Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset Page 22

by Jeana E. Mann

  Zander didn’t have time to lecture his brother about his drinking. He glanced around the room and noted Orlando pacing restlessly. The movements drove Zander’s anger and anxiety higher.

  “Our main objective is finding the lair so we can eliminate the infestation. That bastard got too close to a Fated Mate. How the fuck did that happen?” Orlando asked.

  “More important,” Kill said, his tone lethal, “when did you plan on telling the council that the mating curse had been lifted? I can’t believe you kept such important information from us,” Killian finished, glaring at Zander.

  Zander pushed aside his guilt. It was life-altering news that every member of the realm deserved to know, but he hadn’t wanted to expose his mate until after he had claimed her. He wanted her to be immortal before breaking the news. He worried the realm would not react well to a human queen. After all, even he hadn’t taken her humanity well.

  “Och, the whole situation has been a mess from day one. Learning of her existence has been fraught with heartache and trouble,” Zander replied.

  “It couldn’t have all been heartache. You managed to get her into bed and discover what she is to you,” Kill pointed out.

  The male walked a fine line with Zander’s patience. The only thing stopping Zander from taking his head off was the fact that they were equals on the Dark Alliance Council.

  “Watch what you say. That is my mate you speak of so callously. Show some respect, or else,” Zander growled.

  “My apologies, Z,” Killian replied.

  “Accepted, my friend. For the record, I discovered who Elsie was after dreamwalking with her. The encounter wasna real. No’ one aspect of our mating has followed protocol. I havena been able to feed or ingest any blood for over eighteen months, despite the fact that the mating hasna been completed. My mate has had a husband that was murdered by skirm and she herself was almost killed in a skirm attack. Not to mention, she stalks the night with a vigilante group killing skirm. As you can imagine, I’m dealing with a lot of shite. It hasna crossed my mind to tell anyone outside these walls,” Zander offered as he raked a hand through his hair.

  “Right now, we need to focus on the new demon, and his ally. What were you able to discover about them in the database?” Santiago questioned as he sat back in his chair, hands folded across his stomach.

  It appeared as if Santiago’s minor injuries from the battle had already healed. That was good because they needed to be ready to attack. The sooner, the better.

  Killian’s fingers flew across the keyboard so fast human eyes wouldn’t be able to track the movements. “You’re right. The rest can wait. The Fae that assisted Kadir is called Aquiel. He’s connected to Azazel which isn’t surprising, given his penchant for attractive males.”

  “In fact, he’s been associated with Azazel for some time. Despite the risk of iron poisoning here, Aquiel doesn’t spend much time in Faerie, and isn’t listed as a member of the royal family. I updated the database on Kadir, indicating his association to the Fae,” Killian added.

  Zander knew that Queen Zanahia was aware of her subjects and kept close tabs on them. The involvement of the Fae complicated matters. They could use iron as a weapon against them, but their magic was still more powerful than the average sorcerer.

  Not to mention, the queen had knowledge of old magic, spells, and prophecies, something the realm lost track of when the Mystik Grimoire disappeared from the Miakoda family vault four hundred years ago.

  The leather-bound volume held magical properties few understood, and contained the realm’s compilation of spells and prophecies passed from the Goddess to her oracles.

  Orlando ran his hands through his hair, causing it to stick out all over his head. The male was more agitated than Zander had ever seen.

  “Do the Fae have enough power to shield Kadir’s lair? That would present a major complication in finding him. We need to change tactics for our patrols. Maybe follow skirm back to the lair, rather than killing them outright. Kadir is aware of Elsie’s importance to Zander and will no doubt target her now. We could use that to our advantage. Maybe stake out her apartment,” Orlando offered.

  “No’ a bad idea. The problem I see is that they won’t go back to the lair if we follow them. They can sense us, too. But, if you use your animal forms to track them, we might stand a chance,” Zander pointed out, watching his weary warriors.

  “True. They can’t detect our animals,” Santiago added as he stroked his goatee and leaned his chair against the wall.

