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Not Your Average Fairy Tale (Not Your Average Fairy Tale #1)

Page 15

by Chantele Sedgwick

  He smiled. "She has everything to do with it."

  "What are you talking about?"

  He leaned down, touching her cheek.

  "Don't touch her!" I yelled, taking a step forward.

  "I wouldn't, if I were you."

  I froze.

  "What's so special about her, Ash?" He stood straight again. "Why do you care about her so much? She's a human. A weak, vulnerable human." He spread his arms, gesturing around the room at all the sleeping forms. "They all are."

  I watched him warily.

  "I thought I'd try a little experiment." He paused, waiting for me to say something. When I didn't, he scowled and kept talking. "I put everyone in this room under a minor sleeping spell. Which means they'll all wake up soon. All except for Kendall."

  "I'm listening," I said, suddenly sick with dread.

  "You remember all the different sands?"

  “Dax, we’ve taken the same classes for six years."

  "Then you can figure out what I did to her." He smiled. "I have a feeling your attachment to her is a little deeper than you let on."

  "Quit stalling and tell me what you want!"

  "I want you to kiss her."

  I was not expecting that. "What?"

  He grinned. "Just do it."

  "What are you playing at?" Something wasn't right.

  "Ash, you're wasting time. If you want Kendall to wake up, kiss her."

  When he said those words, everything clicked into place.

  "Sleeping Death," I whispered.

  Dax's eyes lit up, and he nodded.

  Sleeping Death was the same spell put on Sleeping Beauty. It could only be broken by a kiss from their true love. Dax knew she would wake up when I kissed her. If, of course, she felt the same way about me. Then he could use this information against me when I met with the council. He'd make it so I'd never see Kendall again. And get me expelled.

  I glanced at her sleeping form. She was beautiful, even as she slept.

  "I'm waiting," Dax said.

  Taking a shaky breath, I made my way through the room full of sleeping high school students. I didn't look at Dax, but concentrated on the beautiful girl lying next to him.

  I knelt down beside her. I fingered the necklace I'd given her, and knew I was in way over my head. I realized right then that I'd do anything to be with her.

  My hand slipped under her head and I leaned in, softly brushing my lips over hers. I watched her eyelids flutter open.

  Dax laughed. "I knew it."

  I helped Kendall to her feet, vaguely aware of people starting to stir around me.

  "Ash, what's going on?" Kendall said. Her eyes darted toward Dax, and she grabbed my hand, nearly squeezing it off.

  "Nothing," I assured her. "Everything's going to be fine."

  "No it's not. I've seen him before," she whispered. "He's been in my head. And my dreams."

  As soon as the words left her mouth, something inside me snapped. I shook with rage as Dax gave Kendall a wicked smile.

  "You've been messing with her dreams?" My voice was calm even as every muscle in my body twitched.

  "Just having a little fun."

  I pulled Kendall behind me. "You've gone too far this time. I'm done letting you hurt people I care about." I pulled out my wand.

  "Using a sissy wand? Lame," Dax said. He grinned. "Your wings are pretty."

  I'd had enough.

  A blast of blue light erupted from my wand, just as Dax threw a handful of dark sand at me. The crack of them connecting echoed through the room. Kendall screamed my name. I hoped she'd stay where she was.

  A whirlwind of sand appeared in front of me, almost knocking me over. I muttered a spell and my wand released a flood of water, covering the sand and turning it to mud at my feet.

  "Clever," Dax said. He raised his arms to the ceiling and muttered something under his breath. The room started shaking. The floor buckled, nearly breaking apart at my feet.

  "Dax! Don't do this!" I drew my wand back and shot a stream of light at him, hitting him in the chest.

  He flew backwards into a pillar. A crack echoed through the room and he slid to the floor.

  "Ash," Kendall said. "Is he ...?"

  I shook my head.

  Dax was still, but only for a moment before he stood, a murderous look on his face. He raised his arms. Sand poured out of the sleeves of his robe, building higher and higher until a mountain of sand sat in front of him. He thrust his hands forward, sending the pile flying toward us.

