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Romance with a Bite

Page 123

by Tamsin Baker

  When he woke up in a troubled tumble of sheets, he usually got up and made himself a mug of Marnie’s strange tea. He had no idea what it was, but it usually calmed him down and helped him go back to sleep.

  His leg healed and his work progressed. Daniel wasn’t sure if the two things were related, but he was seized with renewed energy, allowing him to make up for lost time. Whatever Cassie was rubbing into the wound was doing the trick.

  They surveyed the wound together one evening when Cassie had finished at the library.

  “I don’t think you need the salve anymore,” Cassie said. “I’ll have to come up with another reason for asking you to take your trousers off.”

  “Pretty please might work,” he said helpfully. “Cassie,” he said slowly after a short pause, “this will sound really stupid, but how did I hurt my leg again?”

  “You don’t remember?”

  “Not really. I thought I did, but now my memories are really confused. I don’t know any more. Is this early onset dementia, do you think?”

  She laughed. “I doubt it. It was just a wee accident. Don’t worry about it. The important thing is you’re now better.” She reached out to undo a button on his shirt. “While you’ve got your trousers off …”

  He didn’t need a second invitation.


  Plans were complete for the Winter Sun Ceremony. It was agreed that Evie Wilson would be the maid this year, and different people were organised for their roles. Some were drummers or musicians, and those who could, brought samples of their produce. Arrangements were made for the breakfast feast to follow. After a pre-dawn morning, a hot breakfast was seriously anticipated. As usual, Cassie would be called upon to lead the prayers, welcoming the longer days and calling for a successful season in the fields over the coming months.

  Cassie broached the subject as they returned from one of their Sunday excursions. “You know I’ve told you that in accordance with their Wiccan beliefs and practices, people in Harrow hold ceremonies at different times of the year?”

  “I do recall something along those lines.”

  “This Wednesday morning we are holding the Winter-Sun ceremony in the clearing on top of Mt Benson. Would you like to come? It would give you the opportunity to learn more about this community.”

  Daniel glanced at her uncertainly before returning his attention to the road ahead. “Won’t people mind if I come? Is this some bizarre ritual in which a goat is slaughtered as a sacrifice to appease the Gods?”

  Cassie snorted. “Why would anyone slaughter a poor, defenceless goat? That’s not how it works. It won’t be confronting, I promise.”

  “But Cassie—do you wear clothes?”

  That was not a question she expected. “Do you know what the temperature will be up on the mountain at that time of day? Yes, we’ll be clothed, although some people may be wearing gowns or cloaks.” Her lips twitched as she watched him digest this information. “Any more questions?”

  “Will I have to do anything?”

  “Nothing. Just watch. Afterwards, there’s a hot breakfast down in the community hall. Everyone contributes and you’re welcome to attend that as well.”

  She had sounded out Rowena before extending the invitation. She was nervous about mentioning it to the circle of women, not being sure what they would say to the presence of an outsider. It was none of their business, really.

  “Rowena, I’m reasonably sure Daniel is going to be part of my life for years to come. If that’s the case, he needs to get an understanding of this existence, and what it means to live in this community. Bringing him to the Winter-Sun ceremony will be one way to help him do that.”

  “And what about Daniel’s feelings? Has he expressed any desire to stay here, or to share your life?”

  “Not in as many words, but he will, I’m sure he will.”

  “Don’t rely on assumptions, Cassie. That can lead to disaster. You need to get a clear understanding from him before you invest too much of yourself in this relationship. It’s your welfare I’m worried about.”

  “I know, and I’m grateful for your concern. We’ll have those discussions, but this is the first step.”

  She didn’t let on to her aunt just how much these issues concerned her. More than ever, she needed a level of commitment from Daniel, but not before he took the first step.

  It was still dark when Cassie picked up Daniel and drove him to the top of Mt Benson in preparation for the ceremony. The air was frosty, even more so when they stepped out of the heated car. As she had instructed, he wore a scarf, beanie and gloves.

