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Southern Seduction ; Pleasure in His Arms

Page 34

by Carolyn Hector

  Geneviève stared at the test then cupped a hand over her mouth. “OMG, you’re preggo!”

  “Look at it.” Esmerelda stuck the test in Demi’s face and pointed at the screen. “It says ‘pregnant’ on it. You’re going to be a mommy...”

  A warm sensation flowed through Demi’s body and fear knotted inside her chest. The hallway flipped upside down and her vision blurred, swimming in and out of focus. The word “pregnant” echoed in her thoughts and blared in her ears. Demi tried to move but her legs buckled beneath her and the world went black.

  * * *

  Chase punched the gas pedal with his foot, made a sharp right turn at the intersection, then sped toward the condominium at the end of the tree-lined block.

  He’d been in his office, fixing a bug in a program that was wreaking havoc on a zombie-themed game app, when Katia burst into the room, clutching her iPhone to her chest. He’d known by the somber expression on her face that something was wrong. She’d approached his desk, tapped a finger on her cell phone then showed him the screen. Abandoning his work, he’d watched the scene unfold between Demi and Geneviève, but felt uneasy listening to their intimate conversation. He’d started to tell Katia to turn it off but the words died on his lips when a female voice off-screen told Demi she was pregnant. And when he’d seen her slump to the floor, he’d jumped to his feet and raced out the door.

  Chase slammed on his breaks and waited for the uniform-clad students to cross the street. He didn’t remember leaving the office or climbing into his Maserati, but he knew he’d broken a dozen traffic rules in his haste to reach Demi’s condo.

  Gripping the steering wheel, he saw the veins in his hands tighten, felt them throb in pain. Like his mind, his heart was racing. Demi was pregnant? By whom? For weeks they’d been inseparable and last night in bed she’d said “I love you” with such passion and conviction he’d believed her wholeheartedly. And now this.

  Chase parked behind Demi’s sports car then jogged up the walkway. Standing on her welcome mat, he pounded on the front door with his fists. Pressing his hands against the window, he peered into the living room and spotted a female silhouette.

  The door creaked open and Geneviève peeked outside. Surprise flashed in her eyes. “Chase! Hey. What are you doing here?”

  “I need to see Demi.”

  The pop star shook her head. “Sorry. Now’s not a good time.”

  “I saw her live stream. Is she okay?”

  “She’s resting, but I’ll tell her you stopped by.”

  “I’ll tell her myself.” Chase stepped past Geneviève and marched through the main floor, shouting Demi’s name. He found her in the master bedroom, sitting on the bench at the foot of the bed, holding an ice pack on her head. Esmerelda was rubbing her back and said something in Spanish that made Demi giggle.

  Chase stood in the doorway, watching them for a long moment. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he took a deep, calming breath. He was angry and confused, but his heart ached for Demi and he hoped she wasn’t hurt.

  Their eyes met and the color drained from her face. Straightening her bent shoulders, she dabbed at her eyes with her hand then tugged at the sleeve of her Obama-themed sweatshirt.

  “Chase, you’re here,” she said in a quiet voice. “What’s up?”

  Esmerelda stood. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. I’ll be in the kitchen making lunch, but holler if you need anything.”

  The musician left but Chase could hear her whispering in the hallway with Geneviève and locked the door so the women couldn’t re-enter the bedroom. “How are you feeling?”

  “Embarrassed, stupid and sore. I’m a curvy girl, but fainting hurts like hell!”

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “It appears so.” Demi gestured to the end table, drawing his gaze to the mountain of discarded pregnancy tests. “They all came out positive, even the ones that were expired. I have a doctor’s appointment at three o’clock, but don’t get your hopes up. I’m definitely pregnant.”

  “Who is he? Who have you been cheating on me with?”

  Lines creased her forehead. “Come again?”

  “Is it your ex?” he continued, his hands balling into fists at his sides. “That NHL player who likes flirting with you on Twitter? Or one of your many male admirers?”

