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Country Cottage Mysteries Boxed Set

Page 35

by Addison Moore

  “I think that’s very sweet,” I say.

  A group of men walk in and give a howl of approval to their fearless leader.

  “I’d better brief these guys on how to behave.” Carter offers a quick wave my way. “I’ll see you both inside.”

  He stalks off in their direction just as Chelsea coos at the sight of Fish.

  “I had a cat just like this when I was a kid.” She gives Fish a gentle pat on the back before snapping a picture of her. Chelsea looks my way. “Any word on Nessa?” She winces. “I can’t believe she’d do something like that.”

  “I don’t think she did, but the wrap is sticking and I don’t like it.” It takes all of my effort not to clap my hand over my mouth, but it’s too late. The words have already spilled out. I’m pretty sure if I went to detective school, the first thing they’d teach would be not to let all your cards show. “Chelsea, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure.” She glances past me as the crowd grows increasingly boisterous, and I can feel my window with her quickly closing. “I heard you were arrested for shoplifting a few years back.” I offer a guilty shrug. “I also heard you took the blame for something you didn’t do.”

  Her eyes widen in horror. “Who told you that?”

  “A little bird.” Called the internet. “Anyway, I just thought something like that would weigh heavy on a person, and I wanted to say I’m sorry you went through it.”

  She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “Thank you, Bizzy. It was hell. It was the darkest time in my life. I was raised to follow every single law in the book. I would never even think of doing something like that. So when I was busted for something I didn’t do, it stung all the more.” Her lips quiver like she might cry. And now Shelby is dead and I’ll have to bear the weight of her sins forever. I wish Shelby were still here. I know eventually I could have convinced her to tell the truth. But now I can’t. I guess you could say, that in a sense, the killer has hurt me, too.

  “I’d better get in.” She nods to the ballroom. “I’ll see you inside, Bizzy.”

  And just like that, Chelsea Ashley is wiped off my suspect list.

  Scout Pratt bounds over with her body squeezed into a rather sultry, fitted green velvet skirt with a shiny tail attached to it. She’s wearing a bra made of twin oversized seashells and her hair is dyed a shocking shade of red.

  “Well, aren’t you the merry mermaid,” I say as I take her in. “You look fabulous.”

  She makes a face. “I don’t feel so fabulous. Ginger wants me to head into the room and make sure the DJ gives her a proper welcome.” She pauses a moment to give Peanut and Sherlock a quick pat. “You’re so lucky that your co-workers are cute and have very little to say.”

  I give a warm laugh. “They have more to say than you think.”

  Scout picks up Peanut and gives him a kiss. “I bet this poor guy misses his mama.”

  That I do, Peanut whimpers.

  “That he does,” I’m quick to translate for him.

  “Poor Shelby.” Scout’s expression falls flat. “I mean, we definitely had our troubles.” She was an outright witch to me, but I would never disparage her in front of this cute little guy. Scout kisses Peanut on the forehead before placing him back down.

  “Believe me, I get it. I have people in my life that I don’t get along with, but that doesn’t mean I want to see them dead.”

  No sooner do the words leave my lips than Camila traipses down the stairs in a black latex bustier, a pair of black fishnets, and a sexy mask slipped over her eyes that gives her that cat’s eye effect. Come to think of it, that’s probably why she’s wearing the long black tail and tiny pink triangular ears. Camila has dressed herself like the sex kitten she is, and I can’t help but frown.

  She looks stunning. She looks beyond stunning.

  And with her perfectly pouty features and wavy long hair, she looks as if she belongs in a calendar. A greasy calendar for men. One that I have a feeling every breathing male on the planet would approve of once that calendar comes out.

  She averts her eyes once she spots me and heads out front. Most likely to pounce on Jasper.

  I sigh as I look to Scout. “Do you think now that Shelby is gone, you can find it in you to forgive her for whatever misgivings the two of you had?”

  Scout glances past me. “I can forgive her. Now that she’s gone, it all almost seems trivial.” Almost. Shelby could be wicked to the bone when she wanted to be. Lord knows I had every reason to want her gone. But then, Nessa did the dirty work for me, and I get to breathe a sigh of relief and go on with the rest of my life.

