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The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven

Page 76

by Jessica Miller

  “Mom…” I said rolling my eyes.

  “Okay, how about we talk about these other things that are bothering you? But first, this guy you’re falling in love with. It isn’t Mr. Callahan, is it? And when you say you had to have sex with him to break the spell…” she swallowed. “But it didn’t work?” She scrunched her face afraid of my answer.

  “No, it’s not Mr. Callahan. Mr. Callahan…” I paused. “Why yes we did…mess around, the spell was broken before anything went too far.”

  She let out a sigh of relief. “How was the spell broken then? Most spells must follow through unless the witch herself who casts it breaks it.”

  “Somehow I managed to see through it. I knew something was off because I only felt so strongly pulled to him when we were around each other. I ran into Mackenzie and she confessed about the spell to gloat and I made her break it.”

  “And she just let it go? Just like that?” my mom asked, not convinced it was that easy.

  “Well, no. Aidan, I mean Mr. Callahan, heard us fighting and when he discovered what was going on he made her break it,” I lied. No need for her to worry or get more upset.

  “Okay, so let’s go back to the whole part about her kidnapping you,” she said, her temper rising again.

  “Mom, I thought you were going to let that go?” I sighed, not wanting to rehash that memory.

  “You’re right. You’re right,” she let out a breath. “Okay, so let’s talk about these new powers and you said you glowed?”

  I told her all about the new powers we learned I had developed and I even took my hair down to show her my new blue streak. I told her how we weren’t sure about the glowing thing yet, but we were working on it. She smiled proudly at me and untangled my hair, pulling it forward. “I don’t know why you don’t wear your hair down. You should be proud of your blue streaks. It shows just how special you are and that you are destined for greatness.”

  “Thanks mom. Even though I think you’re just saying that because you’re my mom.”

  She hit me playfully on the arm and I laughed, laying my head on her shoulder. “You want to tell me about these nightmares you are having?”

  I lifted my head and picked at my thumbs. She placed her hand over mine and I could feel her calming me.

  I told her everything.

  All the nightmares I had, including the latest one that had me running out of class. I even told her about how I’ve been seeing and hearing Kyle and Josie. I then told her about my classes and the extra training sessions I was taking with Gabe and how Ms. Kraft was going to spend some extra time with me to help me out.

  “It sounds like you have some really good teachers here.”

  “I do,” I smiled.

  “So, you want to tell me more about this boy?” she smiled. “I saw some flyers about a dance next weekend. Did he ask you? Are you going?”

  “He didn’t so much ask me…so I don’t really know. “ She looked at me confused and I explained to her what happened.

  “Do you think he just said that to make her jealous?” I nodded. “Regardless, any boy would be lucky to take you.”

  “Okay, now I know you’re just saying that because you’re my mom.”

  She laughed and hugged me tight. “Oh Ella, when are you going to learn how beautiful and unique you are?”

  “I love you mom.”

  “I love you too honey. How about we go find your brother?”

  I knew Dean was most likely hiding in his room. I took my mom downstairs to surprise him. We knocked, but he didn’t answer. She was going to announce herself, but I told her not to. Better to surprise him and boy, did we ever. I opened the door and found him entertaining one of his many ‘ladies’. “Christ Ella! Knock much?” he yelled.

  “We did, but you didn’t answer,” I said, trying to keep the smile off of my face.

  “I didn’t answer for a reason. As you can see I’m busy. Now leave!”

  My mom took her cue and walked in clearing her throat. The look on Dean’s face was priceless. I wish I had a camera. “Hello Dean,” she said.

  “Hi mom,” he managed to choke out. The girl on his bed quickly made her exit. I only noticed who it was when she passed me.

  “Madison?” I glared at him.

  “What? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” he smiled.

  “That’s not exactly what you were doing,” I sneered.

  “We were studying.”

  “Let me guess, anatomy?”

