Rebel's Quest
Page 31
“Andreia!” her parents gasped in unison and stared at her.
“What? Is something wrong?” Feigning innocence was easy after the years of lying through her teeth when it came to her parents. “You look like you’re staring at an underworld spirit.”
“We thought you were…Oh, dear child!” Le’Tinia rushed over to Andreia and embraced her. “We thought the rebels had taken you, or worse. How could you go away without your bodyguards?” Her eyes seemed honest enough, and Andreia realized that her mother had actually been worried.
“I had a great time with Roshan O’Landha. We hiked all over the Cortasero Mountains.” The mountains were located not far from Ganath, but on the opposite side, compared to the base camp. “I just realized today, when I got back, that we’ve had an incident. I came right away, as I’m sure you can see, before changing.”
“We appreciate that, henshes, since it’s far more than an incident,” Valax emphasized. “The rebels raided Vaksses and Kovos, with the aid of covert SC military assistance. We were sure, when you never checked in with us, that you’d been accidentally caught up in it and taken prisoner.”
“We thought we’d get a ransom demand, or ultimatums from the rebels, but when we didn’t hear anything from them either…we began to be afraid you were dead.” As Le’Tinia stroked her forehead, for the first time Andreia saw her mother’s true age. “I couldn’t bear to lose another child to these people.”
“You didn’t.” Andreia placed an awkward hand on her mother’s shoulder. They’d never been inclined to hug or kiss, but the pain in Le’Tinia’s voice resonated in Andreia. No matter what, these were still her parents, and the fact that they were on opposite sides of this struggle hurt Andreia more than ever. “I’m here now. Why not brief me on what’s going on?”
Her father, who seemed more able to handle the situation as a professional, recapped the events. He spoke in a low tone where he stood next to his wife, by the window. “And so you see, we have to strike hard against the rebels, Andreia. If we don’t ask for assistance from our homeworld, demand that they bring the cruisers and destroyers back from the SC border, we’re going to be stuck here with outdated vessels which the SC ships can easily destroy.”
“No ships available from Onotharat?” Andreia held her breath while she waited for the reply.
“No, they’re betting everything on this upcoming battle with the SC. The entire balance of power is in jeopardy, and the chairmen aren’t going to risk it. I tried to tell them about what’s happening here, several times, but we’ve been so proficient at keeping the rebels at bay before, they’re expecting us to merely round them up again and destroy them.”
“That will be nearly impossible,” Le’Tinia huffed. Waving a dismissive hand in the air, she seemed both tired and angry. “The rebels aren’t fools. They won’t allow themselves to be captured in the same way again. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that they’ll regroup, start new cells with new strategies, and we won’t be able to find them, unless we begin incarcerating people randomly.”
“What?” Taken aback at her mother’s words, Andreia said, “Surely that won’t be efficient enough?” Oh, Gods, no. Don’t panic and lash out like that, Mother!
“I know. It’s not an option. Yet.” Le’Tinia sat down on the chair closest to the window. “But we have to do something.”
“Now that you’re back, we could use a bit of goodwill.” Valax laced his fingers and leaned against the desk. “You’re popular, and people have been just as concerned about you as we have.”
Because you used me in your damn propaganda. “Just tell me what to do. An official broadcast, perhaps?”
“Yes, that…and also something with more impact.” Le’Tinia cocked her head, and Andreia knew from experience that her mother was hatching yet another of her chilling plans. “I know.” Le’Tinia rose and let her finger slide down Andreia’s cheek. “You have a small scratch here. We can extend it, make it worse.”
“What are you talking about?” Andreia knew she should have used a derma fuser before she came back, but she’d run out of time.
“Just trust me. You’re going to look the part, and play the part, of a woman who escaped the rebels’ claws just in time before they tortured her to death.” Le’Tinia moved Andreia’s head back and forth, examining it. “You already look pale and uncomfortable. Excellent.”
