Caged (Caged series Book 1)
Page 7
“Ooh!” I heard Abigale laugh.
Cameron quickly got back to his feet, but before he could come after me I was up on him again. We were now holding each other, almost as if we were trying to give each other hugs, and before he knew it, I hip tossed him onto his back again. I didn’t want to seem cocky and let him get back up, but then again I didn’t want to pin him without showing off any more of my moves. I was faster than Cameron once I got my head on straight, and I thought a lot faster about what to do next. This was one of my main sports. I was good at this. I was undefeated.
Cameron got right back up, almost angrily, and came after me. This time I was going to slam him good. We were back in our “hugging” position. I had no idea what he was trying to do, but he wouldn’t get the chance to do it. I grabbed his shoulders, put one leg behind his and dropped my body weight towards him. This made him lose balance and fall backwards. As we were going down I pushed more on his shoulders and tried to speed up the process. I wanted him to be airless when he hit the floor.
Cameron’s back made a loud thud when he landed with both of his shoulders pinned. We both just laid there while looking at each other and out of breath.
“You’re pretty good,” Cameron said.
I nodded, “Thanks, you too,” I got butterflies again and got up, then I reached down and helped Cameron to his feet.
“Alright coach,” Cameron said scratching his head, “Done being a practice dummy for today,” he patted my shoulder and headed back to the locker room.
I walked up to Mr. Clothorn, “So? What do you think?”
Mr. Clothorn sighed with a slight smile, “Your fist round you seemed a little off. Then the second round, you did a lot better. More focused. The third round...” his smiled more, “you really caught my attention. You are one fast wrestler, my girl. I’ll see you at tryouts next week.”
The feeling of excitement jolted through me. I mean I knew that I would make it, but for some reason I still felt like I really accomplished something. I looked towards the gym doors and saw that the police officer was gone, then I looked to the bleachers. So was Miss-
“You did good Rose,” Miss Shy said as she walked up to me.
I frowned at her, “What are you doing here?”
“Your coach asked me to come,” she said politely. She meant no harm, she was just looking out for me. Making sure I didn’t lose myself, but I still didn’t want to warm up to her though.
“Oh,” I just stared her down. She did the same. It felt as if she could see right through the cracks of my stone walls.
“Hey Miss Shy!” Abigale ran up, “Dude, you were awesome!”
“Thanks,” she took away some of the tension.
“You ready to go?” She was helping me escape.
“Yeah, I’ll meet you at the car,” I went back into the locker room and got my things.
* * *
After tryouts, we went back to Abigale’s, because there was nothing else for us to do. Cameron wasn’t as lively as usual and played the game in silence. I just sat on the floor and read my book.
Lorena came to mind as I read, and I wondered how she’s doing. There was no yelling coming from her apartment like the last time. Just silence. I wonder if she’s even home.
“So, what is there to do around here?” I asked.
“In this cold weather?” Abigale sat back on the couch, “Nothing. Any ideas, Cameron?”
Cameron shrugged, “Nope. “
“I hate winter,” Abigale said.
I closed my book, “You think Lorena and Josh are up to anything?”
They both just looked at me.
“Why don’t you go ask?” Cameron said with a devilish grin.
“Because I’ll seem like a stalker,” I answered.
“You probably are!” Cameron pointed at me.
“I mean, is there an arcade or something? Want to go bowling? To the movies? Anything but sit in the house? This is my first weekend. Show me around.”
“I do want to go see a movie...” Abigale said.
“I could use a theater hot dog,” Cameron said, “Some food to make me happy since this morning.”
“You didn’t do that bad,” Abigale said.
“Yeah, you got me in the first round. You’re pretty fast.”
“Yeah, yeah, I want a hot dog,” Cameron sat up.
“You guys want to ask Lorena if she wants to come.” I asked.
“What is it with you and Lorena?” Cameron laughed.
“Nothing! I just never see her talk to anyone. She just keeps to herself, and I figured we could add her to”
“Ever hear of the three musketeers?” Cameron started, “Well, there are only three!”
Abigale and Cameron laughed.
“I’ll ask her,” Abigale said standing up. We all got our things and headed out the door.
Abigale walked ahead to Lorena’s apartment and knocked on the door. Cameron and I were slowly walking up. Him trying to avoid Josh, and me...Well I wasn’t trying to avoid Lorena, but I had butterflies.
Josh opened the door with just his boxers on, “Yeah?”
Abigale frowned. The two clearly didn’t like each other much, “Where’s Lorena?”
“Abs?” Lorena came to the door in a t-shirt and pajama pants with her messy red and blond curls resting on her shoulder. She looked lively today which made me feel better about asking. Josh still just stood there.
Cameron and I finally walked up. I turned to Lorena and gave a slight smile.
“Hey Rose, Cameron,” she waved.
“Sup,” We both said at the same time
“So,” Abigale started, “we’re going to the movies tonight, do you want to join?” She made sure they both got the hint that she was only asking Lorena.
Lorena looked up at Josh, who had turned from her and walked away. It left an awkward vibe lingering in the air, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I'd be able to come tonight.”
