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Country Cottage Mysteries Boxed Set

Page 29

by Addison Moore

  Peanut whimpers and hides his face in my flannel. She’ll eat me is how she’ll respond. She’s already licking her lips, readying for her afternoon snack.

  “That’s because you look adorably delicious.”

  Macy leans in. “Stop talking to the dog and tell me what you want me to do.”

  “I don’t know. Tell her you’re here looking into renting a booth for Lather and Light? Come to think of it, why aren’t you renting a booth for your shop? This would be perfect for you.”

  Macy grunts, “Because then I would actually have to show up and work. Not all of us have an inn we can ignore, Bizzy.” She threads her arm through mine as we stride boldly in Ginger’s direction.

  I make a face. “You do realize what you just said makes zero sense.”

  “Only to you, my sweet little sister. Only to you. Now, if you could stay up partying with a Wilder boy until the wee hours of the morning like your mother and me—you’d be far more enlightened.”

  Peanut squirms in my arms. That’s a great idea, Bizzy. If you played more with Jasper at night, I could play more with Sherlock. Fish doesn’t care for games as much as he does.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I say as I seriously consider taking one for the team.

  We step into the booth just as the small crowd disperses.

  Ginger does a quick double take at the cute puppy in my arms and her eyes widen, and her expression turns to stone before she jumps to her feet. Her red hair is wild in loose waves, and she’s heavily dusted her eyelids with bright green frosted eye shadow. She’s pretty, stunningly so, and yet there’s a slight plastic element about her overall that I can’t quite put my finger on.

  “Hey, I recognize you.” She snaps her finger in my direction.

  “I’m the manager at the Country Cottage Inn, and this is my sister, Macy.”

  Macy leans in. “I’m looking into a booth for her shop. I mean, my shop. The one I hate to love. I mean, love to hate.” She tosses her hand in the air. “I really just need a copy of your book for my sister. She’s got a good man, but she keeps trying to give him away.”

  Ginger laughs. “Help yourself. In fact, I’ll gift you both a copy.”

  “Great.” Macy takes off to peruse the merchandise on the shelves set up in the back.

  Ginger twists her lips while looking at Peanut. “Funny—I haven’t missed you.”

  Peanut glances my way. At least she doesn’t mince words.

  “Don’t worry,” I’m quick to tell her. “Peanut is welcome to stay with me as long as he needs to. Do you happen to know if Shelby has any family asking about him?”

  He whines and buries his face in my flannel once again.

  “Nope.” Ginger digs her fists into her hips. “The little twerp is all yours for the taking. So, have they arrested Nessa yet?”

  My eyes flash to hers.

  Great. She shoots a quick glance out at the crowd. She probably wonders how I know about Nessa.

  Ginger leans in. “It’s no secret Nessa was out to get her. In fact, we all heard her threaten Shelby just minutes before she died.”

  “I know,” I say it low. “So, is that who you think did it?”

  Her glossy pink lips twist in a knot. “I’m positive Nessa did it. I’d bet money on it anyway.”

  Poor Nessa. If this went to Vegas, I have a feeling the odds would be against her.

  Ginger rides her eyes over me as if sizing me up. She’s too close to Nessa to think anything bad about her.

  She frowns my way. “You don’t think Nessa did it.” She shakes her head. “I get it. She’s your subordinate. She does what you tell her and she’s gained your trust. But you’ll see. This will all come down to Nessa in the end.” You can take that all the way to the bank.

  I wrinkle my nose without meaning to. “Well, outside of Nessa, who do you think could have done something so terrible?”

  Here we go. She folds her arms across her chest.

  Peanut perks to life and opens a single eye in her direction. She’s guilty, isn’t she, Bizzy? Call Jasper and have him cuff her. I’ll be the first to cheer him on.

  A quiet laugh bounces through me.

  Ginger gives a quick glance around. “Just between you and me, there was some shady stuff going on between Shelby and Scout.”

  “Scout?” I practically mouth her name.

  She nods. “Did Nessa tell you about their dealings?”

  “The meet and greet nightmare?”