  “Enough you two,” my mom said, looking back and forth between the both of us. “Dean, I have been standing here for five minutes,” she scolded.

  “Sorry mom,” he said, getting up and giving her a hug and kiss.

  “I trust you two are getting along?” she asked.

  “We were until he starting sleeping with the enemy!”

  “I wasn’t –”

  My mom stopped him. “I know I’ve asked you kids to be open and honest with me and to feel comfortable to tell me whatever, but can we please keep it PG?” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Ella, what is so funny?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” I said, shaking my head. “Let’s go find dad.”

  Dean and I spent the next two hours in our parent’s room catching up on things. My mom told me to leave out all the stuff about Mackenzie and the nightmares. She said some things are better left unsaid. Basically let’s just not tell your father. I did tell him about all my new powers and he wanted me to test every single one out on him. I explained to him I was still learning how to control them and figure out how to use them. He let me off the hook for tonight, but told me after talking with Gabe he was so proud of how well I was doing and wanted to see me in action. He said he set something up for tomorrow.

  We still hadn’t discussed why they were here in the first place, but it was late and I was getting tired. I said goodnight and headed back to my room to change into my pajamas. As soon as I turned off the lights and got under the covers there was a knock on my door. I grumbled and got out of bed to answer it. It was Cameron. She threw her arms around me. “Oh thank god, I thought they found out it was you and sent you away,” she said, holding me so tight I couldn’t breathe.

  “Okay Cameron, you can let go now,” I said, gasping.

  “Oh, sorry,” she said, walking past me, and plopping down on the bed. “Were you sleeping?”

  “Not yet,” I sighed, so desperate to be sleeping. I sat next to her on the bed. “What’s up?”

  She gave me the once over. “That’s what you sleep in?”

  I stood up, annoyed. “Seriously? What the hell is wrong with flannel pajamas?”

  “Nothing, if we were living in the 1950’s,” she quipped.

  I rolled my eyes. “Sorry I don’t look like I stepped out of a Victoria Secret catalog and just so you know these are very comfortable.”

  “Alright, chillax,” she said, putting her hands up in surrender. “What happened? Why’d they call you into the office?”

  “My parents are here. They came for a ‘visit’,” I said, using air quotes.

  She nodded, understanding. “Well, get changed because we’re all meeting in the social room to come up with a plan to take down Mackenzie. But first, you and I are going to have a little chat,” she said, pulling me back down on the bed. I rolled my eyes. I was so not in the mood for this. “I know for a fact there’s something going on between you and Roman and before you try to deny it, he already told me.”

  “What exactly did he tell you?” I asked, having a feeling she was lying and using this as a trick to get me to confess.

  “You know exactly what he told me,” she said, challenging me.

  I looked her square in the eye and said, “Nothing,” I smiled. “He told you nothing.”

  “Okay fine. He wouldn’t talk either, but I know you’re both lying.”

  “Why do you care so much anyways?”

  “Because Roman’s a good friend and I don’t want to see him get hurt,
” she admitted.

  “But you let him date Mackenzie,” I said, questioning her so called loyalty to their friendship.

  “First off, that disaster happened way before I could stop it.”

  “Cameron, I get that you care deeply for Roman as a friend and you don’t want to see him get hurt, but you don’t have to worry because nothing is going on between us.”

  “Why not?” she pouted.

  “Okay, seriously? You’re driving me nuts. First you want me to date him, then get mad when you think something is going on and now you’re mad that there’s not?” I was so confused I was getting a headache.

  She sighed. “Ella, I know he likes you and this is nothing he told me. He didn’t have to. I can tell. I just…well…if something would happen, just be careful, he’s fragile.”

  “Okay Cameron, I get it,” I said, hoping she would leave it at that.

  “You two are totally messing around aren’t you?”

  “Oh my god!” I laughed. “I’m going to go change,” I said, walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

  “I’d be totally cool with it if you were. I mean, all I’m asking for is a little detail,” she called through the door.

