Freeing Destiny (Fate #2)

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Freeing Destiny (Fate #2) Page 17

by Faith Andrews

  “Trick or Treat!” An overzealous, jumpy kid dressed up as Chucky from Child’s Play thrust his candy-filled pillow case within my reach. He pushed past the smaller girl standing next to him and she nearly toppled over.

  “Whoa, cool it. There’s enough for everyone.”

  The kid remained stoic as he awaited his Halloween treat. I raised my brow and shook my head, then appraised the tiny girl dressed in a sparkly unicorn costume. “This your brother?” I asked, my thumb trained on the red headed fucker.

  “Yes,” she answered shyly.

  I dumped a handful of chocolate into each of their sacks and eyeballed Chucky. “Be nice to your sister, kid. Punks are a dime a dozen, but unicorns are special. One in a million.” I gave the adorable little girl a wink and an extra helping of candy. “Don’t let him steal all your Reese’s.”

  “I won’t.” She smiled as she walked away, her brother already ten steps ahead.

  I closed the door behind me and chuckled. That used to be me, Emma, and Aubrey. I was such a prick of an older brother. Always tormenting and teasing them. I hoped my roughhousing didn’t have anything to do with the way Aubrey turned out. But then again, before I could assume guilt, I thought about Emma. She turned out just fine—a sweetie—and we all lived under the same roof as kids. Aubrey’s issues weren’t my fault. They were hers and she was trying to get them straightened out. At least that’s what she had me believing.

  We’d been in touch a few times since she showed up for breakfast that morning. Things had remained oddly quiet since. She was respecting my boundaries and keeping her distance the best way she knew how.

  She’d tried to reach out to Stella with a text here and there to let her know she was accepting of our relationship, staying away out of respect, and hopeful that they could one day move forward. Stella remained indifferent. It was better than the alternative. At least she wasn’t spewing hatred or refusing to see her side of things. I had hope that there would be peace on the Davis/Edwards front one day.

  I jogged back to the phone that I’d put on hold to answer the door for the trick or treaters.

  “You still there?”

  Caleb sounded out of breath when he answered. “Yup. Had a line of kids at my door, too. Hate this stupid day.”

  “Me, too. I liked it better when we were on the receiving end of the goods.”

  “I hear ya. So, anyway . . . continue. You were talking about booking a flight for Thanksgiving.” Caleb put me back on track. The one track train that my mind had been on for the last two days.

  Stella was leaving in three weeks. I hated the idea of it. Everything about it. I would miss the energy she brought to my home and the warmth she filled my life with. It wouldn’t be the same without her physically here. I’d have to find a way to get used to it once it happened, but the idea of letting her go and spending Thanksgiving without the one person I was most grateful for made my chest ache with heartbreak.

  “I want to surprise her. She leaves the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I think she has an afternoon flight. I was hoping to book something for late that evening or early Wednesday morning. What do you think?” It didn’t really matter what he thought. My mind was already made up. As long as there was as seat available on a plane—no matter how expensive—I was flying out to New York to spend our first holiday together.

  “I think you’ve become a hopeless fucking romantic, that’s what I think.” Caleb found pleasure in fucking with me over how lovesick I was. I’d done it to him with Gabriella so I had it coming. Didn’t matter, though. I had nothing to hide. I’d spray paint it on a billboard to let the world know my feelings for Stella.

  “Yup. And proud of it. Are you sure Gabriella won’t mind me crashing her family’s feast?” I didn’t want to come on too strong and I was desperate for Gabriella’s approval.

  Caleb was quick to remind me of how understanding and welcoming his new wife was. “Not at all. She got wind of your plan and hasn’t stopped talking about it. Consider your place already set at the table.”

  That was a relief. I didn’t really think it would be a problem, but I wasn’t one to assume. “Okay, well, then that’s one battle won.”

  “What are the others?” He seemed genuinely concerned, as if marking off the list of to-dos with me.

