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Skulduggery 10: Building a Criminal Empire

Page 30

by Logan Jacobs

  “I have a plan,” I said finally. “Once we get all these prisoners back to the Capital, we need to gather up the Elite, Cim, Penny, and Golierian to come with us.”

  “Interesting,” Clodia said.

  “I’ll tell you more later,” I said. “For now, let’s try to get these prisoners back to the city as soon as possible.”

  It took us until sunset to escort all the prisoners back to the city, and even after we got them safely there, it was still a headache to get them all into appropriate housing. The elven jails were already full, so we took over the former barracks of the dwarven guards to fit our latest batch of prisoners.

  Of course, Golierian met us by the dwarven barracks as soon as he got word that we had returned to the city, and he quickly arranged everything for us. While he took charge of all the elven prisoners and explained to them how everything was going to work now, Dryson stationed some of the city’s human guards to watch over the new prisoners, but he dismissed the rest to get some much-deserved rest.

  I needed the Elite too soon to dismiss them completely, so instead, I just told them to get cleaned up, get themselves something to eat and drink, and then meet me back at the dwarven barracks in two hours. After I sent word to Cimarra and Penny that we were back, Clodia, Ava, and I were able to change into fresh clothes underneath our battle-gear and get something to eat ourselves.

  By the time the Elite had regrouped by the dwarven barracks, Golierian had almost finished assigning all our most recent prisoners their new living quarters, and Cimarra and Penny had joined us in the dwarven district.

  “You should have seen him!” Penny blurted out when she saw me. “He’s huge! Completely massive, actually.”

  “She’s right,” Cimarra said as she strode toward me and then reached up to kiss my cheek. “I’ve never seen such a big dragon before, not even when I used to travel on the road with Count Kieran’s show.”

  “So the elven priesthood finally turned out to be good for something,” Clodia chuckled.

  “I’d say so, yeah,” Penny agreed. “I’ve also never seen a happier dragon. I think the elven priestesses and the priest were the dragon equivalent of fine dining.”

  “Well, it’s only right that the dragon of a king should have a meal fit for a king,” Ava said.

  “Fair enough,” I laughed. “Did you leave him by Adrian’s cottage?”

  “Yes,” Cimarra replied. “We weren’t sure what you wanted us to do with him.”

  “That’s fine,” I said. “We actually need to travel to Riverhome tonight through the portal, so I’ll have to come back for Azure later.”

  “Oh!” Penny said. “You mean like right now?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I replied. “I hope you have everything that you need to travel with, because we need to move out the moment that Golierian finishes with the prisoners.”

  “So I take it that means…” Cimarra hesitated. “We were successful?”

  “Of course, we were,” Ava snickered. “You should have seen him, Cim. He was like a god on the battlefield.”

  “I’m not at all surprised,” the raven-haired dancer said.

  “I’m sad that I missed it!” Penny groaned. “Even though it was pretty satisfying to see Azure grow to full size.”

  “There are still plenty of other battles that need to be fought,” I told the pixie thief. “And that’s exactly why we’re headed to Riverhome, so we can destroy the army there before it has a chance to join forces with Tevian.”

  “Then let’s do it!” Penny said as she clapped her hands together. “I’m fucking ready if you are.”

  “And you want me to come with you, too?” Cimarra asked. “I know I’m not really a fighter, but--”

  “But you’re just as important,” I interrupted. “I need you to help the city with any supplies and defenses, while the rest of us lead the attack on the elves.”

  “I can also help with any wounded once the battle actually starts,” Cimarra said.

  “Exactly,” I replied. “Thank you.”

  After we were all ready to go, I gave orders to the unit commanders of the Elite and then went to tell Golierian that we were moving out.

  “Do you think you can lie convincingly to other elves?” I asked when I found him. “Because I think you just might be the key to my victory over the fort by Riverhome.”

  “I can do whatever you need me to, my king,” the night elf replied. “I can lie or assassinate or spy, or anything else you need.”