“You sure?” I asked. I wanted her to come out with us, but that asshole of a boyfriend made it obvious that he didn’t want her to leave.
Lorena bit her bottom lip in thought. She seemed like she wanted to go, but couldn’t, “No, I’m sorry. Hey, I’ll see you in school Monday though. I feel a lot better,” She looked back to see where Josh was.
“It’s no problem,” Abigale said, “Sorry to bother you.”
“No, I’m happy you guys stopped by. Maybe next time,” She was looking at me the whole time.
Cameron looked from Lorena, to me, then back to Lorena.
“Alright, well see you in school Lorie,” Abigale said.
“See you guys,” Lorena slowly closed her door.
We all just stood there in silence.
Cameron turned to me, “Dude.”
Abigale had the same look on her face.
“What?” I started walking ahead, “So what do you guys want to see?”
Chapter 13
Monday came back fast, and I was tired this morning after spending the weekend with Abigale and Cameron. Today felt as if it was going to be a really great day! I walked into the school and separated from the two while keeping an eye out for Jessie and Miss Shy, just in case they wanted to come and ruin my morning, but I didn’t see either of them, and felt relieved.
I walked down the hallway and was headed to my first period class when I saw Lorena at her locker, and the butterflies started to set in. It’s almost irritating how I get so nervous around someone so familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time. There was just something about her that I couldn’t figure out.
Lorena saw me walking in her direction and waved. She looked pretty happy today, “Hey Rose.”
“Hey,” I thought about stopping to talk to her, but there would be nothing to talk about, and that would just leave me feeling awkward, so I continued on walking.
“You going to tryouts today?” Lorena asked.
I slowed down and turned around, “Yeah,” was all I could get out of me.
“Great. I can’t wait to see you in action. I’ll be there.”
“I don’t think there will be too much action. Today is just seeing who’s in shape and who’s not. Friday will be a day I flip people around.”
“Don’t worry. Josh will make it through all three days, and I’m sure you will too. So I’ll get to see all of your wrestling skills.” She closed her locker and held her books to her chest.
I just smiled at her.
“Well, OK, I’ll see you in class,” Lorena waved good-bye and then headed to her homeroom class.
“Good morning, Rose,” Miss Shy said from in front of the main office entrance.
I glanced over at her, then turned around and headed to class.
* * *
“Hey, do you want your milk?” Cameron asked.
“Yeah!” I snatched my milk before Cameron could grab it.
I sat with the group of familiar faces again. Ashly, Amy, Tiara, Paulina, Cameron, and a few wrestlers. I would soon be getting their names.
“So, I heard that a girl would be trying out for the wrestling team today,” Paulina said. The whole table looked at me.
“Yes, it’s me.” I answered.
“What?” One of the other guys said. I think his name is Mike, “Naw, you joking right?”
“No....I’m really trying out today.”
“Key word,” The smaller boy said, “trying.”
Cameron and I grinned at each other. These guys have no idea.
“Isn’t that what you’ll be doing, Lenard?” Ashly asked.
Lenard smacked his teeth, “Man, I’m guaranteed a spot on the team.”
Cameron stretched his lips to the side, “Dude, you suck. You’re one of our worst.”
“That may be true, but ain’t no way a girl taking my spot.”
“Well it’s not the worst position that I’m aiming for. You can keep your spot,” I said.
There were a few oooh’s at the table. Amy looked up from her book and gave me a high five.
“You better hope you’re not put against her,” Cameron said to Lenard.
“I’m not worried,” Lenard slouched in his chair. It looked as if his confidence was diminishing, “She’s still a girl.”
“So what!” Ashly said, “Look at her!” she pointed to me.
I started to laugh, “I hope I don’t look like a man. Is that what you’re trying to say?”
“No, you’re just built. Not manly built, but you look like you work out.”
I sighed with relief, “Okay.”
I felt a hand brush my shoulder, and then the back of my neck. It was a light touch, but it sent chills down my spine, “Good luck today,” it was a girl with a soft voice.
I turned to see Jessie walking towards her table. I hadn’t even noticed that she had the same lunch period as me.
“That makes two,” Cameron said holding up two fingers. No one at the table knew what he meant but me. He was talking about Lorena and Jessie. But to me, I saw zero. I didn’t have a crush on either of them.
I looked over at Jessie, who was sitting down now, and she paid me no attention. I didn’t understand. Why was she being nice?
A worried feeling soon fell over me. This girl knew something. Something that I don’t want anyone else to know. My past cannot catch up with me. I paid for what I did, and I shouldn’t have to pay for it a second time. That happy feeling that I had faded, and it was only for a little while that I felt like a normal teen. Only for a little while.
* * *
Abigale and Lorena waved to me and Cameron from the bleachers. I was relieved that I didn’t have to wrestle anyone today. Mr. Clothorn was doing three tryouts. The first day, today, is to see who is in shape and who’s not. Wednesday is to test out our strength, and Friday we are set against an opponent to check out our skills and ability to hold our ground. After every tryout, the next day, there will be a list of names of people who made it to the next round. I thought of it as a tournament.
The gym was filled with boys, which is why people get cut even after the first day. Of course we form three teams. A freshman, Junior Varsity, and varsity team, but even still there were way too any boys in here trying out.