  A dark brow anchors itself far into her forehead. “Is that all you know?”

  I give a quick nod, half-afraid I’ll spook her if I speak.

  Her lips swim with a greedy grin. “That’s not all that happened before Shel and Chelsea decided to detonate her influencer career.”


  Gingers nods as she steps in close. “It has to do with Scout’s cousin. She’s a successful realtor out in Sheffield.”

  I avert my eyes at the name of the town. That’s where Camila hails from and works. That’s where Jasper lived before moving to Cider Cove to get away from her.

  I lean in. “Why do I get the feeling nothing good happened in Sheffield?”

  She tips her head my way. “Because you’re intuitive, Bizzy.” She crimps her lips. “Before Scout’s foray into the deep end of social media, she was working a summer internship for her cousin.”

  “The realtor.” I nod.

  “Yup. She did a lot of open houses for her cousin. It’s sort of the grunge work in that field. And a lot of those homes were still being lived in. Scout found it creepy standing around in someone else’s living room all day with hardly anyone coming by but one or two people. Once, she had a guy show up and she couldn’t get him to leave. After that, she didn’t feel safe. So, being the sensible girl she is, she started asking her friends to stay with her and the only taker was Shelby.” She leans in. “Can you guess how Shelby entertained herself while the two of them were stuck inside a stranger’s house for hours at a time?”

  I glance over my shoulder just as a row of maple trees rain down their fiery red leaves.

  “No,” I say, stepping in closer to her. “How?”

  “She stole.” A satisfied smile cinches across Ginger’s face.

  “She stole?” My eyes widen in horror.

  Ginger gives a hearty nod. “Mostly jewelry. Small trinkets no one would suspect were missing right away. Shelby told me they found some money tucked in the back of a closet once. Stole that wad of cash, too. Shelby didn’t need it, of course. It was the thrill of it all. But it gave her something other than a thrill.” She hikes a shoulder my way. “Control. She had Scout in her back pocket.”

  I shake my head as I try to wrap my mind around it. “That’s terrible. And why did she want to control Scout to begin with?”

  “Who didn’t she want to control? All Shelby’s life she didn’t have a say in anything. Her parents made sure she was well taken care of, but she didn’t have a say in the details of her life, the minutia. I guess you could chalk it up to a poor little rich girl crisis. And Shelby seemed to have every crisis known to man. But as far as controlling Scout, let’s just say she was her pet project. Eventually, though, Scout was confronted by her cousin about the thefts. She thought it was an awful coincidence that every house Scout was assigned to was reporting a robbery. When push came to shove, Scout ratted Shelby out. Scout’s cousin threatened to call the police. Of course, Shelby put that fire out right away. She made it clear that she would find a way to ruin her if she did, and she made an example of Scout to be sure she got the message.”

  My mouth falls open. “And that’s why she pulled that stunt with her followers? Wow, she was cunning.”

  Peanut cowers and nuzzles close. I can’t listen to this anymore. Wake me when it’s over.

  “She was cunning,” Ginger agrees. “Book smart, too.” Her eyes harden as she gazes back out at the crowds. And that’s exactly why I needed her.

  I blink over at her. “And wha
t was your relationship with Shelby like?”

  Ginger takes a quick breath. “That little beast in your hand was about the extent of it. Scout thought it would be good PR to have something to soften me. She thinks I’m a little rough around the edges. Personally, I think people respect that. More importantly, men respect that.” She leans in, her hand pressed to her chest. “Speaking of which, did you happen to catch a glimpse of that hot homicide detective? That boy can do a full body search on me anytime he wishes.” A sultry laugh gurgles from her. “Don’t say a word, but I’m planning to stop by the Seaview Sheriff’s Department sometime this week with the pretense of checking up on the case.” She jolts back. “Hey? The inn baked those fabulous pumpkin muffins, right? I might stop by and pick up a dozen or so and take them with me. Everyone knows the true blue way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” It takes everything in me not to scowl at her.

  A girl staggers in next to me and we turn to find Scout with her arms laden down with cups of steaming cider, a couple of churros, and a funnel cake.