  “Let’s just start with the lie,” I laughed. “And then we can take it from there. But if you think you can do it, I need you to come with us tonight.”

  “Right away,” Golierian said with a little salute. “Just let me give my second-in-command some instructions for while I’m gone.”

  Golierian left to go talk to one of the human guards, but it didn’t take him long before he rejoined us and patted the short sword at his waist to signal that he was ready for a fight.

  “Move out!” I called to the Elite.

  “Move out!’ the unit commanders echoed.

  It was always a feat to get so many soldiers through the catacombs, into the portal room, and then through the magic archways, but we did it in record time tonight. When we all came out into Riverhome, it was late at night, so I knew that we wouldn’t do anything before the next day.

  Of course, I also double-checked the map to make sure that Tevian hadn’t suddenly started to move faster, but once I was sure that we still had time, I let the human guards of Riverhome take my soldiers to the extra barracks, so they could get some sleep before I needed them again.

  Almost as soon as I had dismissed the Elite, Dar and Melia found us, since after all, in a small city the size of Riverhome, it was hard to hide the sudden appearance of an army of soldiers who were all dressed in black like assassins. As the two halflings strode toward us, Penny glanced at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “Is that the famous Melia?” the red-haired pixie whispered.

  I nodded.

  “But, she’s so…” Penny trailed off. “She’s so pretty!”

  “You say that like you’re surprised,” I said with a smirk.

  “Well, it’s Dar,” the pixie thief said. “So I guess I am, a little bit.”

  “Dar definitely found himself a good one,” I chuckled.

  “Wade, my friend!” Dar said when he and Melia finally reached us. “I didn’t think that I’d see you again so soon. What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, just a little elven problem that we’ve come to take care of,” I said, but then I noticed that Melia couldn’t stop staring at Golierian.

  “Ah, let me introduce you to Golierian,” I told the halfling woman. “I know it may be hard to believe, but he’s on our side, and he’s proven to be an invaluable help.”

  “Then it’s nice to meet you,” Melia said as she pushed her dark-red curls out of her face. “Anyone who helps the king or Dar is a friend of mine.”

  “Thank you,” Golierian said with a little bow.

  “You’re pretty,” Penny blurted out.

  “You must be Penny,” the halfling woman said with a grin. “Dar has told me so much about you. About all of you, actually.”

  “It better all have been good,” the pixie thief growled with a glare at Dar. “Otherwise, someone will have to--”

  “It was all good,” Melia laughed.

  “So what’s the elven problem?” Dar asked.

  After I caught Dar and Melia up on the situation, we headed to the main headquarters of the human guard in Riverhome so we could make our plans about how to destroy the army at the fort before it could join forces with Tevian. Melia brought some food in for all of us, plus some ginger tea for Cimarra, Ava, and Penny, and then we set to work.

  “I want to lure the elves from the fort here,” I said. “It’s too dangerous to march across the plains and just attack them, so instead, I want them to charge on Riverhome and then be surprised at the fact that this city is actually well-def
ended now.”

  “But they still haven’t heard about the revolution,” Dar said. “At least not from what we can tell, so how do we get their attention?”

  “That’s where Golierian comes into play,” I replied. “Tomorrow night, he’ll ride to the fort and pretend that he has escaped from a bloody rebellion in the city. Then once he’s roused the troops there, he’ll help lead them back to Riverhome, and since the elves think that the city is completely unprotected, they’ll start the attack before they realize that we’re more than ready for them.”

  “I love it,” Clodia said as she slammed her open palm onto the table.

  “Do you think you can sell it, Golierian?” Cimarra asked.

  “I know I can,” the night elf replied.

  “Then it’s decided,” I said. “Once Golierian talks to them, they’ll either charge the next day or the following night, and that should still give us enough time to eliminate them before Tevian gets too close.”

  “So what do we do until then?” Cimarra asked.

  “We make sure we’re completely prepared for their attack,” I said. “Oh, and we get some rest before the next battle.”