  It wasn’t yet fire ban season, and someone had already lit the bonfire. A couple of men tended it, and the flames snapped and crackled as the fresh logs burned, sending showers of sparks into the air. The townspeople gathered in the car park below, and when the time arrived, formed themselves into a procession. First came the drummers, followed by a group of men carrying Evie aloft on a flower-laden litter. The senior women and Cassie followed, and then the group at large, including Daniel.

  They followed a low-rise path to the clearing at the top of the hill, the drums marking the beat and a couple of flautists bringing up the rear. A circle was formed, with Evie at the centre. The men carrying the litter had lowered her to the ground and stepped back.

  Cassie invited the presence of the Gods and Goddesses to their circle, and called upon the spirits of earth, fire, air and water to bear witness to their ceremony and her requests.

  “Blessed Be!” the crowd chanted in unison.

  Clad in a long, loose gown, Evie walked thrice around the fire, casting grain upon the ground and calling upon the Gods to bless the harvest for the coming season. There were offerings made of fruit and other produce before she picked up a basket containing warm oatmeal biscuits. She walked the circle, offering the biscuits to those lining its edge with the words,

  “We give thanks to the planters of seeds, workers of the soil, and harvesters of grain for these cakes that we now share. Their efforts, though the grace of our Mother Earth, sustain us. May all be blessed by the sharing of their gifts.”

  As she did that, the women circulated with trays containing tumblers of warm mulled wine, brought to the mountain top in thermos flasks. As everyone drank, Evie acknowledged the fruits of the vine.

  “We give thanks to the workers of vines, harvesters of fruits, and makers of wine for this drink that we now share. Their efforts, through the grace of our Mother Earth, sustain us. May all be blessed by the sharing of their gifts.”

  Cassie completed the ceremony, calling on the Gods and Goddesses to head their prayers, and then closed the circle.

  “Blessed Be,” came the response from everyone present.

  After the fire was extinguished, the procession formed again, and was led back down the hill to the waiting cars. Cassie looked for Daniel on the outskirts of the crowd. He greeted her with a quick kiss and slung an arm around her shoulders. She was glad for the extra warmth.

  “What did you think of your first Wiccan ceremony?” she asked.

  “I was reassured by how normal it all was. I hadn’t expected so many of the townspeople to be there.”

  “It’s a strong community,” she said. “These beliefs underpin our success.”

  “I don’t profess to understand it all, but I’m willing to learn.”

  Her heart flipped with a smidgeon of hope. This was what she had wished to hear.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” he began.

  “That sounds ominous.” Just as quickly as her hopes rose, she was now seized with a feeling of dread. He was about to tell her he was leaving.

  “Just listen. I need to fly to the States for a meeting with the production team. Some things are best dealt with in person. Why don’t you come with me?”

  This was not what she had expected. “To the States? But how long for?” Cassie lowered her voice, trying to control her panic. They had reached the car and others were in earshot.
/>   “Just a quick visit. You’ve shown me what underpins your life. Now I need to show you what underpins mine. If we are to truly understand each other, and work out how our lives will unfold from here, we need to do that, don’t you think?”

  He stood with one hand against the side of the car, encasing her between himself and the door. She looked up at him, noting in one moment of irrelevancy how tall he was.

  “So you do see a life together for us?”

  “Of course, I do. Don’t you understand what I’ve been saying? I love you and want to share the rest of my life with you.”

  She stared at him, realising this was a life-defining moment. “Daniel, I love you too, but before you make too many plans, there is something I have to tell you.”

  Now it was his turn to look uncertain. “Don’t tell me a Wiccan can’t commit to someone not from the community. You can’t tell me that now.” His expression changed to one of anguish.

  “Hush!” Cassie placed a finger against his lips. “Be quiet and listen to me. I’m so glad that this is what you want. Daniel. I’m pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.

