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Sugar Boss (Sugar Daddies Book 2)

Page 10

by Charity Parkerson

  Pytor held the door, keeping it from closing.

  Zander motioned toward the elevator. “Come upstairs. We can talk.”

  Maverick still wouldn’t look at him. He shook his head. “His name is Korey,” Maverick said unexpectedly. “The guy who stayed with me last night,” he explained as he started away, still talking and obviously done with Zander. “He’s Zeke’s man. I kept him company while Zeke did his pre-match shit. Unlike you, I have nothing to hide.”

  Zander stepped into his path. Alcohol made Maverick too slow to avoid Zander cupping his face and pressing his forehead to Maverick’s. He held the man’s stare. “Come upstairs with me.”

  Maverick shook his head. Zander could practically feel the hurt rolling off him. “I think I’ll hop a flight home. This isn’t my scene.”

  Zander didn’t let him get away. “Come upstairs with me,” Zander repeated. Desperation owned him. If Maverick walked away now, Zander would never see the man again. He felt it in his gut.

  Maverick leaned away, looking pained. “I—” Maverick’s voice died. He rubbed his forehead. One small sway on his feet, and it was over. Zander caught him a half second before he hit the floor. With a sigh that could be heard over the crowd, Pytor closed the distance between them and slung Maverick over his shoulders in a fireman’s hold.

  “You couldn’t choose someone lighter in weight and sturdier in alcohol consumption?” Pytor asked the moment they were alone inside the elevator.

  Zander bit back a smile but held his silence. He swiped Maverick’s hair away from his face. Even passed out, he was the sexiest man alive.

  “He’ll get over this,” Pytor said, bringing Zander’s gaze his way. Pytor’s size and profession was a trick. His eyes always gave him away. Pytor was a gentle giant. He had a soft heart. “If he’s worth having around, he’ll understand.”

  Zander nodded. He hoped it was true. Zander loved Maverick, but he couldn’t make the man comprehend a life he never would.

  Each time he thought he had nothing left to throw up, Maverick dug deep for another round of dry heaves. When he finally came up for air and looked around the opulent bathroom, the first thing his gaze found was a familiar looking red duffle.

  Maverick didn’t question how his overnight bag appeared in the bathroom of Zander’s penthouse. He’d have been more surprised if it hadn’t. With more than a little of his weight leaned on the counter, Maverick washed his face and brushed his teeth. He didn’t think he’d been trying to kill himself with alcohol, but damned if it didn’t feel like it now.

  The walk back to the bed felt like it took five years on the bow of a ship in the middle of a hurricane. As he fell across the bed, he promised God he’d never drink again. A pile of blankets fell across him. Maverick’s eyes flew open. Zander leaned over him, tucking him in. The man looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. Even though he had his hair pulled back at his nape, several strands had escaped the hair tie to frame his face. Black circles marred his pale face. Maverick’s heart turned over in his chest. He didn’t like worrying Zander.

  “You should get some sleep.”

  A small smile touched Zander’s lips. He didn’t meet Maverick’s gaze. “I will when you’re past this. It would kill me if you’d died from alcohol poisoning. Would you like some water? You should drink something.”

  “I just drank all the water from the bathroom sink,” Maverick admitted.

  Zander’s nose curled in an adorable way. “As long as you don’t get dehydrated.”

  “Get some sleep,” Maverick repeated.

  Zander didn’t back down. “I will when you’re well.”

  Maverick hated Zander taking that stance over something Maverick had done to himself. He held up the covers. “Lie down with me. Sleep.”

  Finally, Zander’s beautiful eyes slid his way. He eyed Maverick as if trying to gauge his seriousness. After a moment, he shifted positions and slid beneath the covers next to Maverick. Even though he was still pissed off at Zander, Maverick tucked all Zander’s stray hairs behind his ears and snuggled close. A sigh escaped him as his eyes fell closed. He just needed a few hours’ sleep before he faced Zander’s lies again.

  Unfortunately, sleep didn’t come. Instead, every unanswered question rose to the surface, choking him. “Make me understand,” Maverick whispered before he could stop himself.

