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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

Page 16

by Roberts, Jaimie

  Stephen danced over to the radio, making me laugh. He promptly switched it on, and a song soon came to an end. A voice announced another song, which quickly began. It made us both gasp when we heard it. It was the song Stephen had been hearing ever since the day after we met.

  Stephen’s look of shock soon turned into a smile as he gently placed his hand out for me. With a smile, I took it and he helped me stand up. He placed me in his arms and I couldn’t help but smell him. He always smelled so wonderful.

  Suddenly, the pain in my head was melting away. Stephen was like my own brand of medicine. Just what the doctor ordered.

  “How do you appear?” I asked after a few seconds of silence.

  He slightly pulled away and stared down into my eyes. “How do you mean?”

  “Well, do you just appear on earth, or do you have to find a body? I’m not sure how it works.”

  “We’re angels, so we mostly just appear as our natural selves.”

  The idea of it all fascinated me beyond words. My brain just ached to have knowledge of it all. “So how do you get to go back?”

  “We go when we are summoned or when we are killed by another angel.”

  That thought made me shiver a little. “I hope that doesn’t happen too often.”

  “No, but it can. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dead, though. It just means you get to go home. If you are sent before your time, the Archangels start an investigation to figure out what it is they’re going to do with you next. If it were someone like me, I suppose I would have to serve the rest of my time doing some form of work they felt it necessary for me to do.”

  “Do you mean like community service?”

  He nodded his head, smiling. “Yes, exactly.”

  “What would happen to the angel that killed the other angel?”

  “They would be brought forth and probably be sent to limbo for eternity—unless they can show some remorse down the line for what they did. It would take quite some time for that, though. Probably a millennium, at least.”

  I reared my head back in shock. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  Stephen chuckled a little when he saw my reaction. “No. It is the way things are done. They take killing people very seriously. They also take killing angels just as seriously.”

  “But you said you never actually die.”

  “No, but if we are forced back before our time, that is a great crime. Just look at it from a human’s point of view. Unfortunately, a lot of them are taken before their time. There is never any justice in that.”

  “I see what you mean.” I rested my head on his shoulder, inhaling his familiar scent.

  “Twinkles?” Stephen asked after a few seconds.

  “Yes,” I sighed, my eyes closing.

  “You’re not falling asleep on me, are you?”

  I giggled a little into his chest and this made him laugh. “No. I’m just relaxed—and happy.” And I was. This whole experience with Stephen just felt right and familiar.

  “That’s good.” He sighed and stroked my hair. “That’s very good. Hey, Twinkles?”

  “Yes, Stephen?” I whispered.

  “I’m so glad I found you.”

  Knowing I couldn’t be happier right now, I just sighed and let the euphoria wash over me. “Me, too, Stephen. Me, too.”

  Our song came to an end soon after. Our dance had relaxed me so much that I was ready for bed.

  I disappeared into the bathroom to get ready as Stephen took his time getting settled on the floor. After I came out, he studied me for a moment. He seemed to be struggling with something and I knew all too well how that felt.

  He went into the bathroom as I slipped into bed. Once he was out, Stephen switched the light off and crawled onto the floor.

  “Stephen?” I searched into the darkness, hoping he would be my light tonight.

  “Yes, Twinkles?”

  “Can you hold me for a little while? I’m feeling lonely and I know I have someone with me who will help take that away.” I hoped I wasn’t coming across too needy.

  To my delight, he answered straight away. “Your wish is my command,” he said, rising. “You never have to feel alone with me around. I will always be here for you, no matter what.”

  He slid in next to me and, before I knew it, we were spooning. Wrapping his protective arms around me, he let me savour his familiar scent. Before long, I was soundly off to sleep.

  Chapter 12

  During the night, I could vaguely remember Stephen shaking me gently and asking me if I felt okay, if my head hurt, if I knew what day it was. I knew he was doing it because of what the doctor had told him, but I felt bad that he kept waking himself up to wake me up. I honestly didn’t know how he was doing it.

  It was only until I finally woke the next morning that I realised how he did it. The television was still on, but Stephen was flat out on the bed. He must have been awake most of the night. I felt really bad. If I had known he was going to do this, I would have stayed in the hospital.

  Manoeuvring myself over as gently as I possibly could, I watched Stephen as he slept. He looked like an angel with his beautiful brown locks, some of them now hanging towards his eyes. Being as gentle as possible, I moved one lock out of the way and marvelled at his beauty. I didn’t realise it at the time, as I was so fixated on Michael, but Stephen was beautiful. He had the most lusciously long eyelashes that gently curved and rested on his smooth, flawless face. In sleep, his forehead would crinkle a little and it made him look even more boyish. His lips were full and pouty, ripe for the kissing. And I really wanted to kiss him. I remembered all too well what it was like to kiss Stephen.

  The memories came flooding back of that night in bed when he would have given everything to me. I knew he would gladly give it all to me.