“But Mother, I don’t think it will help the situation to pull off such a stunt—”
Le’Tinia’s dark eyes became small slits of contempt. “This is how we’ll do it. Unless you decide to let them gain territory because all you can think of is that woman you allied yourself with? She’s taking you away from your duties far too much. It’s not acceptable for her to have any power over you. No matter what she demands, you need to focus on the situation at hand.”
Only a few days ago you were thrilled to hear Roshan was interested in me. How quickly you change your mind when it suits you, Mother. “I will. I am Onotharian first and foremost,” Andreia lied, and felt a stake drill into her heart as she spoke. “What do you have in mind?”
“We give you a proper makeover and broadcast the news of the rebels’ actions toward the planet’s most known and beloved woman.”
“When?” Andreia’s mouth was so dry she could hardly speak.
Le’Tinia raised inquisitive eyebrows at her husband, who shrugged, obviously content to leave the decision to his wife. “Tonight,” Le’Tinia said triumphantly. “I like the idea more and more. The rebels will lose some of their so-called halo and thus the support of many of their own people. Tonight we’ll discredit them in the Gantharian public’s eyes and reveal them as the lying, self-righteous bastards they are.”
Roshan stood in the communications room with Jubinor, Kellen, and Jacelon. They had reviewed the discussions among the different resistance cell leaders around the northern hemisphere. The Onotharians had captured two of the leaders, and their neighboring cells now planned how to liberate them.
The Protector stood next to Jacelon, her shoulders rigid. “We’ll help as much as we can,” she said. “We need to collaborate with the rebels in the cells geographically closest to them. We should set up a command center that deals with this immediately and—”
The sudden noise in Roshan’s left ear made her flinch, and it took her a few seconds to realize it was her earpiece, the first one that she and Andreia had used. She had plugged it back in when she returned to earth with the faint hope that Andreia might find a way to communicate. When she hadn’t heard anything for more than twelve hours, she assumed Andreia hadn’t thought of it, or had been unable to get to her equipment.
“Boyoda to Paladin. Can you hear me?” It was almost physically painful to hear the beloved voice and know she was so far away.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” Roshan told the others. “I need to take care of something.” She walked out of the room and continued outside. Everywhere she looked, she saw people. A city of tents lined the entire grass field that the low buildings surrounded. Roshan snuck in between the structure she just left and the one serving as the food center. It was almost dark, and she felt her way along the wall until she was sure she was out of earshot. “Andreia. I’m here.”
“I don’t have long, henshes. I’ve managed to scramble the audio surveillance for a while. You were right. They’re going to use me to turn as many Gantharians against the SC and the resistance as they can. Not to mention the Onotharian population here. I…I can’t go through with it.” Her voice was unsteady, but Andreia still sounded fairly collected. “I just don’t know how I’ll get away. It’s as if they suspect me of something, or, I don’t know, they think I can be sacrificed for the Onotharian cause. I’m under constant surveillance.” The last words gushed out, and Roshan thought she could detect a trace of panic.
“Andreia. Listen to me. Breathe. What are they going to make you do?”
Andreia told Roshan about her parents’ plan and the
impact it might have on everyone involved. “No matter how you look at it, it’s going to hurt the resistance by tarnishing its noble attitude. If I’m on display as having been tortured and raped, that good reputation will crumble, and we’ll lose the support of many of the nations in the SC.”
Roshan pressed her palms against the wall behind her and leaned her head back. Damn! I should never have let her go back there. Andreia hadn’t exaggerated. She was beyond famous all over the planet, a household name, and everything the Onotharians would like to portray themselves as: kind, fair, smart, and, not to mention, stunningly beautiful. If they made it look as if a resistance cell had kidnapped and violated her, no matter how unbelievable most people would think the allegation was, it would indeed dishonor their cause. And Andreia, forever victimized in the eyes of everyone.
“Andreia, love, we have to stop this. Are you at headquarters?”
“Yes, I’m waiting for the surgeon that’ll perform the ‘makeover.’ I’m not sure how long that’ll be. Perhaps a couple of hours from now.”
“Didn’t anyone see you enter the building unscathed?”