  I scanned the apartment. A vase with fresh roses sat on one of the end tables in the living room. Stella had planted decorative frames with pictures of the two of us from the last few months all around. Her slippers sat on the floor next to the seat at the kitchen table that she’d claimed as hers. She’d managed to make herself at home in this short amount of time and I loved every single detail that reminded me of her presence. The thought of having to rip my walls bare of her existence when she packed up and moved out created a pit of dread in my stomach. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe just something called what the hell will I do when I have to come back home without her? I don’t know, man. It’s not gonna be so easy. I’m attached. I thought we could do the long distance thing, but now that I have her here every day—Fuck! Missing her is going to be painful.”

  Caleb sucked in a long breath. “So, what are you saying?”

  I shook my head as I got up from the table to pace. “I’m saying, once I’m out there, I might have to talk to a few contacts. Make some plans.”

  My best friend’s voice spiked with excitement. “You’re thinking of moving here? Really? Shit! Having you here would be great, but—are you sure?”

  “Were you sure when you picked up and left it all behind?” There was no reason to be defensive, but it came out that way anyhow.

  “I had nothing to leave behind—besides you, of course.”

  “Now who’s the hopeless romantic? You saying you miss me?” I mocked him, but truth was, we were more like brothers than best friends. Stella occupied the space Caleb vacated when he left, but as much as I loved her, I missed watching the game with my buddy and tossing back beers with someone who looked the other way when I scratched my balls.

  “Don’t let it get to your head. I’m just saying it would be nice to have everyone in one place. Know what I mean?”

  “Of course.” I got it. He was lonely without me. He liked Ryan but Ryan wasn’t me. I was awesome.

  “What would you do about the business? You’ve worked really hard to make a name out there. How would that work?” Like I hadn’t thought this through a million times. Did he have that little faith in me?

  “Already started my homework.” I sat back down in front of the computer and stared at the screen that had twelve different tabs open. “I’ll have to take some courses and tests for my new license, but with all the commercial stuff I’ve dealt with out here, I’ve networked enough to get my foot in the door with a bunch of firms in New York.”

  “But wouldn’t that be taking a step down?” He was referring to the fact that I was my own boss. I worked for Dad for many years and hated it. I didn’t like taking orders from anyone, but I liked to think I’d matured since then. I could share my space with someone else and play nice. Especially if it was for a good cause. Stella.

  “Nah. It won’t be as bad as you think. I can probably still run my business behind the scenes. I’d just have to hire another manager and travel back and forth now and then to check on things. But I already have a few prospects for partnerships. I’m a hot commodity in Cali, bro. My name gets around. If I play my cards right I could own businesses on both ends of the country. Cool, right?”

  “Fucking awesome.” I could tell he was genuinely happy for me. He was a good guy like that. “You must’ve been thinking about this for a while. Seems like you have it all mapped out.”

  “Definitely not, but I have ideas. I have a shit ton of phone calls lined up, but nothing’s written in stone yet. I’ll know more once the week is up.” I was dreading the interrogation-like feel of the interviews that I’d have to suffer through, but whatever—if it meant being with my girl for good, it was worth it.

  I felt good abo
ut this. I was doing the right thing. I was sure. But just as I was riding the confidence wave, Caleb swooped in with a giant sized pin, ready to burst my happy bubble. “Have you talked to Stella about this at all?”

  “No. I wanted to surprise her.” Wasn’t that the whole point?

  “Uh, seems like a pretty big decision to make without telling her.”

  Where was he going with this? “Why? You don’t think she wants me to come with her? We haven’t actually talked about the possibility, but I know she’s not exactly thrilled about leaving. She loves me. I love her. We want to be together. Easy enough, no?”

  Should’ve been, but if I knew my friend, he had a speech lined up. For a man who used to be so scattered, he liked to preach his opinion and lay things out there in an orderly fashion.

  After he cleared his throat, Caleb started his sermon. “Up until two months ago Stella had a plan. A meticulously thought out, methodical plan. You weren’t a part of it and even though you’re a big part of her life now, I still think you need to tell her that you plan on becoming a permanent fixture.”