  Chapter 13

  For once, Daniel was speechless. He felt stupid. He was a wordsmith. He should know what to say at times like this. Only catch was, he’d never experienced impending fatherhood before.

  “But how? I mean, we were taking precautions.”

  Cassie shrugged. “Those things aren’t foolproof. By my calculations, it must have happened fairly quickly, probably the first night we spent together.”

  Daniel thought back to that brilliant, magical night. Then he remembered. He had used a condom initially, but after stripping it off in the bathroom, hadn’t replaced it when he went back for seconds.

  “Cassie, I’m so sorry. This is my fault. I should have been more careful.”

  “You’re not happy about this?” Her voice was very quiet.

  He reached out and held her tight. “I’m stunned, but not unhappy. I’m more concerned about how you feel. I wouldn’t have planned a baby this quickly, but Cassie, if you’re happy about this then I’m over the moon as well.”

  “Of course, I’m happy. I think it wouldn’t have mattered whether you used a condom or not. If the Goddess decided it was time, then it was.” She snuggled against his chest. “It wasn’t just our time, it was our baby’s time too.”

  “But what about travelling? Does this mean you can’t come with me?” Thoughts of morning sickness, and travel sickness, and airport x-rays flashed through his mind. Would she have to get medical clearance?”

  “Of course I can come with you. I’m fit as a fiddle, but Daniel, I’m not telling anyone else about this. These are early days and I’m sure everyone will be thrilled for me… for us… but I’d like to savour this time. For now, this baby is totally ours and I’m not ready to share the news.”

  He kissed her lightly, and then with deeper passion. “I agree,” he said when he finally surfaced for air. “Let’s keep it between you, me and Monty.”


  Travel arrangements were organised quickly. Cassie had leave due with her job at the library, and aside from making arrangements for Monty’s care, there was no reason why she couldn’t go with Daniel. Rowena was the person Cassie fell back on for the validation she was doing the right thing.

  “It’s only a short trip, Rowena. I’ve not had much opportunity to travel, and going to the States with someone who’s been there before will make it an easier experience.”

  “Won’t Daniel be working while he’s there?”

  “I suppose he will, but while he’s doing that, I can explore the city or go on local tours. I’ve already looked up details about the local Wiccan community. I’ll probably spend some of time with them as well. The trip could be thought of as a cultural exchange.”

  “You’re right. I think it’s a wonderful opportunity. I’ll take care of the others and any opposing views they might have. None of their business, anyway. What about young Evie Wilson? She’d probably be able to look after Monty.”

  Seated in the aeroplane as it taxied for take-off, Cassie looked across at Daniel and reached for his hand. It wasn’t that she was nervous about flying, but there was something comforting about starting this new adventure with Daniel by her side. The sensory vibrations were now a low hum, and served to reassure her of his proximity rather than to broadcast an alert.


  The speed of those two weeks in Los Angeles hardly left time to breathe. While Daniel attended his workshops, Cassie put on her tourist hat. She explored the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and took a tour of Sunset Boulevard and the Sunset Strip. They explored together in the evenings, with dinner one night at Musso and Frank Grill, complete with a martini for Daniel and a Peach Bellini mocktail for Cassie.

  She also used the time whilst Daniel was in meetings to meet up with the Southern Californian Wiccan group. Cassie knew people within the group from online interactions, but it was lovely to meet them face-to-face. They were interested in learning more about the tinctures she distilled, so it was a productive session. In return, she learned more about their practices.

  When Daniel had completed his business, they rented a car and drove up the coast, not following any particular plan. It didn’t matter where they went. It was a wonderful time of simply being together, and in an environment where nobody knew them. They checked into motels wherever they decided to stop for the night, and explored the local restaurants.

