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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

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by Roberts, Jaimie

  That sounded bad. I only met him yesterday. I didn’t know anything about him, but I was going to let him kiss me in the breathalyser room only a few minutes ago. This was really not the Cassie Johnson I knew for the last twenty-five years.


  The remainder of the day, I kept my head down and worked until it was time to go home. I felt guilty for letting myself feel this way. I shouldn’t be having these problems at all. I was so used to being Cassie, the quiet one without a relationship. Cassie, the girl who seemed to be a loner, but liked to have close friends. I never knew I would be the girl who lusted after two men at the same time. Oh, god. Now I was saying “two men” and “lusted” in the same sentence. I think I needed to get a grip.

  In my haze, I very nearly missed Michael opening the door for me as I was walking out. I thanked him, but all he did was huff at me.

  Feeling a little brave all of a sudden, I decided to go for the kill. “Hey, what’s your problem, Michael?”

  He turned around and faced me with a slight glare. “Excuse me?”

  “You always look so pissed at me all the time. I’ve never given you any reason not to be nice to me.”

  Tapping his foot, he shook his head. “Oh, I do apologise, Princess Cassie. I didn’t realise I was hurting your feelings. Just because every other man bows down to your feet, you think I should, too. Is that it?”

  That hurt—a lot. I didn’t will it, but the tears were brimming. Michael noticed it straight away and the minute he did, his expression changed. He was about to say something when Ms. Summers walked by.

  “Cassie, dear, you look upset. Is everything okay?” I could see the concern in her eyes and I didn’t want her to worry about me.

  “Yes, Ms. Summers. Everything is fine, thank you.”

  She relaxed a little and came closer, smiling. “I just wanted to thank you so much for getting that extra chocolate item that wasn’t on my list. It really was very nice.” She turned to Michael and smiled. “Cassie is such a wonderful, sweet girl. She knows how bad my arthritis gets at times and often brings me some groceries.”

  She grabbed my arm, squeezing it gently. I couldn’t believe the look on Michael’s face when I turned to look back at him. Did he actually feel ashamed?

  “That is very kind. Cassie is one special lady.”

  I stared, my eyes bulging out of my head. I couldn’t believe he just said that. I wondered if he was still being this obnoxious, sarcastic, self-opinionated prick, still playing a game. I hoped not, as that really would be cruel.

  “Good. Well, I must go, dear, as I have errands to run. I shall see you soon, Cassie.”

  Snapping my head away from Michael, I faced Ms. Summers again with a bright smile. “Sure thing, Ms. Summers. Are you sure you’re okay to be out today? I can do some errands for you, if you’d like?”

  She vehemently shook her head. “No, dear. You do enough for me as it is. I’m having a good day today and good days mean a nice gentle stroll. You know what I’m like.”

  She gave me a mischievous smile and I couldn’t help but laugh. Waving goodbye to us both, she walked off, and I was left standing—once again—opposite an arsehole.

  “I’m going home,” I stated.

  “Listen.” He sprinted after me. “I’m sorry about what I said. It was cruel of me. I’ve obviously judged you completely wrong and I’m an idiot. I realise I haven’t been the kindest person towards you and I deeply regret it. Can we start over?”

  He offered me his hand and I inwardly gasped. This was my opportunity to find out about the all-important Michael Andrews, the man who had been my obsession for the last six months. It was finally my time and my heart was suddenly doing the can-can.

  For some really strange reason, though, my hands gripped the insides of my coat pocket. It was almost like my subconscious didn’t want to know. What if I was really disappointed with what I found? Then again, what if I wasn’t?

  I smiled at him and he returned it, before relaxing his hand by his side. The moment was lost, and I mentally kicked myself for it. I’m not sure when I would be able to get an opportunity like that again.

  “Do you mind if I walk with you for a while?”

  I was shocked again. He really was trying to make an effort. “You know you don’t have to.”

  “I know,” he said, smiling. “I want to.”

  Oh dear. That familiar ache I had with Stephen was back. Cassie Johnson, you really are in big trouble!

  “So,” Michael began as we walked towards the place I call home. “How long have you lived in Fulham?”

  “How do you know I live in Fulham?” I didn’t realise he knew that much about me.

  “I’ve just heard you mention it in The Canteen once or twice, that’s all.”

  I smiled, wondering if that was a purposeful thing or not. “I’ve lived here nearly my whole life.”

  “What about family? Do you live on your own, or with your parents?”

  “I live on my own. My parents died when I was a little girl. My uncle raised me.”

  He looked off into space, thinking for a moment. “I’m sorry to hear that, Cassie.” His kind gesture seemed sincere so I smiled at him, a little lost in his beautiful face.

  “Cassie!” shouts my uncle from afar.

  My head snapped up to find him running towards us. My uncle was always on the smallish size, but had a little potbelly which looked kind of endearing on him. He was bald, but he liked it that way.

  “Hi, Uncle Billy. How are you? Michael, this is Uncle Billy. Billy, this is Michael. He’s a police officer.”

  “Wow,” he said unashamedly. “Are you two—?”

  “No!” I snapped a little too quickly. That was another thing about my uncle. He was a little too up front with what he was thinking. I still loved him to bits, though. I always have.