  Kendall cried out, and I flinched as the grains embedded themselves in my skin. It was like a desert sandstorm, only we were in a massive building.

  "Dax! What do you want from me?" I yelled.

  His face contorted, his golden eyes boring into mine. "I want you gone. You've always been everyone's favorite! Especially Shenelle's!" His eyes flashed dangerously. "I'm sick of it! I’m done watching you get everything you want!"

  My body tensed. My fingers tingled. The wand slipped from my fingers and clattered to the floor. Power surged through my body, sending currents toward my fingertips.

  I opened my eyes, seeing Kendall huddled on the ground, covering her face. "Hold on," I said. I yanked her up, pulling her against my chest. The hair on my arms stood on end as I focused all of my energy on the grains of sand pelting my body. I was very aware of the wind that now entered the room, pushing every miniscule particle of sand up and into a funnel cloud.

  "Dax, stop!" I yelled.

  His eyes widened.

  I forced the wind to move the cloud of sand in his direction, and he took a step backward, shielding his face.

  He raised his arms, his whole body shaking, and I thrust my hand in front of me, sending a white light into the twister. To my surprise, and Dax's, it exploded.

  The sleeping students, and the floor, were covered in a fine layer of black dust. A few of the students moved. Dax's spell was wearing off.

  Dax and I stared at each other, and I noticed more particles of sand rising from the ground.

  "This isn't over," he said. "You have no idea what's about to happen. If I were you–"

  Before I could think of another spell, Dax stopped moving. His arms froze in mid-air, his mouth gaping.

  I glanced around, still hugging Kendall, who trembled in my embrace.

  "Ash?" Sam's voice echoed through the building, and he was suddenly standing next to me.

  I'd never been more happy to see him.

  "You did this?" I asked, glancing at Dax's frozen form. I reached out and pinched a grain of sand that hung in the air between my fingers. "Amazing."

  He nodded and turned his attention to Kendall. "Hello." He looked her up and down and my chest tightened. "I'm Sam. Ash told me all about you."

  She pulled away from me, taking his hand. He kissed it and I cleared my throat.

  "Don't worry,” Sam said with a grin. “I'm not thinking about taking your girl."Kendall blushed.

  I rolled my eyes, embarrassed. "How did you know where I was?"

  "Well, I was bored, and thought I'd see if you wanted to go hang out. I traced your teleport and found you here. I realized what was happening and told Misty before I stepped in to help. She went to get Lady Shenelle. They should be here any minute."

  "You did that for me?"

  He gave me a look that said "duh".

  "He's going to be pissed when he figures out what happened," Sam said.

  I glanced at Dax, frozen in mid-air, an eerie smile on his face. I wondered what he'd do when he realized we were gone.

  Sam must have noticed my expression. "Don't worry. Logan's on his way, too.”

  I exhaled. "Thanks, man. We've got to get out of here though."

  "I agree. Time will start again in less than a minute. I can't hold it very long. And you may not want to be here when Shenelle and some of the council show up to undo all the damage you've caused."

  "You know it wasn't me."

  He grinned. "If you say so."

  "I'll meet you back home in a few," I told him. "And thanks."

  "Any time, brother."

  I pulled Kendall to me and we disappeared.


  We reappeared in Kendall's front yard. I still held her, neither of us moving. "Are you okay?" I whispered into her hair. She smelled like vanilla and strawberries again. Absolutely perfect.

  "I think so," she said.

  "I'm so sorry. You were never supposed to get involved. I'm still not sure why I'm involved. I've never done anything to Dax." That wasn't true, of course, since I had turned him into a rat.

  "Who was that?"

  "That was Dax. He's apprenticing the Sandman. And someone else, too."

  She glanced up at me. "What do you mean?"

  "Someone dark's helping him. No one knows magic like that at our school."

  "Why is he after you?"

  I shrugged. "He’s always hated me."


