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Skulduggery 10: Building a Criminal Empire

Page 16

by Logan Jacobs

  “You can use my room,” Twila said as she joined us in the back hallway, “if you don’t mind sharing a bed.”

  “That’s fine,” Penny said with a yawn. “I just want to sleep until the sun comes up. Or until it comes up twice. I’m fucking exhausted.”

  “Get some rest, my loves,” I said with a smile.

  Once Penny and Ava had gone to Twila’s room, I led Twila into the kitchen to join Clodia for a drink. I unbuckled my sword, set it down beside my shield, and placed my crown on the kitchen counter. The dancehall girls were all busy with clients, but after Twila followed me into the kitchen, the halfie shut the door so the three of us could have a little privacy.

  “Aren’t you tired, too, Wade?” Twila asked as she ran her fingers down my chest.

  “Not really,” I said with a grin. “And definitely not if you keep doing that.”

  “Good,” the golden-haired halfie said as she started to press herself up against me, “because I would very much like to make you come before you go to sleep for the night.”

  “Damn,” Clodia said as she set down her glass of whiskey. “You stole my line, Twila.”

  “So sorry,” Twila snickered but then held her hand out to the night elf. “How about it, Clodia? Are you in?”

  Chapter 9

  “Ohhh, yesssss,” the night elf purred as she took the halfie’s hand. “But if Ava and Penny are asleep in your room, where are we supposed to go?”

  “I normally have an extra empty room,” Twila said, “but Ashlin’s asleep in there at the moment, so I think that one’s out, too.”

  “Then how about we just stay right here?” I smirked as I pulled both women toward myself.

  “That works for me,” Twila said. “But first, I think we’d better get you out of this armor.”

  “I won’t say no to that,” I laughed, “just as long as you two get out of your clothes at the same time.”

  “Then maybe we should help you out of your armor first,” Clodia said, “and then you can help us out.”

  “Works for me,” I said with a smile.

  As both women started to unbuckle my armor, they took turns stroking me and then stroking each other until all of my armor, chain mail, and clothes were on the floor beside the kitchen door. Once I was completely naked, Clodia and Twila both just stared at me and let their gazes wander up and down my muscled form, until they both licked their lips like they couldn’t wait to get a taste.

  “Your turn,” I told them.

  Twila was the first to make a move on the night elf. She untied Clodia’s leather vest and let it drop to the floor, and then as she tugged the elf’s shirt off over her head, Twila pushed Clodia up against the kitchen counter. They both worked together to take off the rest of the night elf’s clothes as fast as they could, and then Twila just pressed the other woman up against the counter a little harder, while her hands began to run all up and down Clodia’s bare skin.

  At first, I just watched the two of them together, as I felt my cock grow stiff at the sight of my two beautiful women. Twila cupped Clodia’s firm breasts and leaned forward to kiss her, while Clodia reached down to rub against Twila’s entrance through the halfie’s thick skirts. The more they rubbed up against each other, the stiffer my cock grew, and all I wanted to do was to make them both come so many times that their legs just shook whenever they tried to walk.

  “Don’t think you get out of this so easily,” I told Twila as I took a step toward them. “You better be out of those clothes in the next five seconds.”

  “What happens if I’m not?” Twila giggled.

  “Then I rip them right off you,” I growled.

  “Oh, now I wish that I hadn’t taken my clothes off so fast,” Clodia moaned, “because that sounds so enjoyable.”

  Twila just grinned and started to take her clothes off as fast as possible, but while she worked to unlace her corset, I turned toward Clodia and traced one hand down her taut stomach.

  “Don’t worry,” I said as I reached my other hand up to grip the night elf’s dark hair, “I’ve got plenty of other things in mind that I want to do to you.”

  “Fuck, you promise?” Clodia murmured.

  “Trust me,” I growled and pulled her hair back a little harder.

  “Hmmmm, Wade,” Clodia purred, “you know you can do whatever you want to me. As long as you are rough about it.”

