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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

Page 24

by Jeana E. Mann

  He fantasized about licking the drops of water trailing down her shoulders, and beneath her top. Wanted to kiss her erect nipples he could see pressing against the thin fabric. His eyes traveled down further, and he envied the liquid that dripped below the waist of her bottoms. He imagined untying the sides, and baring her glistening flesh to his hungry mouth.

  With a hiss, his fangs shot down. The ache in his gums was as bad as the ache in his pants. His daydream was cut short as the plush towel cut off his view when she wrapped it around her torso.

  Her soul stirred in his chest and he cherished the warmth that spread in its wake. It brought him such love and comfort. Selfish bastard that he was, he wanted to keep her soul where it was, nestled close to his heart, rather than release it to her during their mating ceremony.

  “Do you want some lunch? The cooks prepared chicken salad,” Orlando asked, bringing Zander’s attention back to them.

  The male’s wet t-shirt flew over his head, and sopping shoes followed. Soon, there was a pile of wet clothes and a ruined iPhone.

  “Sure,” Elsie began, but trailed off when she looked over and caught sight of Zander’s glowing eyes.

  “Oh…Zander. Hi.” She was speechless under his heated gaze, further inflaming his lust.

  “A ghra, you’re verra enticing. Orlando,” he said and managed a nod to his warrior, but didn’t take his eyes off Elsie.

  Orlando got the hint and Zander heard his retreating footsteps. He needed a moment alone with his mate.

  The pain in his brand, the lust from the mating compulsion, and his need for Elsie’s blood had his emotions all over the place. He was barely keeping himself in check.

  He grasped Elsie’s hand as soon as she joined him in the shadows. “Do you mind if I join you for lunch? Och, before I forget, Killian said he was able to salvage some of your photos. And, I repaired your da’s shirt. ‘Tis no’ perfect, but you can still wear it.”

  Zander pushed his jealousy aside. There was no reason to hide from her past. Dalton would always be a part of her.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her for his kiss. She molded perfectly to him. His erection nestled against her soft abdomen as he poured his hunger into their kiss.

  He paused, noticing how her eyes remained riveted to his fangs. His mate was thinking of his bite. Wanted his bite. He slid both arms around her back, and tugged her tightly into his chest. He enjoyed her sigh of pleasure as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “There you go again, giving me the perfect gift. I can’t believe you fixed my father’s shirt. I was certain it was ruined,” she said hoarsely, shaking off her maudlin thoughts. “I’d love for you to join us for lunch. Speaking of which…” she bit her lower lip, and Zander was tempted further by the blush staining her cheeks, “do you eat? I’ve never seen you drink blood. Please tell me you aren’t going to bring some woman to the table and feed from her.”

  He heard the jealousy in her tone and smiled. “Are you volunteering? Because if you are, that would solve my problem.”

  Elsie blushed to the roots of her silky, brown hair. He touched her mind and was shocked at how badly she wanted him. Ached for his bite.

  “No, I’m not, uh…wait. What problem?” Elsie stumbled, trying to change the subject.

  “Let’s grab some food, and I will explain while we eat,” he said as he led her into the kitchen where they found Santiago eating a sandwich. Orlando reappeared, zipping up a pair of faded jeans.

  “Good one, Chiquita. I’ve never been able to get the drop on O,” Santiago remarked, taking a bite of his food.

  Orlando sliced a croissant and added a generous portion of chicken salad. “That’s because I don’t trust you. Apparently, I can’t trust Elsie, either,” he said on a laugh as he handed a sandwich to Zander. “Here, Liege. This will hold you over until you get blood from Elsie.”

  The towel dropped from her body and her eyes widened. “Excuse me? I never said I would…that he could,” she sputtered as she tried to gather her composure. “Is that why you wanted me to stay here with you? To be take-out? I’m not a vampire Slurpee, you know.”

  He chuckled at his mate’s humor. “Nay, a ghra. I know you are no’ food. Vampires do need blood for sustenance, but we survive like any living creature on food. Blood is akin to a necessary vitamin. And, while I want verra much to sink my fangs into your supple flesh and watch you shudder with pleasure, my intent is to keep you safe, lass.” He picked up the towel and wrapped it around her shaking shoulders. She had too much exposed skin for him to think straight.