  “I can show you to some extra rooms, if you’d like,” Melia said.

  “That sounds amazing,” Penny groaned. “I’d really like to put my feet up.”

  “Same here,” Cimarra said.

  “Oh, Ava, do you think I could borrow you for a little bit?” Dar asked. “If you’re not too tired, of course, but I’d really like to have you look at the traps we set up by the river and get your thoughts on them.”

  “I’m happy to help,” the blonde assassin replied.

  “Do you mind if I come along?” Clodia asked. “I’d like to go ahead and get a feel for the city and what you’ve done with it so far.”

  “Yes, please,” Ava said. “You think like an elf, so your opinion would be helpful.”

  “Then if you all want to do that, I think I might turn in early, too,” I said. “I just want to take a look at the infirmary to make sure everything is stocked, but Cim and Penny, you two go ahead and get some rest.”

  “I won’t argue,” Penny said as she laid one hand on her belly.

  While Melia showed Cimarra and Penny where the spare rooms were, Dar headed out to show Ava and Clodia some of the defenses by the river, and I checked in at the infirmary to make sure that we had all the supplies that we needed to treat any wounded once the battle started.

  The infirmary was even more well-stocked than I had imagined, so once I was confident that we would be able to care for any injured soldiers or civilians, I headed back to the bedrooms where we would all spend the night. But when I opened the door that Melia had said would be mine, I saw that it wasn’t empty.

  Instead, Cimarra and Penny were both seated on my bed, and both women were completely naked. Their breasts were even bigger than usual, and they hung full and heavy against their small belly bumps. Both women were seated so close on the bed that their hips pressed into each other, and as I watched, Penny hooked one leg over Cimarra’s, while the dancer slipped her arm around the pixie’s waist, as if they wanted to tease me.

  “We’ve been waiting for you,” Cimarra purred as she disentangled herself from Penny, stood up, and then floated toward me on graceful legs.

  “But how did you--” I started.

  “I acted as a lookout at the end of the hall,” Penny laughed. “As soon as I saw you coming, I ran back here, and we took off our clothes as fast as possible.”

  “And I’m so glad you did,” I said with a grin. “I thought you two were supposed to be tired.”

  “Well, sure,” Penny said as she moved forward to join Cimarra and me by the door. “But we also want to make love to our king, so are you gonna argue with that?”

  “Definitely not,” I laughed.

  “Then let us take care of you,” Cimarra murmured.

  I let both women remove my armor, and when the last of my clothing fell to the floor, Penny knelt down and gently grasped my cock with her hand. The redheaded pixie looked up at me with her emerald-green eyes, smiled, and then slowly took me into her mouth.

  As soon as her tongue started to lick my cock, I felt myself grow hard, but when Penny began to massage her lips up and down the length of my shaft, I grew even stiffer until I was as hard as a fucking rock inside the redhead’s mouth. She kept looking up at me the whole time with her bright-green eyes, but then Cimarra knelt on the ground beside her, and both women started to pleasure me at once.

  They took turns on who got to have me in their mouths, so after Penny sucked my cock for a few minutes, Cimarra took over and slid her lips up and down my hard shaft. Each woman helped the other push down even further onto my length, and their mouths felt so good wrapped around me that I wanted to fill them both up at once.

  Instead, I slipped my fingers into their hair and gently pulled them off my cock.

  “Your turn,” I said with a smile.

  Since they had taken turns when they pleasured me, I thought it was only fair that I should take turns when I did the same for them, so I pulled them both to their feet and pushed them up against the wall so that their asses were both turned toward me. Then I grabbed a handful of their generous asses, kissed both their shoulders, and guided myself into Penny’s slick pussy first.

  The redheaded pixie moaned when I entered her, and then I began to fuck them back and forth, one right after the other, so whenever I felt myself ready to explode, I pulled out of one woman and entered the other so I could reset and pleasure both of them before I came. I plunged my cock deep into Cimarra’s pussy as she leaned forward and pressed her tits up against the wall, and then I pulled out and thrust myself into Penny’s dripping tunnel instead.