  “Ooh, it sounds like somebody likes to be dominated,” Twila said as she let the last of her skirts drop to the floor.

  “Well, he is the king,” Clodia said, “so I would very much like him to order me to please him however he wants.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Twila said and then bit her lip as she turned toward me.

  “Then I’m gonna need the two of you to kiss again,” I said, “while I take care of both of you first.”

  I released my grip on Clodia’s hair so both women could kiss each other again, and then I watched them press up against each other as they rubbed each other’s tits and slid their hands around to cup each other’s asses. When Clodia started to kiss down the side of Twila’s neck, I reached out to push her head down a little lower, so then when Clodia started to suck on the golden-haired halfie’s breasts, I lowered myself to my knees in front of both women.

  If I timed it right, I knew that I could make them both come at the same time, so I turned my attention toward Twila first. I bent down until I could lick her soft pussy lips, and then I started to run my tongue all around the edges of her entrance. She moaned above me, but I took my time before I slowly began to work my tongue inside her slick tunnel.

  As I gently began to kiss and massage Twila’s pussy with my tongue, I slid one hand up Clodia’s inner thigh until I could skim my fingers across her dripping entrance. She was so wet for me that all I had to do was coax apart the lips on either side of her narrow slit, and then I pushed two fingers into her velvety tunnel.

  “Ohhh,” the night elf moaned.

  While I continued to go down on Twila, I worked my fingers deeper into Clodia’s pussy, and both girls continued to kiss each other above me. I could feel their bodies tremble against my face and my fingers, so I just kept my pace slow so that they would both gradually build to a climax at the same time.

  I massaged my tongue all along the inside of Twila’s tunnel, and every inch of her pussy felt even softer than I remembered. Every few seconds, I let my lips graze against her clit, but I focused most of my efforts inside her tight tunnel, while for Clodia, I mostly focused on my thumb around her clit.

  My fingers inside her were just a bonus.

  I curved my fingers and my tongue inside both women at the same time, and as I started to rub the most sensitive parts of their tunnels, they both moaned together. Clodia rocked back on her heels, so I just slid my fingers into her a little deeper, while Twila’s breaths started to come faster and faster.

  “Oh, fuck,” Twila purred. “Ohhh, fuuuck!”

  Just as Twila’s orgasm swept over her, Clodia suddenly gasped and reached back to grip the counter with her hands.

  “Oh, Waaade!” she cried, and then the night elf came for me, too.

  I kept my fingers and mouth exactly where they were until Clodia and Twila finished their climaxes, and their breathing started to return to normal again. Then I finally pulled my fingers out of the night elf, pulled my lips away from Twila’s entrance, and stood up between both women.

  “Damn, Wade,” Twila panted. “We just barely got our clothes off, and you already made us come!”

  “Oh, we’re just getting started,” I said with a smirk.

  “Then can we…” Clodia bit her lip. “Can we return the favor, my king?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I said. “Get on your knees, Clodia.”

  “What about me?” Twila purred.

  “You, too,” I said with a grin. “There’s more than enough of me to go around.”

  The night elf and the halfie couldn’t get on their knees fast enough. While Clodia w
rapped one hand around the base of my shaft and began to stroke it, Twila slipped her lips over my tip and slowly started to swallow a little bit of my cock at a time.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” I groaned, “but I’ve changed my mind about what I want you to do.”

  Both women looked up at me, but Twila kept the tip of my shaft inside her mouth.

  “Clodia, I want you to see how far down you can get Twila on my cock,” I said with a grin. “Do you think you can handle that?”

  “Yes, my king,” Clodia purred.

  As soon as Clodia took her hand off my shaft, she positioned herself behind Twila and pressed her bare breasts up against the golden-haired halfie’s back for support. Then she pulled Twila’s hair back with one hand and used her other hand to push her down onto my cock.

  “Yesss…” the night elf hissed. “Take our king’s cock. Take every fucking inch of it.”

