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The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven

Page 86

by Jessica Miller

  “Justin,” I said. “Help me up.” Kyle and Dean lifted me to my feet and helped carry me over to them. Justin was bleeding pretty badly and I thought he might even be dead.

  “Ella, can you help him?” Riley asked, tears streaming down her face.

  “I…I can try.” I had no idea if it would work. I never healed a wound this big, but I knew I had to try for Riley.

  “Ella, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Dean said. “You’re too weak and if try to use any more power…it might kill you.”

  “I have to at least try. I can’t just let him die,” I said. Dean knew better than to argue with me when I had my mind set so he let me go. I placed my hand over Justin’s chest as Riley ran her fingers through his soft fur. My hand glowed, but at first it didn’t do anything. I concentrated harder, pulling the power from within. I could feel it flowing through me as I placed my other hand over his chest.

  I saw him take a breath and the wound slowly started to heal. “Ella, it’s working!” Riley cheered.

  I started to feel really hot and dizzy. “Ella, you don’t look so good,” Josie said. I ignored her and kept concentrating on pulling the power from within. My hands started to shake and I noticed my whole body was glowing, like it had in the dining hall when I stopped the fight. Justin was turning back into his human form. “Dean, give me your jacket.” Josie took Dean’s jacket and placed it over Justin’s naked body.

  “Ella stop, you did enough,” Dean said worried. But like always, I didn’t listen. “Ella, you’re using too much power, stop.”

  I saw Justin’s eyes twitch. He opened them and I smiled, just before I passed out.

  Chapter twenty-eight

  I could hear voices all around me, calling my name. I blinked a few times, but every time I opened my eyes my vision was blurry. I could feel my body was weak as I struggled to move. “No Ella, don’t move,” Kyle whispered in my ear. I felt someone sweep me up off the ground. I was being carried.

  I was coming in and out of consciousness as I was carried through the maze. “Can’t you just transport her?” I heard Josie say.

  “No, she’s too weak. Her body won’t be able to handle it,” Kyle said.

  I heard other voices, strange ones. They were all jumbled together, but through the mix I was able to pick out Gabe’s. “Ella, what happened, what is wrong?” he asked panicked.

  “She drained what little power she had left to heal Justin,” Josie said.

  “Who is this?” Gabe asked defensively. I knew he had to be talking about Kyle.

  “Long story short, he’s an angel and a good guy,” Josie said.

  There was a long pause of silence. “I can vouch for him,” Dean said.

  “Take her to the infirmary,” Gabe said.

  “Jack…” I tried to speak, but it was barely a whisper. “Ja-ack,” I tried again.

  “Wait, she’s trying to say something,” Josie cried. “Ella, what is it?”

  “Jack…find Jack,” I managed before I passed out again.

  When I came to, I was hooked up to all types of machines. “Kyle?” I said. My voice was raspy and my throat was dry. “Kyle?”

  “No Ella, it’s me, Roman,” he said sadly.

  “Roman…” I reached for him and he took my hand.

  “Shh, just rest,” he whispered. I overheard him talking to one of the nurses and she came over and checked my vitals.

  “Hi Ella, I’m nurse Edie. How are you feeling?”

  I moved a shaky hand to my throat. “Thirsty,” I said scratchy.

  “I’ll go get you something to drink,” she said, leaving the room.

  I turned back to Roman. “Where’s Dean…and Josie?” I tried to swallow, but my throat was burning.

  The nurse returned with a cup of ice chips and pitcher of water. “Here you go sweetie. I’ll let the doctor know you’re awake and we’ll come back in to check on you in a bit.”

  Roman took the cup of ice chips and went to feed them to me. I ripped the cup from his hands. “I’m not a child. I can do it myself,” I snapped.

  “It sounds like she’s doing okay,” I heard Josie giggle and peek her head around the curtain. “You up for some company?” I nodded and she pulled the curtain back to reveal all my friends standing there. Even Justin was there with his arm in a sling.

