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Southern Seduction ; Pleasure in His Arms

Page 31

by Carolyn Hector

  That’s right, he’s with me, she thought with a broad smile. So back off, vultures, or you’ll be sorry!

  Chapter 16

  Chase steered the sleek, black Segway around the teenagers standing in the middle of the sidewalk and dodged the bow-legged toddler running away from his mother. Determined to catch up to Demi and their tour guide, Yu Yan, he gripped the bar handle and leaned forward, his gaze focused on the object of his affection. He was a block away from Demi but he could see her chatting with Yu Yan and snapping selfies with her iPhone.

  His thoughts returned to that morning. He’d balked when Demi had announced they were going on a Segway tour through the Hamptons at four o’clock. He’d worried about aggravating his back or slipping off the motorized device, but he hadn’t shared his concerns with Demi. Hadn’t wanted to ruin the plans she’d made for their afternoon date. He didn’t know how to tell her about his horseback riding accident, or his subsequent injuries, and feared if he told her the truth she’d find reasons to stop dating him.

  Chase considered the past month. His life revolved around work, hanging out with his family, and now Demi, and he didn’t want to lose her. After a lengthy discussion about the Segway tour and watching an online video about it, he’d relented—as usual. He’d do anything to make Demi happy, and he didn’t want to disappoint her. Add to that, she always planned unique, memorable dates he enjoyed.

  In the past three weeks they’d tried an improv class, hiked at Shadmoor State Park, attended the Hamptons Film Festival and goofed around with his nieces and nephews at the trampoline park for hours. But yesterday Demi had outdone herself. After work, she’d dragged him to a body painting workshop and the session had been thrilling. Using fine-point brushes and UV body paint, they’d created elaborate designs all over each other’s bodies while eating appetizers and drinking Merlot. Back at his estate, they’d made love and, hours later, he could still taste the strawberry-flavored glitter on his tongue.

  Chase wiped the sweat from his brow. He was smitten with Demi, enthralled by her, and he wanted her to be his girlfriend—for real. He’d agreed to their fake relationship to appease his staff and increase sales of Spark, and although he was glad it was now the top-selling dating app in the country, the best thing about the publicity stunt was getting to know Demi better.

  When they weren’t out and about in the Hamptons, they were texting each other or talking on the phone, but it was never enough. If Chase had his way, he’d spend every night with her, playing chess, working out in his home gym, watching foreign films and making love, but since he didn’t want to scare Demi off, he kept his feelings bottled up inside.

  “Are you two trying to shake me?” Chase teased, joining the women at the intersection. “Is that why you zoomed down the block without a backward glance?”

  Yu Yan wore an apologetic smile. “Chase, I’m sorry. I was so busy yapping with Demi about summer fashion trends I didn’t even notice you’d fallen behind.”

  “Feeling good, babe? Having fun?” Demi reached over and rubbed his shoulder. “If you need another break, just say the word.”

  “Are you implying that I can’t keep up with you? That I don’t have enough stamina for this Segway tour?” he asked, faking a scowl.

  “No, but when we stopped at the café for lunch, Yu Yan said you were favoring your right side, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Leaning over, Chase kissed Demi’s forehead, the tip of her nose then her lips. “Never been better,” he whispered against her mouth. “As long as I’m with you, I have everything I need.”

  Demi beamed. “You’re the best fake boyfriend I’ve ever had, and an amazing kisser—”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  The sound of her giggles warmed him all over and Chase realized how much his life had changed since meeting Demi in Ibiza. He felt lighter, happier; instead of working fourteen-hour days, he left the office every night by five o’clock to meet up with Demi in the city. He’d never dated a livelier, more optimistic woman and every day with her was an adventure.

  The light changed and they crossed the intersection, chatting about the next stop on their tour. They traveled along Main Street and stopped to explore the quaint stores and shops in the quiet, tree-lined neighborhood. He’d lived in the Hamptons his entire life, but Demi was a newcomer and Chase enjoyed seeing the city through her eyes.

