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Vive le Sleepover Club!

Page 6

by Narinder Dhami

  “That’s Sleeping Beauty’s Castle,” Fliss said as we all looked at our maps to try and work out what it was. “It’s the entrance to Fantasyland. Shall we go there first?”

  “No, Adventureland first!” Kenny begged.

  “No, Discoveryland!” said Frankie.

  “Make your minds up!” said Mr Tate with a smile. So we decided on Fantasyland first.

  We were all so excited, we forgot about the film crew for a while. We went into Fantasyland, and saw the dragon in his lair underneath Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. We went on Captain Hook’s pirate ship and flew to Never-Never Land. We went on a canal boat cruise through Storybook Land. We even had a ride on Dumbo! We didn’t see the film crew, but we had a fab time.

  “Right, Adventureland next!” Kenny said as we studied our maps to see which way we had to go.

  “Just a minute!” Lyndz whispered suddenly. “I thought I just saw Danni Hart!”

  “Where?” we all yelled.

  “There!” Lyndz said, pointing. So we all rushed off in that direction.

  “Hey! Adventureland is the other way!” Mr Tate shouted, running after us and waving his map in the air, but we ignored him!

  So we ended up in Discoveryland. Of course, we just had to go on Space Mountain, even though we had to queue for ages. Space Mountain was brilliant! You sit strapped in on a rocket train, and then you go shooting up and down through space, and you see all kinds of things like asteroids and meteorite showers. It was awesome! Although Mr Tate looked a bit wobbly when we got off!

  After that we went to Honey, I Shrunk The Audience. We had to queue up for ages for that as well, but it was worth it. It was brilliant, because we (the audience) were supposed to have shrunk and everything else was really big. My favourite bit was when this gi-normous dog stuck his head out into the audience!

  “Right, it’s time to meet the others for lunch,” said Mr Tate, glancing at his watch. “Come on, we’ve got to go back to Main Street USA.”

  “And keep your eyes open for that film crew!” Frankie told us.

  It took us a while to get back to Main Street because there was so much to look at, and Kenny insisted on having her photo taken with Baloo the Bear! When we finally made it, the others were waiting for us. The first thing we noticed was that the Queen and the Goblin were grinning fit to bust.

  “What’s up with them?” Frankie muttered. We soon found out.

  “Oh no!” Fliss groaned. “Look!”

  We looked down Main Street. There were the film crew. There was Danni Hart and the other actors – and they were just leaving!

  “Oh no!” Kenny gasped. “We’ve missed them!”

  “Yeah, you sure have!” Emily Berryman said between uproarious giggles, and she and the Queen laughed so much they could hardly stand. We all looked at each other in complete dismay.

  “So much for winning that bet!” Kenny muttered gloomily. “I’m done for – and so are my autographs!”

  “Hey, girls!” Pascal was standing with Ryan Scott and Danny McCloud, but when he spotted us, he came over. “I have something for you!”

  He dived into his bag, and pulled out a piece of paper. Guess what it was!

  “It’s Danni Hart’s autograph!” I yelled excitedly. Not only that – it was written on a colour publicity photo of Danni dressed up as her soap character Billie Johnson! ‘Danni Hart as Billie Johnson’ was written across the top, and it also had the Westwood Street logo printed on it. Danni had scrawled her signature at the bottom of the picture.

  “Where did you get it, Pascal?” Frankie gabbled.

  “How did you get it?” Fliss asked, her eyes wide.

  “You’re wicked, Pascal!” Lyndz exclaimed.

  For once, Kenny was speechless. She just held out her hand and took the photo, staring at it as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.

  “I asked my brother to get it if he have a chance,” Pascal grinned. “And he did!”

  The M&Ms were looking over at us uncertainly, knowing something was going on, but not quite sure what!

  “I don’t believe it!” Kenny was looking completely dazed. “I just don’t believe it!”

  “Maybe we’d better let the M&Ms know right away!” Frankie nudged Kenny and winked.

  Immediately Kenny went over to the Queen and the Goblin, keeping the photo out of sight behind her back, and we all followed, including Pascal. We weren’t going to miss a minute of this!

  “Er – Emma, can I talk to you for a minute?” Kenny said in a gloomy voice.

  “What about?” the Queen asked, raising her eyebrows.