  “I’ll be back later,” Roman said, getting up and leaving. I wanted to stop him, but I knew I had hurt his feelings and now was not the time.

  “I didn’t know what you liked, but it’s the least I could do, you know…for saving my life,” Justin said, handing me a small bag.

  I reached in and inside was a box of Oreo cookies. “Is this my treat for doing a good job?” I laughed. He shrugged and cracked a smile. “Thank you. I guess we’re even now.”

  “Something like that,” he smiled as I offered him an Oreo.

  “What did I miss here?” Cameron asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  I just shook my head. “How are you feeling?” Riley asked.

  “Tired and kind of warn out,” I sighed.

  “You look good though,” Sienna said. “And you have another blue streak,” she squeaked. My smile fell. “Oh…you didn’t know. It looks great,” she smiled perkily.

  “Okay guys, that’s enough for the night,” nurse Edie said coming back in the room.

  “But we just got here?” Riley said.

  “I know, but Ella needs her rest,” she insisted.

  I asked Dean and Josie to stay a moment and said goodnight to the rest of my friends. Once everyone else was gone, I automatically started with the questions. “Where’s Jack? Did they find him?” Dean turned away from me and looked out the window. I turned to Josie and the look on her face said enough.

  “No honey, they didn’t,” she said.

  I clenched my fist tight and that’s when I felt it.

  The necklace.

  It was still in my hand.

  I opened my fist back up and held the necklace up. “Tristan,” I whispered placing my fist over my heart. “What’s the word about Tristan? Did anyone find anything out?”

  “Ella…you don’t really believe him do you? You know he would have said anything to distract you from killing him.”

  “Josie it’s true. I know it is. He’s alive and he’s out there somewhere.”

  “Ella, I just don’t want you to get your hopes up…at least until we can find out for sure.”

  “Dean?” He was quiet the entire time he was there.

  “Josie, can I please have a moment alone with my sister?” Dean asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll be right outside,” she said, squeezing my hand.

  I turned my attention to Dean who was still staring out the window. “When I heard you had gone in to that maze after Jack,” he paused and looked down at his hands on the windowsill. “I thought…” he shook his head. “I thought I might lose you,” he admitted.

  “Dean, I’m okay. See,” I said, waving my hand over myself. “Good as new, well, almost.”

  He finally turned to face me. “Ella, that’s not funny.”

  “Oh, come on Dean, this is the third time Jack tried to kill me and failed. You think you’d get used to this by now.” He gave me his I’m not amused look. “Dean, look, we can sit here and talk about what could have happened or we can be happy at the fact that once again I have proven Jack cannot get me.”

  “This coming from the girl who only months ago wanted to give up. What’s the sudden change?”

  “Someone once told me we McCallisters don’t give up. We’re fighters.”

  He smiled weakly. “I have to admit when you blasted him into the air like that I thought it was pretty bad ass,” he said.

  “Why thank you.”

  “Get some sleep. I’ll be back in the morning,” he said, kissing me on the forehead and sending Josie back in with the nurse.

  “I remember telling you you need your rest,” the nurse said, looking at Josie.

  “I know, but ca
n’t she stay just a little while longer?” I pleaded. She rolled her eyes at me and said she could stay, but only for a little.

  Josie sat down on the bed next to me. “So, how are you feeling, really?”

  “I’m just so…I don’t know. I mean I feel better, stronger, but I just have so many questions.”

  “I know you do, but I think that should wait until later.”

  “Josie no. You know I won’t be able to rest until I know everything that happened.”

  She sighed, knowing I was right. “Well I’m not going to lie. The guardians have a big mess to clean up. The school is in disarray and they’re currently discussing on what to do. Parents are panicking and threatening to close down the school.”

  “No, they can’t do that. What else did they say?”

  “I don’t know Ella. That’s all I heard.”

  “So…how mad is Roman?”

