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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

Page 9

by Roberts, Jaimie

  “You were moaning in your sleep,” he explained.

  “Just bad dreams, that’s all.”

  “Do you want me to stay with you for a bit?”

  “Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.”

  I felt him slide in next to me and I immediately relaxed. I snuggled up close to his chest and I felt his protective arms around me, holding me. He instantly started stroking my back and the feeling was so intoxicating, so relaxing, it soon sent me blissfully back to sleep.

  Michael and I were in the clouds again. He held me lovingly in his arms, telling me he would protect me, keep me from harm.

  “No one will ever get close to you.” His voice was soothing, loving. “I have you. I will always be here for you.”

  The light that surrounded us shone brighter, almost as if in acceptance of his words, of our love for one another. He kissed me gently, tenderly. It all just felt right, like it was meant to be.

  The dream wakes me gently, almost as if it was giving me a little nudge in the right direction. The room was still dark, but there was a hint of light in the distance.

  Raising myself up from the bed slightly, I looked down to find Michael still sleeping peacefully. I studied his face for a while, taking in his beauty. I never noticed that he had this perfect button nose and the most beautifully sculpted lips. I stared at those lips for a while, the ache to feel them on mine all too consuming. Instinctively, I bent down as slowly as I could and brushed my lips against his. It startled him a bit, but he soon relaxed and kissed me back.

  The hunger was soon climbing. The need to have him was too much. I hold onto the back of his T-shirt and roll him on top of me. I spread my legs, accepting his body close to mine. I felt how hard he was and the thought made my head spin. Knowing he wanted me made the ache for him even stronger.

  Again, he kept his hands high above my shoulders, never once moving them and placing them on my body. It frustrated me to the point that I grabbed his hand and pushed it towards my breast. If he wanted permission, I was going to have to force it upon him.

  “Cassie, we can’t—.”


  “Don’t beg, Cassie. You should never have to beg for anything.”

  “Then why are you making me?” I asked, frustrated.

  He pulled his head up to get a better look at me. “You’re a—.”

  “Virgin. Yes, that’s right. So what?” I was starting to get angry and I wasn’t sure why.

  “It’s precious, Cassie. You seem so eager to give it away.”

  I pulled myself away from him. “I’m twenty-five years old and still a virgin. I obviously haven’t been that eager, have I?”

  “Why me?” His face was one of bewilderment. It was almost as if he felt he wasn’t worthy of me.

  “Why not you? Why do you seem to have me on this pedestal, Michael? I’m just a normal girl with an abnormal ability. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  He sighed, obviously frustrated with my outburst. “I wish you would stop putting yourself down like that. I keep telling you that you’re special.”

  I was about to argue again when he interrupted, his answer completely shutting me down. “You’re special to me.”

  I couldn’t possibly argue with that. I wasn’t just special, but special to him. It was something I’d been longing to hear.

  “Do you remember the first day we met?”

  “Something I will never forget.” He looked off, deep in thought and smiling.

  “You were the only man I ever felt really nervous around. That time I got close to you and tripped, almost spilling my coffee on you, was me trying to pluck up the courage to talk to you. I was a nervous wreck. I wanted to be close to you, even then.”

  He took his time looking at me, my hidden meaning obviously bouncing around in his head.

  “It’s complicated.” The frustration seemed to settle in him as much as me.

  “How is it complicated, Michael? I want you and I’m hoping that you want me, too. What else is there to think about?”

  “But you’re—.”

  “Innocent—a virgin,” I interrupted. “Yeah, I get it.”

  “Please don’t sulk. I’m not saying no. I’m just saying to give it time. Can you do that for me?”

  “If you’re worried about me, don’t be. I’m ready. I want this. I want you.” I placed my hand on his face.

  “Then give me the time. Can I ask that of you?”

  I instantly felt selfish and a little guilty for my childish behaviour. Michael was obviously a good man. Maybe he was also a virgin and I was the one throwing my teddy in the corner because he wouldn’t have sex with me!

