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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

Page 22

by Roberts, Jaimie

  “Yes, but please don’t say anything. They were sent here to protect me.”

  Billy looked at me with worry. “Protect you from what? Why would you need protecting?”

  I tell them the story about the five chosen ones. Both Billy and Chris stared with open mouths as I was revealing all the details. I couldn’t blame them. If it were me, I would be exactly the same.

  Once all was told, Chris took his glasses off and gave them a scrub with his handkerchief. “So you can’t be with them because to ask would mean them giving up their home to be with you.”


  Putting his glasses back on, he paused. “That’s a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. Didn’t the angels think of that before sending them down to you?”

  “Well, no. Michael told me that this has never happened before.”

  Billy sucked in his breath, gaining my attention. “What? They have never fallen in love? I can’t believe that.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m just a mere mortal. I’m beneath entities like them.”

  Chris shook his head. “Cassie, that is not true and you and I both know it. I hope that’s not how they treat you. If so, then they’re not worthy of you.”

  “No, no, of course not. If anything, they both put me on a pedestal. I don’t understand it, to be honest.”

  Both Billy and Chris shook their heads. “Cassie,” Chris began, “I have known you since you were practically a baby. I’ve come to think of you as my daughter as much as Billy does. If you think there aren’t people out there that love you and think the world of you, then there’s something fundamentally wrong. You’re the most wonderful woman I have ever had the pleasure to encounter. I would hope that the way we both raised you had something to do with that.”

  He paused a moment and chuckled. “But, of course, it’s your personality that shines through. Only you can merit yourself that. I wish you could see what other people see.”

  Smiling through my tear-filled eyes, I grabbed both their arms. “Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you both in my life.”

  “Well, it would certainly be more boring.” Billy laughed, winking across at Chris.

  “I wouldn’t argue with that.” I was teasing, but I loved them both immensely.

  “So what are you going to do, Cassie? I can only give you my opinion but, at the end of the day, it’s your choice.”

  That word “choice” seemed to be rearing its ugly head lately. I didn’t want a choice. I wanted to be left alone and not have to have this constant aching heart.

  “I kind of thought I had to cut them from my life like you said, Uncle Billy. I think that’s exactly what I have to do.”

  Billy smiled, patting my shoulder. “I think what you’re doing is very selfless. However, I do believe that if either of them truly loves you, they would make the decision for you. You’re worth giving it all up for.”

  Looking away, I shook my head. “I couldn’t ask them to do that.”

  “It’s not about asking them, is it, Cassie?” Billy’s look was chastising. “Just the same way you chose not to ask them to stay with you, they can also make the choice to do it without your permission. It would be a risk on their part, but if they thought you truly loved them, then it would be worth that risk.”

  “I would be devastated if that happened.”

  “But it wouldn’t have been your decision to make. You can’t beat yourself up about that, can you?”

  “I suppose not.” I paused, thinking about it some more. “But I would still feel a little guilty that I had something to do with them making that choice.”

  Chris smiled cheekily. “I think you overthink things.”

  The laughter came without my willing. I thought Chris was right on about that.

  “We can’t tell you what to do,” Chris continued. “But whatever happens, we just want you to know that we’re here for you. We will stand by any decision you make, one hundred percent.”

  “Thank you.” I felt somewhat relieved at sharing my heartache. It was great to know I had people in my life who cared and wanted to share the burden with me.


  I stayed and had an early dinner with them. It felt good to be with my family. I did think about what my uncle said about either Michael or Stephen making the choice for me. I knew that it was a coward’s way out on my part. I couldn’t help but feel the hurt from knowing that Stephen betrayed his own brother. Sure, it did sound like she was wrong for him, sleeping with Stephen answered that theory, but there were other ways to show Michael that. Stephen didn’t need to sleep with her to prove it.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Chris cornered me as I was about to leave.

  “I’ll be fine. There has to be an end to this at some point. I’m sure it will be coming for me soon. Lord knows what that means, but I know it can’t go on like this forever.”

  After saying my goodbyes, I headed out the door. It was dark and the wind was picking up a little bit. I put on my gloves, which I thought was a good investment. It kept my hands warm in winter and shielded my gift from others—if they decided to touch my hand.

  Halfway home, my phone started ringing. I dug it from my coat pocket and saw that it was an unlisted number. I pressed the ANSWER button. “Hello?”

  “Cassie, hi. How are you feeling now? I heard you were sent home.”


  “Yes, sorry. I should have said first. I guess I’m a little eager to speak with you.”

  “Is everything okay?” I was getting a little concerned.

  “Yes, it is. I just wanted to know if you were coming into work tomorrow.”

  “I’m a lot better now, thanks. I had a bad headache, but went home and slept for a while. It’s gone now so I feel much better.”

  “That’s good. I don’t want you doing too much if it’s going to affect your health.”

  I chuckled a little. “I’m fine, honestly. What can I do for you?”

  “Well, I did some digging on the information you gave me and have narrowed it down to a certain area. I wanted to go in the morning and I wanted to bring you with me.”

  “Me?!” I shrieked a little, causing a young girl to snap her head in my direction. Sorry, I mouthed as I walked past her.