  And that’s exactly what the problem was. No matter how much I loved these men in my life, I could never ask such a thing of them in return. It would kill me to know that they had sacrificed everything they have ever known with Michael, the rising angel, and Stephen, the remorseful one. Both were trying to do good for different reasons, and both wanted to eventually go home and be with their loved ones. I was just a mere mortal of a girl who felt undeserving of them.

  Carrying on with my quiet appreciation of this man, I listened as his gentle breathing filled the room. He stirred a little and, for some strange reason, I found myself holding my breath. It was the funniest thing and almost had me giggling.

  I love you, Stephen Faron, I thought.

  “I love you, too.”

  I jumped so high out of bed that the movement made Stephen pop his eyes open as wide as I’d ever seen them.

  “What’s happening, Twinkles? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I said it, but my eyes were as wide as his.

  “Why do you look panicked?”

  I didn’t know whether to say anything, but I had to know. “Did you say something?”

  “No…” He looked around the room, confused, and rubbed his eyes. It made me feel bad that I had woken him. I was shocked as hell and didn’t have a clue how that just happened.

  “Are you sure you didn’t say anything?” I had to ask again, just in case.

  “No. Twinkles. What’s going on? What day is it?” His lips curved into a smile.

  “It’s Thursday. I told you that in the early hours this morning when you woke me up for the hundredth time.” I smiled right back at him.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “A little groggy, but better. I should imagine you’re not, though. You really stayed up all night to make sure I was okay?”

  With a yawn, Stephen sat up. “It was the least I could do.”

  “You have done enough for me as it is, and now you’ve lost all this sleep because of me.”

  “Twinkles, I could never do enough for you. Whatever your wish, remember?”

  “I don’t know why you think so highly of me. I’m just a girl. You’re the angel.”

Stephen shook his head and tutted at me. “You know, I could easily handcuff you to this bed and make you stay here until you stopped talking all this nonsense.”

  My eyes widened and a familiar burn crept up between my legs.

  “I’m sorry.” He winced a little, shaking his head. “That was really inappropriate of me to say after what just happened.” He rose from the bed and stomped his feet in anger at himself.

  “I wasn’t even thinking about that,” I whispered.

  Funnily enough, it was hard to think about anything but Stephen when he was around.

  I watched as he stretched his muscles and turned to look at me. I was staring and I knew it. I couldn’t help myself. He was standing there with nothing but his boxer shorts on and I was practically drooling on my bed.

  “Is there something wrong, Twinkles?” His cheeky grin was back again.

  I eventually managed to pry my eyes away from him to look at his face. “No, not at all, Stephen. What time is it?” I threw the covers off and stood up.

  This time, it was Stephen’s turn to stare, but he was staring at one place in particular. I looked down and, to my horror, my nipples were standing at attention. I closed my eyes and tried to slouch a little so my breasts didn’t stick out like a sore thumb.

  “Um…after twelve by the looks of things.” He stuttered the words out. “Man, we slept in.”

  “What?!” I started dancing around in a panic. “What about Michael? He would have expected my call by now.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve spoken with him already. He called and I told him you accidently left your phone at home before leaving for work. I didn’t like lying, but we’ve come this far.”

  “I’m sorry, Stephen. I take full responsibility for this.”

  He walked over and gave me a hug. “I’m just as much in this as you are. There’s no need to take on all the burden.”

  He caressed my back and it made me shiver. I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent. It just felt so good to be in his arms. I felt like nothing else mattered when I was around him.

  Pulling away, I smiled, but it soon faded when I saw how seriously he was looking at me. My heart started to pound in anticipation. I wasn’t sure if he was thinking of kissing me, but I didn’t think I would have the heart to stop him if he did.

  Stephen looked at my lips, then back up to me. I thought I was going to explode. I didn’t know what to think and feel, but my body seemed to know what to feel. It was completely in control, and I was completely at Stephen’s mercy. He could do anything to me now and I would just cave.

  “Would you like some breakfast?” His voice filled the room, breaking my trance.

  “Okay.” I must admit that I was a little disappointed. I’m not sure how I could feel like this after the day I had yesterday. If I kept thinking I was almost raped, though, it would tear me apart. I knew having Stephen here was relaxing and calming me. I’m not sure how I would be on my own.

  Sitting on the bed, I watched Stephen as he walked towards the kitchen. I didn’t will it, but a single tear crept down my face. I wasn’t sure if what had happened was finally setting in, or if it was whether I was in complete turmoil over Michael and Stephen. I just felt constantly torn, constantly worried about the future and what it would bring.

  I started thinking about what it was going to be like once Michael and Stephen went home. The thought began to terrify me. In those few seconds away from Stephen, I started to panic. Before I knew it, that single tear turned into a flood and I couldn’t control it.

  “Hey, Twinkles. What’s the matter?” Within seconds, he had his arms around me. “You know he can’t hurt you anymore.”

  “I know. Thank you.”

  I didn’t want to explain anything right now. I didn’t want him to see how much I would miss him when he was gone. I knew he would give it all up for me. All I had to do was ask, and he would be mine forever. The thought made me tingle a little. I wish life wasn’t so hard.


  I got myself ready just in time for Kali’s visit. Stephen made himself scarce so I didn’t have to answer too many questions. My fridge was looking a little empty now so, before he left, I asked if he could get some bits and pieces from the store.