  Wow, how the roles are reversed. I’m used to men asking for sex, so this one’s completely dumbfounded me. One that made me smile a little.

  “I’m sorry. I’m being selfish.”

  He chuckled a little. “No, you’re not. I understand. This sort of thing hasn’t happened to me before. I’m not quite sure what to do about it, to be honest.”

  I was really curious. I know they say curiosity killed the cat, but I couldn’t help what came out of my mouth next. It just sort of ran away with me.

  “Have you ever been in love?” I cringed a little, but it didn’t seem to faze him.

  “Twice.” He sighed and placed his hand on mine.

  That hurt a little more than I thought it would. “What happened the first time around?”

  “Her name was Elizabeth. She broke my heart.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” I winced slightly. I could tell he didn’t really want to talk about it so I thought I’d move on. “And the other time?”

  “Well, she’s special. Someone I can’t quite get out of my head.”

  He looked at me sheepishly and smiled. I wasn’t sure whether I heard him correctly or not. Was he really talking about me? He could tell I was stunned, so he continued, “I met her about six months ago. She walked into my life without a care in the world and nearly knocked me to my knees. I wanted to hate her—tried to, in fact—but it was no use. She had this pull, you see. I don’t know how she does it, but I want to run to her all the time. Be close to her. I even followed her a few times without her knowing. Not because I do that sort of thing normally. Just because I wanted to make sure she was safe. Be there if she ever needed me. I am her guardian.”

  I couldn’t help the pull I had to rush to his lips. If only he knew just how eager I was to cement our relationship. I wanted to show him how much he really meant to me.

  He pulled away again, breathless. “You don’t understand how hard you’re making this for me.”

  “Then why fight it?” I was being so cheeky.

  He shook his head, getting out of bed. “I’m going to make coffee and toast. You want some?”

  “Oh yes, please. That would be nice.”

  He disappeared out the door, leaving me to freshen up a little. I decided to pop into the shower, then wrapped a towel around me, heading back to the bed.

  Waiting for me was a plate with two pieces of toast with butter, and a nice steaming coffee.

  “Did you summon the Mexican with his donkey to bring you that?” I smiled brightly, trying to stifle my laugh.

  “What do you mean?” He looked confused, which was adorable.

  “The coffee. You know…Bruce Almighty.”

  His laughter filled the room and it immediately made me weak in the knees. His laugh was like nothing else I’d heard before.

  “I know I’m not from this world, but I don’t have that sort of power.”

  “But do you have any powers? I feel a little silly for asking, but I know nothing. All I know is from comic books and films. This is real—all too real.”

  “I’m strong, but that’s about it. I can’t summon Mexicans to bring me coffee, or lasso the moon and brighten the stars for you. Although, I would if I could.” He winked.

  Scanning me with his eyes, he spied the towel wrapped around me. It’s almost as if he is noticing me fo
r the very first time.

  “Um…that’s really distracting.”

  “I know. You’ve told me that before.” I was being cheeky again, but this side of me was liberating. It was like I had been hiding behind myself all this time.

  “Well, I meant it then, and I mean it now. I wonder if I have a really long jumper and a pair of sweatpants that you could wear. Not that it would help much.”

  His smile broadened and I couldn’t help but smile back.

  “So,” I began, biting into my toast. “These others… They’re just like me?”

  “Yes, all the same gift. The gift of sight. How they’ve been using it over the years is anyone’s guess. I should imagine much the same as you. I know it can’t be easy for any of you. You’ve been completely alone in all this.

  “I wish I hadn’t been so dumb. All this time, you were right here. I could have been there for you all these months and I just kept trying to ignore you, hoping that what I felt would go away.”

  Knowing how he now felt, I had to ask, “Did you know how I felt about you?”

  “How do you feel about me?” He regarded me with a cheeky grin. It wasn’t as cheeky as Stephen’s, but cheeky nonetheless.

  “You know.” I was blushing. “The same as you.” I was hoping that was a good explanation.

  Michael reared his head back in shock. “Really?”