  “Cassie, I have some exciting news. I have this agency who wants to take a look at my portfolio, and I wanted to speak to you about doing something new. It looks like it may be my lucky day.” He poured his eyes over Michael.

  I rolled my own. “No, Billy, that isn’t happening.” I couldn’t believe he was doing this.

  “Oh, come on, Cassie. This could be my big break. You two would look amazing together on camera.”

  “Excuse me—what?” Michael sputtered a little, almost making me laugh.

  “My uncle wants you and me to get in front of the camera so he can take some shots for his portfolio.” I felt really embarrassed for us both.

  “Can I speak with you for a second?” Turning to me, Michael gently placed his hand on my elbow.

  I nod, looking confused, as Michael pulled me to one side and out of earshot of Billy.

  Once he knew my uncle couldn’t hear anything, he leaned in. “Is this something you’re happy to do normally?”

  “Yes. He’s my uncle and I love him. I owe him a lot for all the years he has put in raising me like a daughter. I’m only too happy to do it for him.”

  “Well then, that’s settled.” He turned his head toward Billy. “These photographs will not go public, will they?”

  “No, of course not. They are for my portfolio only. I would never do such a thing unless I had Cassie’s blessing.” My uncle winked at me and I couldn’t help but smile. I was wondering why on earth Michael was going along with this. Did he feel like he owed me? I hoped not.

  “I really don’t want to waste any more time. Can you both come with me?”

  I was flabbergasted. I couldn’t believe he was asking this. “What? You want to do this now?”

  “No time like the present, dear Cassie.”

  I turned to Michael, but he just shrugged. “I finished a couple of hours ago, so I’m good if you are.”

  I couldn’t believe this day. It really was a roller coaster ride. “Okay,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “Let’s get going then.”

  Chapter 4

  We were waiting in the room that Billy used as a studio. He kept it well-main
tained, offering costumes for different varieties of pictures, and a little stage where you could pose to your heart’s content.

  Billy set up the camera, while Michael and I waited for his instructions. Billy looked nervous and it was making me nervous. He had something up his sleeve and I didn’t think I was going to like it.

  “Um, how can I put this?” His eyes were downcast.

  Oh shit, wait for it…

  “Michael, do you have a work shirt on you at all?”

  Michael looked at me, but I shrugged. “I have one in my bag. Why do you ask?”

  “Uncle Billy, please.” I was begging him to not embarrass me any further.

  “Cassie, it’s fine. I just wanted to know if you would wear it.”

  My posture straightened at his request. “If I would wear it?”

  “Yes. Would you be willing to wear his shirt? It would be long enough to cover her, wouldn’t it?”

  Michael nodded, looking at me with concern. I wasn’t sure if the concern was for me or for us both.

  I sighed. “If Michael doesn’t mind, I’ll try it on, but if it’s too revealing, I’m not doing it. Okay, Billy?”

  “She’s right.” Michael stood rigid and looked at me. “I agree with Cassie.” He smiled at me, making my heart melt. Can this man be any sexier?

  Once Michael retrieved his shirt, I used Billy’s room to get undressed and slipped it over me. When I did, I caught a whiff of his scent and suddenly found myself up against the wall, eyes closed, inhaling his sweet aroma. My god, he smelled divine.

  I stood there for a few seconds, just breathing deep. The feel of his shirt on my skin sent my pulse skyrocketing. For a moment, I thought about how I could possibly steal his shirt and take it home. I could snuggle up in bed with it tonight and it would be just the ticket to help me sleep.

  When I did manage to pry myself away, I stepped out of the bedroom and heard the sound of laughter. I’m not sure I had ever heard the sound of Michael’s laughter before. It was like music to my ears.

  “Oh, there you are, Cassie. I think we’re just about ready for you.”

  I looked over at Michael and my breath left my body. Without his coat on, he was wearing a tight-fitting T-shirt that accentuated every muscle in his body. His jeans hung in such a way that it looked as though they were kissing his hips. He inhaled, making his broad chest expand. It made me dizzy watching as his posture was almost like a lion about to pounce.

  His eyes started to wander over my body and I very nearly collapsed. It seemed he liked what he saw, too.

  “Right!” Billy shouted, interrupting our stares. “Shall we get to it?”

  I was wondering if I could. I wasn’t sure what Billy had planned for us, but I somehow knew it wasn’t going to be easy for me.

  “Michael, can you stand behind Cassie for me, please.”

  Michael dutifully took his position as I stood in front of him.

  “Now, Cassie, can you lift your hand so it’s positioned around Michael’s neck for me?”

  I looked at Michael for his permission, but he didn’t nod or shake his head. Seeing that as my cue, I leaned back into him, unaware of just how turned on I would become just from being so close to him.

  Looking up to meet those eyes of his, I was immediately jolted by how intense our stares were with one another. I placed my hand around his neck and felt the little prickly hairs at the base of it. I couldn’t help but run a couple of fingers through them as I moved. His hair was so soft, so exquisite to touch, it almost seemed impossible on a man.