  “Give it up already,” I yelled back. I didn’t have to see her to know she was smiling.

  Fully dressed, I followed Cameron to the social room. I was so tired and wanted nothing more than to go back to my room, but I knew this had to be done. When we got there, everyone was already there waiting. I went to the fridge to grab a soda to help wake me up. When I turned around Roman was standing behind me. Startled, I almost dropped my soda. “Sorry,” he said. He stood there for a moment, just watching me, making me feel nervous, but in a good way. I could tell he had something to say, but wasn’t sure how to say it.

  “Ella I…never mind,” he said, hanging his head and stepping aside so I could pass.

  Confused, I took a step to walk away, but he jumped in front of me. “Wait, I…there’s something I wanted to ask you.” He ran his hand through his hair indicating he was nervous about what he wanted to ask me. “I went about it the wrong way, but Mackenzie just makes me so mad,” he growled.

  “She kind of has that effect on people,” I joked, hoping to lighten up the situation.

  He gave me a faint smile. “Alright, I’m just going to say it. Will you go to the dance with me?” I didn’t know what to say. He noticed my odd expression and continued. “I know what I said at dinner and I just said that to shut Mackenzie up, but I really was planning on asking you. I don’t want you to think I’m just doing this to get back at her. I really would like to go with you, but it’s okay…I’ll understand if you say no.” He watched me, eyes wide, waiting for my answer. He ran his hand through his hair again.

  I thought about making him sweat it out for a little, but when I looked into his eyes, I knew I couldn’t. “Yes,” I said smiling.

  “Yes?” he asked unsure.

  “Yes,” I repeated.

  “Ella, thank you. I really do want to go with you because of you and not well, you know,” he babbled and I laughed.

  “What?” he said bashfully.

  “You’re babbling.”

  “Oh,” he said, smiling. Not knowing where to go from here, Roman stood there, still smiling at me, until Cameron came over and cleared her throat. “I’ll uh…see you later,” Roman stuttered and made a quick exit for the door. I took my cue and made my way over to the couch, plopping down next to Dixon.

  “Somebody has a crush,” Dixon sang.

  I stifled an eye roll. “Dixon, grow up. And I do not,” I told him.

  “Not you silly, Roman,” he said like it should have been obvious. “That boy is seriously head over heels in love with you.”

  “Dixon, be serious,” I said, elbowing him.

  “Ella, you need to open your eyes. Has it ever occurred to you that this is not the only social room? You do know that every floor has one.”

  “Yeah,” I said, not knowing where he was going with this.

  “Then why would Roman come up here to get a drink when he has access to the same things on his floor?”

  “Maybe they didn’t have what he wanted,” I shrugged.

  “No, they definitely didn’t,” Dixon smiled.

  I narrowed my eyes at him and he just shrugged his shoulders. Ready to get to the matter at hand I asked, “Has anyone thought of anything yet?” They all shook their heads no.

  “Let’s make this quick. I have other things to attend to tonight,” Dean whined, coming into the room.

  “Wait, what is Dean doing here?” I asked.

  “Who else would be better to help you plot an evil plan,” Dean smiled.

  “Maybe someone who wasn’t dipping into the witch’s brew,” I spat.

  “Hey, I’m not picky,” he shrugged.

  “Obviously,” I thought to myself.

  “You know, Dean might be on to something here,” Cameron said, tapping her chin.

  “The only thing he is on is antibiotics from all the skanks he’s been with,” I said.

  Dixon and Sienna tried to cover their laughs. “While that also may be true,” Cameron said and Dean glared at her. “What I was getting at was that I think Dean should continue his so called ‘relationship’ with Madison.”

  “What!” I shouted.

  “Let me finish,” she said. I took a breath and calmed myself while she went on. “I also think he should take Mackenzie to the dance.” I opened my mouth to say something, but Cameron stopped me. “Think about it Ella. Dean’s the biggest player on campus.”