  “Why would he be mad?”

  “I kind of said Kyle’s name when I first woke up, not to mention I snapped at him.”

  “Hmm…I can understand the Kyle thing, but the snapping part I’m sure he’ll get over. I mean if he really knew you he would have known better.”

  “That doesn’t help,” I said, wondering how the hell I was going to fix that. “Speaking of Kyle…where is he?”

  “He had to go back,” she said softly.

  “Do they know? Is he in trouble?”

  “I don’t know. We really didn’t have time to chat if you know what I mean. He carried you here and then he was gone. I’m sorry. I wish I knew more.”

  “I know,” I said, thinking the same thing. “Alright, now I need you to go pack me a bag and find my passport.” I sat up and started to pull the IV out of my arm.

  “Whoa, what are you doing?”

  “We are getting out of here.”

  “Ella, you’re not a hundred percent yet. I think you need to stay here another day or two.”

  “I’m not going to lay here hold up in some hospital when I know Tristan is out there somewhere.”

  “Ella, I really think you need to think this through.” She gave me that, ‘I’m crazy’ look for believing him.

  “Josie, I know you think I’m crazy and you find it hard to believe that he would tell me something like that, but think about it. You said so yourself that you didn’t see him.”

  “Yes but that doesn’t mean –”

  “I know it’s not concrete proof and yes Jack could have stolen the necklace from him, but I saw him. I just didn’t believe it at first.”

  “What do you mean you saw him?”

  “When Jack bit me. I thought maybe the spell was broken or he just didn’t try to block his mind, but I saw him. I saw exactly what Jack had told me. How he went back and Tristan was alive. I saw Tristan take off the necklace and put it in his pocket, but he missed and it fell and that’s how Jack got it. Josie I have to at least try. Even though you won’t admit it, I know you love Billy and if the roles were reversed you would want to know. Wouldn’t you?”

  She looked at me concerned, but I knew I had her. “Okay, fine. I’ll give you one week for this little adventure, but then you have to promise me if we find nothing you’ll let it go.”

  I crossed my fingers behind my back and promised. I was not going to give up until I found Tristan. “Okay, so we need to find a way to get out of here.”

  “I’m going to go back to your room and pack us a bag. Then I’ll meet up with you back here in an hour and we’ll figure it out from there.” She turned to leave but stopped by the door. “By the way, I just wanted to tell you that whole glow thing was pretty cool,” she smiled.

  After Josie left I got back in bed and waited. That was all I could do for now. I thought about how I was going to explain this to Roman. I didn’t think I could. He wouldn’t understand and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings any more than I already had. I knew Dean was going to be pissed off and Gabe. Oh God Gabe. I hadn’t even had the chance to talk to him or see him.

  I turned on the little light next to my bed and searched for a piece of paper and pen. I wanted to leave a note for Gabe to explain to him why I had to leave. I sat there going over excuse after excuse, but there was nothing I could say to him that would make this okay. I felt someone behind me and I turned to look. “Kyle.”

  “Ella,” he smiled. I got up and ran into his arms. “I can’t stay. I just had to see you one last time before I left,” he said, pulling back and looking into my eyes.

  “I wish you didn’t have to go.”

  “I know, but I do. I want you to know I love you and I’ll be watching over you as long as I can. I also want to tell you how proud I am of you.” I squeezed him harder, holding on for as long as I could.

  “You were there that night. That night on the balcony when my parents told me what I was. I felt you. I knew it was you,” I told him, remembering the way I felt.

  “Yes. I was there. I couldn’t be there for you in person, but I was there with you in spirit.”

  “Which is more than I could ask for,” I said.

  “Before I go, can you do me a favor?”

  I looked up at him. “Anything,” I said. I owed him more than I could give him.

  “Please be more careful and stop running head first into dangerous situations.”

  “I can’t promise, but I’ll try.”