  “Look, Emma, let’s forget all about that stupid bet, shall we?” Kenny said pleadingly, pretending to look all depressed. “It was daft. I shouldn’t have done it.”

  “Forget about it? No way José!” Emma screeched. “We’ve won that bet fair and square, and I want those football autographs and your shirt when we get home!”

  “You sure about that?” Kenny asked while the rest of us tried not to laugh.

  “Positive!” Emma replied snootily.

  “Well, that’s a shame,” Kenny said coolly. “Because I win!”

  And she produced the photo from behind her back like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat.

  The Queen and the Goblin stared at it as if they were hypnotised.

  “It – it can’t be!” Emily spluttered.

  “It’s – it’s a fake!” Emma roared. “It must be!”

  “Oh, get real!” Frankie put in as Kenny shoved the photo right under Emma’s nose. “The autograph’s on an official Westwood Street publicity handout!”

  We all looked smugly at the Queen and the Goblin, waiting for them to give in.

  “How did you get it?” Emma demanded weakly.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Kenny retorted. “The point is, we’ve got it, and that means …”

  “You LOSE!” we all chorused, and then burst out laughing.

  Purple in the face, the Queen and the Goblin turned away, but Kenny wasn’t finished with them yet.

  “Hold on, slaves!” she called. “We want a drink. Go and get us some Coke, will you? And hurry up about it!”

  I’ve never seen two people look more like they were about to explode with fury! As the Queen and the Goblin stomped off, yelling at each other, we all cheered and slapped Pascal on the back.

  “Thanks, mate!” Kenny said. “We couldn’t have done it without you. I could kiss you -if I didn’t hate boys!”

  We all laughed, but Fliss looked quite keen!

  “Right, now we’ve sorted out the M&Ms, let’s enjoy the rest of the day at Disneyland!” I said firmly.

  “Yeah, and we’ll have a massive sleepover tonight too!” Lyndz put in. And we all cheered again!

  “My favourite was Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril,” Kenny said as she munched a piece of cheese.

  “Mine was Phantom Manor,” said Lyndz.

  Fliss shuddered. “Ooh, I didn’t like that. Mine was Honey, I Shrunk The Audience.”

  “I liked the Peter Pan thing best,” I said, grabbing the last doughnut.

  “My favourite was Space Mountain.” Frankie leapt on me, trying to get the last bit of doughnut, and I had to fight her off!

  We’d got back from Disneyland, tired but happy. We decided we’d buy Pascal a present to say thanks, so we’d bought him the biggest bar of chocolate we could find in the whole of Disneyland. We were going to give it to him the next day before we went home. Mrs Weaver had told us to pack our bags after dinner, so we’d got the Queen and the Goblin to help. They weren’t very pleased! But they were our slaves until tomorrow, so it served them right.

  Although we were all so tired, we’d managed to have a brilliant sleepover. We’d had a midnight feast and talked about Disneyland. Then we’d written all about Disneyland in our diaries. And after that, Kenny’d had the brilliant idea of acting out scenes from some of the Disney movies we’d seen. Now we were all yawning, although we didn’t really want to
go to bed just yet.

  “This has been an excellent holiday,” Kenny said through an enormous yawn. “What shall we do now?”

  “Wake Fliss up – she’s snoring!” Frankie said, and she poked Fliss in the back. “Hey! This sleepover isn’t over yet!”

  “I wasn’t asleep!” Fliss sniffed, rubbing her eyes.

  “It was really great of Pascal to get that autograph for us, wasn’t it?” Lyndz remarked sleepily.

  “Yes, maybe we should have invited him to the sleepover to say thank you,” Fliss suggested.

  We all began shouting at once!

  “Boys at our sleepover! No way!” Kenny yelled.

  “I’m not having a sleepover with boys!” Frankie exclaimed.

  “Pascal’s nice but he’s not that nice!” I added.

  “I think I’ve got hiccups!” Lyndz wailed. “Hic!”

  We were just about to try out one of our fail-safe cures for Lyndz’s hiccups, when we heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

  “Quick, into bed!” Kenny whispered urgently, rushing to turn off the light.

  We all dived under the duvets and pretended to be asleep in silence. Even Lyndz’s hiccups had stopped – it must have been the shock! A few minutes later the door opened and we heard Mrs Weaver’s voice say, “Is everything all right, girls?” When nobody answered, she went out and closed the door quietly.