  I shoved my cock into them again and again, and whenever my women weren’t busy helping guide my hard shaft inside them, they slipped their fingers toward each other’s entrances, so they could massage each other’s clits at the same time I filled their tight tunnels with my full length.

  Finally, the next time I was inside Cimarra, I felt the raven-haired dancer start to quiver against me, so I stayed inside her a little longer and made each thrust a little deeper than before.

  “Ohhh!” Cimarra cried out. “Ohh, my king!”

  “Come for me.” I slammed into her a final time as she screamed and let her whole body tremble against mine, but just as her first orgasm finished, I slipped my fingers around to join Penny’s at the dancer’s clit, and together, we massaged Cimarra until a second climax almost immediately followed the first.

  This time, Cimarra screamed so loud that she couldn’t even form words.

  As the raven-haired dancer continued to tremble from her two back-to-back orgasms, I pulled my cock out of her dripping wet pussy and shoved it into Penny. The redhead moaned when I spread open her tunnel, and I could tell that she wanted to come as much as Cimarra just had, and I fully intended to make sure that happened.

  While Cimarra reached over to help massage Penny’s clit, I drilled my cock into the redhead again and again, until I suddenly plunged my full shaft all the way inside her and then held it there, so I could grind against the inside of her slick tunnel.

  “Oh, shit…” Penny murmured. “Oh, shit… oh, shhh--”

  The redheaded pixie suddenly cried out as her legs started to shake so badly that I had to grip her hips to keep her upright, until her first climax swelled and then crested to a finish. I pulled Cimarra toward myself to kiss her lips as I plunged my cock into Penny again, but the dancer kept her fingers on the redhead’s clit, so we could make her come again almost as quickly as Cim had come herself.

  After I had pumped my hips into her only a few more times, Penny started to gasp again, and this time, I knew that I wouldn’t hold myself back anymore.

  “Ohh, Waaaade!” Penny screamed.

  As the beautiful redhead came again, I forced my cock into her as deeply as possible so I could fill her tight tunnel up to the brim with
my seed. She moaned as my seed sprayed and coated her insides, and when both our climaxes finished, I carefully pulled out, so Cimarra could kneel down and lick the last of my cum up for herself.

  “Fuckkkkk,” Penny moaned.

  “You can say that again,” Cimarra said as she stood up again and licked her lips.

  “Thank you both,” I said. “You’re really incredible, you know that?”

  “All I know is that now I can’t wait for this baby to come out,” Penny said as she touched her belly. “So then you can put another baby inside me.”

  “Oh, me too, please!” Cimarra smiled. “I want to have so many children for you, Wade.”

  “Me too, my loves,” I said as I kissed them both. “Me too, but now I think it’s time for Cim to get some of my seed.”

  “Ohhh… yesss…” the beautiful dancer purred, and then the three of us moved back to the bed so that we could start fucking each other again.

  After a few more rounds of lovemaking with my beautiful women that night, we got enough sleep to sustain us, and then the next day, we all started to check on and reinforce the city’s defenses. Dar had done such a good job with Riverhome’s defenses that it almost looked like a different city.

  The tall fence of wooden spikes wrapped all the way around the city except for the side that was bordered by the river, there was a deep trench in front of the spiked fence that was filled with water that had been diverted, and there were tripwires on the bridge and across the water itself. We went over drills with the Elite and the human guards in Riverhome to make sure that the archers and pike-men were prepared for battle, and then we just had to wait until sunset to send Golierian out as our messenger.

  As he mounted his horse just as the sun fell below the horizon, Golierian looked scared shitless, but I knew that he would do a good job. The night elf would do anything that I asked him to, so even though this would be a real test for him, I knew he could do it.

  I gave him more detailed instructions of what to say and how to say it, and once he was prepared, he rode out of the city at full speed toward the fort.


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