  “Vampires are no’ ruled by bloodlust. However, there are circumstances where that need is impacted. I have found that since I met you, I canna feed from anyone else. My body rejects it. No one understands why that has happened, but I suspect the connection I feel to you is part of the reason. When Jace took blood from you, it was for me. I ran oot of that blood weeks ago, and I have been feeling the effects of having gone without, for too long. We can have Jace take blood again, if you doona mind. It isna necessary for me to feed directly from you. Either way, I need your blood,” he explained as he ran his hands up and down her arms.

  He hated the idea of drinking her blood from a plastic cup, but would never force her to do anything that made her uncomfortable.

  She chewed her lower lip between her teeth. “Will you die if you don’t get blood?”

  “Aye, eventually. Because of my age, it would take a verra long time for me to die from lack of blood. However, it would be a long and painful process.” He ran his fingers across her supple cheek. The blood rushing to the surface was a siren’s call.


  Elsie’s body zinged when their gazes locked. The thought of him suffering was repellant and she acknowledged that it felt right for her to give him what he needed. The fact that she was vital to Zander’s strength and survival seemed ludicrous, but honesty rang through his words.

  “I want you to be strong. It’s incomprehensible that an entire realm relies on you. So much burden on those broad shoulders,” she said and paused.

  “Do it. Take my blood,” she blurted, and thrust her wrist to his mouth.

  She prayed he did it fast before she changed her mind. She glanced to the shocked faces of Orlando and Santiago before closing her eyes, preparing for pain to follow.

  She heard Zander inhale deeply and then felt his soft lips on her wrist. He placed his hands on her slim hips, and lifted her onto the kitchen countertop.

  “Relax, my Lady E. It willna be painful. In fact, a vampire’s bite can be verra enjoyable,” he lifted her chin and she opened her eyes to meet his glowing gaze. “Orgasmic even,” he finished and pressed a tender kiss to her mouth.

  “I guess I’ll be the judge of that,” she teased with a smile, all the while her heart pounded a drumbeat against her chest.

  “And, that’s our cue to leave,” Santiago quipped as he gathered his plate, and nodded for Orlando to follow.

  The men slipped out of the kitchen and closed the door, giving them privacy.

  Zander searched her countenance. She knew he would sense the raging emotions of fear, repulsion, curiosity, and eagerness.

  “Are you certain you want to do this?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Anticipation bubbled through her body. She took a moment to memorize every inch of him. She wanted to remember this moment before her life changed forever. She knew that once she crossed this threshold, there was no going back.

  His feet were bare, peeked out from his jeans. She followed those tight jeans to the low-rise waist and her eyes snagged on the fitted t-shirt. His pectoral muscles flexed and her eyes flew to glowing blue eyes. Desire poured from his body and hers responded automatically. She looked to his fangs, hoping to dampen her ardor. The sexy sight did anything but that. Soon, they would pierce her skin and he would draw her essence into his body. Was she ready? Oh. Hell. Yes.

  “A ghra, your blood has a verra
powerful effect on me. I doona want to scare you, but I want to tup you so badly, I canna think straight. I ache for you,” he leaned in, and kissed the column of her neck. “I doona know if I can stop myself from claiming you once I take your blood, but I promise I willna harm you.”

  “I can feel how much you want me. It’s prodding my stomach,” she admitted as she looked down to his straining erection. “I have feelings for you I thought had died.”

  Would she stop him if he tried for more? Did she want to risk it?

  “Just do it,” she blurted.

  All thought ceased as Zander stared at the area where her neck met her shoulder. He was going to bite her.

  “Doona worry. We willna be tupping on the kitchen counter. When we make love it will be in our bed, with the finest silk sheets. You deserve only the best,” he husked.

  Zander nuzzled her neck over and over before she felt a small prick, like a bee-sting. The sting was quickly replaced by incredible warmth and arousal. Elsie braced herself for the pain of his bite, but felt her body explode with pleasure the moment his teeth breached her virginal neck.