  “Cassie!” Her high octane voice filled the stairway.

  “Hi, Kali. How are you?”

  “Ah, you know me. I brought you some grapes.”

  Giggling, I grabbed them from her hand as I let her in. “So what’s been happening at work?” I asked as we settled on my sofa.

  “To say no one is talking about what happened would be a lie.”

  I frowned and shut my eyes. I knew that was going to happen, but hearing it was another thing altogether. Now I was going to be the gossip around the station for a long time to come.

  “But everyone has nothing but good things to say about you, Cassie, so don’t be concerned about it. It’s Daniel there all vying for blood over. What happened wasn’t your fault. I think you may have some explaining to do but, other than that, it’s all good.”

  I knew I would have to explain why I was there in the first place. I wasn’t looking forward to the meeting on Monday with the Chief Superintendent.

  “I hate to say this to you, Cassie, but I think you need to calm it with this gift of yours. It’s getting a little dangerous now.”

  “I know, Kali. I’ve been thinking of nothing else since then.”

  “I worry about you.” She gently squeezed my arm. “I’m your friend and I want to make sure you are safe and happy. That’s what friends are for, right?”

  “Yes.” I smiled at her. “So, tell me, did you go out with Hamish again?”

  It was Kali’s turn to smile. “Yes. He’s rather persistent. I would normally say no, but he’s too good in bed. He actually had me purring last night.”

  The giggles were instantly flying. Not that I wanted to imagine something like that, but it couldn’t be helped. I was off and so was Kali. It took a while for us to calm down. When we did, I patted her arm. “What did he do?”

  “He thought it was sexy. He calls me Kitten now. I quite like it, though.”

  “Yes, Kitten Kali. I should imagine you would.”

  The laughter came again. She said that she would be seeing him again on Saturday night. She didn’t really want a relationship with him at the moment, but the sex was too good to pass up. I suppose they’re both getting something out of this, and it was nice to see my friend smile.


  By the time Kali left and Stephen returned, I had finally managed to cheer myself up a bit. I knew I was feeling sorry for myself and the sooner I stopped, the better.

  It was when we had sat down to eat that night that I caught the glint in Stephen’s eyes. He winked at me, making me giggle.

  “What’s so funny, Twinkles?”

  “I was just thinking that you have the wrong name.”

  The adorable crinkle in his forehead surfaced. “Why’s that?”

  “I think you should have been called Michael.”

  He stopped eating and frowned at me. “Why?”

  “Have you not seen the film Michael?”

  He thought for a moment, then shook his head. “Nope, can’t say as I have.”

  I was quite surprised at this and my look told him so. “I have it on DVD. Let’s just say it’s probably right up your alley.”

  He looked at me with mild amusement. “Okay, Twinkles. Let me see it.”

  “You really want to?”

  “Let’s get it on.”

  Oh yes, please!

  I didn’t know where that came from, but the voice was definitely there and it distinctly sounded like mine.

  “Twinkles, you’re going to get me into a lot of trouble with a mouth like that. Now stop it.”

  “What did I say?” I was asking innocently, but my face must have given me away. Shit, can he read my mind?

  “You know what you said.”

  He got up, taking the plates
into the kitchen, leaving me wondering what the hell was going on. Maybe I said it out loud? Thinking about it, I may have. I think my head was hit harder than I thought.

  Getting up, I ventured into the kitchen and decided to change the subject. “How about some nachos? It’s compulsory to eat something when you watch a film.”

  “Is it really?” He turned to face me.

  “Um…yes.” Just looking at him had my tongue twisting.

  “Well, if you want to eat some more, that’s fine by me. I love watching you eat.”

  Pursing my lips a little, I frowned at him, then smiled. “Why?”

  “You look—I don’t know—kind of adorable.” Stephen smiled before placing the dishes in the sink. If I didn’t think I loved this man before, I certainly did now. It was almost as though he knew me from the inside out. Everything about him had me yearning to be close. I wasn’t sure what it was about him, but it simply thrilled me, terrified me, intoxicated me. And I wasn’t sure how much longer I could go on like this.

  I made myself busy getting everything ready for the film. My phone rang just as we were about to start it up. It was my uncle. He was checking in and wanted to make sure I had everything I needed. With Stephen by my side, I definitely did. Not that I told him that, of course.

  The film was as good as I remembered. We laughed and I cried, but I think Stephen enjoyed it as much as I did. To be honest, it felt like we had done this kind of thing for years.

  “You know it’s not really like that, don’t you? Frankly, I’m quite offended that you think I’m this gluttonous, filthy-mouthed, sex maniac angel like the one portrayed in the film.”

  I popped a nacho in my mouth and pretended to act shocked. “I never thought that about you.”

  His playful smile lit the room. “Okay, well…explain it.”

  “He’s more down-to-earth. He’s like the daredevil angel—someone you would never expect to act the way that he does. He reminds me of you, but I swear it’s only in a good way.”

  “I know. I’m just messing with you. You really think I’m down-to-earth?”


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