  Kyran walked to the large map of Seattle and looked it over. Zander noticed how his brother favored his right side. They may have been injured and forced to retreat, but they suffered no losses, and that was a win in his book.

  “This new archdemon has shaken things up for sure. I canna imagine that he would be in most of these neighborhoods,” Kyran hypothesized. “Too suburban. We need to concentrate on more urban areas with abandoned warehouses. Downtown, Belltown, Pioneer Square, Denny Triangle, or the area around the Seattle Center.”

  Zander clapped his brother on the back. “Good thinking, brathair. Starting now, we focus our patrols on the areas Kyran mentioned. And, Orlando and Santiago will use their animals when possible. Rhys and Gerrick, each of you head up a team and take one of them with you. Bhric and Breslin will remain here to protect Elsie. Orlando and I are taking a trip to Fremont to see Elvis and gain an audience with Queen Zanahia. Nikko, you need to fly Cailyn back to San Francisco,” Zander ordered.

  His little spitfire of a mate wouldn’t like that he was sending her sister home, but she’d be safer there. The demons were concentrating on Seattle right now. “Have the San Francisco Dark Warriors keep track of and protect her sister, from a distance, of course. The rest of you head to Confetti and follow any trails. Everyone, stay on alert. Doona take unnecessary risks until you are fully healed,” Zander stated.

  “Does Elsie know you are having her sister returned home? She doesn’t take orders well, Z. You may want to talk to her first,” Orlando suggested.

  Zander glared at the warrior. “I assure you, the least of her anger will be with regards to her sister. You walk a fine line, Orlando. Doona ever question me, especially aboot my mate! Now, get off your fucking arses and get to work,” he snapped.


  Elsie heard Zander’s footsteps before a knock sounded at the door. It was surprisingly gentle. And, why was he knocking? It wasn’t like she could open the locked door. She was still upset about his behavior, and refused to respond. Of course, that didn’t stop the king. The door opened and he entered with his typical arrogance. Too bad she found that irresistibly sexy, and had to force a scowl at the vampire.

  “A ghra,” he intoned.

  Were there brackets of tension around his eyes? He carried the weight of an entire species on his shoulders, and she couldn’t help but worry about his obvious stress.

  “You don’t get to call me that,” she hissed and felt bad at the hurt that flashed in his eyes. Too damn bad. She wasn’t going to be controlled, and had to put her foot down about his behavior now. “You can’t order me around. I won’t be told what to do, Zander. We need to talk about things before you go around making decisions that affect me.”

  His countenance softened as he approached. “I won’t apologize, a ghra. Your safety is the most important thing. I lose all rational thought when I think of you in danger. It nearly killed me when I failed to protect you before, so you will remain in this house. I must ensure you are protected.”

  She watched this formidable leader and realized that even when he was giving her orders, he was infinitely gentler with her than he was with the others. Knowing he cared so much deflated her indignant anger. The crack in the hard shell around her heart widened, and let him in a bit more.

  Elsie didn’t want to place anyone in danger. Not these new friends of hers, or her neighbors. Plus, she had to admit that the thought of living in this remarkable home, having her dream job, and cooking in th
at kitchen was more than tempting.

  Still, Zander needed to understand that please went a long way. She smirked and tilted her head, gazing at him. “The best way to get what you want from a human,” she placed her hands on her hips, “especially a woman, is to ask nicely. You know…say please. Since you behaved appallingly, and locked me inside this room alone, I’ve had time to think things over. First, I accept the job offer. We can negotiate my salary later. Second, I will only move in here on conditions.” Elsie paused and looked him square in the eye.

  The connection between them took her breath away, causing warmth to flood her chest and surround her black hole.

  “I will pay you rent, and I will be moving out as soon as it’s safe. And, before you ask. Yes, I will give up my apartment. I can’t imagine I’ll be able to afford it, and a room here. Now, I need to check on Cailyn, and then I desperately need rest. There is only so much my wee, mortal brain can handle, and this has been a verra full day,” she said and winked at him.

  He let out a breath and grabbed her by the waist, picking her up off the floor. “Are you making fun of the way I talk again, a ghra?”