  She arched to his quaking body and felt his hot seed spread across her abdomen and breasts. Her nerve endings fired shots of bliss throughout her body, and she felt tension in her lower abdomen before an orgasm barreled through her body. Twining her legs around his waist, she rode the rigid length of his spurting cock, unable to control her reaction. Elsie screamed out his name as her body shattered and stars blinked behind her eyes. Zander held her tightly while his orgasm continued, and he took from her vein.


  Zander was in Annwn as he was jolted by an orgasm so intense he nearly blacked out. Every draw of her blood hit him like a lightning bolt. She was integrated into his cellular makeup, transforming everything about him. He felt her soul reaching out, wanting to be claimed.

  After taking his fill, he gently licked her throat, as his climax waned. His father had shared information about the extended orgasms a vampire garnered after intimate relations with their Fated Mate, but that portrayal was abysmal. There were no words to describe the euphoria he felt.

  He licked the twin punctures in her neck, sealing her wounds. Lifting his head, he met intense blue eyes. Elsie’s DNA was altering from his bite, and he was desperate to complete their mating.

  “Are you okay, a ghra? Did I hurt you?”


  Ecstasy was the only word that came to mind as Elsie floated back to her body, slowly blinking at his questions. Had he hurt her? In no way was she hurt. In fact, she felt fantastic. The warmth of his seed on her stomach brought a smile to her face. At least she wasn’t the only one who had an orgasm from his feeding. She almost passed out it was so intense.

  “I’m fine. Better than fine. Wow, you weren’t kidding about your bite being pleasurable. I’m surprised you don’t have a line of women begging for you to feed from them,” she admitted.

  And, why did the thought of him feeding from another woman cause her to become homicidal? Her possessiveness was out of character and alarming. Then again, Zander was everything any woman wanted in a man. Smart, kind, thoughtful, and giving.

  “Och, my Lady E. That was truly realm-shattering. Thank you for your gift. Can you feel how much stronger I am? ‘Tis magnificent. And, I doona care how many females may beg for my bite. You will be the only one receiving it. We need to clean up before anyone comes in.”

  “Yeah,” she agreed as she looked down at the mess on her chest and stomach, “we should clean-up. And, you’re right. You do look better. I can feel your renewed energy.”

  “’Tis thanks to you, a ghra. Before you, my life was aboot duty and responsibility. Now, there is so much more.”

  Elsie had to admit she was pretty crazy about him, too. May even be falling in love with the vampire.


  Three days had passed, and Zander was growing increasingly agitated. He hadn’t had time alone with Elsie since his feeding, and he was ready to beat somebody senseless. He was working night and day to find Kadir and wouldn’t rest until he knew she was safe.

  Frustrated, he shook his head as he listened to Rhys and Gerrick tell him that another patrol yielded zero results on the skirm front. The fact that he failed to eliminate the threat to Elsie made his mood worse.

  He and his Dark Warriors were sitting around the large, maple table in the war room, postulating reasons for the lack of skirm sightings. His head shifted to the door when he heard Breslin’s voice. The alliance council had arrived.

  Taking a deep breath, he steeled his spine. Time to face the music. He’d put this off for too long. Finding his Fated Mate was the biggest news in the realm and he hadn’t told them about it for over two months. They were going to be pissed.

  His body went rigid as Killian and Nikko sauntered in with Evzen Raziel, the Guild Master for the sorcerers. Evzen’s arrogance was evident in the swagger of his tall, lean frame. Dante Tresean, the Cambion Lord, and Hayden Jesaray, the Omega Shifter, followed them into the room. Would they understand why he withheld information that affected the entire realm? Probably not.

  Zander grabbed his tumbler of scotch and took a swig then waited until the chatter in the room quieted.

  “Welcome everyone. Thank you for coming this evening. I know some of you have traveled far to be here tonight, and I appreciate it. Help yourselves to drink and food,” Zander gestured with his glass towards the feast in the middle of the table.

