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The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Hell Above the Skies

Page 82

by Ava D. Dohn



  Anna was becoming impatient. She had been waiting over an hour for Mihai. Most of the personnel and crew were already aboard the RananAhot. As she paced back and forth, disgruntled by the delay, the woman mumbled, “That miserable little man won’t leave her alone. He’s probably giving her another humpin’…can’t keep it in his pants!”

  Hearing her name called, Anna spun around to see CrilenianTorpedee struggling across the hangar deck, loaded down with his luggage. Anna made little attempt to hide her sour mood, asking sarcastically, “Did your attendant oversleep or has the king demoted her councilor to a position of burden bearer?”

  Crilenian said nothing until stopping near the freight door of the RananAhot. He handed his luggage to a waiting officer, asking her to take them to his cabin, and then addressed Anna’s remarks. “There is little difference between a councilor and a burden bearer unless one considers the level of arrogance certain councilors attain.”

  Anna ignored Crilenian’s remark, brushing it aside. “Where is our leader off to? We were to leave over two hours ago. Doesn’t anyone care that time is of the essence? We must leave soon if we are to remain on schedule.”

  Crilenian started for the boarding ramp. “We’re almost ready to go. Captain says our escorts are queuing up beside the Sophia as I speak.”

  “What do you mean ready to go?” Anna fumed. “Mihai hasn’t even loaded her fighter yet! It will be another half hour, at best, before we can depart!”

  Stopping, Crilenian shook his head. “She’s leaving it here - says they have greater need of it.”

  “So when’s our little princess coming?” Anna grumped, beginning to pace again. “There are times when the bed needs to be forsaken for duties.”

  Crilenian cocked his head. “Didn’t they tell you? Mihai’s not coming with us. She and Paul left several hours ago aboard the GrizBokk. Paul’s idea, you know. Thought secrecy was virtuous.”

  “What?!” Anna screeched, her face flushing red. “Already left?!” Her outburst brought the attention of nearby crews. As they stared, she scolded, “Get back to your work! This is not your business!”

  Crilenian grinned. “Yep, talked to the watch officer just a bit ago. Said Mihai and Paul along with a few others departed about three hundred hours, Palace Time. Said something about making a stopover on the way back, didn’t say where. I then asked our captain. She says her orders are to return directly to EdenEsonbar.”

  Anna cursed Paul under her breath. “I knew that frog wart would be trouble! I should’ve put him in his place the other day. If he thinks his rutting is going to win that lady, he’s only fooling himself. There’s more to love than a donkey’s cock.”

  Crilenian could not hear what Anna said, but he read her lips enough to get the gist of matter. “Do be careful, my dear! I’ve watched him eyeing you. Maybe he wants to try his donkey’s cock on you!”

  “Shut up, you!” Anna threatened. “Or you may well find yourself wishing you’d stayed behind on the Sophia!”

  Wrinkling his face up in mock terror, Crilenian cried, “Oh master, I’m so afraid!” He then chided, “What’s wrong? Has the little princess been dethroned by our little princess? Or is she just jealous over being replaced in little princess’s bed?”

  Anna was about to return a scathing retort when she noticed Sirion’s arrival on the hangar deck. She poured on the charm, calling out, “My dear child, have you come to see us off?” Then, while the girl was still some distance away, she glared at Crilenian. “Be off with you, Skolex! I’ve business to conduct.”

  It was Crilenian’s turn to become angry. He snarled, “Do be careful how you speak! The worm that feeds upon the dead may enjoy the living flesh as well! Mind your manners, for I smell a change in the breeze...” He hurried away, hustling up the ship’s ramp.

  Anna had no time to bother with Crilenian’s warning. She extended her arms and walked toward Sirion. “What brings my darling child here? Has she come to see us off and wish us a safe trip?”

  Sirion innocently replied, “My Lady, I do wish you and all with you a safe return. May the wings of Cherubs guide you on your way. But I come because of this note left on my bed. I believe it is from Mihai, saying it was urgent.”

  Anna glanced at the note. “Mihai? Possibly… But I doubt she wrote it. News is that our king left some time ago, taking off on secret business.” She paused and raising her hand to Sirion’s face, cooed, “But let us not waste this fleeting moment.”

  Staring into Sirion’s face, Anna began a riddle.

  “The little bird someday will find a nest for her, a nest of mine.

  Upon the boughs of mighty trees the bird will sing for him and me.

  Come listen, sing, and dance with us,

  Come away, away, away with us you must.”

  Sirion smiled in puzzlement. “My Lady, it is a beautiful poem. Does it have a meaning beyond pretty words?”

  Anna reached up to Sirion’s ear and removed the girl’s ear-pin. Curious, Sirion asked what she was doing. Anna began chatting away, replacing the girl’s pin with another. “A token, my dear one, a token. Things became so hectic during the past few days, I forgot the gift I was to give you. On the eve of our journey here, Mother gave me this to give you. Now please be a good girl and show proper appreciation for it. Mother would be so unhappy if you didn’t like her gift.”

  The girl felt the new pin in her ear. “Tell me, please, where is the other one?”

  Laughing, Anna exclaimed, “There is only one, my dear! One will suffice as a gift. What! Are you being selfish, wanting more than what is offered?”

  “No.” Sirion confessed, not wanting to appear greedy. “I only thought there would be two…one for each ear.”

  Gently gripping the girl’s shoulders, Anna replied, “You have but one head and you have but one eye, so we shall decorate but one ear. Where the head goes, the ear will follow. That’s good enough.”

  Anna frowned. “What shall I tell Mother when I return? That you are unhappy with her gift?”

  “No! No! It’s a fine gift.” Sirion answered, not wanting Mother to think her daughter didn’t appreciate such a fine gift. “I was only a little confused, being used to wearing two matching pins. This is wonderful.”

  “I will let Mother know. Now I must be off.” Anna kissed Sirion on the lips. “You are such a dear. If you are good, I’m sure Mother’s gift will bring you many pleasant surprises.” She hurried off to board the ship.


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