was very responsive, and I couldn’t believe how much sexual tension we were both feeling. There was a silent auction toward the end of the evening that brought in a ton of money. All in all, the night was an incredible success. By the time we got back into the limo, it was well after midnight.

  “Did you have a good time tonight?” I asked her.

  “It was perfect. Thank you again for including me. I needed this more than I knew,” she said reflectively.

  “It was a wonderful evening for me as well. I can see you’re exhausted, so I think I’ll drop you off and let you get some sleep. Don’t forget, I’m picking you up bright and early for the hike to Bear Mountain in the morning,” I reminded her.


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