  My mouth opens and I take a quick breath. Scout didn’t do it. But she had a strong motive. It could have easily been her.

  Scout leans in. “One thing that I learned from Shelby is that you should curate who you bring into your life. Not everyone is looking out for your best intentions.” A crowd bustles by and we scoot out of the way. “I better get inside before Ginger shows up.” She looks to the door and shudders. Now, if only the killer would come back and aim for Ginger. She makes a face. A terrible thought, I know. But she is a monster. There is no doubt about it.

  Scout takes off and I take a few steps toward the front, admiring the silk maple leaves enwreathing the double door entry lit up with tiny orange lights. Jordy stacked pumpkins to the right and left of the entry, along with a couple of witches’ brooms dipped in cinnamon oil that adds a heavenly scent to the entire inn. It’s all so homey, it makes me wish October would last forever.

  A shockingly handsome vampire steps into view and sends my heart ratcheting up to unsafe levels. I’m about to wrap arms around him and offer up a big, juicy kiss when I see my mother strapped to his side looking every bit the naughty nurse. Her face is powdered bone white, and she has a trail of blood dripping from the seam of her lip.

  “Mom? Max!” My heart lurches as if it were still unsure if it should be thumping so hard for this Jasper look-alike. “You both look downright frightening. I can honestly say you scared me.” For far different reasons than they imagine.

  I will never get used to seeing my mother with a knockoff of my very own boyfriend. My stomach sinks because I’m still holding out hope that Jasper and I will solidify that teeny, tiny, all-important detail sometime soon.

  Max laughs, exposing a pair of fangs that look as if they’re bona fide extensions of his real teeth. “Ree showed up at my restaurant today and passed out candy to all the little kids. Her, they loved. Me? Let’s just say they were twitching for the nearest crucifix.”

  Mom pulls him in close. “Oh, hush.” She shakes her head my way. “He’s a hot vampire and he knows it.”

  Max waggles his brows. “A hot vampire looking to get lucky with an even hotter nurse.”

  They share a sharp cackle as they head over toward the ballroom.

  I have a feeling if those two stick, it will make for a very long life filled with blatant innuendos that happen to involve my mother.

  At least she’s got good taste in men.

  I turn back toward the peachy glow of the entry when my heart stops cold.

  Clad in black with a long leather jacket, a rather ornate buckle over his dark jeans, and a puffy black dress shirt with equally ornate silver buttons is a heart-stoppingly handsome homicide detective from the Seaview Sheriff’s Department.

  “I don’t know who you are, but if you still happen to have a pair of handcuffs on you, please arrest me and drag me off to your place.”

  A growl of a laugh comes from Jasper as he pulls me in. He lifts his left hand to reveal a stump with a hook attached to it.

  “Argh,” I say. “You’re Captain Hook.”

  His eyes ride up and down my lime green dress. “And I do believe I’ve found my Tinker Bell. Peter Pan doesn’t stand a chance.” He steals a quick kiss just as a hurricane of a redhead stampedes her way inside the foyer, effectively dislodging me from Jasper.

  “Oh, good. It’s you, Bizzy.” Ginger rushes to the re
ception area and I dutifully follow along. “Please put my things below the counter for me.” She shoves her purse and a tote bag my way.

  “Sure thing,” I say, handing them to Grady and he does just that. I give the panting diva a quick once-over. “Wow, Ginger. You look like a million dollars.” And she does. Ginger has on a gold sequin gown that catches the light and glitters with her every move. Her hair is styled in tight little ringlets around her neck, her makeup is glammed up and perfectly vampy with bright red lipstick, and there’s even a dark mole colored in on her left cheek. And in one hand she has a bouquet of ruby red roses that, for some reason, pulls her entire over-the-top glamorous look together.

  “I should look like a millions dollars.” She sniffs the flowers in her hand and makes a face. “This dress is a Verragamo original and it costs more than my first car. I’m an A-lister, tonight and every night.” She gives a little wink. “I’m supposed to be a movie star.” She wags the bouquet my way.