  “Oh how I missed your stubbornness,” he said, kissing me on the lips and holding me in his arms one last time before he disappeared. I sighed at the emptiness I felt when he faded away. My arms still hung in the hollow space where he just was. This wasn’t fair. I needed more time. I was getting tired of people leaving me.

  I had a hard time pulling myself back together after Kyle left. I decided to lie back down until Josie came back to get me. I thought it be wise to get as much rest as I could. I was physically feeling better but I knew I wasn’t at full strength yet and we had a long night ahead of us.

  “Ella?” Josie whispered, shaking me gently. “Here, I brought you some clothes to change into.”

  I sat up and saw we had some company. “What’s Billy doing here?”

  “I figured we could use some extra muscle and plus who else better to help us find Tristan than his best friend?”

  She did have a point. “Alright, give me five minutes.”

  “Make it quick. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  I headed into the bathroom to change. I took a look at myself in the mirror and wished I didn’t. I looked like I hadn’t slept in days. I had dark circles under my eyes and my hair was a mess. I also noticed the new blue streak Sienna was talking about. This one was on the top right side. There was no way to hide them now. At this rate if I kept getting them all my hair might turn blue and that would not be cool.

  I washed my face and managed to brush my nappy hair back into a ponytail. I came out of the bathroom where Josie and Billy were waiting. “Okay, I’m ready,” I said.

  Billy stepped out into the hallway first to make sure it was clear. Then we quietly made our way outside. Billy told me he found a way out in the back where the guardians had already canvased the area so there wouldn’t be as many there. If we stuck to the shadows we would be okay.

  When we got to the wall, I wondered how the hell we were going to get out. I didn’t see any entrances or exits. “Umm… how are we going to get out?” I asked, staring at the eight foot gray stone in front of us.

  “We’re going to climb,” Billy said. I looked at him like he was joking, but he clearly wasn’t. Billy placed his one foot against the side of the building and the other against the wall. He climbed it with ease like he was Spiderman. When he got to the top he took the backpack off of his back and pulled out a rope. “I’m going to drop this down for you and Josie to use.”

  I made Josie go first. She looked at the rope, then back at me, and smiled. I blinked and she was on the top of the wall. “That’s not fair. I don’t have special angel powers,” I said.

  “Oh Ella, jus
t grab the rope,” she said.

  I mumbled to myself as I pulled myself up the wall. When I reached the top, Billy packed up the rope and hopped down with no problem. Once again I blinked and Josie was at the bottom. “Okay, how the hell am I supposed to get down?” I complained, feeling like the weak link.

  “Jump,” Billy said.


  “I’ll catch you.”

  “You better or I’m going to be really pissed off,” I said, praying he didn’t miss. I closed my eyes and went for it. Thankfully he caught me.

  “Okay, this way,” Billy said once my feet were planted safely on the ground.

  We walked about a mile through the woods and then headed to the road where there was an SUV parked on the side. “How did you guys manage to get a car?” I asked.

  “From me,” Cameron said, jumping out of the driver side. I looked at Josie pissed that should would involve anyone else.

  “Hey, don’t look at me. It wasn’t my idea,” Josie said.

  “Don’t get mad at them it was my idea,” Cameron intervened. “I went to your room to ask Josie how you really were and I overheard what they were talking about and thought I could offer my services.”

  “Cameron, I really appreciate it, but I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “Please, this is nothing. Besides, you need me. How else are you going to go on this little adventure without my funds?”

  “Umm, Cameron, no offense but between Josie and I we have more than enough funds.”

  “Actually, you don’t. Let’s not forget that Josie is supposed to be dead and if you use your accounts it will be easy for people to find you and I take it you’re not looking to be found.”

  “Huh, I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “That’s where I come in,” Cameron smiled.

  “Cameron, I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “You’re not. I’m volunteering.”

  “What about school and Austin?”

  “School can wait and as far as Austin, I’ll deal with him later. You’re a friend who needs my help and that’s more important.”


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