  “Only you know what you saw. I want you there so you can tell me if it’s the right area.”

  “I do want to help as much as I can, but what about work? I’ve already missed enough days as it is.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I have spoken with Fiona. She knows there are some jobs you are doing for me and has allocated your work accordingly. None of your cases will be affected by your absence.”

  I thought about that for a moment and cringed a little. How did he explain why a lowly traffic girl was hanging around with the Chief Superintendent of all people? It just didn’t add up.

  “You’re hesitating slightly. Are you uncomfortable with this?”

  “No, not at all… Well, only so much as I’m not sure how you explain this. I’m only a traffic girl, Mr Bradley.”

  “That’s a little self-deprecating, isn’t it, Cassie? I would never consider you just a traffic girl. You’re a highly valued member of the Met. Everyone there has an important role to play.”

  “I know. Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Besides, Fiona doesn’t question me. If she would ask, I’d just tell her that I’m thinking of hiring you as my personal assistant.”

  “But what about, Ruth, or is this actually just a way to explain it?”

  “She’s retiring in a couple of months. I couldn’t think of anyone better for the job. Fiona knows this already so I should imagine she suspects it to be the case. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. It would mean more responsibility, but you will have better pay—and something more challenging for you, I should imagine.”

  I was genuinely shocked. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “There’s no rush. Ruth isn�
�t leaving for another two months yet. We will have to go through the interview process, but that will just be a formality. Give me a week. If you think we can work together, tell me by Friday.”

  “Okay.” I was feeling a little shaky. This was all so much to take in.

  “So will you come with me tomorrow? You don’t have to, but it would be much better if you did.”

  I smiled to myself, thinking I would love to. I knew Simon more than he realised, and would do anything to try to ease his pain. “Okay, sure. Why not?”

  “That’s the ticket!” he shouted. “Give me your address and I will pick you up at eight o’clock, if that’s okay? I would like to get an early start.”

  “That’s fine. I can understand your eagerness to get some closure on this. I will endeavour to do the best I can for you, Mr. Bradley.”

  “I’m sure you will, Cassie. And, please, call me Simon. Mr. Bradley makes me feel old.”

  I chuckled. “Okay, Simon.”

  I told him my address and when I was done, Simon sighed. “By the way, I bought some rock candy for Sharice. She asked me how I could possibly know she was craving the stuff. How could you have possibly known? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Some things are better left unsaid.” I smiled brightly because I knew he couldn’t see my reaction.

  “Hmm, well… I think we will discuss this further tomorrow. I shall see you then.”

  “Certainly. Have a good evening.”

  “You, too.”

  I was at my door by the time I hung up. I was feeling a little dizzy with fear and excitement. I could understand why Simon would want to keep me close to him. There are not many people like me around and I was sure the more we all kept this quiet, the better. I guess he thought containing me was the best option.

  I was in the middle of putting the key in the lock when I heard my name being called. I turned to find Lisa-Marie with the girl I saw in my vision.

  “Lisa-Marie.” I pulled the key out and went back down the stairs for a hug. “How are you?”

  She nodded her head. “Very well, thank you.”

  “I take it this must be Catherine? Nice to meet you.” I offered her my hand. I still had my gloves on so I knew it was safe.

  I saw Lisa-Marie raise her eyebrow when I shook Catherine’s hand. I discreetly showed her my gloves and she nodded.

  “We were actually about to head to the Horse and Hound down the road. Do you want to come?” Catherine’s eager smile brightened the dark evening. She was a pretty girl with long, flowing blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She had a certain regal look about her that caught your attention.

  “Yes, that would be lovely. I can’t stay long, though. I have to get up really early for work tomorrow. It would seem I have been offered a better job.”

  “Really?” Lisa-Marie squealed with a big grin. “Well, come on and let’s go so you can tell us all about it. It’s too cold to be standing out here.”

  With a nod, we swiftly walked to the pub. It was only three minutes away from my place so it was handy for heading back home. They ordered vodkas, and I ordered a brandy and coke. I had to smile a little to myself. The drink was obviously my favourite since Stephen had walked into my life.

  “So tell me all about it.” Lisa-Marie’s tone was playfully demanding.

  “Well, I’ve become acquainted with the Chief Superintendent at work for several reasons.” I looked at Lisa-Marie when I said this and I thought she understood my hidden meaning.

  “He seems impressed with the work I can do so far and it would seem he wants me to be his personal assistant. I’m to work with him for a week so we can see if we work well together. I’m actually going out with him on a job all day tomorrow.”

  “Well, congratulations.” Lisa-Marie raised her glass. “See, it was a good idea going for a drink with us. I take it this will be a promotion?”

  “Well, yes, I would think so.”

  “When will you know for sure?” Catherine asked.

  “He told me that I had to give him an answer by Friday.”

  Lisa-Marie gave me a cheeky wink. “Great. Let us know on Friday and maybe we can go out and celebrate. What do you both think?”

  “Sounds good to me,” we said in unison. Catherine and I looked at one another and laughed.

  “So what’s new with you, other than this incredible sounding job? Got yourself a man yet?”