  “I can’t,” Zander whispered back. “I’d never want you to know what it was like, being sixteen and catching the attention of a forty-six-year-old man with more money than God. To have your own family sell you. One day, I had nothing. The next, everything, except an ounce of happiness or any freedom. Once you’ve been bought and paid for, your happiness means nothing. Your wants—less than nothing. The best thing that ever happened to me before meeting you was his death.” Zander sat up. Maverick’s eyes shot open, scared Zander would leave. Instead, Zander stared into space, as if seeing something only he could. “I’m smart enough to recognize I cannot make you understand something you never will. No doubt, you had a normal life with first world problems. You don’t know what it’s like to have to literally kill to eat and go hungry more often than not. When I caught Gio Conti’s eye, I was overwhelmed by a lifestyle I’d never imagined existed.” Zander’s gaze swung Maverick’s way. His eyes were dead. Maverick wondered if he’d puke again. “If you can’t imagine killing to eat, you can’t fathom what I did for this life. Things I wouldn’t want you to know. Things that seemed like nothing in comparison to what I’d come from.” Zander’s gaze softened. He tucked Maverick’s hair behind his ear, making Maverick’s heart turn over in his chest. “I get that—for some reason all your own—you want me to be ashamed. Contrite. I cannot. Not even for you. I need you to love me as I am, even the ugly parts, but I understand if you can’t. Being normal isn’t something I know how to do. Recognizing moral boundaries was lost to me a long time ago.” Zander looked away and visibly swallowed. “Maybe we’ll find each other in the next life, and you won’t hate me there.”

  Maverick saw something in Zander a half second before the male turned his head. Maverick was hurting Zander with his reaction to learning about his mafia ties. It was too early. He’d had too much to drink to know what to do. “I need a shower.”

  “Of course,” Zander said, coming to his feet. “I’ll leave you to it.”

  “You didn’t want to join me?”

  Zander’s gaze snapped to his. The hope in Zander’s eyes reinforced Maverick’s decision. Zander was right. Maverick didn’t understand what it was like to starve, be forced to kill, and have to use his body to survive. This man had been nothing but good to Maverick. It wasn’t fair for Maverick to punish Zander for doing what he must. For all Maverick knew, he might’ve made the same choices. All Maverick knew right now was that he loved Zander. He wasn’t ready to give up.

  “If you’d like.”

  Maverick held Zander’s stare and nodded. “As bad as I’m feeling, it might not be a great idea for me to go alone.”

  Zander’s expression closed. Maverick could practically feel the man’s hope dying. He wanted to kick himself for not simply letting things go. Maverick scrambled to fix it.

  “Plus, I’d really like to hold you for a little while.”

  Zander held out his hand to help Maverick stand. “You never have to ask for that.”

  Maverick wasn’t sure how much he could live with, but he knew what he couldn’t live without.

  Zander silently followed Maverick, stripping alongside him. Maverick fired the shower to life. He pulled Zander inside with him as the water turned hot. Zander kept his arms wrapped around Maverick’s waist and his forehead pressed to the man’s nape as the water beat down on them from every direction. He didn’t fool himself into thinking they were okay. His arms wouldn’t unlock. He needed to cling to Maverick as long as the man would let him. Maverick might still be done with him. Zander couldn’t beat hope into submission. With Maverick’s nude body against his, Zander should be hard as a rock. Ins
tead, he hurt. All over and to his core.

  “I love you.”

  Zander sucked in a breath and squeezed his eyes shut at Maverick’s confession. He couldn’t draw a deep enough breath to satisfy the burning in his chest. He very much feared it was more than water running down his face.

  “For real, I love you,” Maverick repeated. “And, you’re wrong, I would never, ever want you to feel ashamed. Not of who you are or anything you’ve done. But, fuck yeah, I’m pissed that I had to learn shit from other people. I’m doubly pissed you tried to fool me into taking sponsorships from your companies.”

  Zander’s eyes burned. He couldn’t understand why, but they wouldn’t stop stinging. If Maverick wanted him to hate himself, Zander was there.

  Maverick turned in his arms. He held Zander’s jaw and forced Zander to hold his stare. “If you’ve got more bombs, hit me with them now. Don’t you ever let me find out anything else from anyone other than you again. You’re mine. This is love. I won’t judge you unless you fucking lie to me again.”

  “It wasn’t my intention to lie,” Zander admitted. “I couldn’t explain why the money means nothing. It’s not easy to admit everything you have is because you were someone’s whore.” The words barely passed Zander’s lips before he found his back pressed against the wall. A very angry Maverick hovered over him, looking thunderous.

