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Rayna's Sacrifice (The Katori Chronicles Book 3)

Page 26

by A D Lombardo

  Thud. Kai landed feet first on the other side and Rayna rushed him with open arms.

  “Where’s Ryker,” Kai asked, scanning the area, “and Yulia?”

  Liam folded his arms. “Ryker said he was certain we were hot on their trail. He shifted into a Shuk, Yulia climbed on top and they darted into the woods.”

  This had to be a mistake. How could they leave him behind? “We were so close. Stupid—stupid—stupid.” Kai pounded his fist on a palm tree. Everyone had their own agenda on this trip. He knew Ryker’s connection: his love for Mariana. Kai had to imagine Yulia chased Lucca for her own reasons too.

  “Since we have been unable to glean Lucca or Basil, maybe we can glean Ryker and Yulia. Follow their path?” Rayna suggested.

  The idea gave Kai little solace. He took a breath and gleaned the jungle. Agitation was not the best mindset for gleaning. Eyes closed, he reached out with his mind. The jungle floor unfolded in his mind. Palm trees, river rapids, and rocks. The area teamed with life. No sign of Ryker and Yulia. Concerned, he pushed harder, farther. Other people roamed the distant village, but no sign of his friends.

  “Ryker and Yulia are gone. Wiped from the island, or hidden.” Kai looked to Liam for answers.

  “We know Lucca needs the same information we do.” Liam picked up Ryker’s abandoned pack. “To know where the manta rays migrate. Muley Island is still our destination. Lucca is traveling the same route. Let’s keep moving. I can get us there.”

  Chapter 27

  A Line in the Sand

  Lost in his reverie, Kai let his troubles fade from his mind. The new day held promise within the pale-yellow sunshine cast over the landscape. Both delicate and powerful, the light danced on Kai’s open palm. The fresh air filled his lungs with peaceful understanding. Birdsong delighted his ears. Life could be simple and easy if we let it.

  The journey to their last jump was quiet without Ryker and Yulia. Kai kept his thoughts to himself. He could hardly believe his friends had abandoned him last night. They should have stayed together. His only comfort was Liam kept a quick pace and he knew where they needed to go.

  Kai glanced at the red flame crystal pressed into a stone pillar on the path to Muley Island which warned all to turn back. Rayna waited near the edge, her beautiful frame bathed in sunlight. The thought of a life with her overwhelmed his heart. She was everything to him. Then the joy of her twisted and something nagged at him to turn back. Take Rayna by the hand and live. The feeling thrummed again and again.

  The sound of Liam’s voice shattered the moment. He spoke to a young woman living within the trees. Her small two-pod home was perched high in a tidy little glade—a white marble spring set perfectly into the grass gurgled with charm. Even the air smelled sweet. What a way to live, Kai sighed at the idea of her freedom.

  “The Weathervane says a group of four came through in the wee hours. Paid her a hefty sum to fly them over in the dark. My guess is Lucca did not make camp as we did. He is well ahead of us now.”

  A new feeling pressed on Kai’s heart. He wanted to act—this seemed to be the time to move and move fast, but something nagged at him to wait. He needed to trust his gut. Wind rustled the palms. The flutter of fabric caught his attention. He studied the various purple shades stitched together among the foliage.

  Interrupting his thoughts, Rayna motioned to the Weathervane. “Kai, we need to keep moving.”

  Liam nodded in agreement. “We will only fall farther behind. Kai, are you listening?”

  “We wait.” Kai approached the cloth billowing in the breeze. “We are meant to take a different path.” His hand brushed away the vegetation.

  The others looked at him, confusion on their brows. Hidden in a cluster of tall grasses, Kai found a small skimmer with a billowy purple sail. “How much to borrow your boat?” Kai asked the woman.

  “More than you’ve got,” she chuckled.

  Liam looked at Kai and the boat. “We don’t know where to go. What is the point of a boat if we don’t know where we are sailing?”

  Wind whipped through the trees. A thud spun Kai on his heels, and his hand fell to his dagger on his hip. Yulia walked into the clearing. “You made it.” Her expression was resolute. “Lucca already has a boat and is lowering to the surface. Hurry.”

