Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset Page 23

by Jeana E. Mann

  Zander reached into his pocket and retrieved a large, emerald pendant that would serve as their toll. He straightened his red, silk shirt and adjusted his leather jacket as he climbed out of Orlando’s black Mustang.

  Belatedly, he acknowledged that he should’ve worn a suit to meet with the infamous Seelie Queen, but he was too consumed by Elsie’s erotic play to think of proper etiquette.

  Zander walked across the street and stopped about twenty yards from Elvis. Orlando came and stood beside him. It was a relief having his warrior there. Although there wasn’t animosity between their kind and the Fae, Zander never knew when the tides could change, and he remained alert for potential danger.

  “When you have me, you want to share me. When you share me, I no longer exist,” Zander relayed, spouting the required riddle.

  The blast of a canon sounded before the ground rolled beneath their feet. Elvis chuckling felt like an earthquake. “A secret,” boomed Elvis’s deep, bass voice. “Good to see you, Vampire King. Have you brought your toll?”

  Zander lifted the large pendant. The street light gleamed off the emerald.

  “Aye.” He walked over and dropped the offering into the troll’s large hand. “I need to speak with Zanahia.”

  The Seelie Queen spent most of her time in Faerie, the Fae realm, separated from Earth by a magical veil only the Fae could cross and Elvis was her gatekeeper in Seattle.

  Elvis’ fingers closed around the pendant. “It’s always a pleasure dealing with you, Zander. But surely, you would rather talk about your Fated Mate. I hear she portends change for the realm. That this is a sign your Goddess is bestowing treasures, once again. Everyone is anxious to see what will come of this. I, for one, am sitting on pins and needles.”

  The boom from his laughter echoed again. Elvis was clearly in a jovial mood.

  “Oh, wait, that’s not a needle. More like a boulder. Little to the left. Ah, right there. So much better,” he grunted as he shifted to the side, creating a dust storm in the process. He was quite the comedian tonight.

  Zander wondered how the troll had heard the news when even his council wasn’t aware of it yet.

  “Aye, I’ve been blessed with my Fated Mate, but I doona know what’s in store for the realm. I welcome any changes Morrigan brings. ‘Tis the reason I need to see Zanahia. There was an altercation earlier this evening at Confetti, and my mate could’ve been the intended target. One of Zanahia’s Fae assisted the archdemons and skirm.”

  Elvis’s bushy eyebrows drew down in a scowl. “I wasn’t aware the Fae were involved tonight. Had I known, I would’ve been there, as well. I enjoy skirm barbeque. Why is it, I am never invited to the parties? I will tell you what I know, if you promise to invite me the next time.”

  Orlando smirked then replied, “That would have been interesting news. I can see the headlines, ‘The Famous Fremont Troll Traipses Through Town, Skewering Fanged Kids’.”

  The troll’s thunderous laughter caused another ripple, and Zander stumbled as the ground rolled. “The pictures would be priceless. Next time, bring the party to me. I make a killer crab-dip.”

  Zander’s patience was spent. They needed to get down to business. Dawn was rapidly approaching.

  “Can we move along? Time is of the essence,” he said, glancing at the lightening sky.

  “Keep your knickers on, your Highness. My queen is in Faerie, but I will pass on your request for an audience.”

  Zander watched as the troll’s giant, yellow eyes turned shiny silver, resembling two, large hubcaps that could fit an eighteen-wheeler.

  A misting fog crept in, obscuring the ground under the Aurora Bridge. Zander brushed the dew off his leather jacket, and glanced to Orlando, checking his reaction to the coming Fae presence. The last thing he needed right now was a lusty, feline shifter losing control with the Seelie Queen.

  “I’m okay, Liege.” Orlando snapped, clearly annoyed to have his willpower questioned.

  As the mist cleared, a bright, white light flashed in the interior of the dirty VW. The door creaked open of its own volition, and fog escaped from inside the red car. A delicate, white hand reached out to the top of the door. The Seelie Queen attempted to exit the vehicle, but fell to the ground when her gown snagged on her shoe.

