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Compelled by the Vampire: Vampire Enforcement Agency Series Book 1

Page 14

by McAllen, Kellie

  More liquid filled her mouth as the blood pumped out. Hot, wet, coppery, delicious. The salty-sweet taste of it like the perfect elixir for every ailment. She rolled it around in her mouth, coating every surface, but it wasn’t enough. She started sucking, pulling long draws into her mouth, filling her throat with blood. Roric moaned and thrashed under her.

  When she finally swallowed, the blood flooded her belly, and her stomach roared in satisfaction. It shot through her, stimulating every nerve ending like electricity was crackling through her veins. Her whole body quivered.

  “Ahh!” She threw her head back as the euphoria hit her, radiating through her in wave after wave.

  Her fingers scrambled for purchase on Roric’s skin, needing contact. She climbed into his lap and ground herself against his hardness as she grabbed onto his head and clamped her mouth around the puncture wounds again. Roric’s hands groped her waist, her hips, pressing her down on him, then slid up and squeezed her breasts. His fingers pinched at her tight, hard nipples, sending jolts of pleasure through them.

  “Too hot.” Heat swelled up between their bodies, and sweat started to pool around her breasts. She pushed back for a moment and yanked her shirt over her head, letting the air cool her. Roric’s large, warm hands burned a brand on her skin as he spread them across her bare flesh.

  She tugged on his shirt, pulling it from his waistband so she could slide her own fingers up his rippled abdomen. He sat up and pulled the shirt off, exposing the glorious plane of firm muscle. She stroked it, running her fingers up and down, exploring every dip and bulge. He was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. Roric chuckled as she admired him.

  When she was satisfied with her exploration, she bent over and licked up the trail of blood dripping from the holes in his neck then latched on again, pressing her breasts to his chest. His skin felt like searing hot metal against her soft flesh.

  Her brain couldn’t decide which pleasure to focus on, his blood flowing down her throat and slaking her thirst or the sexual pulse throbbing in her center. They swirled together in a rush of ecstasy that threatened to drown her.

  Roric’s head bent to her neck, and his lips brushed against her skin, then his fangs tickled it. Was he going to drink from her? Did she want that? It would only intensify the pleasure. She clenched in anticipation as she waited for the sharp sting of his fangs. But he must have sensed her hesitation, because he yanked his head back instead with a groan.

  Caroline nursed the wounds in his neck as she rubbed her body up against his, purring like a kitten. Roric stroked her everywhere he could reach, his touch blazing trails of fire up and down her body.

  Suddenly, the door swung open, and a high voice tore her out of her fugue. “Holy shit!”

  Caroline whipped her head around to see Gray standing in the doorway, mouth hanging open as he gawked at Caroline and Roric, twisted up together on the sofa. Caroline gasped and pulled away from Roric’s neck.

  Chapter 23

  Piper’s mouth fell open and she wrapped her hands around her neck as Roric shoved Caroline away from her, his hand slamming into her chest so hard, her heart should’ve stopped.

  In a blink, they were gone, disappearing down the back hall. Piper gawked after them. Holy cow! Had Caroline almost bitten her? Piper stroked her neck, wondering what it would have felt like to have fangs pierce her skin. Did it hurt?

  She’d been bitten by a dog once, and that hurt like heck. She still remembered the way the big doberman’s jaw clamped down around her wrist, gouging into her flesh. Vampire fangs were probably just as big. But she’d also heard that the rush of pleasure that followed made their victims forget all about the pain.

  She clenched her thighs together on the barstool as she imagined the sensation — pleasure pulsing through her body as a vampire sucked on her neck. It was like a never-ending orgasm, or so she’d heard. Man, she would love to feel that at least once.

  Should she go check on Caroline, see if she was okay, let her know she wasn’t mad at her? But then, Caroline might not want her around right then. Maybe she’d just hang out at the bar for a while, wait till Caroline came back.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  She looked up to see a guy in a dark blue polo shirt that revealed a vee of tan skin and made his blue eyes sparkle like a lake on a bright, summer day. He ran a hand through shaggy, chin-length, blond hair and gave her a lopsided grin.