  “I got all the food you wanted, Ginger.” She does a double take in my direction. “Hey!” She gives an easy smile. “You’re the girl from the inn. Nessa’s friend, right?”

  “That’s me. My sister is looking into getting a booth here at the festival.”

  Macy clears her throat. “I’m looking to help my sister land a man. A little honesty goes a long way, Bizzy. And men happen to like it.”

  Ginger laughs. “Only on occasion.” She winks my way. “I’ll go sign those books for you.”

  She takes off and Scout heads my way. “Any word on who could have done this?” She gives Peanut a quick scratch between the ears and he slowly lifts his head out of his slumber. Peanut, by far, is the easiest dog to take care of.

  “Not yet. But I hear the sheriff’s department is running a forensic test on some evidence they found.” I shrug. “I’m not sure what, though.” I’m not about to sell the farm.

  Scout’s mouth rounds out as she glances to Ginger. So they must know.

  A breath hitches in my throat. What must they know? That it was Nessa’s gun? Or that Scout herself had reason enough to kill.

  She offers a weak smile my way. “Any word on when they’ll be making an arrest?” She swallows hard, and I can’t help but think she’s looking guilty.

  “No. I don’t have any idea if they’re at that point yet.”

  Poor Nessa. She shakes her head as she glances back to Ginger. She will never know what hit her.

  My stomach churns just hearing it. Another strike for Nessa. But in my heart, I can’t seem to agree with any of them.

  Macy and I collect our signed copies and thank Ginger profusely. We say goodbye to the two of them and filter our way back into the crowd with Peanut still cradled in my arms.

  And all the way back to the inn, those cryptic words ring out in my mind.

  Poor Nessa.

  Chapter 11

  Once or twice a season, my mother and Georgie will unite unlikely forces in the ballroom right here at the inn and host an afternoon craft festival of their own. The two of them each bring the supplies for a relatively easy craft—and any and every guest of the inn is invited to participate. Judging by the turnout, most have decided to do just that. Even Gwyneth and Camila have joined the ranks of the crafty this morning. Not that it should surprise me. They already have the cunning part down pat.

  I head into the ballroom and set down another couple of platters of the café’s pumpkin spice mini muffins. I do a quick inspection of the hot apple cider carafes to make sure the refreshment table is amply supplied, and all is well on that front.

  Georgie has everyone making adorable pumpkins made out of old flannels she picked up at the secondhand store, and a brand new roll of toilet paper. Yes, toilet paper.

  And my mother has bought out all the orange burlap in the land, along with wire wreath frames and has the other half of the room fashioning together gorgeous fall wreaths. There’s just a smidge of green burlap up top to make it look like a pumpkin.

  At least both Mom and Georgie are sticking to a theme.

  I’m about to make my way over to them when Camila lets out a sharp cackle.

  “I certainly hope so,” she says to Gwyneth, loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear, so I decide to rearrange the napkins in the event she wants to extrapolate on that little tidbit. “It’s been so long since I’ve shared a meal with your son. I can hardly wait for tonight.”

  Tonight? Which son? My God, is she talking about dinner with Jasper?

  Gwyneth sighs. “I’ll be sure to make an early departure. I’ve arranged for a date to meet me there. As soon as I spot him, I’ll bolt. The two of you really need to have some good one-on-one time together.”

  One-on-one? As in a date of their own?

  My blood boils at the thought of it. Jasper just mentioned that he wanted to spend more time with me. Clearly, going to dinner with Camila is a step backward in the endeavor.

  Camila pauses from her wreath-making a moment and glances my way, inspiring me to spin back around to the refreshment table and pour myself a cup of cider.

  I don’t see why not. There’s plenty enough for me to drown my sorrows with.

  “I wonder what he wants to speak with me about?” she says it a notch quieter, for Gwyneth’s ears only.

  I suck in a quick breath. Wait a minute. Talk to her?

  Hey? Wait a minute. That was my bright idea.