  “For the love of Faerie! Elvis, you need a more appropriate portal to Seattle. Oh, bother. Look at my gown,” she complained.

  Zanahia fussed with the torn hem of her gauzy, white gown then uttered a spell, repairing the tear. She slowly ran her hand over the bodice, pausing over her pert, visible breasts, eyes trained on Orlando.

  “I see you brought me a treat, which is always a good idea when you need a favor, Zander,” the queen murmured, finally turning her gaze to him.

  He questioned his decision to bring Orlando to this meeting. It was near impossible for a shifter to deny their desire for a Fae. He had to trust that Orlando would keep his lust at bay.

  “Nay, Zanahia. I didna bring him for you, but ‘tis good to see you again. Lovely, as always,” he said as he approached the Fae queen.

  Zanderclasped her perfectly, manicured hand, and kissed her big, diamond ring. He took in Zanahia’s long, blond hair with its small braids fastened at her crown. Her intricate, silver crown matched her shiny, silver eyes. She was tall, lean and exceptionally attractive.

  “I need to speak with you aboot an urgent matter, your Majesty,” Zander admitted. He didn’t like being at the mercy of someone else, especially the Fae.

  “Of course, how can I be of assistance?” she replied and smiled knowingly. She, on the other hand, loved the idea.

  “Several hours ago, one of your subjects assisted Kadir in taking doon the wards that protect Club Confetti. Then he, along with two archdemons, and an army of skirm, attacked me, my Fated Mate, and my warriors when we left the club.”

  “Oh, my! I wasn’t aware Morrigan was playing matchmaker once again. What a momentous occurrence for you. I’m relieved that you survived the attack. That must’ve been a bloodbath,” she tsked.

  “Aye, ‘twas a bloodbath…for them. But, aboot this subject of yours. I willna tolerate attacks against my mate. I want Aquiel eliminated,” he ground out.

  “Yes, we will get to that. But first, I simply must hear all about this mate of yours. Souls must be singing throughout the realm,” she chimed with joy and clasped her hands.

  Uneasiness settled in Zander’s gut. It couldn’t be a good thing that she had such an interest in Elsie.

  His brow furrowed, and he ran his hand along his whiskered jaw. Zanahia was up to something, but he was unsure of her motive.

  “The Goddess has blessed me with a human. She is beyond anything I ever expected. Strong, courageous, loyal, and…beautiful.”

  Large, silver pools gazed at him as glittery particles showered from her hair and skin. “That is a great blessing indeed! I can already see your little half-breeds running around that compound of yours,” she intoned.

  Zander’s fists clenched. If she made one more caustic comment about his mate, he couldn’t be held responsible for his actions.

  “Now, about this subject of mine. I’m not aware of Aquiel’s involvement. My people have been neutral in this war of yours from the beginning, and my subjects are free to consort with whomever they choose. I’m sorry that I cannot provide you with more information. I promise that I’ll look into this matter further.”

  “So, the Fae havena officially allied with Kadir and the demons?” he asked and she shook her head. That was a relief. “I feared his involvement meant you’d chosen the wrong side. Do you know where I can find this Aquiel? Is he capable of casting a shielding spell on Kadir’s lair?”

  Zanahia tapped her thin, pale-pink lips with one, long fingernail, contemplating his question. “I won’t disclose his location since I am aware of your intent to terminate him. That being said, Aquiel is of a lower caste, with limited knowledge, so he’s not capable of such strong enchantment. However, if he were to acquire the knowl
edge, he could cast such a spell. I assure you such information is difficult to come by, especially since the Fae have an oral tradition of passing on spells, unlike the sorcerers of your realm, with their written customs,” she explained.

  Zander felt a tingle across his flesh, warning him of approaching dawn. “Thank you for your cooperation. I must take my leave now. Till next time.”

  “Do keep me updated on your mating ceremony. I wish you and your human much happiness,” she stated.

  He kissed her diamond ring in parting, and watched Zanahia awkwardly climb back into the heap of metal.

  “She’s hiding something. I’m not sure what, but I have a feeling it has to do with….” Orlando’s commentary was cut short as Zander blasted into his mind.