  Piper swiveled towards him and grinned back. Well, hello handsome! If she was going to stick around, what better way to kill time than to let a cute guy buy her drinks and flirt with her? “I’d love a tequila sunrise.”

  The man nodded towards the bartender then leaned on the bar next to her, inches from her face, so close she could see his blond 5 o’clock shadow. “Do you like to chase the sunrise?”

  Piper chuckled, feeling a little overwhelmed by his nearness. He oozed confidence and sex appeal. “It’s usually chasing me. I’m not really a morning person.”

  He smiled and laughed liked he was amused by something more than just what she’d said. “Me neither. Do you spend a lot of your nights here?”

  The bartender set her drink in front of her, and Piper held it up to the light, admiring the layers of color — yellow, orange, and red just like the sunrise. “No, I don’t think I’ve ever been here before. I don’t go out too often on weeknights.”

  The man cocked his head and took a sip of his drink, his sapphire eyes peeking at her from over the rim. “Why’s that? I’m sure a beautiful girl like you doesn’t just stay home and watch TV. What do you do instead?”

  Piper grinned and tugged on her silk blouse, glad she’d kept her work clothes on instead of changing into her usual grungy, after-work lounge wear. “Well, I’m an art teacher, so I have to be up early in the mornings for school. I mostly just paint.”

  “So you’re an artist. I like that. It means you see beauty in everything, and you’re open-minded. I bet that’s why you ordered that. It’s not just a drink, it’s a work of art.” He gestured towards her rainbow drink.

  Piper shivered under his intense gaze. Wow, this guy’s flirting game was on point. “Yeah, I guess so. What about you? Do you come here a lot?”

  “This is my first time, too. A friend told me there were a lot of beautiful women who came here. I guess he was right. How is it that I’m lucky enough you’re here tonight?” He gave her another panty-melting smile.

  Piper bit her lip to stop herself from grinning like an idiot. “My friend works here, so I stopped by to see her.”

  “The bartender? I noticed you talking to her, but then she took off all of a sudden. Is she all right?” He glanced towards the back hall with a frown.

  Piper blinked a few times in surprise. She didn’t realize how long he’d been watching her. “Yeah, she had a pretty rough day yesterday. I just wanted to check on her.”

  He rubbed a finger over his pale lips. “Mmm, yes, adjusting to life as a vampire can be… overwhelming.”

  Piper gawked at him. “How did you know she was…?”

  “Well, she nearly attacked her friend at her place of work. Only a newly-turned vamp would be so out of control.” He spun his drink methodically, creating a perfect swirl that imitated the feeling in Piper’s stomach. Was he a vampire?

  “Sounds like you know a lot about them.”

  He smirked and raised his glass to his lips, letting the spinning liquid fall in. “I’ve had some experience with vamps. What about you? Is your friend the first vampire you’ve ever met?”

  “No, my brother was turned a few years ago.”

  That piqued his interest, and he leaned in even closer, so close she could see the tiny crinkles at the corner of his eyes when he smiled. “So that explains why you didn’t run screaming from the bar when she lunged for you. You’re not afraid of vampires. You know there’s more to them than fangs and bloodlust. Tell me, have you ever been bitten before?”

  Piper shook her head and stared at her drink. Did she da
re admit her secret desire to this stranger? She didn’t know if it was the alcohol or his overwhelming closeness, but she felt her inhibitions disappearing. “No, but I’ve always wondered what it would feel like. I’ve heard it’s an incredible rush.”

  She peeked up at him, convinced he would be disgusted, but instead, his eyes flamed like fire glass. “It’s the most erotic experience you’ll ever have.”

  There was a long moment of silence, and Piper’s cheeks flushed as he stared at her, trying to uncover her secrets. Finally, he leaned in slowly and murmured in her ear. “Are you curious enough to try it?”

  His voice was a matchstick raked across a striking strip. Piper’s whole body ignited. “It’s illegal.”

