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The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven

Page 67

by Jessica Miller

  We were both breathing hard, sweat dripping down our faces. Our eyes locked and for a second I saw a flicker of desperation in Roman’s eyes. I felt longing, desire, and then it was gone. “I bet you’re enjoying this. I know how you like to spend most of your time on your back,” he said harshly.

  I pulled my knees up and pushed him off of me. Then I got up and walked away. I had enough of his insults and was not going to put up with this anymore. “Ella, where are you going? We’re not done!” Gabe called.

  “Well I am!” I yelled.

  “What’s the matter? Can’t take a joke?” Roman spat.

  I stopped and turned to face him. “A joke? You think that was funny?”

  “I call’em like I see’em.” I walked right over to him and shoved him. “You’re just going to stand there and let her do that?” Roman complained to Gabe.

  Gabe shrugged his shoulders. “Defend yourself,” he said.

  I came at Roman again. This time he blocked me. “You’ve got a lot of nerve,” I said, still attacking. “You have no right to talk. You dated Mackenzie.”

  “Yes but I actually cared for her unlike Aidan who preys on naïve little girls. Then after he feeds them his lies and convinces them to sleep with him he dumps them.”

  “I see Mackenzie was telling lies again.”

  “It’s not lies it’s the truth,” he yelled, getting in my face. I was back on the defensive now as he came at me. “You’re just too dumb to see it. You’re just like all the others.”

  “You know nothing about me!” I growled, throwing punch after punch.

  “I know enough. I know you’re just as weak and pathetic as they were.”

  That did it. I did not like being called weak. My body started to get hot as I felt the power surge through me. I flung my hands out as he struck. His fists never made it past my hands. It was like he hit a wall, an invisible barrier. And when he collided with that wall there was a bright flash. Roman flew about ten feet in the air. His body slammed into the wall of the gym, knocking him unconscious.

  I stood there staring at my hands with my mouth open not believing what just happened. “Ella!” Gabe called. I was so shocked I hadn’t even noticed he was kneeling next to Roman. “Ella, focus, we need you,” he said, pulling me out of my daze.

  I ran over and bent down next to Roman and placed my hands on his chest. Nothing happened. “It’s not working,” I said panicked.

  “Ella, concentrate, you can do this,” Gabe encouraged.

  I closed my eyes and tried again. I could feel the power start to surface and when I opened my eyes I saw my hands were glowing. I quickly pressed them on Roman’s chest. His eyes flickered and went wide when he saw me. He quickly sat up as I slowly backed away. “You okay?” Gabe asked Roman. He nodded, but never took his eyes off of me. Gabe helped him up. “I think we can call it quits for today.”

  “How’d you do that?” Roman asked.

  “That’s what I’d like to know,” Gabe said.

  “I…I don’t know?” And I didn’t. I had no idea how it happened or what I did.

  “It was like I hit a wall,” Roman said.

  Gabe looked at me. “You have no idea how you did it?”

  “All I remember is getting really mad and then I felt my body get hot and the power. I felt so much power.”

  “Yeah, I felt it too,” Roman said, rubbing the back of his head.

  “Roman, I’m sorry I really didn’t –”

  He put up a hand to stop me. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t.” I could see in his eyes he felt guilty for what he said and thought he deserved getting body slammed into the wall.

  “Ella, do you think you could do it again?” Gabe asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know?”

  “Could you try?”

  “I guess?”

  “Good. You can try on me then,” Gabe said.

  “Oh, no, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He laughed. “I think I can handle it. Besides, you have the power to heal if anything goes wrong.”

  “That’s not encouraging,” I sighed.

  “Just concentrate. Remember what you learned in your powers class.” I never thought those breathing techniques were any good until now. I closed my eyes and tried to focus. Breathing in, and out steadily. “Ready?” Gabe asked.

  “Ready,” I said.

  He came at me and I panicked. I threw my hands up trying to block his moves, but he was faster and stronger. “Ella concentrate!” he yelled.