  “Why do you look so shocked?”

  Just at the point he was about to answer, his phone started ringing. “Excuse me.” He sprinted off as quickly as he could, leaving me alone again.

  I couldn’t hear much of what was being said, but I got the general gist. Daniel had been taken care of. I did not know how, but I knew Michael wouldn’t do anything bad. I trusted his judgement. But someone was helping him. Who could that be?

  The bulb suddenly went on above my head. Why didn’t I think of this yesterday?

  Just as I was mulling it over, Michael came back into the room. “Did Stephen take care of Daniel then?”

  Michael stopped dead in his tracks. “How did you know?”

  “I can’t feel anything from him, same as you. I couldn’t believe it that first day we met and I shook his hand.” I paused a minute and something else came to me. “Hold on a minute. He knows about me, doesn’t he? He kept saying I was innocent and that I would get him into trouble.”

  Michael looked pissed—very pissed. I suddenly found myself recoiling from his angered glare. He growled a little and stomped over to the bed. “Yes, he knows about you.”

  “So he’s like you?”

  He turned to face me. “He’s nothing like me, Cassie. He’s trouble. Stay away from him.”

  My eyes opened wide. His outburst scared me a little.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. It’s just that Stephen has always had trouble following the rules. He’s well-known for being a troublemaker. He doesn’t like being told what to do, and never has. He’s not a bad person. He just likes to be in control of everything.”

  I thought I had better change the subject. I knew Michael didn’t like Stephen near me and now I knew why. But I was curious…extremely curious.

  “Is he on some sort of bad side then? Is he out to harm me?”

  Michael shook his head, relaxing a little. “No, of course not. He wants to help, but just on his terms. He was ostracised from our group because of the way he is, but he’s not bad. He may feel a little bitter towards them for it but, deep down, he wants to do good.”

  “So did he take care of Daniel last night?”

  Michael sighed and sat down on the bed. “Yes. He followed him and once he knew he got him alone, he snuck up behind him and hit him. He was unconscious for a few hours before someone noticed him in the early morning hours and called an ambulance. He was drunk, of course, and doesn’t remember anything, considering Stephen came at him from behind. I don’t like it, but it’s better than his poor wife getting it.”

  I cringed. It still didn’t help her future. He’s done it before, so he’ll do it again.

  “I know this is only temporary,” he said, answering my question, “but it will have to do until we can figure out a way to stop him.”

  I nodded, deep in thought. “Are there any others I don’t know about lurking around the police station?”

  “No, just him and me. Stephen felt it necessary to step up measures once he knew I wasn’t getting anywhere. I knew he was smug that first day he met you. Now I know why. He knew who you were from the very beginning. That’s not going to do much good for his ego. Plus, he made me look like an idiot. I was there six months and was so busy avoiding you that I didn’t realise it was you I was looking for all along.”

  I saw his frustration and wanted to take it away from him. “Michael, I’ve been fine these past six months. I must admit, it would have been nice for you to have acknowledged me a little. At times, I felt like you hated me. In fact, I believed you did, but I understand why you did it. You can’t beat yourself up over this. It’s done. Get over it. Move on. I’m sure I could help you move on.” I winked at him and he shook his head.

  “Stop that.” His voice was scolding, but I’d obviously amused him because he was fighting hard to keep his grin under wraps.

  “Stop what, Michael?”

  “I know what you’re up to and it’s unfair. I think I need to find you some clothes.”

  He got up, stomped over to his wardrobe, and searched through his things. He pulled out a polo shirt and tracksuit bottoms, handing them to me.

  Rising from the bed and smiling, I felt the towel loosen its grip. I did nothing to aid its hold on me at all. In fact, I thought I would wiggle a little and see if I could loosen it further. I had clothes in my hand. It was very difficult to hold onto them and the towel at the same time.

  Sure enough, the towel fell to the ground. “Oops,” I said, bringing my hand up to my mouth.

  Michael turned his head towards me and his expression nearly sent me into a fit of giggles. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone’s eyes bulge as much as Michael’s were now.