“If they did, they didn’t recognize me, the way I looked. And even if they had recognized me, they wouldn’t dare object.”
Roshan clenched her hand. She didn’t know what made her tremble, the cool evening air or the adrenalin that rushed through her veins. She formed a plan, daring and unorthodox, and her mind raced as she tried to figure out the pros and cons almost instantly. “Are you willing to step away from it all, Andreia?”
“You mean, tell my parents I won’t do it and just walk out the door? I don’t think I have a choice. They’d probably sedate me, have the surgeon do his job, and present me to the people of Gantharat while I was unconscious.”
“But, if you could walk away, would you? I mean, forever? It’s important for you to tell me the truth.”
“Yes. In a heartbeat.”
“Then I’ll put things into motion. If we’re going to succeed, I have to act fast. I’ll contact you as soon as I know something. All right?” Roshan waited for Andreia to respond, but all she heard was someone breathing deeply, as if trying to stay calm. “Andreia?”
“Yes, Ro. I hear you. Yes.”
“Good. Now, let me know if they speed things up. Let’s hope they don’t.”
“Yes, let’s do that.”
“Andreia. It’ll be all right.” Roshan wasn’t sure she’d be able to pull off her idea, but knew she’d die trying.
“Ro. I…” Andreia sounded as if she was choking.
“I know. I know, love. I’ll be in touch later.”
“Okay. Until then. Boyoda out.”
Roshan followed Andreia’s example and took a few deep breaths of the evening air before she returned to the communications room. She stopped just inside the door and watched Jubinor, Jacelon, and the Protector where they stood over by the communicator system, discussing transports.
The Protector looked up and saw her, her eyes immediately narrowing. “Paladin, what’s wrong?”
“Something’s happened. We need to assassinate Andreia M’Aldovar, then pin the blame on the Onotharians.”
“What the hell are you talking about? An assassination?” Rae was obviously deeply disturbed by Paladin’s matter-of-fact statement.
“Before I get back to that, bear with me.” Paladin looked seriously at them as everyone took a seat except Kellen, who was restless and remained on her feet. “I have something to tell you that can go no further. I trust you all to keep this secret.”
“Of course,” Rae said. “Go ahead.”
“We have a serious situation that entails the resistance leader, Boyoda, and also O’Daybo.”
Kellen suddenly understood and wondered how she’d missed it before. “Boyoda—O’Daybo. It’s an anagram. She’s the same person, isn’t she? O’Daybo is Boyoda.”
Rae and Doc stared at her, then back at Paladin.
“Yes. You’re right. O’Daybo is Boyoda, but it’s more complicated than you think. We told you that O’Daybo is a hybrid of Onotharian and Gantharian. That isn’t true. She’s an Onotharian.”
“What?” Kellen rose, angry. “Are you telling me Boyoda is an enemy double agent?”
Paladin held her hands up with her palms outward. “No. She’s not. O’Daybo was born and raised on this planet and considers herself a Gantharian in every respect other than genetic. She loves this world and its people, and her own race’s atrocities infuriate and sicken her.”
“And now she’s in trouble?”
“Yes. Major trouble.” Paladin took a deep breath. “This is going to be as big a surprise to you it was to me, almost. Boyoda, whom you know as O’Daybo, is one of the most famous people on this planet, Andreia M’Aldovar.”
“Oh, my God!” Rae sighed. “She’s even famous throughout the SC, and highly admired.”
“She’s also one of them! Andreia M’Aldovar is right in the middle of the Onotharian power structure,” Kellen growled. “And she’s the sister of the man who nearly killed you, Rae.” Kellen’s heart thundered as she pictured the disdainful, mocking man, Trax M’Aldovar, who had stood next to a fallen Rae, one boot firmly planted on her stomach as he triumphantly laughed and called her a coward. She also remembered, with grim satisfaction, how she’d snapped his neck with her Gan’thet rods. Kellen didn’t regret taking his life.