  “I can’t,” I shouted.

  “Yes you can! Do it! Now!” he screamed.

  It took everything I had, but I found the power deep down inside me. I concentrated on that, pulling strength from it. I flung my hands out as I had before and watched as Gabe struck the invisible wall, flying backwards, and hitting the floor. He didn’t go as far as Roman but it was enough to knock him down. “Gabe, are you okay?”

  He stood up laughing. “I’m fine,” he said, walking back over to me. “I think you might have proven me wrong,” he smiled proudly at me.

  “Is this another new power?” I asked.

  “I believe so,” Gabe said.

  “But how is that possible? Most vamps only have two at the most, but never three different types of powers?” Roman said, scratching his head.

  “That’s because Ella is special. She is going to change everything,” Gabe said, smiling again like a proud parent.

  Roman just stood there staring at me. “What,” I said, starting to feel self-conscious with the way he was staring.

  “Nothing,” he said, giving me a faint smile.

  “Ella, I’d like to work with you on this new power of yours,” Gabe said.

  “That’s great, but can we maybe do that tomorrow?” I asked, feeling run down.

  “Of course, I think you guys had enough for today.”

  I sighed thankful and headed into the girls’ locker room to shower. When I stepped outside of the locker room Roman was there pacing back and forth. “Hey,” I said surprised.

  He stopped when I addressed him. “Okay, so, um…” He ran a nervous hand through his hair. “I’m not sure how to say this so I’m just going to say it.” I waited with my arms crossed while he tried to spit it out. “Okay, I know I can be a real dick sometimes.”

  “No, you?” I said sarcastically.

  “Look, I’m trying here,” he snapped. He caught himself and took a breath. “Sorry, just be…quiet…till I’m done.” I gestured for him to finish, interested in what he had to say.

  “So, it’s clear I have some anger issues,” he gave me a warning look and I bit my tongue. “But I’m working on it. I say a lot of stupid shit and don’t realize it until it’s too late.”

  “Is there a point, because I basically knew all of this?”

  I knew he was trying really hard not to get upset. “What I’m trying to say is I’m working on it, okay. But you don’t make it easy.”

  “So it’s my fault you’re an ass?”

  “Yes, I mean no, ugh!” he growled frustrated. “I just, I’m sorry, okay? I was out of line. I should have never said those things and I didn’t mean them,” he said like he sincerely meant it.

  “Yes you did.” I put my hand up to stop him from protesting. “But I accept your apology,” I said. Watching the way he struggled to get it out, I knew it was hard for him to admit that.

  “Good, ‘cause you know I don’t just give these things away,” he said, returning to his normal self.

  “I think you’re just afraid because you know I can kick your ass,” I smiled.

  “Alright, so that’s how it’s going to be? How about we see who wins when it’s a fair fight,” he challenged.

  “That was a fair fight,” I said defensively.

  “It was up until you blasted me into the wall.”

  He had me there. “Alright, how do you suppose we make it fair?”

  “Ask one of the witches to cast a spell to block our powers.”

p; “I don’t think Gabe will go for that.”

  “I think he’ll love the idea. Remember he did say we should be able to defend ourselves without using our powers.”

  “Okay, you’re on,” I said, shaking his hand, and when I did I felt that same spark I felt when our arms brushed lightly in the library. I could see in his eyes he felt it too.

  “Hey Roman,” Blake called, breaking us from our spell.

  “I should go,” I said, quickly turning to leave. I rounded the corner and stopped. I knew I shouldn’t, but I was curious. I stood still and listened carefully to their conversation.

  “What was that about?” Blake asked.

  “Oh, nothing. We were just talking about our training sessions,” Roman said.

  “I wouldn’t mind going a few rounds with her,” Blake replied and I had to try hard not to get sick. “Is she as crazy as they say she is?” I scoffed at Blake’s comment. It took everything I had not to jump around the corner and show him just how crazy I could be.

  “Since when did you care if a chick was crazy or not?”