“Good luck,” Cameron said to me, “Today is the hardest day. He wants to get rid of the lazy ones first.”
I took a deep breath, “We got this.”
Cameron nodded and patted my back, “Yeah.” He turned his back against the stone walls along with the majority of us and waited for instructions.
As instructions were given I looked down the wall to see my competition. Not much. It looked as if some of these boys are trying out just for the heck of it. I looked further down the line, and saw Josh, who had his serious face on. The only face I’ve seen him with so far. When he turned to look at me, I looked away. He was my real competition.
I looked back up in the bleachers to Lorena and Abigale who were in a deep conversation. I looked and saw a few people sitting in the bleachers, rooting on for their friends. At the very end I spotted Jessie and her two friends watching me.
I took a deep breath and turned away, trying to keep myself under control. There couldn’t be another incident like last time. I won’t let that happen to me again.
“Now!” Mr. Clothorn yelled, “I want thirty suicides. Be quick about it!” He blew his whistle and we all sprinted off.....
After tryouts I wanted to go to sleep on the bleachers and Cameron felt the same way. I moved the wet hair that stuck to my face behind my ear, and headed back to the girls locker room.
I felt good after all of that. We ran suicides like crazy, had to hold ourselves in the bridge position, squat on the walls, etc. Cameron said that the next tryouts would be similar to today, only it’ll all be strength test, and much harder. Throughout most of tryouts, I was in the top bunch of wrestlers. Cameron kept up with me, but I could tell that he was no faster, or even that much stronger than me. I was more so competing with Josh, who barely even noticed me. He was the best at just about everything, and was definitely guaranteed a spot.
I took off my sweaty t-shirt and went through my bag to find a dry one. I heard the locker room door open then shut, but paid it no mind. I figured it was just Abigale, but when I called out no one answered.
I peeked around the corner of the lockers and saw that no one was there, and at first I thought that I’d just imagined hearing the locker room door open and then shut, but then I heard the showers being turned on.
I laughed at the thought that one of the boys may have forgotten that a girl was occupying the locker room and I started walking towards the showers. I guess since there were never any girls in here during wrestling season that that some of the boys used them.
“Hey! Someone’s in here!” I slowed down to a stop, right before I reached the showers, so I wouldn’t just walk up on someone while they were naked, “Helloo? Someone’s in here...” I waited for a second and when no one answered I slowly peeked around to see that no one was using them. I looked around myself feeling nervous again, “Who’s there-” the lights went out.
I took a deep breath and tried not to panic, “This isn’t funny,” I said angrily. It was pitch black, and all I had was my memory of the locker room to navigate. I decided that if I couldn’t see, then the person that was doing this couldn’t see me either, so I would just creep back to the door and turn the light back on.
I took my shoes off so not to make any noise and followed through with my plan, and when I finally got to the door I could hear a soft breathing. Whoever this idiot was really couldn’t see or hear me...
I quickly turned on the light and before I got a good look at the persons face I slammed my hand against his throat and pinned him to the wall.
I looked into the persons dark brown eyes and frowned. It wasn’t a boy. It was Jessie, “What are you doing in here?”
Jessie wore a devilish smile, “Just came
to play with you a little bit.”
I didn’t say anything, because I was trying to control my urge to throw her to the floor and stomp her face in. She was trying to get a rise out of me, but with other methods.
“I guess I went a little too far,” she said taking in as much air as she could.
I took a deep breath and let her go, then I went back to my bag and began packing up. She just laughed after she got her wind back, “What?” she pretended to look confused.
I clenched my teeth and didn’t say anything. I couldn’t let myself get started, because I know that I wouldn’t stop and that’s exactly what she wanted.
“Goodness, can’t you take a joke?” she laughed.
I finished packing up my bag and turned around to walk out, but she was right behind me, “Move.”
Jessie had a smile on her face, but her eyes said something completely different. She was just as pissed off as I was, but for what?
I leaned in forward, “I said move,” my voice was still calm, but my body wasn’t. I felt like I was going to flip.
Jessie stepped to the side and watched as I walked away, “You did great out there, champ. Can’t wait until a real wrestling match. You’ll knock em dead.”
I stopped walking for a second, but then decided not to turn around and walked out of the locker room.
I couldn’t breathe. I could hear Abigale call out to me as I headed down the hall, but I didn’t stop for her. The memories were pouring back in, and it was starting to get hot.
It was getting harder and harder for me to breath inside this building. Maybe if I went out into the cold air and let the snow melt on my face I would calm down. I just needed some....just needed some air.
I pushed through the double doors to the front of the school and stood there in the snow. It was starting to get dark. The cold air filled my lungs and I felt as if I could inhale a little better than I did inside. Maybe my anger did get worse.
I thought I was in control, but I wasn’t. No, I did well. I didn’t go after her. Something was bothering me though. If she did know anything about me, why wasn’t she afraid of me? After that incident in Cali, I lost all of my friends, and people used to literally keep their distance from me. No one wanted to come near me, no one wanted anything to do with me, and no one definitely wanted to piss me off.