  Stunned, Kai’s mouth gaped open. Words lost between his mind and heart. Yulia betrayed him. “You and Ryker left me behind. Why should I trust…”

  “The answers you seek are a waste of time. Trust us—act now. Ask questions later.” Yulia moved around the group and handed the woman a bundle of rolled leather, a hunting knife, and a chunk of flint stone. “We need your boat to sail to Dragon Spine.”

  The woman agreed. “I’ll take his offering too. I don’t get much wine these days.”

  Liam, Yulia, and Kai pulled the boat from its hiding place. “She is not as big as mine, but she will do.” Liam marveled over the lines of the vessel.

  Kai peered over the edge of the island. “How exactly do we get down? There is no pillar to lower the boat.”

  “Well, if you thought island hopping was fun, you should try freefalling.” Liam pointed to the edge. “Whenever you’re ready, Yulia.”

  She gave him a nod and rolled her hands, then Liam fell backward off the edge. Rayna screamed. Kai dashed to the rim. A gust of wind blew upward against his face. Through the misty shadows, he saw Liam fall. Sunlight chased after him as Yulia worked her magic. Before he struck the surface, he twisted and dove into the water, with barely a splash. The blast of wind disappeared, and the fog began to collapse once more.

  No sooner did Liam sink below the waves than he reemerged along with a sand-covered pillar of stone. Up through the silky fog he rose, higher and higher with a platform for their boat. Kai shook his head. “You are one crazy person, Liam,” he said as his friend reached their level.

  “We Gemidi are thrill-seekers. The crazier the better.” Liam patted Kai on the shoulder, and then pulled the skimmer to the tower of wet earth.


  They sailed out of the mist. The sunshine and clear sky was a staggering contrast to the thick gray fog surrounding the Mystic Islands. Kai blinked while his eyes adjusted to the brightness. For the first time, they could see more than a few feet in front of the boat.

  The pale blue sky and dark blue ocean formed a clean flat line across the horizon. With their unobstructed view, they continued their pursuit. Anticipation bubbled within Kai and he climbed to the front deck near the crossbeam. Water mist sprayed around the bouncing boat. Lucca’s boat was within view. They were close.

  Three lone figures, Lucca, Basil, and Ryker, hopped out of their boat onto a curved patch of sand. A partly exposed ridge of beach surrounded by jewel tones of blue and green water. The wind-swept edges of the sandbar gave way to nearly a dozen protruding rocks, which shrank in size as it trailed the rim of the island. Kai could see why they called it Dragon Spine Island.

  Angry with Ryker, Kai glared at Yulia. “Tell me why Ryker stands with Lucca?”

  Yulia shook her head. “We were close, and Ryker could smell Basil and Lucca. He did not want to lose their trail. We both felt if we could get to Muley first we could get the answers you needed and get back. Only… Lucca did not stop last night. He found us on Muley this morning—they argued, and I ran. I had the information about Dragon Spine Island. As for anything else, you will have to ask Ryker.”

  Rayna called back to Liam and Yulia. “We are almost there. I see the sandbar beyond the waves.”

  Their vessel fought the waves to make the turn. Yulia shifted the wind and Liam angled the sails to force them across the water. All Kai could do was watch. Lucca perched himself on top of a stone slab. Basil stood looking out over the sea. Ryker blocked the sun from his eyes with his hand, scanning the water.

  Kai knew full well they were searching for his mother. Anger stirred in the pit of his stomach. How dare they come and do this without me? Steal her away. She is my mother. Kai’s fury foc
used on Lucca and he leaned forward as the boat dipped down the next wave. Extended over the front of the vessel, a wave punched Kai in the face.

  Washed over the edge, Kai plunged into the cold ocean. Down under the dark waves, he sank, and the curved bottom of the boat sailed on. Desperate to reach the surface and not be left behind, Kai kicked. His head popped up above the waves, and he wiped the water from his eyes. The saltwater made him cough. Tossed about in the waves, he heard Rayna shout. “Come about, Kai is overboard!”

  As quick as anything, Liam’s spun the boat around to fetch him. Yulia’s arm movements changed and the purple sails sagged from lack of wind. Her hand movements changed and, to Kai's surprise, he felt the water swirl around his body. The water gripped around his midsection and thrust him skyward.

  Arching over the waves, he glided in a funnel of swirling wind and water. When he reached the deck, the shaft dispersed and dropped him. He landed on his feet. Yulia rolled her eyes. “We don’t have time for foolishness. Focus, Kai.”