  “Never,” she said and giggled. “But, let’s get one thing clear. If you ever manhandle me, and lock me in a room again, I will castrate you in your sleep,” she threatened.

  “Point taken. In my defense, ‘tis no’ in my nature to ask or use niceties. I promise you I will try, but I ask that you give a caveman a break.” With that, Zander lowered his head and kissed her. It was tender and sweet but set her ablaze.

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “I have made arrangements for your puithar. Nikko will fly her home tonight. I’m relieved you will not fight me on staying. I can agree to your conditions, but you will no’ pay rent. The thought is preposterous. It is my responsibility to provide for you.”

  He gently lowered her onto the sofa behind them, leaning over her. She was trapped by the strong arms bracketing her. Warmth and electricity radiated off his muscular body.

  He kissed the tip of her nose and met her gaze. “I have terms of my own. You will never leave the compound at night withoot me, and will always have one of my warriors with you during the day. That is non-negotiable. Now, I’ll be back shortly. I have to visit a troll about a fairy.” He closed the gap and met her lips in a passionate-toe-curling-kiss.

  When he pulled back, his intense gaze bore into her. Between his kiss and the elusive pull she felt, Elsie was a ball of need. “Do you have to leave now?” she murmured.

  She glanced down at the erection straining his pants. The sight made her want to explore his luscious body. She cupped his shaft over his pants and squeezed, wanting to give him incentive to stay. A deep, masculine groan escaped his throat. She grinned and ran her hand along his length.

  Suddenly, she wanted to taste him. Elsie had such little experience with this, and wasn’t sure why the urge surfaced. Nervousness assailed. She’d only performed oral sex a couple times for Dalton, and she hadn’t enjoyed it.

  Dalton was a gentle, tentative lover, until she took him into her mouth. Then, he grabbed her hair and thrust roughly to the back of her throat, choking her. Like any man, he lost himself in the moment, unaware of her discomfort. Eventually, she stopped doing it altogether.

  She licked her lips and reveled in the way Zander’s glowed with interest. She was going to go for it. She pushed against him and he allowed her to stand up. She stepped into his hard body and ran her hands under his shirt and over his chest then down his abdomen to pause at his waist band. His skin was on fire, echoing the fire burning in her core.

  Boldly, she slipped her hand into the top of his pants and gasped when she encountered the tip of his shaft. It was slick with pre-cum, and she maneuvered her hand to grasp his shaft. For something so hard, the texture of his skin was silky smooth.

  “A ghra,” he husked. Zander’s voice was a warning and a plea at the same time.

  She went to her knees and looked up into his glowing, sapphire eyes. “I don’t have much experience with this and I want to please you, so tell me how you like it,” she said as she unzipped his pants and pushed them to his knees.

  His cock sprang out, pointing at her. Surprisingly, her mouth watered for a taste.

  “I didna come here for this, but I’m no’ going to stop you. Your touch alone is enough to make me cum. I’m more worried I will embarrass myself and cum as soon as that hot little mouth closes around me.”

  His erotic words caused an ache deep in her core.

  “I want you to lose that careful control, Vampire King,” she murmured and gripped the base of his shaft, overwhelmed at the magnificent size of him. This wasn’t going to be easy. “You carry too much on your shoulders. It will do you good to let go.”

  Her lips parted and her tongue darted out, skimming the pre-cum. She hummed at the flavor of him. It was indescribable. Like a full-bodied brandy that she wanted to get drunk on. She wrapped her lips around the head and swirled her tongue around the spongy mass.

  He grabbed her hair and thrust, hitting the back of her throat. She couldn’t breathe his enormous size. Her panic dissipated when he gentled his hold and controlled his movements.

  “Sorry, lass. You’re driving me crazy. Please doona stop. I willna hurt you.”

  Zander’s voice roughened with desire, and she could see that he wanted this desperately, but was putting her first. His care, even in the heat of passion, aroused her even further.