  “Shit…” He stood rigid, staring across at my nakedness.

  “Tut, tut, Michael. A man of your stature should not be swearing.” This was certainly fun.

  Running over to me, he knelt in front of me to grab my towel. I needed to touch him, so I grabbed a handful of his hair and seductively ran my fingers through it. He stops momentarily and grabs one of my thighs. His delicious mouth was soon on my skin. I felt like I was on fire. He starts kissing me gently along my leg and up my thigh. I throw my head back, letting the sweet sensation take over.

  Slowly, he moved towards my belly, trailing kisses across my sensitive skin. I moaned. I couldn’t help it. The feeling was just too good. He eventually came up to my lips, but not before wrapping the towel back around me.

  “You’re not playing fair, Cassie. What you have and kept a hold of all these years is not something to throw away that easily. You’re so special and deserve to be treated that way. When it happens for you, you deserve nothing but the best.”

  “You’re not helping, either, when you say things like that, Michael. You talk like you’re undeserving of me. I think I can decide that for myself.”

  He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me gently on the lips. “You were the creation of angels, Cassie. You don’t understand how important you are. You certainly are to me.”

  “Tease,” I pout, being as cheeky as I possibly could.

  Michael left to let me get dressed. For a while, I was lost in thought. He said I was the creation of angels. That’s a lot for a twenty-five year old girl to take in for one day. He certainly held me in some sort of high regard. It made me feel special, though, so who am I to complain? It was only what I have been dreaming about all these months.

  Once I was dressed, Michael returned to me and eyed my attire. He shook his head, smiling, and I looked at him questioningly. “What?” I asked.

  “Even my baggy clothes do noth
ing to stop how—.” He thought for a moment, wondering how to put it. He seemed to be having a debate in his head. Eventually, he gives up. “Sexy you are.” He sighed a little, like it was a lot of effort to think that one up.

  I smiled, elated at the thought. “You think I’m sexy?”

  “Yes, and stop that.”

  “Stop what, Michael? I’m not doing anything.”

  Prancing around the room, I hold onto his t-shirt and start singing, I’m Too Sexy by Richard Fairbrass. “I’m too sexy for this shirt, too sexy for this shirt. So sexy, it hurts.”

  Laughing, Michael was nearly falling on the floor. It was a beautiful sound. I didn’t know why he didn’t laugh more often.

  The sound made me carry on further, feeling lighter than air. He suddenly grabbed me, halting me in my tracks. He stared into my eyes for a few seconds. It’s almost like he was drinking me in. “You’re so beautiful, Cassie. I’m so glad I found you.”

  My breathing spiked and I couldn’t help but pull him into me. I grabbed his hair and pulled him to my mouth. He moaned and the sound sets my soul on fire. I want him to touch me. I need him to touch me.

  The kissing, normally so gentle, seemed to be getting fiercer as his hunger set in. I felt him giving in and I knew I was about to burst at the seams.

  Our tongues explored and our breathing was harsh. I felt somewhat satisfied, but I knew I wanted more.

  Grabbing his hand, I pulled it towards my breast. I needed to have his hands on me. To my amazement, he complied, squeezing it gently. My nipples go rock solid under his touch as he gently rubbed one, causing me to shudder.

  “Oh, Michael, please.” I was begging again.

  I tried hard to pull him towards the bed. At first he hesitated, but I scratched his back and that seemed to spur him forward.

  We fall onto the bed and he was on top of me in a second, exploring my breasts. Heat rose up my body and towards my face. I felt giddy and so turned on.

  It somehow felt strange to me that I wanted something I’d never had. I knew Michael would never hurt me. I knew he would be gentle and kind. That was why I instantly knew that he was the one. He had to be the one.

  My emotions run even higher when he flicked his thumb over my nipple again. My hips involuntarily rose up to meet his hardness. I moaned so loudly that it made Michael emit a rumbling sound in his chest. It was so animalistic that my body quickly reacted to it.


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