  “Well, you’re set to shine tonight,” I say. “All of your books were delivered yesterday and I had them stacked around your table. Scout is there now, taking care of everything for you.”

  She rolls her eyes. There’s another idiot I have to deal with. “Hopefully, she didn’t give any copies away like she did last time. That girl costs me more money than she’s worth. In fact, don’t ruin her surprise, but tonight is her last night. I can’t take any more of her buffoonery. Hey”—her eyes widen my way—“you’re not looking for another job, are you?”

  “Not yet. But thank you for the offer.” I think. I’m about to say something else when I spot a certain sultry sex kitten cozying up with a drop-dead gorgeous pirate who just so happens to belong to me.

  Ginger follows my gaze and growls, “As if she stands a chance. I’ll hook that man by the end of the night.” Her lips bleed a wicked smile. “Just you wait and see.”

  She takes off for the ballroom while I openly scowl at Jasper and the all too friendly feline attempting to use his body like a scratching post.

  Jasper seems to be backing up and saying something to her all at the same time. He gives a casual glance my way and does a quick double take with that deer in the headlights look in his eyes. He steadies Camila a moment with his hand and says something to her before making his way over.

  Sherlock growls, Should I bite him, Bizzy? Should I?

  “Maybe.” I whisper, only half-teasing.

  “Bizzy.” Jasper sheds his signature grin as he examines me from head to foot. “You are gorgeous beyond belief. Have I ever told you I have a thing for green fairies?”

  A wry smile breaks free on my lips. “No, but lucky for you, I have a very real thing for pirates.”

  “I hope you don’t mind.” Jasper closes his eyes a moment. “But I think this is the perfect time.”

  I suck in a quick breath. “To break things off with me?” The words leave my lips before I have the chance to process them.

  “No.” His head inches back in dismay. “To have that talk with Camila. You know, the one that makes it clear that I’m off the market and we will never be anything more than friends.” He winces. “And to be honest, friends is a very strong word.”

  “Oh, right.” I can feel my cheeks heat. So Jasper is unavailable? A silly grin floats to my lips. “Take all the time you need. I’ve got my hands full for the next few hours anyway. I’ll catch you inside.”

  Jasper nods as he heads her way, and together they leave through the front door. They look perfectly suited for one another. A beautiful yin to his handsome yang, and it sours my stomach for a second. I know for a fact Camila isn’t going down without a fight.

  But before I can dwell on it too long, a real monster arrives to the party.

  And I’d bet all the candy corn in Cider Cove that I’m looking right at the killer.

  Chapter 18

  Luke Parker darkens the doorway with his blond hair swept heavily to one side. He’s donned a T-shirt and jeans and he looks far more youthful than he does on a normal day.

  “Hey, Luke.” It takes everything in me to sound chipper as I greet him.

  He’s a two-timer. The very worst kind of a two-timer—one with a wife and two beautiful twin boys. “I’m glad you decided to make it out tonight.”

  The Monster Mash is just getting underway, and already there are far too many costumed bodies pressing their way in the direction of the ballroom.

  He shrugs, giving the place a quick sweep. “Thought I’d check it out. I guess the party’s that way.”

  “It sure is. In fact, I’m heading that way. What are you supposed to be this evening?” I try to freeze a smile onto my face, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Luke had the strongest motive to keep Shelby quiet. And now she’ll never tell anyone what she found out just before she died.

  Luke was frantic that night—with the exact kind of paranoia that can push someone over the edge.

  “Boy band.” He shrugs. “Just one member.” His chest bounces with a dull laugh. “Shelby always said that’s what she liked about me best.” He slaps his cheek lightly. “My boyish face.”

  “Well, you do have an adorable factor about you.” I snarl without meaning to. “I bet you’ll be snapped up by some beautiful girl soon enough. Men like you don’t stay on the market very long.”

  What? He shoots a wide-eyed look my way. Is she hitting on me?

  A breath hitches in my throat just as we enter the ballroom and I spot Deputy Leo Granger with a vixen strapped to his side and I quickly pluck him my way, sending the vixen flying. It’s not until I glance back do I realize the vixen in question was Mayor Mack Woods looking every bit like her true witchy self.