  She stretched her mouth, and took as much of him as she could manage. His shaft hardened even more and the sounds of his pleasure had her dropping her inhibitions, and reaching up to grasp his balls. She had never been so bold, squeezing the soft globes.

  He cried out, unable to stop from gently rocking his hips. It wasn’t the uncomfortable experience she’d had before, and Elsie realized she enjoyed him filling her mouth.

  She sucked him hard and her body responded to his pleasure. Her nipples hardened and her core clenched with need.

  “I can smell your arousal, a ghra. Hold on,” he murmured then picked her up and flipped her as he laid down on the oversized sofa. Their heads were at opposite ends, and for a second, Elsie was confused.

  She heard the tearing of fabric, and in the next moment, her panties were gone and his hot breath was against her aching core. Her sex clenched and she cried out his name as he began licking, nipping, and sucking her into his mouth. He devoured her like he was a starving man.

  “Jesus, Zander…that feels wonderful,” she murmured as it dawned on her what Zander wanted.

  She’d read books of the sexual position but had never performed it. As he continued to feast on her clit, she took his hard length into her mouth. Elsie reveled in the new experience, loving how this man took her to new heights in lovemaking.

  With each gentle thrust, he took her closer to the edge. He eased two fingers inside her, and she writhed against his mouth. She sucked and stroked him in unison with his ministrations until they reached their peak together, exploding in one another’s mouths.

  As warm jets of semen spurted down her throat, she set a rhythm of swallowing what he so freely gave. And, he didn’t let up on her during his orgasm. She had never been so grateful that he was a vampire and his biology gave him long orgasms as he brought her to peak three more times before he was done.

  She collapsed against his groin, panting. That was incredible, and by far, the most intimate act she ever engaged in. Before her heart settled, Zander grabbed her so that they were face to face.

  “All I can say is wow. While I intended to please you, you took it to the next level, and blew my mind. You are very dangerous for me, Zander,” she admitted.

  “My sweet, Lady E. ‘Tis you who blew my mind,” he said and claimed her lips.

  She could taste her juices on his lips, and it ignited her desire again. The sensual way his mouth moved against hers made her ache with need. How she wanted to feel him inside her. But now wasn’t the time, and Elsie shoved her
yearning aside. She wanted to say goodbye to her sister before she left, and neither one of them would get anything done if he didn’t leave the room.

  “Didn’t you say something about visiting someone?” she murmured against his mouth.

  “Aye. I do need to leave for a bit. I need answers aboot what happened at the club,” he whispered as he continued to kiss along her jaw and down her neck.

  Concern crept in her mind, and Elsie couldn’t ignore it. They were different people from different worlds. She had no idea where this was going, but it seemed impossible that a relationship could develop. Zander was, after all, a vampire.


  Zander sat in Orlando’s car and scrutinized the deserted street under the Aurora Bridge. His mind whirled about his encounter with Elsie. She initiated their intimate act, and it was the best fucking blow job he’d ever received. Unfortunately, his mate mark was a painful reminder that they didn’t complete the mating. He desperately wanted to claim his mate in every way.

  He was accustomed to making decisions and having his orders followed. He removed obstacles, didn’t coddle and tolerate them. To say his patience was wearing thin was an understatement. In fact, he’d never been closer to losing his fucking mind.

  Pushing aside his discomfort, he focused on Elvis, the Fremont Troll. Zander found it comical that the troll was a popular tourist destination for humans. It seemed odd that the surly troll tolerated humans climbing all over him for photo ops. But, Elvis loved it, and was incorrigible as he played pranks on the unknowing.

  City officials didn’t know who dressed Elvis for the holidays, but supernaturals were aware Elvis did it to attract the women and children. The enormous bridge troll was nothing short of an attention-whore. Not to mention, he physically gained strength by having his image in countless households.

  Using his preternatural vision, Zander could make out the tiny scales covering the gray statue, and he saw Elvis’s huge nose draw in a breath. That was cue to announce their presence. The troll shifted his massive body and lifted his hand from the dusty, red, VW bug. Zander expected him to move out from under the bridge, but Elvis remained hunched, warily eying him.


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