“I understand.” Rae walked over to Kellen and touched her arm. “But she’s not him. She’s the woman who’s led the resistance for so many years. I’ve read that Boyoda is so mythic that some people question if it’s really a living, breathing person. And to think we worked with her for days without realizing it! O’Daybo and Owena pulled off something amazing on Vaksses. No wonder O’Daybo knew so much about both prisons.”
Doc spoke up for the first time. “And how is Boyoda in trouble, exactly?”
As Paladin continued to describe Andreia’s current situation, the worry and anger were evident in her voice, and she blinked repeatedly, perhaps to avoid shedding the tears that had formed in the corners of her eyes.
“So, tell me if I understand this correctly,” Rae said. “They intend to put their world-famous daughter on display, as a fake victim of renegade rebels, and accuse said rebels of molesting her? Are they insane?”
Paladin shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Rae let go of Kellen and sat down again, legs crossed at the ankles. “And what did you mean about an assassination?”
“Just what I said,” Paladin said, her voice detached and her face austere in the harsh light. “Andreia M’Aldovar must die.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
Andreia sat at her office desk, two guards by her door. Her mother claimed they were for her protection, but Andreia knew this was a blatant lie. She was a captive, nothing else, and soon they’d force her to run a gauntlet for the good of the Onotharian occupation. Andreia had even tried to figure out if she could take the guards by surprise and run toward the ventilation shaft she’d used once before, but she knew it wouldn’t work with this many people in the building.
Everyone was working around the clock to mitigate, and track, the results of the raid of the asteroid prisons. Le’Tinia had sounded so pleased when she poked her head in and let Andreia know that they’d pinpointed two rebel camps. Andreia found it almost impossible to hide her despair for the people involved, and her mother’s glee really disturbed her.
“Henshes, here’s the surgeon now.” Le’Tinia walked in, and a man with dark hair followed. “He’s going to alter you, then wrap your wounds. We’ll slowly remove the bandages during our broadcast so your disfigurement will be much more dramatic, with a greater impact.” She turned to the surgeon. “Dr. M’Ouvos, was it?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“And you know exactly what we want you to do?”
“Yes, my instructions are very detailed and clear.”
“Very well. I’ll leave you to it, the
n.” Le’Tinia made a production of kissing Andreia on top of her head. “Now, don’t worry. The procedure’s fully reversible.”
“I know, Mother.”
The door closed behind Le’Tinia, and the doctor approached Andreia. To her surprise he didn’t start right away, but glanced surreptitiously around the room. Approaching her quickly, he raised his hand to her.
Andreia blinked in surprise until she saw there were something written on his palm.
Is the room under surveillance? Audio? Visual?
She glanced quickly up at him. “Doc?”
“Shh. We don’t have much time,” Doc mouthed as he was gathering his instruments from his bag. “Act dismayed.”
Kellen moved along the main communication center where a large crowd stood waiting to watch the charade that the M’Aldovars had initiated. A lump of molten lava still burned in the pit of Kellen’s stomach when she thought of Paladin’s revelation. Their plan had many unknown variables, but she was going to do her part and more, if it meant reaching their objective.
The crowd began to cheer, and Kellen moved into position not far from where the five hovercraft had set down. The doors opened on the third one, and a distinguished man emerged, followed by an elegant woman. As they received both appreciative and negative shouts from the crowd, Kellen realized they must be Andreia’s parents. They carried themselves as if they owned the world, which they did, in a way.
Kellen knew from Doc’s whispered communication earlier, through their individual earpieces, that he and Andreia were in the second hovercraft. The door was still closed, and she saw Paladin casually approach it from the left. She had located herself where she could easily pull the driver out. Kellen eased closer, in case Paladin needed help.
Somewhere in the crowd, Owena hid, armed and outfitted with the latest technology. She had taken the assignment with her usual serene expression, and her only condition for going above and beyond was that they let Leanne in on it. Paladin had objected at first, not wanting too many people to know, but relented when she realized she had no choice. Kellen and Rae knew Leanne’s capabilities, and Rae suggested the pilot be part of Owena’s escape plan after she’d committed the deed.