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The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Hell Above the Skies

Page 35

by Ava D. Dohn


  Legion was in a very foul mood after his return to Memphis. The army had been pushed back to within twelve kilometers of the outer walls of the city. The PrasiaOdous Mountains were firmly in enemy hands, and the Spider’s Lair was beyond his grasp. He knew the enemy was stretched thin, but he didn’t know where, and was no longer sure what their true objective was. As far as he was concerned, Asotos had been responsible for these humiliating defeats. He took his anger out, though, on his immediate lieutenants. Several demotions and one public execution later, Legion was again focusing his attention on the next military move.

  Surrounded by his leading lieutenants, he laid out the coming battle plan. “In two days, our navy will spearhead the largest offensive in the history of our glorious kingdom. Stargaton and Pilneser shall simultaneously come under assault with heavy bombardments, making it appear we intend to invade. Meanwhile, other forces will begin the invasion of the Trizentine and Candletoe.” He pointed his finger at the map where Candletoe was located and exclaimed, “We must regain our honor!”

  Legion smugly stood back, hands clasped behind him. “We have four invasion fleets and three battle groups involved in these operations - sufficient, I would say, to sweep our oppressor from the skies, if its colonies don’t receive reinforcements…and…our loyal opponent will feel morally obligated to do that.”

  “The only local source for them to draw from is MueoPoros. By the time they discover the truth, their ships will be scattered across the entire quadrant, and our hidden armadas will be hammering whatever is left behind.”

  He drew his lieutenants’ attention back to the map, bringing up the MueoPoros star system. “Approximately twenty-four hours after the initial assault, three days from now, the Battle of the New Age will begin. Its intent is no less than to crush all ground forces on this planet and to destroy the enemy’s navy, and, more importantly, gain us Eden’s Gate. Once that portal is firmly in our grasp, we shall move to extinguish the evil horde from our deserved kingdom, forcing Erithea from her palace and back into the darkness from which she came.”

  “The glorious hour for our release from the strangling bonds of this unclean rabble is not fraught without danger!” Legion lifted his hand high, shaking his finger. “But it is not a battle we will any longer have to fight alone. I have managed to convince Alithea of the overpowering superiority of enemy numbers that our brave soldiers have faced and he has promised to deliver ten added divisions for our defense.”

  Legion waved his hand in conciliatory apology. “Please! Please, my brothers! This is no slight upon you or all our stalwart warriors standing the battle line against the pressing demon hordes. Our enemy outnumbers us four to one, yet we have checked their hand at every point. But to hold Memphis, we must have outside support. The ten additional divisions will help tip the scales. Although still heavily outnumbered, our superior fighting skills and undying fortitude will carry the day.”

  (Author’s note: Legion was given to exaggerating his enemy’s number. Garlock and Copeland’s book, The King’s War: A History, coined the word ‘McClellanize’ to describe this situation, where a commanding officer would expand the size of the enemy until he or she was frozen into inactivity. McClellan was a famous general during an ancient war in the Second Realm in which Jebbson had played a part. A full explanation of the word’s meaning can be found in that book. This McClellanized frame of mind would have a profound effect on coming events.

  The available records reveal that at the time of Legion’s council there were at his disposal close to four million active soldiers of all ranks, over a million and a half (fifteen divisions) in Memphis alone. At best, Mihai’s army on MueoPoros numbered one million six-hundred thousand able and ready for combat, with a total of less than three million personnel in the entire theater of the MueoPoros campaign. Surrounding Memphis on two major fronts were less than seven-hundred thousand, scattered in a crescent nearly thirty leagues across. In fact, the situation was so tenuous on the eve of the coming battle, Mihai’s four branch commanders were seriously considering abandoning Memphis’ southern siege line. Had Asotos delayed his attacks one more day, Legion would have found a retreating army unprepared for fighting.)

  Legion detailed the battle plan. “You are all to establish your divisions in optimum attack positions. At the appointed moment, all commanders are to advance along their fronts using all available resources. Do remember to maintain a large enough reserve to hold your line in case the enemy should break through in a counterattack.”

  He singled out two officers. “General KaTroue and General MerCennie are to deploy to the south of Memphis. Remember your assignment well. Alithea is depending on you. I have received reports that General PalaHar will be in the area.” He smiled. “I am also informed that we will be able to pinpoint his location at all times.”

  Then frowning, Legion added, “It has also been brought to my attention there is a certain creature from the Realms Below who is accompanying the general. She is most valuable to us. It is believed by the fools of the Children’s Empire that this creature is some third sword of prophecy come to save them. This creature must be apprehended, alive, if possible! This task is imperative to your mission. Make sure General PalaHar is taken out of the picture - captured or killed. But bring me that creature!”

  Legion returned to the battle strategy. “We will coordinate our attack to begin with the Navy’s assault on the evil aggressors hovering above us. At this moment, there are six full armadas – seven, if we count ours - speeding toward MueoPoros. Closely following them up are two huge invasion fleets that will deploy when our fighters have destroyed or driven off what remains of the enemy’s ships.”

  “The battle shan’t take long, for our forces will unleash more fighters against the enemy than saw combat in the initial phase of the Holy Martyrs Campaign (Day of Tears).” He raised his hand again, pointing. “And, our glorious leader has promised to support us with several squadrons of Endikos 23’s - some from his own ship, AugustOne.”

  Legion closed his eyes as he tipped his head back. He could see Gabrielle’s warships bursting apart or falling into the planet’s atmosphere and burning up. He saw Trisha’s army on the run, being torn apart on flank and front by his vast war machine. With a smile, he concluded, “It will take little time to finish off the remainder of our antagonists once we have destroyed them here. It should only be a matter of months before their entire empire falls into our hands.” He shrugged, “After all, most of them are women. What strength do they really have?”

  Everyone laughed, followed by the usual bantering and question-taking on the part of Legion and his lieutenants. After the formal meeting ended, all present were invited to a feast in the castle dining hall.

  (Author’s note: ‘Castle Memphis’- a name given to the central fortifications built in the city after its capture by Legion - was truly noteworthy. It was constructed downward into the solid rock beneath the city, twenty levels, reaching a depth of one-hundred thirty meters. The dining hall was one hundred meters down, on the sixteenth level. Legion commanded his war from the depths of this citadel, a choice that would prove troubling in coming days.)


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