  “True, either way it makes no difference to me. Although I learned from experience the crazier the chick the better they are in bed.”

  “Please, the only experience you have is with your mom.”

  I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

  “More like your mom,” Blake said.

  “Shut up,” Roman laughed. “C’mon, let’s get some grub.”

  I hurried down the hall so they wouldn’t see me. Then I headed straight for the dining hall because like always, I was starving.

  Today our table was filled to capacity. Blake and Reagan had rejoined our table as did Roman. By the time I got there, there were no seats left. “Here,” Roman said, pulling a chair from another table.

  “Thanks,” I said softly. I turned to Dixon and asked quietly, “So how come Reagan and Blake are sitting here again? I thought Reagan and Justin had a falling out?” I knew Dixon was the queen of gossip. If anyone knew anything he definitely did.

  He leaned in closely. “Well, from what I heard, Reagan found out that Addyson purposely played him and Justin against each other and used them both just so she could become part of Mackenzie’s coven.”

  “Those three are truly evil,” I said, glaring at Mackenzie as her and her ‘coven’ walked in. As if she knew I was talking about her, she turned toward me, and gave me her best vindictive smile. Clearly she had no remorse for what she did. “She needs to be stopped.”

  “Who?” Sienna asked.

  “Who do you think?” I said.

  “Mackenzie,” Sienna and Cameron said together.

  “You don’t want to go up against Mackenzie, trust me,” Austin chimed in.

  “Yeah, you didn’t hear about the last girl who tried to take revenge on them,” Blake said.

  “What happened to her?” I asked, more out of curiosity than fear.

  “Let’s just say they never found the body.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Please, I managed to survive an attack by a crazy vamp. I think I can handle a tiny blond with split ends,” I said.

  “I wouldn’t underestimate her,” Reagan said. Part of me knew he was right. I already seen what she could do with that spell she put on Aidan and me. I couldn’t even begin to think how truly powerful she really was.

  All of a sudden we heard a huge commotion out in the hall. I froze not sure what was going on. There were a few grunts and growls as the doors flew open and a large man tumbled down the steps. Roman got up and stood in front of me defensively, which really pissed me off because clearly he thought I couldn’t take care of myself.

  “What’s going on?” Riley asked, craning her neck to see. I stood up and tried to get a better look at the young man as guardians flew into the surrounding area and attacked him. He was strong and took them out with ease. He picked off each guardian one by one as they came at him.

  “Wow, look at him go. He’s amazing he’s –”

  “Oh my god,” I said, interrupting Dixon when I caught a glimpse of his profile and stood up. I knew I had to stop this before it was too late.

  I tried to get past Roman but he wouldn’t budge. “Ella, what are you doing?”

  “I need to stop this,” I said.

  “What are you crazy?” Dean said, blocking my other side. I had no way out.

  I knew I would get my ass chewed out for this later but right now it was my only option. “Dean, get out of my way.”

  “No way,” he said standing firm.

  “Move or I’ll make you move,” I growled. He stood there with his arms crossed. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I tried to shove past him again but he shoved me back. So I attacked. I knocked him to the ground.

  “Oh my god!” Sienna shrieked, thinking I’ve lost it.

  “Ella!” Roman yelled, grabbing my arm. I turned on him next but he wasn’t as easy to take down as Dean.

  “What the hell has gotten into you?” Cameron yelled. “Stop this!”

  But I didn’t stop. I didn’t have time to. I managed to back Roman up enough to make a getaway. I leapt onto a table to get out of his reach and ran full speed across it, leaping from table to table and right into the middle of the scuffle.

  “Stop!” I yelled, but no one listened. This time I put some force behind it. “Stop!” I yelled again. My voice boomed and echoed throughout the entire room. There was so much power in it, it silenced everyone and stopped the fighting.

  One of the guardians turned to me, eyes wide. “Miss,” he began, choking on his words. I looked at him funny. “You need to step away,” he said, taking a step back from me like he was scared. I held my head higher, thinking, “you better move.”