  “Mmmmm…” the blonde woman moaned around my shaft, and the vibrations traveled up my spine and made me gasp.

  When Clodia had pushed Twila almost all the way down onto me, she met a little bit of resistance, so she just placed her hands on top of each other for a little extra leverage, and then the night elf pushed the other woman’s head farther down onto my cock.

  Twila gagged when I was fully inside her mouth, but Clodia didn’t release her hold on her. Instead, the night elf just pushed even harder until I felt the back of Twila’s throat at the same time I felt her tongue start to run all up and down the sides of my shaft.

  “Fuck, yes,” I said. “Hold her right there, Clodia. That feels soooo good.”

  “Mmmf,” Twila purred against me.

  Twila looked up at me with her blue eyes and tried to say something else, but her words were muffled by my cock in the back of her throat, so instead, she just looked back down and doubled her efforts to take me even deeper into her throat.

  As Clodia kept the other woman in place on my cock, I started to pump my hips into her, so my hard shaft slid in and out of her soft lips. Twila felt like a goddamn dream, and the more Clodia pushed her down onto me, the more the halfie tried to suck and lick my cock to please me, until finally, I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Fuck, I’m gonna come,” I groaned.

  “Fill her up,” Clodia said. “I want to see her guzzle all your cum.”

  I plunged my stiff cock into her mouth one more time and then unleashed my load. As my body spasmed to release one wave after another of cum inside the halfie’s throat, Twila choked a little more, but she swallowed every last drop of my seed before Clodia released her grip on the other woman and let her slide back off my shaft.

  “Shit!” Twila gasped. “Ohhh… shit!”

  “That wasn’t too much, was it?” Clodia asked.

  “Fuck, no, let’s go again,” Twila purred as she licked her lips.

  “Then I think it’s time to get you both over to that table,” I said as I pulled both beautiful women to their feet.

  Twila hurried over to the kitchen table first and immediately swept all the papers and glasses off to the side, so they crashed to the ground and shattered to spill tea and whiskey out all over the floor. As soon as the table was clear, Twila hopped up onto it and spread open her legs for me.

  “That looks just about right,” I said with a grin. “Except Clodia, you better get your ass up there, too.”

  The night elf bit her lip and climbed onto the table beside Twila, so both beautiful women sat with their hips pressed up against each other and their legs open for me to see their slick entrances. Their heavy tits rose and fell every time they took a breath, and they both placed their hands behind them onto the table so I could see even more of their naked bodies.

  “Shit,” I murmured, and then I moved toward them both as I felt my cock grow hard again.

  I lifted Twila’s legs into the air first and propped her ankles up on top of my shoulders, and after I guided my shaft just inside her entrance, I began to push my cock into her inch by inch. As I slid further inside the beautiful halfie, I reached over to pull Clodia toward me so I could kiss the night elf at the same time I began to thrust faster and faster into Twila.

  As my cock plunged into Twila again and again, I pulled Clodia’s lips apart with my own so my tongue could begin to explore her mouth. The guild master always tasted surprisingly sweet, and as I began to deepen my kiss, I slid one hand down to massage her generous breasts.

  While I kept kissing Clodia, I dropped one of Twila’s legs so that I could thrust my tongue even deeper into the guild master’s mouth, but I kept Twila’s other leg propped up on my shoulder. As soon as she rested her one leg back down against the table, I felt my cock slip even deeper into her, and I groaned at how good her warm tunnel felt around my full length.

  “Ohh,” Twila purred as her head rocked back. “Oh! Ohhh!”

  Her second climax swept over her so suddenly that she didn’t even have time to finish her scream before her whole body shook, and she started to fall back toward the table. I instantly froze both women in front of me so Twila’s head wouldn’t smash into the wood, and then I leaned forward to slip one arm around her waist to keep her steady.

  As soon as everything returned to normal, Twila blinked and glanced down at my arm that had suddenly appeared around her waist.

  “Did you just use magic on me?” Twila smiled. “Actually, never mind, I already know the answer to that. You couldn’t have made me cum like that if you didn’t have a magic fucking touch.”