  Chase adjusted his sunglasses. Sunshine rained down from the sky and the warm breeze carried a savory scent. Deciding to check out the museum, they perused the impressive collection of artwork in the spacious, well-lit building. Yu Yan left to make a phone call, but Chase suspected the tour guide wanted to give them some space.

  “The African American exhibit is outstanding and definitely worth sharing,” Demi said, her eyes bright.

  Chase swallowed a groan. Oh no! Demi had documented every second of their date on social media, from the moment they’d arrived at the tour office to buying lattes at the museum snack shop, and Chase wanted her to put her iPhone away.

  Pain stabbed his side but he wore a blank expression on his face. He didn’t want Demi to notice and start asking questions about his health. To his relief, she sat on one of the padded benches and drank from her metal water bottle.

  “I’m glad you convinced me to do the Segway tour.” Chase joined her on the bench. “I’m having fun and I’ve learned a lot.”

  “You think this is fun? Wait until we go skydiving!”

  “Skydiving,” he repeated despite the lump in his throat. “You want to go skydiving? When?”

  Demi cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. “Next Sunday. I mentioned it to you last night in bed.”

  “You did? I don’t remember.”

  “I’m not surprised. You drank a lot of Kahlúa last night, and dozed off several times during the movie,” she teased, linking arms with him. “I can’t wait! Char and Esmerelda went skydiving a few weeks ago. They said the views of the Atlantic Ocean are incredible, and I want to experience it for myself...”

  Chase blew out a deep breath. Hanging his head, he rubbed his neck to alleviate the tension in his muscles, his mind working overtime to find the right words.“Demi, I can’t go skydiving with you.”

  “Why? Are you afraid of heights? Don’t be. You have nothing to fear. I’ll be right by your side.”

  “No, that’s not it. I have chronic back pain and my doctor advised me against doing extreme sports because it could exacerbate my condition.”

  Her eyes were sad and a concerned expression covered her face. “Chase, I’m so sorry to hear that,” she said, tenderly stroking his forearm. “What happened? Were you in a car accident? Where you injured playing football with your brothers?”

  “No, I got hurt horseback riding...” Noises filled the air, drawing his attention across the room, and he trailed off. Couples were laughing, families wandering around, and two elderly men in raincoats were speaking loudly in German. The museum was crowded and Chase didn’t want anyone to overhear their private conversation.

  “The accident was six months ago, but my back is still out of whack, so I’m forced to use painkillers.”

  “Wow, that’s tough,” Demi said in a sympathetic tone of voice. “Have you tried yoga or deep breathing exercises to strengthen your spine? What about natural remedies such as eucalyptus oil or turmeric? They improve circulation and reduce inflammation.”

  “No, but they’re definitely worth a try.” Eyeing her closely, Chase stroked the length of his jaw. “How do you know so much about pain remedies? Were you a medical student back in the day?”

  “God no!” Demi shrieked with a laugh. “My mom has arthritis and says eucalyptus oil works wonders on her sore, aching elbows and knees.”

  “Thanks for the tip, baby.”

  A dad, with three school-aged children in Adidas track suits, snapped pictures of h
is brood in front of the nature exhibit and Demi gasped. “Oh, my gosh, they’re adorable,” she gushed. “When I have kids, I’m going to make them wear identical outfits, too.”

  Chase tugged at his shirt collar. Will Demi even want to be with me if I can’t have kids? Is my condition a deal breaker?

  “Do you want to have children one day?”

  I did before the horseback riding accident.

  “I’m not sure,” he lied, noticing Yu Yan standing at the entrance. He stood. He wanted to continue talking to Demi about her future plans, but he didn’t want to keep their tour guide waiting.

  Back on his Segway, Chase followed Yu Yan and Demi to the main road, admiring his girlfriend’s fine, feminine shape. All day they’d been flirting with each other and her naughty jokes had aroused him.