  Some nights they didn’t make it out of their room, once Daniel had understood that making love had no impact on the safety of the baby. Their sex life took on a new dimension, knowing that between them they had created new life. Cassie’s belly was still flat as a board, but her breasts reflected the changes within, delighting Daniel.

  “You’re such a boob man,” she teased.

  “In this instance, I certainly am,” he murmured, teasing one peachy peak with his tongue. “I have been since that first night I saw them.”

  Bemused, she let the comment pass. Instead, they talked long into the night, planning their futures.


  Monty was ecstatic when she returned, more vocal than usual and throwing himself on the ground to demand tummy rubs.

  As if on high ESP alert, Rowena joined them shortly after they arrived home at Cassie’s cottage.

  “No need to ask if you had a good time,” she said, unwrapping the gift Cassie had brought back for her. “It radiates from the pair of you.” She gave them both an interrogative stare. “And is there something else you have to tell me?”

  Cassie and Daniel exchanged a glance, hers questioning and Daniel responding with a slight shrug of resignation.

  “There is,” Cassie began hesitantly. “There’s no reason why we shouldn’t tell you, although we aren’t spreading the word widely yet. We’re having a baby.” She looked at her aunt with exasperation. “You knew, didn’t you?”

  “Of course, I knew, my dear. Probably before you did, yourself. You had the same look your mother did when she was pregnant with you. Monty knew as well. I could tell by the way he was smooching around you. Come here.”

  Rowena swept her niece into an emotional hug, holding her tightly. “I’m so happy for you, Cassie. I just wish your mother were here.”

  Cassie’s eyes prickled, and she blinked furiously, suppressing the tide of emotions those words evoked. “I’m sure she is, Rowena, I’m sure she is.”

  Rowena turned to Daniel. “Make sure you look after her, young man. If I, or anyone from this community, have reason to think you’ve let her down in any way, you’ll have all of us to answer to.”

  Daniel cleared his throat nervously. “I can promise you one-hundred percent that is never going to happen.”

  In acknowledgement, Rowena seized him in a hug as well. “Actually, I already knew that. Welcome to the family.”

  The women had more questions to ask when Cassie met with them the following evening at Rowena’s house. For a start, ey
ebrows were raised when Cassie refused her customary glass of merlot.

  “He’s already got her under his thumb,” Anna Morris whispered to Rosie Wilson in a penetrating undertone. This was accompanied by a knowing nod of her head, while Carmel Fielding pursed her lips but for once refrained from comment.

  Cassie was aware of all eyes upon her, as they settled back in their chairs and looked ready for business. As usual, Carmel took the lead. “Blessings of the Goddess be upon us. Welcome home, Cassie. As you were the one who called this meeting, perhaps you can give us your news.”

  Cassie wished she did have a glass of fortifying red in her hand. She uncrossed her legs and then crossed them again, before making herself sit still. Mother Gaia, give me strength in my time of need.

  “Thank you for coming at such short notice. I wanted to share my news with you all before it spread to the community at large. As you have probably surmised, the Goddess has answered my prayers, and sent me my life partner in the person of Daniel Burton.”

  Anticipating objections, she spoke more quickly. “I know he’s an outsider, but the signs my mother told me about were present. I’m confident he’s my soulmate and the one I’ve been waiting for. The Goddess answered my prayer.”

  “How will you make this relationship work?” Anna asked. “What about the community? Will you turn your back on them? That’s what everyone will want to know.”

  Cassie knew this would be the foremost question. For a fleeting moment, the mantel of responsibility sat heavily on her shoulders. Why should it fall on me and then possibly on my baby? She knew the answer. Destiny. She couldn’t escape it but she was determined to shape it. She reached out towards Anna in what she hoped was a reassuring gesture.

  “I’m not going to turn my back on Harrow. My roots are here, but I’m not sacrificing my future happiness for the benefit of the town, either. I see no joy in being a martyr.”

  Carmel breathed out heavily through her nose, in a semi-snort. “I’m sure none of us expect that of you.”


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