  “Don’t you ever call yourself that again.” Maverick’s gaze dropped to where his fingers encircled Zander’s jaw. He dragged his thumb down Zander’s throat. His eyes follow the motion. Zander’s hunger grew along with the heat in Maverick’s stare. Maverick’s lips parted on a breath. “So beautiful,” Maverick breathed. “Everything about you is so goddamn gorgeous.” Maverick’s gaze lifted. He met Zander’s stare. Zander’s mouth went dry at the heat in his eyes. “I don’t know how to make you see what I see. It pisses me off that you planned to let me walk away without a fight because you don’t believe you deserve love. That you tried to buy me because you didn’t think I’d stay otherwise.”

  Zander wanted to deny it. He couldn’t. Maverick had looked into his soul and seen him like no one else ever had. Zander didn’t know how to fight for someone he wasn’t good enough to have. No one could know every tainted detail of his life and still love him.

  Maverick lifted his gaze and met Zander’s stare. “To me, you’re perfect.” Maverick meant it. The truth was in his eyes. Zander couldn’t look away. “It’s like you were created just for me. You should be angry with me. I left, on your birthday, even when I could see you were hurting. Get mad at me. Make me pay.” Maverick’s tone dripped sex. He dragged Zander’s bottom lip down with his thumb before dipping his head and capturing it with his teeth. Maverick nipped, drawing a gasp from Zander. “Call me a bastard,” Maverick urged as he crowded Zander’s space and brushed light kisses across his lips. “Warn me that you’ll make me regret it if I ever leave again.” Maverick cupped Zander’s dick and massaged. “Hurt me like I hurt you, Zander,” Maverick whispered against Zander’s mouth before he claimed Zander’s tongue.

  Maverick’s erection tapped his. Zander’s brain itched with dark desire. Maverick had left. Walked away. Zander had almost lost him forever, and it was hell. Being without Maverick was his worst nightmare come true. Desperation boiled in his gut and tore at his skin. He might not have ever seen him again. Held him. Kissed him. Made love. Zander almost missed his chance to be inside Maverick the way he promised he would be someday. He always let Maverick have control. Look what the man had done with his power. He’d left. On Zander’s birthday. Without knowing, caring, or understanding the crippling pain Zander had been in that day. Maverick was right. He deserved to be punished.

  Without warning, Zander’s palm collided with Maverick ass with enough force that Zander’s skin stung. Maverick’s reaction was swift. He melted against Zander with a deep moan. Zander did it again. Maverick’s dick jumped. The sounds coming from the man’s throat almost doubled Zander over in lust. Instead, he pushed Maverick away and stepped around him before shoving him against the wall. He molded against Maverick’s back and sank his teeth in the man’s shoulder.

  “Yes.” Maverick sounded desperate. “Like that.”

  Zander’s fingers dug into Maverick’s hips, urging his ass back. Zander dropped to his knees and bit the cheek of Maverick’s ass. He didn’t release him. Instead, he sucked with enough force, there’d be a hickey and most likely teeth marks. Maverick pressed against his lips as if seeking more. Moans filled the large shower. Without warning or any prep, Zander shoved two fingers in Maverick’s ass, pulling a cry from the man. It wasn’t enough. He needed Maverick’s pain. He needed the man to hurt the way he had when Maverick walked away. Zander worked a third finger inside. Maverick was too tight for this rough play. Zander couldn’t stop, and Maverick was riding his fingers like his next breath depended on it.

  Zander flew to his feet. His fingers found Maverick’s hair. He pulled and twisted, controlling him. With the slightest urging, he had the man’s head pulled back, baring his throat for Zander’s teeth. He bit and sucked the side of Maverick’s neck the way he had his ass. When he was certain he’d marked him, Zander used his grip on Maverick’s hair to steer him toward the short bench inside the shower. He shoved him forward, urging him to cling to the bench for support, as he dragged the man’s hips back. They had no lube. It was the treatment Maverick deserved.

  “Do it,” Maverick begged. “Make me hurt.” The way he tugged at his cock, openly seeking relief, spoke volumes on how horny Maverick was.