  “Keep your bluidy mouth shut. Elvis is a servant of the Queen, in case you forgot.”

  “Ha! Run along now, Batman and Robin. I have a sensitive stomach, and can’t bare to watch your skin boil and bubble when the sun rises.”


  Standing outside her apartment, Elsie searched for the danger. Something was wrong but she had no idea what it was. The Dark Warriors surrounded her, tensed and ready for battle.

  Her heart raced faster than a hummingbird’s fluttering wings. It was disconcerting to see four powerful men come to attention so abruptly. She wished she had their supernatural senses. It would come in handy during her patrols.

  “What is it?” she asked in a hushed voice, drawing her blade from the small of her back.

  Orlando rolled his eyes as he took a protective stance in front of her, his body bladed and weapon in hand. “Kadir. I’m certain the Fae helped him locate your home because his dimwits have been here. Stay alert. We could be walking into a trap.”

  Elsie was suddenly thankful for Zander’s overprotectiveness. If she’d had her way last night, she and Cailyn would have been at her apartment. She refused to contemplate what would have happened then.

  Gerrick joined Orlando in shielding her then muttered in the same language he used the night before.

  “What spell are you casting now? Are you doing a portal back to Zeum? Do you think that’s wise? Everyone that lives here will see it and ask questions,” she blurted.

  Gerrick gazed at her, exasperation clear. “No, I’m not doing a portal. I’m trying to determine if Fae are present. I don’t detect any but that doesn’t mean we aren’t in danger. I can’t tell if skirm are still in the apartment.”

  Santiago looked over at Gerrick then Rhys and Orlando. “On three, we go in. You two follow me. Elsie, stay out here until we clear the apartment. One, two, three,” Santiago called, and kicked the door open, charging in.

  She saw the destruction from where she stood. “Oh, my, God! It’s destroyed! I can’t believe someone would do this. It’s all gone,” she screamed. “I will turn every last one of them to ash,” she vowed as she barged into her apartment.

  Elsie glanced around, feeling helpless and violated. Everything was ruined. Her entire life had been in that apartment. It wasn’t much but it was hers, dammit.

  The Mexican blankets that once hung proudly on her walls were in shreds on the floor. She picked up slices of the lime-green throw and felt tears stream down her cheeks as she surveyed the destruction all around her. Pictures were torn, pottery was smashed, and glass littered the floor. On shaky legs, she entered her bedroom then fell to her knees by the remains of her photo albums.

  She frantically searched the desecrated clothing and knickknacks, gathering what she could salvage. The sound of her friends’ boots crunching the debris was like an elephant traipsing through the jungle, destroying everything in its path. She cried harder. Every link she had to Dalton and her parents was gone. Her black hole expanded and consumed her entire being.

  “Is there something specific you are looking for?” Rhys asked gently. “I can help search. Hey, take a deep breath and try to calm down.”

  She ignored Rhys and continued her frenetic search. She needed to find at least one item of value. She couldn’t bear it if nothing was left.

  “Elsie, you need to stop. There’s broken glass everywhere. Damn it, you’re bleeding. Stop!” Orlando squatted next to her and placed his warm hands on her shoulders.

  She looked up at him, unable to hide her grief. He pulled her into his arms, comforting her. It did nothing to ease the pain. It felt as if she’d lost Dalton all over again. Her parents, too. Every last picture she had of them was torn.

  “There’s nothing left. They destroyed it all!” She wailed as she beat her fists against Orlando’s muscular chest.

  It felt like she was pounding a brick wall. Blood smeared his light-blue shirt. She told herself to stop, but her anger and frustration couldn’t be contained. Why would they do this?

  “We’ll pack up everything we can, including your pictures, and take them to Killian. He’s a computer genius. If anyone can repair them, he can,” Gerrick reassured.

  Silently, each of them picked through the debris. They filled a box with a few intact items, along with several pieces of photos.

  “Can you guys give me a few moments alone?” she asked.

  Elsie watched them file out of her bedroom. Suddenly, a flash of green caught her eye. Her eyes misted with tears again as she picked up a piece of her father’s favorite flannel shirt. She had kept it after he’d died and often slept in it.