  We all lay there for about five minutes to give her a chance to go back downstairs, and then I sat up.

  “Shall we sing our sleepover song now?” I asked. “Down by the river there’s a hanky-panky…”

  But no-one else joined in. All I could hear was the sound of deep breathing and Fliss snoring. They’d all gone to sleep! So I lay down and went to sleep myself.

  We were so tired after the sleepover and all the excitement with the M&Ms that we could hardly get up the following morning. We were having breakfast early too because we were going home, so Mrs Weaver came banging on our door at seven o’clock. We managed to drag ourselves out of bed and downstairs, but we nearly fell asleep over our croissants!

  “I hope we see Pascal before we leave,” Lyndz said anxiously, as we stood outside the hotel while the teachers loaded up the minibus with our luggage.

  “Hey, Emma!” Kenny called. “Put our bags on the coach, will you? And hurry up about it!”

  The Queen and the Goblin stomped over and picked up our bags, their faces like thunder. We all started laughing.

  “Ah, I am just in time to say goodbye!” Pascal came running down the stairs, pulling his jumper over his head.

  “Thanks again, you were great!” Kenny beamed at him.

  “And this is for you!” I said, handing him the big bar of chocolate.

  Pascal looked pleased. “Merci. Thank you.” Then he lowered his voice. “But I have a little secret to tell you…”

  We all gathered round him curiously.

  “That autograph,” Pascal began. “It is not Danni Hart’s!”

  We were all so shocked we couldn’t say anything at first.

  “But – but you’ve got the official publicity photo!” Frankie stammered.

  Pascal nodded. “My brother got that from the film crew. He asked Danni Hart for her signature, but she was in a bad mood and she didn’t do it!”

  “So whose signature is it?” Kenny whipped out the photo and studied it carefully.

  “I asked my brother to sign it ‘Danni Hart’!” Pascal whispered.

  We all glanced at the minibus. The Queen and the Goblin were staggering on to it, carrying our luggage and arguing bitterly. We all howled with laughter.

  “That makes it even better!” Kenny said triumphantly. “Thanks, Pascal!”

  Pascal winked at us. “I will not say goodbye, I will say ‘Au revoir’. That means we will meet again sometime!”

  So that was the story of our holiday in Paris – and how we discovered that some boys aren’t all that bad! The M&Ms still haven’t forgiven us, so I bet they’ll be out for revenge sometime soon… but we’ll be ready for them!

  See ya! I mean, au revoir!

  Have you been Invited to all these Sleepovers?

  The Sleepover Club at Frankie’s

  The Sleepover Club at Lyndsey’s

  The Sleepover Club at Felicity’s

  The Sleepover Club at Rosie’s

  The Sleepover Club at Kenny’s

  Starring the Sleepover Club

  The Sleepover Girls go Spice

  The 24 Hour Sleepover Club

  The Sleepover Club Sleeps Out

  Happy Birthday, Sleepover Club

  Sleepover Girls on Horseback

  Sleepover in Spain

  Sleepover on Friday 13th

  Sleepover Girls at Camp

  Sleepover Girls go Detective

  Sleepover Girls go Designer

  The Sleepover Club Surfs the Net

  Sleepover Girls on Screen

  Sleepover Girls and Friends

  Sleepover Girls on the Catwalk

  The Sleepover Club Goes for Goal!

  Sleepover Girls Go Babysitting

  Sleepover Girls Go Snowboarding

  Happy New Year, Sleepover Club!

  Sleepover Club 2000

  We Love You Sleepover Club

  Sleepover Kit List

  1. Sleeping bag

  2. Pillow

  3. Pyjamas or a nightdress

  4. Slippers

  5. Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap etc

  6. Towel

  7. Teddy

  8. A creepy story

  9. Food for a midnight feast: chocolate, crisps, sweets, biscuits. In fact anything you like to eat.

  10. Torch

  11. Hairbrush

  12. Hair things like a bobble or hairband, if you need them

  13. Clean knickers and socks

  14. Change of clothes for the next day

  15. Sleepover diary and membership card


  The Sleepover Club ® is a registered trademark of HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd

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  Text copyright © Narinder Dhami 2000

  Original series characters, plotlines and settings © Rose Impey 1997

  The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of the work.

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