  Zander was there with him. He craved the pain. He fingered Maverick’s asshole, stretching it to make room for his cock. Water ran between their bodies from the rain shower. Zander blinked away the drops. He couldn’t look away from the sight of his crown disappearing inside Maverick’s asshole. A cry reverberated from the walls, driving Zander forward. He impaled Maverick, going root deep with enough force that he lifted Maverick’s feet from the ground.

  Maverick’s motions quickened. He jacked his cock at lightning speed. His muscles tensed. Zander fucked him hard and fast.

  “Goddamn. That’s it, Zander. Fuck me. Make me hurt. Show me who’s the boss. Make me pay. Fuck. Oh, God.” Maverick’s asshole clamped down on Zander’s cock, tearing a cry from his lips. Zander froze. Maverick’s orgasm hit. His ass began to spasm, massaging Zander’s dick. Milking him. His eyes fell closed at the sensation. Pressure climbed his shaft. Zander dug his fingers into Maverick’s hips with bruising force, holding him in place. A gasp tore from his throat as cum burst from his crown, filling Maverick’s ass. Maverick gasped and moaned as Zander’s hips ground against his ass, trying to get as deep as possible. He needed to imprint himself on Maverick’s soul. When the last wave passed, Zander dragged his short fingernails down Maverick’s sides, leaving claw marks behind as his cock slipped from the man’s tight ass.

  The moment he was free, Maverick spun. His mouth slammed against Zander’s. Zander tasted blood. Maverick’s tongue shoved its way inside. He sucked and stroked. Their bodies slipped against each other. Zander’s feet left the floor. Maverick swept him up into his arms. The man’s jaw flexed as his long stride ate up the floor, carrying Zander from the shower to the bed. The water still ran behind them.

  Maverick glanced down. Their gazes collided. Passion burned bright in Maverick’s eyes. His voice was hard when he spoke.

  “I’m taking you to bed, Zander. Once there, I’m locking my jaw around your dick—hard or not. I’m sucking until you beg me to leave you alone. Once you’re drained dry, I’m rolling you into your stomach, spreading those sexy cheeks, and fucking your asshole raw until you can’t stand or sit without thinking of me.” He set Zander on the mattress. His gaze never wavered. “This is forever. You and me,” he said, stabbing a finger in Zander’s chest before tapping his own. “So I suggest you figure out that you’re worthy of this, because I’m not going away.”

  Zander couldn’t tear his gaze away from Maverick’s i
ntensity. This man... goddamn. He left Zander speechless in the face of his untainted love. He saw Zander in a way no one did. Zander didn’t know if he’d ever feel like he deserved Maverick, but he wanted him, and Zander never denied himself anything. He’d never let Maverick go.

  With Zander still sleeping, Maverick tiptoed through the penthouse. He knew from experience, the hotel staff always stocked the kitchen before Zander’s arrival. Maverick’s sexy man was getting breakfast in bed. He’d earned it.

  “I’m glad you came to your senses,” Pytor said, startling Maverick. He was so used to the man always hovering in the background without speaking, Maverick nearly jumped out of his skin to hear his voice behind him.

  With a spoon still hanging from his mouth, two yogurt containers and two juice bottles in his hands, Maverick faced the giant guard. He sat kicked back at the kitchen table with his feet on the table and legs crossed at the ankles.

  “What?” Maverick mumbled around the spoon.

  Pytor dropped his feet from the table to the floor and held Maverick’s gaze. “Zander needs you, so I’m glad you came to your senses. He’s never had a nice man. You have to give him slack when he doesn’t know how to handle kindness.”

  Maverick couldn’t believe this man who was paid to keep a mafia boss safe was talking to him about this. After shifting his load, Maverick pulled the spoon from his mouth. “What do mean he’s never had a nice man? A man left him millions.” Then Zander had turned that into billions.

  Pytor scoffed. “Not willingly. If you ask me, that man was no better than a pedophile—the way he scooped Zander from the streets when he was only sixteen. Gio never gave Zander anything but bruises, broken bones, and more issues than a mental patient. The man who killed Gio, he was a professional and a godsend. He made it look like Conti left everything to Zander because he believed—as we do—Zander is the only one standing between the West Coast and another family moving in. He wanted the West Coast and the fight clubs to be free of all that bullshit. No one questioned the legitimacy of the will. There were no Conti left to challenge it, and Zander had been running most of Gio’s businesses for years.”


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