  Really, Leo? I shake my head at him.

  “Luke, you remember my boyfriend, Leo.” I glance over at my faux suitor to find he’s dressed exactly like a deputy. Perfect. Nothing like a Glock strapped to your side to make a prospective suspect want to suddenly flee the scene.

  Luke nods over at him. “Hey.” He shakes Leo’s hand. “How’s the boat shopping going?” He washes him with a quick glance. “Cool costume, by the way. Looks real.”

  “Thanks.” Leo’s chest expands with pride. With his dark hair and dark, mysterious eyes I can see why Mack has suddenly glommed onto him.

  Speaking of the witch…

  Mack pops up again. “We were just about to dance, Bizzy,” she grits the words through her teeth. With that black lipstick and that powder green face, her teeth look so bright they could glow in the dark. She’s donned a short black dress cut to ragged strips around the hem and silver tights that make her legs shimmer like night magic. It’s safe to say, Mack is a beauty queen no matter what putrid shade her face happens to be.

  Leo gives a wistful shake of the head. I thought so myself. He gives a quick wink as she stalks off to the dance floor with him.

  “Easy come, easy go.” I shrug over at Luke and I make a face as soon as I realize how tasteless that was. “Please excuse my crass remark. In no way did I mean—”

  He waves it off. “Trust me. It’s fine. I know what you meant.”

  The lights dim and a drumroll takes over.

  The DJ taps the mic as he garners the attention of everyone in the room.

  “Welcome, guys and ghouls!” The DJs voice echoes and vibrates over the walls. “Kicking off tonight’s festivities is the royalty who knows exactly how to land the man of any woman’s dream, Ginger King.” The room explodes in hoots and hollers as a riotous applause breaks out. “She’ll be signing books, and giving looks, at the table in the back. We hope you enjoy the music and the food. If you’re single, be sure to mingle. Eat, dance, stay late, and have a safe time.”

  An upbeat tune bounces through the speakers, a notch louder than it was before, and half the room is gyrating to the rhythm.

  Ginger takes her place at the book signing table, and soon enough a line snakes around the periphery of the room—mostly women, but there are a smattering of men, too.

he’s popular,” I say.

  “That she is.” Luke purses his lips. And I bet she’s drowning in dollars. Ginger’s given me the look before, so I know she’s interested. She didn’t care if Shelby was around. She wanted it. I could have jumped on the chance. Heck, maybe I could have really given them something to bicker about.

  My blood boils just listening to his sickening thoughts. Now that he’s knocked Shelby out of the way, all he can think about is where his next sugar mama will come from.

  “Luke”—I block Ginger from his line of vision—“I think Leo is cheating on me.”

  “What?” He inches back with wild eyes. This chick is certifiable.

  “No, it’s true. I think he’s seeing some woman in Whaler’s Cove. Why do men do it? What makes them cheat?”

  Whaler’s Cove? He takes in a long, soothing breath as if reliving a memory. That’s where I met Shelby. I had it hot for teacher, all right. He cranes his neck as he looks at Ginger. And I have it hot for her student, too.

  He looks back my way. “Men cheat.” He shrugs it off as if it were no big deal. Get over it, lady. “My dad did it. My brothers do it.”

  “But why? Isn’t one woman enough to satisfy you?”

  “It’s not that.” He gives a long blink before stepping to the side to study Ginger. “Different women fulfill different roles.”

  “Just like Shelby filled a role in your life?”

  Luke’s lips part as he looks my way. “I know what you’re thinking. I know what everyone is thinking. That I don’t deserve that job at Harris Financial.”

  “No, Luke.” My heart thumps wildly. “What I’m thinking is that Shelby was very upset the night she was killed.”

  “Darn right, she was,” he says, shooting a dark look in Ginger’s direction.

  My God, it’s as if he’s suddenly hypnotized by her. Sure, she makes a glamorous movie star, but can he not focus on the task at hand for a single moment?

  I try to block his view of her. “What do you think she was upset about? I mean, clearly you knew what you were doing at the finance company. You gave Leo and me the right forms.” That might be true, but I’m not above rubbing his ego to get a confession out of him.


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