  “I don’t get where you’re going with this? Are you saying she doesn’t want me in her future? Because if that’s your story, go tell it somewhere else. I know Stella. Maybe I haven’t for long, but I know her well. All her ins and outs. Her quirks and passions. The things that make her happy, sad, angry. I’ve never been this in tune to another person in my life, Caleb. She’s my other half. I’m sure of it. So, while I appreciate your concern and I know you mean well, shut the fuck up and let me do my thing.”

  Harsh? Maybe. But who was he to tell me not to act on a whim? The dude married the first girl he ever loved after knowing her all of three months. Caleb was in no position to school me about taking precaution before I leaped. Leaps of faith never required caution, anyway. They were innate. Fate’s workings. Fate and I were tight these days. She was doing right by me so I decided to run with it. “Listen, I didn’t mean to discount your advice, but—I got this. I know what I’m doing. If I had any doubt that Stella would object, it wouldn’t even be a consideration. But I’m sure. As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. And if it makes you feel any better, I’ll play the fishing game.”

  “You lost me, lover boy.”

  “I’ll dangle the prospect like bait. See if she bites. Fish for her opinion without ever giving anything away.” I had a knack for things like that—the art of optical illusion. I’d get her take on me moving out to New York without actually asking if she was okay with it.

  Caleb listened quietly before he stated one last thing. “Sounds good and I’m really happy for both of you. Just be certain you know for sure before you break anyone’s heart—including your own.”

  “Okay, Dr. Phil, I’ll—”

  Ding dong. “Trick or Treat!”

  “Oh, would you look at that? Saved by the bell. Gotta go. Make sure Gabriella and Nina don’t say anything to Stella.”

  “Lips are sealed.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let you know when I book my flight.”

  “Sounds good. Later, man.”


  I hung up and headed to the door with the candy bowl in hand. When I opened it, my jaw dropped to my chest and the remaining candy spilled to the floor, scattering all around me. “Holy mother of God. You look fucking hot!”


  Jack thought I was out running more errands. Little did he know, I was so bored during the week while he was at work that every single chore was done on the same damn day. Instead of shopping for more groceries like I told him, I spent the afternoon getting myself dolled up to surprise him for his very own Halloween treat.

  I zipped a sweatshirt up to my neck to cover my skimpy costume. I didn’t want the neighbors or trick or treaters thinking some trashy hooker was scouring their quaint, tree-lined streets. When I walked up to the apartment, I scoped my surroundings and after noticing no one in sight, I undid the sweatshirt and stuffed it in my bag. As I rang the doorbell and disguised my voice to call out “trick or treat”, I adjusted the black leather bustier and straightened out my whiskers. “Meow,” I purred under my breath to get into character.

  My heart thundered with anticipation as I waited for him to answer. When he did, his mouth flew open, his eyes went wild, and candy spilled to the floor. “Holy mother of God. You look fucking hot!” His words were a throaty growl, his pupils already dark and dilated.

  “Trick or Treat,” I repeated, twirling my tail and leaning against the door frame. “Do you have any candy for me?” The naughty kitty act was not my usual forte, but that saying about dressing the part was totally true. Between the stilettos, the fishnets, and the cleavage up to my chin—I was rocking this get-up. Sex kitten on heels. Jack was drooling like a baby at feeding time.

  “Oh, boy, do I!” His eyes nearly spun out of control as he pulled me into the apartment and dead bolted the door.

  Within seconds of being welcomed home, my back was against the wall and his tongue invaded my mouth. I threw my hands up to his hair, and burrowed my fingers into his scalp to match the desperate urgency of our kiss. This wasn’t just some horny reaction to my slutty costume. It was as if I’d been gone for years and he was making up for lost time.

  “Mmmm, Jack,” I moaned into his mouth and hooked my leg around his waist.

  Pulling my leg up higher, he dug his fingers into my ass. Our bodies ground together. My legs felt weak, wobbly under his fervent touch. Jack must have sensed my unsteadiness because he cupped my other butt cheek and lifted me. “I got you, pretty kitty. Hold on.”

  I did as I was told, and coiled my arms and legs around him. I was greedy for all of him. I couldn’t get him fast enough. There was too much clothing between us. I wanted to rip away all the barriers and let him fill me until I screamed out his name.