  They returned to Hamptons Tours at seven o’clock, thanked Yu Yan for a great day and gave the college student a generous tip. As they were leaving the building, Demi raised her iPhone in the air, snuggled against him and pressed the camera app. “Say cheese!” she shrieked, flashing the peace sign.

  “You need a social media break.” Chase took her cell phone and stuffed it in the back pocket of his black athletic pants. “You’ve been tweeting and posting and sharing all afternoon, and I don’t want to compete with your iPhone for the rest of the night.”

  The smile slid off her face. “What are you doing?”

  “Saving you from yourself.”

  “But I’m supposed to document our dates on social media. Katia’s orders, remember?” she said. “We need to show the world that Sparks is the best dating app on the market, and I can’t do that without my phone, so hand it over.”

  Amused, Chase reached out and curled a lock of hair around an index finger. Demi wasn’t his fake girlfriend; she was his real girlfriend, and he wanted the world to know the truth. When they were apart he thought about her constantly, found activities for them to do and ways to please her in and out of the bedroom. Demi was his priority, his number-one girl, and he was ready to commit to her.

  Yeah right, scoffed his inner voice. If Demi means the world to you then why are you keeping secrets from her? Why haven’t you told her about the horseback riding accident and life-changing diagnosis?

  Guilt weighed on him, troubling his conscience. Was now the right time to tell Demi the truth? Should he wait until their three-month anniversary or tell her about his medical condition ASAP? The parking lot of the Hamptons Tours office wasn’t the right place to have a heart-to-heart, but he decided to talk to Demi before the night was over. “We accomplished our mission by putting Sparks on the map, so you don’t need your cell phone tonight. You can enjoy me instead.”

  Demi caressed his chest through his long-sleeved, royal blue shirt. “I love the sound of that.”

  “Where to next?” he asked, taking her hand in his. “Dinner, bowling, an Angela Bassett movie marathon at my place or all of the above?”

  “Chase, I have to go home tonight. I have to update my blog, and I have two magazine articles due first thing tomorrow morning. If I spend the night at your place, I won’t get anything done.”

  He wanted to protest, to argue that she could work in his home office after dinner, but he nodded his head instead and agreed to drop her at home. “As you wish,” he said, even though he was disappointed. “I know how important your career is to you, and I don’t want to do anything to stand in the way of your success.”

  “Baby, don’t look so glum. Once I finish my work, I’ll make it up to your your Range your Jacuzzi.”

  Turned on, Chase pulled her to his chest and kissed her mouth. Feasted on her soft, moist lips. As he caressed her skin, an idea filled his mind. He wanted Demi in his life, for the rest of his life, and was going to prove his love to her—even though he could never give Demi the family she wanted.

  Chapter 17

  Demi opened the trunk of her Aston Martin Raptor, retrieved her shopping bags and activated the alarm. The car was a gift from Geneviève, who was the official celebrity spokesperson for the European company, and the flashy pink, sports car was Demi’s most prized possession.

  Yawning, tears filled her eyes. Demi was so tired she worried her legs would give way and she’d keel over into the bushes. She’d left the house bright and early that morning and spent much of her day rushing from one meeting to the next. Striding up the pathway, she blew out a deep breath. The sky was clear, the breeze light and the air warm. It was the perfect night for a bonfire or to have cocktails on the patio with friends, but Demi didn’t have the energy to socialize. She’d planned to meet her girl squad at their favorite Hamptons lounge to celebrate her good news, but she’d canceled that afternoon. Demi had been working nonstop for weeks, ever since she’d agreed to “play” Chase’s girlfriend, and her body yearned for sleep. But once she woke from her nap, she was going to visit Chase at his estate. He was leaving for London tomorrow morning, and even though he’d only be gone for a few days, Demi was going to miss him terribly—she always did when they were apart.

  Relieved to be home, Demi climbed the steps to her two-bedroom condo. Hearing her cell phone, she fished it out of her leather shoulder bag. It stopped ringing then a text message popped up on the screen. It was from Chase and reading his joke made her giggle.