  “Hey, I’m a ladies man not a player,” Dean complained. I just glared at him. “I can’t help it I’m loved,” he shrugged. I threw a pillow at him, missing and hitting Cameron instead.

  “Like I was saying,” she growled, wiping the hair out of her face and looking at us like an annoyed parent. “If we got Dean to secretly date all three, maybe he could use his charm to get some information out of them. We could play them against each other. Let them be the ones to destroy themselves.”

  “Cameron, that’s genius,” Dixon said.

  “Yeah, but what makes you think they’ll so easily give up information about each other, especially to Dean. They do know he’s my brother,” I said, not totally convinced Cameron’s plan was fool proof.

  “Have faith li’l sis. I do have my ways,” Dean said smiling.

  “And I also think Sienna should join their coven,” Cameron said, surprising us all.

  “No way,” I said.

  “Yeah Cameron, I don’t know about that one,” Sienna said.

  “Hello, what a better way to find out how to take them down. It’s like going behind enemy lines,” Cameron said, trying to sway us.

  I looked at Sienna. I didn’t exactly like this plan, but it was the best thing we could come up with. I told her it was up to her and not to feel obligated to say yes. We would come up with another plan if we had to. “I’ll do it,” Sienna said proudly.

  “Great, so here’s what we do,” Cameron started. “Dean, don’t tell Mackenzie you’ll go to the dance with her until the last minute, make her wait. Same with you Sienna, wait a few days before you tell her you’ll join her coven.” Cameron went over a few more details of the plan. Dean had left, saying he was on his way to start ‘carrying out the plan’ as he called it. This was going to take a lot of self-control for me to follow through with this plan. And a lot of Tums to settle my stomach from all the nauseating details I’m sure Dean will provide.

  When I knew Dean was gone for sure, I pulled Cameron aside and asked, “So what did you tell Dean to get him here? You didn’t tell him about me and Mr. Callahan did you?”

  “Relax, I didn’t tell him anything,” she said, like it was no big deal.

  “Then how did you get him to go along with it?” I knew my brother and he didn’t do anything out of the goodness of his heart.

  She sighed, seeing I wasn’t going to let this go. “
All I told him was we were making a plan to get back at Mackenzie and asked if he wanted to help.”

  “That’s it?” I asked, having a feeling she was holding out on me.

  “Yep, that’s it,” she said and walked away letting me know she wasn’t going divulge any more information. I dropped it, figuring it was probably better off I didn’t know. I decided to call it a night. I was exhausted and had to get up early tomorrow. Everyone else stayed to watch a movie while I went back to my room to crash.

  When I got there, I found Roman pacing back and forth outside my door. “Um, hey, what’s up?” I asked.

  “I just wanted to talk to you,” he said.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked, wondering if maybe he thought asking me to the dance was a mistake.

  “Yeah, I just…um…” I could tell he was feeling uneasy, but I was too tired to spend the next twenty minutes waiting for him to try and spit it out.

  I opened my door, stepped inside, and turned to face him. “I’m sorry, but can this wait? I’m really tired and I oh –” He leaned forward and kissed me, catching me off guard.

  He pulled back smiling. “Sorry, but I’ve been wanting to do that since dinner.”

  I was speechless. My lips were tingling and I so wanted to feel his lips on mine again. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into my room. Then I shut the door and pushed him up against the wall. I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his. They melted with every touch. It was almost magical.

  And then it hit me – magic.

  I pulled back. “Wait, does this feel weird?”

  “No, it feels wonderful,” he said dreamily, leaning down to kiss me again.

  I pushed him away. “No. What if this is another spell? What if after Mackenzie saw us in here she put the same spell on us she put on Aidan and me?”

  He tensed at the mention of Mr. Callahan’s name. “I would be able to tell,” he said.

  “How, you didn’t notice last time?”

  “That’s because I wouldn’t let myself,” he said almost shamefully.


  “I can tell when someone is under a spell.”


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