  I quivered a little, thinking about Michael and Stephen. A little jolt of pain shot through my stomach when I thought about them. I had seen them only hours ago and already I missed them. I missed the way they always made me feel when they were close. I missed their smells and how special I felt when they touched me. I missed Stephen’s cheeky grin, and I even missed Michael’s dominance.

  “No,” I sighed sadly. “I’m too busy saving the world.” I smiled, raising my glass. I looked towards Lisa-Marie and she giggled back.

  “So tell me about yourself, Catherine.” I was trying to change the subject. I didn’t want to talk about me or my lack of love life anymore.

  “There’s nothing much to tell, really. I’m a secretary for a local law firm down the King’s Road. I recently moved so I could gain some independence from my parents. Sometimes my father can be a handful. He doesn’t like talking about my life choices. Of course, they both know and my mum is kind of okay about it. My dad, on the other hand, is a whole different kettle of fish. He’s very much old school and probably thinks I’ll grow out of it one day. I keep trying to get it through his head. I even asked if he thought he would ever grow out of being attracted to women. To say it didn’t go well is an understatement.” She rolled her eyes and I laughed. I knew she was taking it lightly, but I was sure it still cut her up knowing her father didn’t accept the way she was.

  “I don’t think parents could ever be happy. Let’s put it this way. You might meet a man that your father would disapprove of but, at the end of the day, it’s your life, not his.”

  Lisa-Marie rolled up her sleeves. “I told Catherine about your uncle.”

  I looked over at Catherine and smiled. “He and his partner, Chris, raised me. I owe a lot to them.”

  “And you never found it hard being without a mother?” Catherine asked. “Lisa-Marie told me about your mum and dad. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you. It was a long time ago. I suppose it’s always been hard being without a mother figure, but Billy and Chris have done a stand-up job. They raised me well. I’m healthy and, under the circumstances, I had a happy childhood.”

  Lisa-Marie leaned in a little. “Was your mum your uncle’s sister?”

  “Yes, she was. They were always very close. When Billy came out, he said that my mum didn’t even flinch. He told me he was more nervous about telling her than he was about telling their parents. My grandparents were always a little bit funny with them, apparently. He was never very close to them so telling them didn’t matter so much. He cared what my mum thought, though. He needn’t have worried after all that stress. Apparently, it took him two years to say anything to her.” I laughed a little. Billy always chuckled when he thought back to that time.

  “Where are your grandparents now?” Catherine’s question pulled me back to the present.

  “They immigrated to Australia before I was born. I’ve never even met them.”

  Lisa-Marie frowned. “Wow, that’s bad.”

  I shrugged. “It is what it is. I don’t have much family, but that’s okay. What family I do have, I hold very dear to my heart.”

  Lisa-Marie grabbed my arm and smiled. “You have friends, too. I can guarantee you that.”

  “I know I do.” I smiled vibrantly. “And I hold them dear to my heart, too.”

  I stayed for another drink but, by then, it was getting close to eleven o’clock. I didn’t want to be out too late. I finished off my drink, then made my excuses to leave.

  “Remember to call me on Friday, won’t you?” Lisa-Marie said, smiling.

  “Of course. It w
as really nice to meet you, Catherine.”

  “It was a pleasure to meet you, too. I hope all goes well for you this week.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be in touch.” I gave them both a kiss on the cheek and went back home.

  As I get closer, I realised there was someone at my door. “Stephen, what are you doing here?”

  “Have you not checked your phone? I’ve been trying to reach you, and when you never answered, I started to panic. So I headed straight down here.”

  “Well, as you can see, I’m fine. What is it you want?”

  “Can I come in first? It’s freezing out here.”

  I didn’t think it was a good idea, but I couldn’t have Stephen standing out here in the cold. Lord knows how long he’d been waiting.

  As soon as we get in, I grabbed a couple of mugs and started warming up some milk. I saw Stephen watching me with interest. “What’s that you’re doing?”

  “Hot chocolate. Just the ticket for a cold night like this.”

  “Hot chocolate? I can’t say I’ve had that before.”

  “You are kidding me, right?” I was astounded. Who could not have tried hot chocolate?

  Stephen pursed his cute lips and shook his head. “Nope, never had it.”

  “Well, I can guarantee you’ll never look back once you try one of these bad boys. I do a mean hot chocolate.”

  “Well, if it’s a bad boy, it’s probably right up my alley.”

  Looking at him, I wondered if he was being serious. I was going to say something, but saw that cheeky grin I love curve up on one side of his face.

  “Michael’s not here,” he observed, all remnants of his grin gone.

  “No. He’s gone home.”

  “Look, I came because I found out there are officers staking out this address on Bronsart Road. They said it has something to do with Mark Richards. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

  I looked away. “I told the Chief Super. He didn’t believe me at first, but I think he does now.”

  “Cassie, that wasn’t a good idea.”

  I winced slightly. I knew the lecture was coming, but I felt I had to defend myself a little. “And what? Sleeping with your brother’s girlfriend was?” I knew that sounded angrier than it should have, and I immediately regretted it.


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