  “Yes, well, many of the most enjoyable things are. It’s as if the capitalist government wants to keep us searching for pleasure in shopping malls by forbidding the things that could truly make us happy.”

  Logically, she knew the importance of the vampire laws, but his words made a lot of sense. Why shouldn’t she be allowed to offer herself up if she wanted to? Whose business was it what she did with her own body?

  “No matter how many laws they put in place, they can’t control what we do in our own homes with willing partners.” His seductive purr tempted her with unspoken offers.

  When she looked up at him, he flashed a fang, so quickly it might have been an illusion. Her heart beat sped up till it drowned out all the other sounds. The bar disappeared — the warm lighting and glossy wood, all the patrons, the bartender, the clinking of glasses, the low chatter of voices. The only thing left was him and her own desires.

  “What’s your name?” He ran a finger down her arm, sending shivers all through her body.

  She hadn’t told him yet? It felt like he knew everything about her. “Piper.”

  “I think it suits you. Bold, adventurous, maybe a little wild. Someone who’s looking for excitement. A woman who doesn’t always do what’s expected of her. Am I right?”

  She nodded. Yes, that wass exactly who she was. How did he know? It felt like he could see into the depths of her soul. His eyes bored into hers, mesmerizing her.

  “Would you like to fulfill a fantasy tonight, Piper? I know a place we can go.”

  His words jolted her out of her trance for a moment, and the bar snapped to life around her. Caroline was still gone. Would her friend want her to be here when she came back, or would she prefer if Piper left? Maybe Caroline was too embarrassed to face her. Or maybe she went home with the sexy VEA agent who whisked her away.

  Piper knew it was a risk, leaving with this man. He clearly had no qualms about drinking from strangers. Did he have as much disregard for the laws that forbid turning them? The idea simultaneously frightening and excited her.

  Ever since she’d learned that vampires were real, she’d been fascinated by them. They were fairytale creatures come to life. While others might’ve been repulsed by the fact that vampires drank blood, the idea of being young, strong, and beautiful forever was enough to entice Piper. And when she found out that feeding was supposedly as good as sex, if not better, any remaining traces of disgust were swallowed up by a craving for that kind of pleasure.

  Caroline’s words of regret echoed in her head, but Piper didn’t hate vampires like Caroline did. Since her brother had been turned, she knew that becoming a vampire wasn’t the end of your life, and it didn’t change who you were. It only made you stronger, better, faster, and of course, immortal.

  No, she wasn’t afraid this vamp might try to turn her. If he did, all the better. And she might not ever get another opportunity like this. She didn’t let herself think about what her family would say. She was an adult, and this was her choice to make.

  She took a deep, shaky breath and smiled as she slipped off her barstool. “Lead the way.”

  He tossed a bill on the bar to pay for their drinks then headed towards the front exit. As soon as they stepped outside, the cool night air chilled Piper’s overheated skin, making her shiver, but it didn’t damper the fire inside her. Her body blazed from the heat of her fantasies, imagining his hands on her skin and his fangs at her neck, sucking her blood and flooding her with endorphins.

  “I’m parked around back.” There was a parking lot on one side of the building that wrapped around to the back, but he turned the other way instead, towards the alley that separated the bar from the building next door. He stretched an arm back towards Piper, and she slipped a hand in his. If he noticed her quivering hand and damp palms, he didn’t say anything.

  They only got halfway down the alley before he turned to her and pressed her against the rough, brick wall. “I need to taste you.”

  Piper gasped but then moaned as his lips descended on hers, the warm, plump flesh caressing her. His hands stroked her hips, curved along her waist, then slid up her sides before inching towards her breasts.

  Her breasts felt heavy, achy, as he kneaded the soft mounds. Her nipples flared each time his fingers brushed against them. She sighed into his mouth and pushed her chest into his hands, craving more, and his touch roughened in response, tweaking and pulling at her nipples and groping the tender flesh like he was giving her a deep tissue massage.