  As if he could read my mind, Jack’s teeth tore at the straps of the bustier. I tried to help his cause with a shimmy, but it was no use. This thing was tighter than a miser’s wallet and it needed more than a gentle tug to get it off. “Wait,” I whimpered, when in reality I didn’t want him to wait to do anything. Waiting would be torture. There would be no waiting.

  I forced his arms from my waist and unraveled my limbs from his torso. When I landed on trembling feet, I pawed at the straps and slid them down my shoulders. Jack curved his fingers into the top of my skirt, stockings and panties, and in one slick motion, he slipped them down my legs. After kicking off my heels, I stepped out of the wrinkled nylon and lace, one foot at a time.

  “Please put those back on,” Jack pleaded as he looked up at me from a kneeling position with my shoes dangling from his fingers. “And the ears. Don’t take them off. You are the sexiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”

  I giggled with hooded lids and a racing heartbeat. His eyes roamed my body like a parched man searching for an oasis and then he wedged his face between my legs, at the apex of my thighs. My breath caught in my throat when his nose nudged my sex and his warm breath tickled my skin.

  “Sweeter than candy,” he groaned as he inhaled long and deliberate.

  I was so vulnerable, so exposed, so fucking wet. “Jack.” I sang his name as he teased me with feather soft kisses over my soaked skin. His tongue flicked my clit and I was a goner. Control was impossible, eloquence lost. I was a willing victim to his assault and my brain knew to follow my body’s lead.

  My head hit the wall with a thud as I succumbed to the sweet carnality. I’d never been taken this way—so raw, so . . . vertical. I’d daydreamed about wall sex with Jack, but when I pictured the actual details of logistics, I imagined it to be difficult. To my surprise, it was anything but, even if my limbs were floppy and weak under his touch. Jack kept me pinned to the wall, anchored with one leg on the hardwood and the other draped over his shoulder. My hands held on to his strong shoulders for dear life, while my hips writhed in rhythm with his powerful tongue. The sensation was almost too much to take—almost.

k!” I shouted. My fists pounded the wall as the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced scorched through my body. Heat, tingles, and spasms of rapture disabled my body as I slid down and collapsed into his waiting arms.

  Jack sucked my lobe into his warm mouth. “You’re my favorite trick or treater of the day,” he whispered into my ear.

  Happiness overpowered every nerve ending as I laughed into the crook of his neck. I shimmied my way onto his lap and held him close. It wasn’t long before we were kissing again, the heat building, our breaths labored and rushed. When I started to undress him, Jack lifted me and tossed me over his shoulder.

  “Happy fucking Halloween, Sunshine. Time for another treat.”

  We spent the rest of the night indulging in something so much better than chocolate or sweets. Ignoring the doorbell each time it rang, Jack and I explored each other’s bodies and made love until we were too exhausted to even talk. My last thought before I closed my eyes and succumbed to fatigue was that this would be our last holiday together before I left for New York. Luckily, I was too tired to let the overwhelming anxiety about the situation sink in. We were running out of time and no matter how wonderfully we’d spent it thus far, it was inevitable that my heart would break a million times over when it was time to say good-bye.


  This was it. The time had come. Tears were flowing like nobody’s business. This was harder than I imagined, even if we spent the last three weeks practically attached at the hip. Dread engulfed my nerves because it was our last night together. We opted for a quiet evening of Netflix, wine, takeout, and cuddling. My luggage was packed and waiting by the door, all my other belongings shipped to New York a few days prior so that they’d be there when I arrived.

  Mom, Nina, and Aunt Gina were eager for us to reunite. I was too, but not really. I’d found the love of my life, my reason for breathing, for waking every morning, and now I had to leave him. God knew when I’d actually get to see him again. The holidays would be tough for travel. Jack had to work and keep his business running smoothly and I would be starting my internship and getting ready to return to school in January. When would I see him? How would we get through this? Surviving seemed impossible when the one person who made my heart pump the fastest and my smile shine the brightest would be out of reach.


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