  Gwyneth laughs. “Oh, my dear, that’s just an old ploy to get you alone. Once you’re together, that old spark will reignite. Be sure to dress to enchant. Don’t waste a single moment while trying to get back in his good graces. He is a man, after all. They respond to one thing and one thing only.”

  One thing? Good grief. Why do I get the feeling good old Gwyneth is rooting for Camila and Jasper to join the three a.m. club?

  They share a laugh because, apparently, they can now read my mind, too.

  The room breaks out into a collective coo as if a litter of kittens had just emerged from all that burlap my mother is trying to wrap the world in, and I turn to find Nessa smiling as she takes Peanut for a lap through the crowd.

  I’ll admit, he is show-stoppingly cute.

  I stop playing with the napkins and meet her halfway.

  “Good work,” I say as I bend over and give Peanut a scratch on the head.

  Nessa gave me bacon. He wags his little stumpy tail. She said if I’m extra nice I’ll get another piece, too! I like pieces of bacon, Bizzy. And I need all the pieces I can get.

  I can’t help but laugh as I straighten. “Do I sense a bacon bribe?” I say to Nessa and she rolls her eyes.

  “I swear, Bizzy, sometimes I think you have a sixth sense.” Good thing she can’t read minds. I think I’d be toast if anyone could.

  I frown over at her. The last thing I want to hear either verbally or otherwise is a confession coming from her.

  “Is everything okay, Nessa?”

  “As okay as it can be. Grady is watching the desk, so I thought I’d make the rounds with this adorable creature.”

  “No problem. I think it’s good for both Peanut and the guests. Poor thing needs all the love the world can shower him with.”

  “Oh, I plan on showering him with all my affection.” Nessa watches as a couple of women dote over him. “In fact, if he needs a good home, I’d be happy to keep him. I’d spoil that baby boy rotten.”

  Peanut stops short and quickly traipses over.

  Oh, Bizzy, can she keep me? Can she? Can she?

  “I think someone understood exactly what you said.” I laugh. “I don’t see why not. No one has come forth to claim him. And Ginger is the last person I would have let take him.”

  He whines at the mention of her name.

  Nessa squeals with delight. “Really? I’m going straight to Pet World after work to pick up a dog bed and those cute little ceramic dish
es with paw prints all over them. And, oh, some toys! Lots and lots of toys.”

  Peanut dances in a spastic circle. His thoughts are on overload as he basks in the joy.

  “It’s a match made in Country Cottage Inn heaven,” I say as we part ways and I head over to the double trouble stationed at the head of the room.

  “Ladies,” I say to both my mother and Georgie. “I’m in love with both of these ideas. The two of you really are creative. Can I get ten of these to go?” I say to Georgie, holding up an adorable red and black flannel pumpkin.

  Mom scoffs. “I hear they really come in handy if you keep them in the bathroom.”

  Georgie waves her off. “Oh, you. And I hear your burlap really comes in handy if you need to tie up an intruder. Speaking of strange men roving into your home at all hours of the night…” She elbows my mother in the ribs. “You still entertaining a certain gentleman caller?”

  Mom glances my way. Her blue eyes brighten her face a notch, and I can’t help but note she has a dewy youthful glow about her.

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” She makes a face. “I think I’m too old for this booty call business.”

  “Eww.” I inch back. “TMI—as in too much information? Is that all he wants from you?”

  “Well, no. I mean, I invite him in for a drink and, of course, we talk. But then, one drink leads to much more aerobic activity that happens to last well into the wee hours of the morning.” She tosses a mound of orange burlap to the table in front of her. “How do I tell my thirty-something boyfriend that I prefer to be in bed by eight? I’m not sure how much longer I can keep up with him. The man has boundless energy. He cooks in the restaurant all day and—”

  Georgie lifts a finger. “He cooks in the bedroom all night.”

  “And this is where I leave you.” A laugh percolates in my chest. “Good job, ladies,” I say as I head for the entrance, but a certain deputy speaking to Camila stops me dead in my tracks. It’s Leo.

  He glances my way. Hello, Bizzy.

  I nod over to him. Hey, Leo. Rekindling an old flame? I’ll be the last to stop you.


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