  His thick length pressed against her belly, and he nudged a knee between her legs to get even closer. She made little mewling noises as she ground her center against his thigh. She felt like a horny teenager, but she didn’t care. He hadn’t even bit her yet, but already he’d played her body like a musical instrument, touching all the right spots in just the right way to make her sing. The song he composed on her body was a masterpiece. She vibrated under his touch, desperate for more.

  When his lips trailed across her cheek and down her neck, her body shuddered so hard with anticipation, she felt like he’d taken a vibrator to every inch of her. She cried out and pushed her neck against his mouth.

  “So eager, so ready. Do you want more, Piper?”

  “God, yes! Please!” She gasped and dug her fingers into his back, pulling him towards her.

  “Right here, right now?” His breath blew hot on her neck, warming the spot where she wanted his fangs.

  She couldn’t even speak, just moaned her desire as she waited for him to take her. He took her sounds of pleasure as a yes and plunged his fangs into her neck. A scream tore from her body at the sharp sting and the rush of ecstasy that followed. Her body writhed and squirmed as the pleasure took over.

  “Shh, shhh. Someone will hear you.” He quickly clamped a hand over to mouth to stop her loud cries, but it was too late.

  A man walking by heard her scream and caught sight of them. With the vamp’s fangs in her neck and his hand over her mouth, Piper’s body thrashing, it probably looked like she was being attacked. The witness dashed down the alleyway like a freight train and plowed into the vamp, knocking him down, ripping his fangs from Piper’s throat. Only another vampire could be that strong or that fast.

  Piper wrapped a hand around her neck to soothe the ache and kept her heaving body pressed against the wall, trying to stay out of the way of their flailing limbs as she watched, too stunned to do anything. The two vampires fought like a superhero and a villain, both with inhuman power. But which was which? The man from the bar hadn’t done anything she didn’t want, but yet the vigilante was playing the hero, trying to save her.

  They clawed and punched at each other, hissing and growling, changing positions too fast for Piper’s eyes to keep up with them. They were so equally matched, she had no idea how either one could win. Would they fight to the death?

  What would happen if they did? There’d probably be an investigation. She didn’t want her name flashed across the newspapers and her role in the fight exploited for the sake of a lurid story. What would her students think? Or their parents?

  She had to stop them, but how? She didn’t dare get in the middle of them. Even if she could get her avenger to stop long enough to hear her side of the story, it wouldn’t matter. What they’d done was ille
gal, even if it wasn’t against her will.

  Her head whipped around as voices echoed in the distance, and two dark silhouettes appeared at the end of the alley. “Piper!”

  The noise distracted the fighting vampires for a moment, and Piper felt a rush of wind as one of them fled into the night.

  Chapter 24

  Gray’s eyes bulged at the sight of Caroline sucking on Roric, and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed over and over again like he couldn’t loosen his tongue.

  Oh God, what was she doing? She must look like an animal!

  “Gray, I…” Caroline scrambled out of Roric’s lap, grabbing her shirt and holding it up to her chest. She quickly rubbed her arm across her mouth, wiping away any traces of blood. Not that it mattered; it was obvious what she’d been doing.

  “You almost attacked that girl. You’re… a vampire. But you hate vampires.” Gray stared at her like he still couldn’t believe his eyes.

  Caroline dropped her eyes to her lap. “When I left early yesterday… I got attacked.”

  “Oh, Care!” Gray’s face crumpled, and he started to move closer but then stopped himself and pulled back. “Are you okay?”

  Caroline snorted and rolled her eyes. “As okay as I can be, I guess.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?” Gray took another step closer. Caroline tensed but then relaxed a bit. His scent was appealing, but she felt sated. A hug from a friend would be nice, but Gray seemed a little scared of her, even though he’d never freaked out about vampires before.

  “It’s been pretty crazy since then.” She rubbed her forehead, overwhelmed by all that had happened in the last 24 hours.

  “You could’ve taken the day off, you know.”

  “No, I couldn’t. I can’t let this ruin my life, and I can’t afford to take a day off.”


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