  "I don't know." I knew my time was growing short with her. I’d already missed my meeting with the council, and they’d be coming to find me soon. "I'm sorry, Kendall. I have to go."

  "What's wrong?"

  "I still have to meet with the council. I turned Dax into a rat. And that whole thing that happened tonight, well, that's going to be a problem. I’m pretty much screwed."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be. You sure you're alright?" I pulled her close.


  "I'll be back as soon as I can." I leaned in, gently brushing my lips against hers. I pulled away, not wanting to leave. I leaned in again, and she surprised me with an enthusiastic kiss.

  Her lips moved against mine. She was just as eager as I was. I slid a hand around her waist, pulling her against me. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and I sighed, not wanting to leave.

  Too soon, I pulled away. "I've got to go." I held her hand, letting her fingers slip through mine as I went back to my world, ready for whatever the council had in store for me.

  Chapter 20


  "How was the dance?"

  My mom sat in the living room reading what I assumed was a romance novel. Even from across the room I could see the dark circles under her eyes, and her face was puffy. She looked exhausted. And sad.

  "It was great."

  "Have fun with Cameron?"

  I thought about it for a moment and nodded. Better for both of us if I didn't tell her the truth.

  "Good." She went back to reading, and that was when I realized she was holding the book upside down.

  "Mom?" I asked, noticing a wadded-up tissue sticking out from underneath the couch cushion.

  She jumped.

  "Can I talk to you about something?"

  A guarded expression crossed her features and then vanished. She nodded, and I went to sit beside her.

  "What's wrong, honey?" She put the book down.

  I cleared my throat, knowing tears were coming and I couldn’t stop them. "I'm sorry," I blurted.

  She looked surprised. "For what?"

  "For dad. The accident. Everything." I wasn't sure if my wish would make her forgive me, but the least I could do was tell her I was sorry.

  She started to say something, but I cut her off.

  "No. I need to say this." I took a deep breath. "I know you blame me for what happened to him." She shook her head. "Even if it's a small part of you. I just wanted to tell you ..." My voice caught. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I took him away from you. I'm sorry he's gone."

  Before I knew it, I was cradled against her like a small child. She stroked my hair, tears running down her face. "It's not your fault, Kendall."

  I was quiet, save for my sniffling. It was the first time we'd ever talked about what happened. I wasn't about to ruin it by saying something stupid.

  "I know it feels like it was your fault, but I promise you, I don't blame you at all. I'm just glad I still have you." She paused, gathering her thoughts. "I do miss him ..." her voice caught, and she took a moment to breathe. "I miss him more than words could say, but I'm so thankful you're still with me." She sniffed. "You and Ellie mean the world to me, and I'm sorry I haven't been the best mother lately. I'll try to do better. For all our sakes. I know I've thrown myself into work, but it was the only way to keep myself sane. Now I realize I've been neglecting you. I won’t do that anymore. You’ve been through enough without me making it worse."

  "You're not a bad mom," I said.

  "I'm not a good one either."

  We sat in silence, leaning on each other for support.

  "Thank you," I whispered.

  "For what?"

  "For talking to me. You have no idea how long I've wanted this."

  "I love you, sweetie." She kissed the top of my head. "You and Ellie, both. I promise I'll never distance myself from you guys again."

  "I love you too, Mom."

  I said goodnight to her and walked upstairs to my bedroom.

  I had so many things to think about. Cameron, my mom. Dax with the sand that made me go to sleep. So many weird things happened tonight, and my mind was still whirling.

  Ash was the only thing I actually thought about, though.

  The dance we'd shared under the stars. The way he had held me when Dax attacked us.

  I touched my lips, still feeling the heat of his kiss before he left me on the porch. I could get used to a kiss like that.

  But there was one problem.

  He was a fairy.

  I wasn't sure what to do about that. I wasn't sure where we stood, or if we even had a chance of a future together. I knew he cared for me, but didn't know how deep. I also knew if I laid my heart on the line and he didn't feel the same, I'd lose myself again. So, I'd keep quiet. Unless it had to be said. Then, if it came down to keeping or losing him, I'd give in and tell him.