  Six weeks ago Demi didn’t know who Chase Crawford was but now she couldn’t go a day without seeing him. Their dates were always fun, and Instagram-worthy. They did it all—explored museums and art galleries, sang karaoke at trendy cafés, took yoga classes at the Hamptons Fitness Studio, ate at world-class restaurants, and enjoyed game nights with his older brothers and their equally competitive wives.

  The publicity stunt had worked and her daily posts about her dashing, new “boyfriend” caused a frenzy on social media. Their relationship not only increased her online presence, it helped Sparks become a popular dating app, putting Katia on cloud nine. The marketing director wanted Demi to be the face of Mobile Entertainment, thinking she had the “wow” factor. But the best thing about playing Chase’s girlfriend wasn’t landing a deal with his company, it was spending quality time with him.

  A smile warmed her heart. He was affectionate and sweet, romantic and thoughtful, and his kisses left her breathless, delirious with need. He made her feel safe and secure, as if he’d do anything to make her happy, and he often did. Filled with mixed emotions, she’d stayed awake in bed last night, thinking about their relationship. She was excited about their budding romance, but another part of her was scared. What if he lost interest in her? Or worse, reunited with his ex? Despite her doubts and misgivings, she couldn’t deny her feelings for him and, if not for his ex-girlfriend relentlessly pursing him still, Demi would have already bared her soul to him.

  Pocketing her cell, she unlocked the front door, threw it open and dragged herself inside the foyer. Her home was her sanctuary and she’d filled it with all the things she loved: framed family photographs, souvenirs from her travel adventures, potted plants and comfortable furniture.

  Tossing her keys on the console table, she dumped her bags at her feet and kicked off her high heels. Demi stopped and cranked her head to the right. What the hell? She heard plates and utensils clanging together, and jazz music playing. In her haste to get to the kitchen, Demi almost tripped over her feet. A spicy aroma was in the air, making her mouth wet and her stomach grumble, but she was too angry to think about food. Her girlfriends were in her house without permission and Demi didn’t like it. What were they doing at her condo? She’d given Esmerelda a key in case of an emergency, not to throw a girls night without her permission. How long had they been at her place? And, most important, when were they leaving?

  “There’s my beautiful, talented girlfriend.”

  Demi blinked, saw Chase standing at the breakfast bar, wearing a broad grin, and gawked at him. “Baby, what are you doing here? Wh
o let you in?”

  Chase kissed Demi then helped her out of her off-white trench coat. “Your mom, of course. I told her I wanted to make you a home-cooked meal to celebrate your big news, and she agreed to help me out.”

  Demi frowned. “But you don’t cook.”

  “I do for you.”

  Moved by his words, Demi beamed. Chase was always surprising her. It didn’t matter if they were watching Netflix at his place or out on the town, he treated her like a queen. Peering over his shoulder, she noticed the dining room table was set with gleaming silverware, wide pillar candles and the largest flower arrangement she’d ever seen. “You did all of this for me?”

  “I sure did. Your hard work finally paid off and you deserve to be spoiled tonight, so here I am.” Chase slid his arms around her waist and held her close to his chest. “I am so proud of you. You must be stoked.”

  A grin overwhelmed her mouth. “You have no idea. I’ve always wanted to be on the Wendy Williams Show, so being booked for a beauty segment in May is a dream come true.”

  Demi shook her head. It had been three hours since she’d received the email and subsequent call from the popular talk show, but her head was still in the clouds. “The head producer said if Wendy likes me, I could become a regular guest, so I have to make sure I bring my A game on May thirtieth.”

  “You will. You always do.” Chase whistled. “Baby, you’re on fire. You’re the key speaker of not one, but four, noteworthy events including the Hamptons Women’s Annual Tea, the Beauty and Health Expo, the Passion and Purpose conference and the Cocktails and Networking event in Philly.”

  “I know, isn’t it great?” Demi giggled, couldn’t stop herself from swaying her shoulders and snapping her fingers. “I love my life!”


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