  Their boat circled back toward the sandbar. The skimmer cut into the shallow waters. Yulia dropped her hands and the residual thrust propelled them onto the beach. The others scrambled from the boat behind Kai. His rage-fueled movements were focused on the unsuspecting Lucca. He saw his mother’s necklace resting in Lucca’s open palm. The crystal glowed bright.

  Kai ran. Fifteen feet, ten feet, he was nearly there. He refused to be excluded. Five feet, a blast of energy emitted from Lucca, thrusting Kai backward. The wet sand caught him.

  Lucca turned on his perch and focused on Kai. “You think I didn’t know you were coming? Ryker did not fool me with his lies about doing what was best for Mariana. I knew Yulia would help you. Go, home boy, you are of no use here.”

  The thought of being cast off provoked Kai. “She is my mother,” he seethed.

  Ryker grappled with Lucca’s white-knuckled fist and he thrust the chief’s hand downward. “Let the boy stay. He deserves this more than any of us.”

  Brought to his feet, Lucca puffed up his chest. Wind tussled his black hair. “NO,” he thundered, turning his wrath on Ryker. White light illuminated around his fist and a blast of energy thrust Ryker into the air. He splashed down in the water twenty feet away.

  Mariana’s necklace dropped into the sand at Lucca’s feet. Kai held his breath, he wanted to reach it. Lucca turned on Kai. “You cannot save her. Nobody can. Her mind is no longer human. She is lost to us and I will ensure she remains free.”

  Water rolled down Kai’s face and the ocean breeze cooled his skin. As he listened, magic poured into him. He felt the surge seep into his back. The added strength surprised him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Yulia, Rayna, and Liam—their movements were flooding him with power.

  “We draw a line in the sand here, Lucca.” Kai closed the gap. “I will not give up.”

  Lucca blasted Kai with his magic. Kai leaned into the pulse and held his ground. The magic from his friends became a shield and the energy bounced back. Lucca grabbed at the power and tossed it towards Kai’s friends, flinging them into the water.

  “You’re not listening, boy. Mariana’s mind is lost. She spent over a decade as a dragon until your light forced her back to her true form. Confused, she took the next form she knew and again reverted to a beast. You are not strong enough to guide her back. Nobody is. Plus, I don’t trust you. Keegan is pure evil, and you are his son. Let her be free.”

  Devastated by his grandfather’s words, Kai stepped around Lucca into the shallow blue water. Waves licked at his knees. He was nothing like Keegan. His heart ached to see his mother. Tiny white splashes dotted the shallow water around the sandbar. Tears ran down Kai’s face. The manta rays were here. His mother was near.

  Lucca scooped Mariana’s necklace from the sand and placed it on the stone perch. “I give my daughter to the sea.”

  Kai tilted his head as he watched Lucca grab a large rock. His heart pounded in his ears and he felt the weight of the world fall on his shoulders. It could not end like this; he would not lose her now.

  Tears ran down Lucca’s face and he lifted the stone over his head. “I love you Mariana, may you find peace.”

  All the years of sorrow swelled in Kai’s chest. In his mind he could see his mother, feel her very soul. He could not let her go. Not wanting the moment to continue, he held his breath and charged at Lucca. His magic gripped time like a vice. Everything around him felt heavy and thick as time slowed down, but Kai pressed forward.

  With Lucca’s arms slowly falling, Mariana’s crystal sparked to life. Blue and white light beamed from the stone. Seconds before he crushed the stone into dust, Kai scooped it away with his hand and dove into the water, putting distance between him and his grandfather.

  Rayna and Yulia yelled in their direction. Everyone spun to see a Caroco ship bearing down on them. They had all been so busy arguing amongst themselves they did not see it come around the far side of the mist. Ryker shouted, “Get out of the water, Kai!”

  At ramming speed, the ship sailed into the shallow water. Waves of sand and water sprayed as the vessel beached itself. Wind whipped through the air. Keegan and four Weathervanes jumped into the sand. Their purple crystals beamed with magic. Fear gripped at Kai. His friends glanced at him for direction. He had no idea what to do.

  More of Keegan’s men hopped onto the beach. There were four of them, their crystals shining blue—Beastmasters. They were followed by dozens of soldiers in black with a red star on their chest. They stood behind their leader, poised to strike. Kai held his breath at the sight of them. They were outnumbered.