  I could feel his heart drumming into my back and it made mine accelerate even faster. I didn’t know if he was nervous, or felt some of the same tension I felt in my loins. This was all too much for Cassie Johnson to take for one day.

  “That’s perfect. Now, hold that stare. Michael, can you place your right hand on Cassie’s hip, and the other on her arm? Grip it gently in an almost possessive manner.”

  He did as he was told and I nearly gasped at the feel of his hands on me. Suddenly, it was just him and I in the room. Our eyes were still locked and our mouths were so close to touching.

  In that moment, I searched for something in those eyes—anything that would reveal the inner depths of Michael Andrews. He seemed to want this as much as I did.

  “That’s perfect. Wow, you two look great together. You really do.”

  I didn’t mean to do it, but my hand slid back towards his face as I cradled his cheek. The movement seemed to ease him down to my face even further, if that was possible.

  Pulling my head back slightly to meet him, I gasped. It was slight, but enough for Michael to notice the effect he was having on me.

  He gripped my arm tighter, making me moan slightly. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me today. It was like a fire had ignited inside of me and I couldn’t put it out.

  Michael was edging closer to me. It was almost as if a tiny hair was the only thing in the way of us kissing.

  “Wow. That’s perfect,” Billy chimed in, snapping me out of it. “Can you face each other now, still looking like you were before? Michael, if you wouldn’t mind placing your hands on her arms, whilst Cassie places her hands on your chest.”

  We did as instructed, both of us seeming to act on autopilot. I placed one hand on his heart and the other on his shoulder. Our eyes were still locked, burrowing ourselves deep within each other. The connection there was real, too obvious to ignore.

  I was vaguely aware that my uncle was there, clicking away. I normally never got as lost in the moment as I was with Michael. He made the whole thing seem so...effortless.

  In my daze, I stumbled a bit and, without thinking, my leg shot up at his hip. Michael caught it and leaned into me even further. He squeezed my thigh and my head shot back involuntarily.

  It was then that I felt his lips. There was no mistaking that he was kissing just below my neck. A fire raged inside me, one I have never felt before—well, since before Stephen anyway.

  Looking back up at him, my eyes revealed the shock I felt at what he had just done. He ignored my surprise, obviously lost in the moment as much as I was. Instead, he cradled me closer, pulling my thigh toward him. And then I felt something else. I felt how hard he was.

  Another gasp escaped me.

  His other hand was in my hair and I could feel him tugging me towards him. He wanted me and it was the best feeling in the world. If only he knew I wanted him just as much.

  Without any thought whatsoever, my head moved up closer to his. I wanted to kiss him so badly, it hurt. I was very nearly there when a voice yelled from afar, screeching my name.

  “Cassie! Cassie!” Billy shouted from across the room. “I think we’re about done here. I tell you what. That was awesome. If you two aren’t now, you will be very soon.” His cheeky grin was spread wide.

  Snapping my leg back down, I stood in front of Michael. I didn’t know if he was still hard and I didn’t want to go embarrassing him.

  “Billy, stop saying things like that.”

  “Well, it’s the truth. I can’t help but tell the truth now, can I?” He shrugged, then turned his attention to Michael. “By the way, the kiss below the neck thing? Very sexy. Well done, Michael. You have a natural talent for it.”

  “Thanks, but I think it was Cassie that helped.”

  Turning around, I found him smiling down at me. I could tell he seemed to be having some sort of a debate in his head. It was almost like he wanted to be here with me, but felt it was wrong somehow. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

  “I’m going to get changed now, if that’s okay?”

  Waving his hands at me, Billy fiddled with his camera. “Yes, sure thing, Cassie. You did great. Thank you as always, sweetie.”

  I smiled graciously, taking that as my cue to quickly head for the bedroom and get changed.

  When I was ready, I walked out to find only my uncle standing in the room. I looked around, confused, and Billy spots me straight away. “He s
aid he had to go,” he explained. “My goodness, Cassie. Where have you been hiding him? I swear, if I hadn’t interrupted you when I did, you two would have been having sex on my stage right now.”

  “Uncle Billy!” I smacked him gently on the arm. “How can you say that?”

  He started laughing really hard and I couldn’t help but smile. He was probably right, even though it couldn’t happen. I was still a virgin, after all. I couldn’t just have random sex on a stage with someone who hated me only earlier today…could I?

  I suddenly realised that he left without his shirt. I felt elated all of a sudden. The day, although not starting off very well, turned out rather nicely.

  Taking the shirt, I tucked it neatly into my bag. I knew I was going to wear it tonight. I wanted to feel him on me, smell him on me.

  I was about to say goodbye to Billy when his boyfriend, Chris, came through the door. “Cassie, hi. How lovely to see you.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my lips when I saw him. Chris was unlike Billy in a lot of ways. They were chalk and cheese in a sense, but it somehow worked for them. The amount of years they had been together proved that. He was taller than my uncle, with blonde hair and glasses that made him look extremely intelligent. He was an accountant, after all. His number crunching never failed to amaze me. He was definitely the guy to have around when you thought someone was ripping you off.

  Moving in for a hug, I lightly kissed him on the cheek. “I was just about to leave you guys to it.” I didn’t want to intrude.


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