  “No, this is just a big misunderstanding,” I said, pleading with them. I looked around the room as everyone stared at me a little frightened. Huh, didn’t think I was that intimidating, but okay.

  “What is going on?” Gabe asked, coming into the room.

  “Gabe, tell them to back off,” I said.

  Gabe froze when he saw me, his eyes grew wide, and then he quickly collected himself. “Stand down men,” he said.

  “But sir –”

  “I said stand down!” he yelled. “This child is not a threat.”

  “With all due respect sir, he just took down half my men.”

  Gabe looked at them confused. I guess he thought the scuffle was because of me until he noticed the young man to my right. “I would hope so. After all I did train him,” Gabe smiled.

  The guardians backed off, but remained with strange looks on their faces. I turned to face the person behind all this chaos. “Billy, what are you doing here?” He looked at me funny. Basically he was wearing the same expression as everyone else. “What…do I like have something on my face?”

  “Ella, you’re glowing,” he said.

  I looked down and saw a silvery blue light illuminating my skin. “What is it?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, but it’s beautiful,” Dixon said, joining us. “Hey Billy.”

  “Hey Dixon,” he said casually.

  I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. “How do I make it stop?” I asked a little panicked.

  “Ella, Billy, you two come with me,” Gabe said.

  “I’m coming too,” Dixon said following us.

  The guardians followed and kept close as we walked over to the teachers’ dorms while I lit the way.

  Chapter eighteen

  Gabe took us straight to the teachers’ dorms and knocked on one of the doors. Ms. Kraft answered. “Hello Sylvia. I’m sorry to disturb you, but we seem to have a bit of a problem,” Gabe said, stepping out of the way.

  “Oh dear, Ella, you’re glowing,” she said.

  “Yeah, how do I make it stop?” I asked.

  She pulled me inside and over to one of the couches. “Give me your hands.” I did as she said. “Now close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine yourself letting go.”

  “Letting go of what exactly?”

  “Your anger. Think calm thoughts, and release it.”

  The first thing I saw was his eyes, deep, dark blues that I always seemed to get lost in. Then came his messy black hair and cocky smile. I put everything together and waited for Tristan to come into focus. Only, it wasn’t Tristan who I thought I was picturing. It was Roman. I stiffened at the image. “Ella, you need to relax,” I heard Ms. Kraft say.

  I let out a breath and tried again, but every time I tried to clear my head Roman would pop in, making me agitated. “Ella, whatever you are holding on to, you need to let it go,” Ms. Kraft said, guiding me. “Listen to your heart. Let it lead you to where it belongs.”

  Not knowing what else to do, I let myself go. I opened my heart and my mind, allowing it to take me to where I belong. At first I got flashes; a sexy smile, twinkling, dark blue eyes, strong hands running through silky, black hair. When the images came into focus again, I opened my eyes. “Roman,” I whispered. His name brushed like soft air across my lips.

  I looked up to see Dixon’s smirking face and I knew he heard me. I avoided his eyes and turned back to a smiling Ms. Kraft. I looked down to see the glow was gone. I sighed relieved, until I saw the goofy grin on Ms. Kraft’s face. ”What is it?” I asked.

  She pulled me up off the couch and over to a mirror. I now understood why she was looking at me funny. I had another blue streak in my hair. This one was in the same spot as the other just on the opposite side. I sighed. Great, now I have two. “I think it’s wonderful,” Ms. Kraft said.

  “Thanks,” I said, forcing a smile. I turned back around and noticed Dixon was the only one left. “Where are Gabe and Billy?”

  “Gabe took him down to the office. They have some things to sort out. Billy caused quite a stir,” Dixon said, still looking at me in awe.

  “Ms. Kraft, thank you for helping me out, but do you mind. I’d like to check on my friend.”

  “Of course, but I would like you to come back. I want to talk to you about this new power.”

  “How about this weekend?” I asked.

  “This weekend will be perfect,” she smiled.

  I thanked her again and headed down to the office with Dixon. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked Dixon.


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