  Evzen met his gaze and spoke first. “There’s no need for formalities. We’ve been friends longer than we’ve been allies. It’s past time to discuss the attack on Confetti and your Fated Mate,” he quipped.

  Zander appreciated the male’s no-nonsense, down to business attitude as he perused Evzen’s angry countenance. “I sense your anger aboot concealing my mate. You need to understand that she is human and recently experienced a horrendous tragedy at the hand of skirm. They murdered her husband and she has become a member of a vigilante group hunting skirm. A few weeks ago, she was attacked and injured. Because of that, I felt she wasna ready to learn of the Tehrex Realm or that she is my Fated Mate. In fact, she still isna aware of what she is to me.”

  Dante grabbed a plate and filled it with food. “So, the rumors about her husband being murdered are true. That does complicate matters, but I’m surprised that you kept such important information from your council. We’re here to help you through situations like this.”

  Hayden flexed his enormous biceps where his arms rested on the table. His dark-brown eyes remained fixed on his shifters across the table. As the Omega Shifter, it was expected that all shifters remain loyal to him, and inform Hayden of everything. Orlando and Santiago had kept him out of the loop on Zander’s orders. Zander saw images of wolves, leopards, and bears waver over Hayden’s face as the furious male tried to control the animals within.

  “I understand your reasoning for keeping this from the general population, but as Dante pointed out, we have an alliance. We can’t advise you or offer guidance if we don’t know of the issues. And, if you ever force my shifters to dishonor their loyalty to me again,” Hayden thundered and exposed large incisors, “you will not like the outcome.”

  Zander kept eye contact, aware that he was walking a tightrope. He needed to acknowledge Hayden’s dominion over Santiago and Orlando, but at the same time, retain his power over the Dark Warriors.

  “I meant no disrespect. Your shifter’s loyalties are always to you first, and their Dark Warrior status second. I’ve been dealing with one shit-storm after another since I learned of Elsie,” Zander explained then briefly shared the events of the past two months.

  Their expressions darkened as he relayed the information. “It was no’ my intent to keep Elsie secret. I know more than anyone the importance of this news for the realm. The hope that she represents. We must strengthen our alliance, dark as it is. I need your help in locating the bluidy bastard’s lair. The archdemon must be eliminated.

  Hayden bristled but Zander knew the Omega was mollified that his position over his subjects wasn’t derided. “I can’t believe the Goddess is once again bestowing her greatest gift. This is reason to celebrate, but I understand why you haven’t made an official announcement. The demon’s actions place the realm at a much greater risk of discovery by the humans. However, we can’t keep this news a secret forever.”

  Zander grabbed one of the sandwiches and refilled his drink. “During the attack at the club, we met the new archdemon. He is a Behemoth demon named Kadir, and the most powerful archdemon I’ve ever encountered. He’s enlisted the help of a Fae but Zanahia assured me the Fae are not aligned with the demons. Unfortunately, she refuses to gives us any real aide. Aquiel isna the most powerful Fae but he is capable enough. The bastard helped them find Elsie’s apartment and destroy it.”

  Hayden ran a hand through his long, brown hair. “We need all the information you can provide about the skirm in your area. I’ve already issued the order throughout the clan that each pack and pride need to be on the lookout and relay any information they find. So, you think Kadir’s lair is in Seattle?”

  “Aye, I do. How else could he get such a large number of skirm outside the club in a short time?” Zander asked.

  Evzen clasped his long fingers together on the top of the table. “What is most disturbing is how fast they found Elsie’s apartment.”

  Zander had been troubled by that question for days. Thank the Goddess there was no way for the Fae, or any other sorcerer, to trace an individual inside Zeum. There were too many protections in place. It was one of the main reasons he had insisted Elsie stay with him.

  “I stayed at her house for weeks, and there wasn’t a single sign of skirm,” Orlando shared.

  “We need to increase our patrols. With the clan involvement, we will be able to cover more ground. I think we need to entice Elvis to assist us in locating the demons. He has his ear to the ground and probably has information we need,” Hayden said, filling his own plate with food and settling his six-foot-six-inch frame into a chair.


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