  Chapter 21


  "You are so screwed," Sam said, as we stood in the fairy wing of the university.

  "Probably," I said.

  "No, really. You are so screwed." He shook his head and chuckled under his breath. "I so wish I were you right now. You get to have all the fun."

  "Hey, you were pretty awesome tonight, too. If it wasn't for you, I'd be a big pile of sand right now."

  "I know."

  I smiled. "Thanks for coming with me. If it gets really bad in there, stop time so I can get the heck out."

  "Only if you go crazy fairy on Melody. Stop her from following me around and singing me creepy songs." He grimaced. "I probably shouldn't have broken it off with her, but she was starting to freak me out!"

  I smiled at the notion of scaring a siren.


  The door to Lady Shenelle's office opened, and a green haired fairy floated out. She winked at me, which normally would have been flattering, but I ignored her.

  "The council will see you now," she said. She shut the door after I stepped into the room. Three pairs of eyes stared me down.

  "Ash Summerland. Would you care to explain tonight's events to us?" Master Time asked. He checked his pocket watch, like he always did, and glared at me.

  "Not really. You already know what happened."

  "Ash!" Shenelle snapped. She looked furious. "You’re already in enough trouble! You missed your meeting with the council. That was two hours ago.”


  “I don’t want to hear anything else out of you unless we request it.” Her eyes flashed. “Sit. Down."

  I sat.

  "Now. Tell us what happened. In your own words."

  I described, in detail, everything that happened at Kendall's dance. I left out a few things, like kissing her and giving her a gift. What they didn't know couldn't get me in trouble.

  "So, you and Mr. Ellwater–" Master Time started.

  "Sam," I said. I mentally cursed myself. I needed to learn to keep my mouth shut.

  He looked annoyed. "You and Sam fought Dax because he threatened your assignment?"

  "Pretty much."<
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  Master Night, or Logan, glared at me from a few chairs away. He knew I was lying about something, but there was no way I was telling him anything. He was one of the reasons I was in this predicament in the first place.

  "This is unacceptable, Ash. You were seen. By nearly a hundred high school students and two teachers," Shenelle said. "We had to erase all their memories of the entire night."

  "Probably did most of them a favor," I said. "More than one couple wasn't happy to be there with each other." I started laughing, but choked to a stop when I saw the looks on their faces. "I swear they were still asleep when I left."

  "They weren't."

  "Huh. I probably scarred them for life then, seeing how I’m a guy with fairy wings."

  "Ash! This is serious!"


  "What it all comes down to is this. We think you're spending too much time with your assignment," Master Time said.

  "Her name is Kendall."

  "Right." His eyes narrowed, and he swept his long white hair over his shoulder. "My point exactly."

  "Okay?" I said, confused.

  Logan spoke then. "Look. We've never had a fairy godmother ... er ... whatever you are, get so close to their assignment. You've been looking out for her, which is wonderful, but you may be getting too close. Maybe we should give this to someone who can handle–"

  I cut him off. "I can handle it, Logan."

  He stood up from his chair. "Like you handled Dax tonight?"

  "That wasn't supposed to happen. He was trying to hurt Kendall. I had to stop him!" I folded my arms, and my eyes narrowed. "Plus, he pissed me off."

  "Mr. Summerland–" Master Time started.

  "Logan, do you have any idea what kind of magic Dax has been messing around with?"

  "Don't even try to turn this on Dax."

  "Why not? He's the reason all of this happened! He wanted to get back at me for turning him into a rat! Where is he anyway?"

  Shenelle coughed, and I raised an eyebrow at her. She picked at her fingernails, not meeting my eyes.

  Logan grunted. It sounded suspiciously like a laugh. "Why would Dax lure you to a human dance to make a scene in front of everyone? Why didn't he just wait for you here?"

  "He was going after Kendall!"

  "Why does that matter to you?"


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