  “My son,” Keegan smirked, “we finally meet face to face.”

  Lucca glared at the sight of Keegan. “Why are you here?”

  “I came for my son—he belongs to me.”

  “I am not your son!” Kai shouted.

  Keegan laughed. “You are every bit my son. As we sailed around the Mystics, I felt your fury. Your magic electrified the air. I see your passion even now behind your changing eyes. You are just like me—as is your white crystal.”

  Kai had noticed the tension in his mind and felt it change the color of his blue eyes to green. “I am nothing like you, Keegan, and your crystal is no longer white. It is black, just like your soul.”

  Keegan snarled and pointed at Lucca. “This man ruined me, and he will do the same to you. Trust me, son, Lucca took everything from you. Anything bad that has ever happened to you is his fault. Let me guess, he stood against your Conhaspriga. His Guardians tried to keep you out.”

  Kai twisted his eyes to glare at Lucca, but his grandfather stood resolute. Keegan laughed. “I’m right, he did. Every moment you suffered after the loss of your mother is his doing. The Katori elders were cruel to abandon you.”

  His father’s words stung, but it was all true. Lucca had never believed in him. Hatred filled his heart, and he turned to glare at his grandfather. Before he spoke, Rayna’s soft hand clasped with his. “I believe in you.”

  Lucca clenched his jaw, but his gaze lowered. “Keegan is not wrong, Kai. I made choices. They may have been mistakes, but everything I did was out of love for my daughter—even today.”

  The thought of his mother reminded Kai why they were all here. He could not risk Keegan discovering the truth about his mother being alive. His only choice, for now, was to align with Lucca. “I stand with my chief—my grandfather. I will never follow you, Keegan. You should leave.”

  “I was afraid you might choose him.” Keegan motioned to his men.

  The Weathervanes began to work their magic with deft aggressive strokes. They created a windstorm around the sandbar. Sand swirled, and Kai shielded his eyes. Shafts of ocean water rose overhead. Before anyone could move, they punched down on Kai’s group.

  Kai fell, pounded into the beach. He gasped for air, and the water poured over him. Dazed, he searched for Rayna. To his surprise, Rayna, Yulia, and Liam remained standing. A cascade of water slid off a dome of air creat
ed by Yulia’s outstretched hands. Ryker and Basil pulled themselves up from the wet sand. Lucca stood in a dry spot; his fists clenched in fury.

  The sneer on Keegan’s face filled with pride. “I’ve had years to think about this day. You bested me with the help of the elders, but you’re alone now, old man. It must be my lucky day. I will have my revenge. ATTACK!”

  A blue spark announced Ryker’s transformation into a Shuk. Basil beat his chest, blue light sparked within his crystal. His muscles rippled and bulged with black fur. Doubling in size, Basil became a gorilla. Ramps dropped from Keegan’s ship, and more men in black flooded the beach. Lucca blasted the first group.

  The wind whipped over the sandy beach. One of Keegan’s Beastmasters transformed into a grizzly bear. Ryker attacked. They rolled across the sand, all teeth and claws. Fur and blood stained the beach.

  Wind and waves struck the beach against Yulia. She battled the Weathervanes, deflecting what she could. She pulled lightning from the clouds. Four against one—they fought back, returning her charge. She was cast into the sea.

  Two dark brown eagles took to the air. They swooped downward, claws ready to attack, but Lucca pulled at their forms and men fell from the sky into the surf. More men rushed Lucca, swords drawn. Disarming the first man, Lucca punched him in the chest and kicked the next in the knee. Landing punches and kicks, he took on the onslaught.

  Charged by Keegan’s men, Kai fought back. He had only his dagger for defense. His Katori speed was his advantage against mere men. The first man jabbed his sword at Kai’s ribs. Kai sidestepped and disarmed the man. Using their own weapons against them, he defeated his attackers, but they kept coming.

  Seaweed crawled up the beach past Kai’s feet. Over his shoulder, he saw Rayna, her hands willing the ocean’s bounty against their attackers. Liam punched the next set of men with a blast of sand and rock. Keegan motioned and the Weathervanes assaulted Liam with a barrage of wind and waves. A sand-filled wall of wind formed to protect Liam. Yulia was back in the fight.


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