  As she picked up the soft material, she noticed a metal object beneath the fabric. It was Dalton’s wedding band. Her breath hitched as she picked it up and clenched it tightly.

  Elsie knew better than most that change was an inevitable part of life, but she was unprepared for the anguish she felt. Everything that meant anything to her was destroyed.

  She stood up and brushed off her knees. She wasn’t going to stand by and let this violation go unanswered. Those assholes had taken enough from her. Anger settled like a pit in her chest. They wouldn’t know what hit them, she vowed. With that, she turned and left the apartment.


  The stupid float drifted away again. All Elsie wanted was to relax in the sun. She had been trying for several minutes to successfully heave her body onto the float, yet the neon-pink contraption had a mind of its own. She was tempted to grab her blade and slash it to shreds.

  Emotionally, she was drained. Trying to forget the destruction from her apartment, she donned a bikini, grabbed a margarita, and headed to the pool at Zeum.

  Earlier that morning, she hopped in her Jag for some much-needed shopping therapy. Her trip vetted a new bikini and a great new float. Well, not so great, she amended when she sank again.

  She stood and tugged on the bottom of her blue bikini, thinking she may have needed a larger size. The bottom was riding up her ass but it was the only one on the rack and she loved the shade of blue. It reminded her of Zander’s eyes, and when she saw the clearance price, the deal was sealed.

  Dragging the pink, floating monstrosity back toward her, her thoughts returned to the changes in her life. She finally graduated college, had a fabulous new job, and was dating a sexy vampire. Well, dating was the only term that came to mind. If you asked her inner-sex fiend, they were shacking up and planning to elope to Jamaica. They hadn’t established or defined their relationship, and Elsie was fine with that because she remained on the fence about what she wanted.

  Heaving a sigh, she hefted herself onto the ridiculous contraption. She smiled as she settled onto the float, thinking she defeated the enemy, and laid back to enjoy the sunshine. However, her triumph was short-lived.

  “What in the name of Hades are you doing?” Orlando laughed, as he walked into the pool area and saw her being consumed by neon-pink plastic.

  “I’m catching some rays on my new float. Don’t you love it?” She smiled brightly while silently cursing the blasted thing.

  “You do realize you aren’t floating, El. You’re drowning. I can barely see your beautiful face. Were you waiting for someone else to blow it up for you?” he teased.

  She intended to roll off the float gracefully, but ended up sinking beneath the water. She surged back to the surface, sputtering, and placed her hands on her hips.

  “Of course, I blew the stupid thing up. I have been fighting it for thirty minutes,” she admitted as she brushed aside her wet curls.

  “Let me guess. It was an eight-dollar special, Ms. Bargain Shopper,” he said, dryly. “You really need to start shopping somewhere else.”

  “I’ll have you know that it was only five dollars, and I did shop somewhere else. I bought it at the dollar store. Although, I don’t know why they call it that. I’ve never seen anything there for a buck,” she replied, her lips twitching as she tried not to laugh.

  His gaze roved her body. “Yeah, you got ripped off, but that bikini is a keeper. You should buy it in every color.”

  Elsie laughed so hard she snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m so round and pale, I look like a snowman with boobs.”

  Their combined laughter echoed off the glass panels that made up the walls and ceiling of the pool’s enclosure. She climbed the stairs and crossed to get her towel from the lounge chair, but turned at the last second, and pushed a fully clothed Orlando into the water. She screeched when she felt his hand latch onto her arm. Their limbs intertwined as they fell beneath the surface together.

  She came up sputtering and hiccupping as her giggles continued. He splashed her and a water fight of epic proportions ensued. This was exactly the therapy she needed.


  Zander removed his shoes so he could enjoy the feel of the dispelled water on his feet. Hidden in the shadows, he watched his mate laugh and play with Orlando. He wished he could enjoy the sunshine and pool with her, but contented himself with the view. He wanted to pound Orlando for admiring Elsie, but he agreed with the male. She looked fantastic in her bikini. Zander didn’t see her as pale. He saw peaches-and-cream skin he wanted to devour.


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