  “I’m glad it felt so good,” I said and then slowly pulled out of her, “because I don’t want you to move from that spot yet.”

  “Then I’ll stay right here,” Twila said as she bit her lip.

  “I want you on your feet, Clodia,” I said, “and I want you to turn around for me.”

  The night elf didn’t hesitate. She immediately jumped down from the table, pivoted around, and presented her ass to me like a goddamn present. She wiggled her hips as I moved toward her, but when I pressed my tip up against her entrance, I paused and held myself perfectly in place for a moment.

  “I want you to go down on Twila now,” I said, “and I’m gonna stay right here until you make her come again. Then, I’m all yours.”

  “But--” Clodia started.

  I barely pressed the tip of my hard shaft inside her, and the promise of what was to come made her stop mid-sentence. Instead, the night elf adjusted her position until she was right in front of the golden-haired halfie, and then as Twila leaned back onto her elbows on the table, Clodia buried her face into the other woman’s pussy.

  As I watched the night elf go down on the other beautiful woman, I felt my cock somehow grow even stiffer where it was pressed up against her pussy. I knew it wouldn't take long to make Twila come again because when I had pulled out, she felt like she could have gone for another orgasm pretty soon.

  So soon enough, Clodia licked and sucked Twila’s pussy until the golden-haired halfie started to gasp again. She reached up to grab the low light fixture above the table, and as her climax took control of her body, Twila cried out and jerked on the small chandelier so hard that the candles swung wildly back and forth and wax spilled all over the sides and down onto Clodia’s back.

  “Mmmf!” Clodia cried out, as the wax dripped down her back.

  But Clodia kept her face buried against the halfie’s entrance, and instead, the night elf’s own muscles all started to spasm in orgasm, so I instantly thrust my hard cock into her, and it was just enough to tip her over the edge into a full-blown climax.

  Both women cried out in pleasure as they came at the same time again, and I left my cock deep inside Clodia until I felt her climax start to subside. Then I slowly started to thrust in and out of her as Twila finally released her grip on the low chandelier and opened her eyes to look at Clodia and me again.

  “Oh!” Twila gasped again when she saw the wax that she had spilled onto the night elf’s back. “Shit, Clodia, I’m so sorry!”<
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  “Don’t be,” the guild master said as she raised her face from Twila’s pussy. “I kind of… well, to be totally honest, I kind of liked it.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” I smirked, and then I started to thrust into the night elf’s tight tunnel a little faster.

  Someone suddenly tried to push the kitchen door open, but when they found it partially blocked by my armor, they just pushed a little harder until Ashlin’s face appeared in the entryway. As soon as she saw us all spread out across the kitchen table, she turned about six different shades of red and started to leave right away.

  “Oh, shit, I’m so sorry!” Ashlin said. “I just wanted some tea, but I didn’t mean to interrupt or--”

  “Don’t apologize to me, Ashlin,” I said. “You have nothing to be sorry for, and you definitely weren’t interrupting. In fact… why don’t you come over here and join us?”

  “Really?” the brunette dancer asked with a smile.

  “Yes, really,” Twila snickered. “Now get your ass over here.”

  Ashlin slipped into the room and shut the door behind herself, and as she strode over to meet us, she started to remove one piece of clothing at a time. First, she let her silken robe fall to the floor, and then she pulled out the long ribbon that tied her hair back, until she only had on a thin nightgown. The lean dancer pulled it over her head just before she reached us, and then she stood completely bare in front of me.

  “You’re perfect,” I said, and with my cock still inside Clodia, I leaned over and kissed the brunette dancer on the mouth.

  Ashlin reached out to wrap one arm around my waist, but her other hand slid down Clodia’s back until she felt the dried wax there. But as I started to plunge my cock into the night elf again, Ashlin’s hand continued to explore up and down Clodia’s body, while Twila sat up a little straighter on the table so she could watch us kiss.


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