  “No one. You’re the only man I’ve been with. I swear.”

  “You’re lying.”

  Standing, she dumped the ice pack on the floor and stared him down. “No, I’m not. I’m pregnant with your child. Why don’t you believe me?”

  “Because I’m sterile!” he shouted, giving voice to his anger, even though he’d promised himself he wouldn’t lose his temper. “I can’t have kids, so the baby can’t be mine!”

  An awkward silence filled the room. He heard the wall clock above the door ticking and his pulse pounding in his ear, and wondered if Demi could hear the deafening sound, too. Wearing a sad smile, she crossed the room to him and then wrapped her arms around his waist. His heartbeat slowed, his anger evaporated, and love flowed through his body. Demi held him, gently stroked his neck and his shoulders, proving once again she did have the magic touch.

  “I’m a hundred percent sure you’re the father of this baby, and I’m willing to take a paternity test to prove it. But what makes you think you’re sterile?”

  Chase winced. He hated the S-word, wished it didn’t make him feel broken inside, but it did. He was damaged goods and, once Demi knew the truth, she wouldn’t want him. Blinking uncontrollably, he gazed out the window. He didn’t want her to see the tears in his eyes and dodged her gaze. Aside from group therapy, he never discussed his accident, and just thinking about it made his mouth dry and his stomach churn.

  “I had a horseback riding accident last year,” he began, trying his best to maintain his composure. “I was at the Hamptons Equestrian Club with Juliet and we got into an argument about her birthday. I refused to propose at her party and she started ranting and raving about what an insensitive jerk I was.”

  “Oh, Chase, that’s terrible. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. No one does.”

  In his mind’s eye he saw the riding stable, the chestnut mare, heard a deafening shout explode from his mouth as his body sailed through the air then crashed violently to the ground. He shivered at the memory, tried but couldn’t delete the horrific images from his thoughts. Demi must have sensed his unease because she led him over to the bed and forced him to sit.

  “Baby, go on. I’m listening,” she said, stroking his clammy hands. “Take as long as you need. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I told Juliet to lower her voice because I could tell the horses were getting agitated, but she wouldn’t stop yelling at me. The next thing I knew, my horse takes off, running full-speed, tossing me to the ground.”

  “Oh my goodness! You could have been killed!” Demi tenderly caressed his cheek. “I’m glad you’re okay. What a frightening ordeal.”

  “Dr. Pellegrini said it was a miracle I survived. I broke my collarbone, fractured my wrist, elbow and shoulder, and required emergency surgery on my right leg. Worst of all, the fall caused testicular trauma.”

  Chase paused to take a deep breath.

  “Dr. Pellegrini said I have a less than 10 percent chance to conceive naturally, and suggested fertility treatments when I’m ready to have kids.”

  Demi nodded her head in understanding and Chase wondered what she was thinking.

  Someone knocked on the door. “Is everything okay in there?” a voice asked.

  “Gigi, everything’s fine.” Demi nodded though her sister couldn’t see her. “Please help Esmerelda with lunch. I just repainted the kitchen and I don’t want her to burn it down!”

  Geneviève laughed, promised she would keep an eye on their accident-prone friend, then left.

  Discussing his ac
cident was physically, mentally and emotionally draining, but Chase wanted Demi, to know how it had affected him. “I’ve never taken a sick day in all my life, so being off work for eight weeks was agonizing and physiotherapy was brutal. I was on painkillers and my family and friends made sure I had everything I needed in the hospital, but there were nights when I cried myself to sleep.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about your accident sooner? Didn’t you trust me?”

  “I was embarrassed and I was worried you’d think less of me,” he confessed. “Demi, I hate to keep asking you this, but are you sure I’m the father of your baby?”

  “I’m positive. You’re the only man I’ve been with, and the paternity test will prove it.”

  “But you’re on the Pill.”

  “And, I never missed a dose, so only God knows how I got pregnant.”

  He turned her words over in his mind for several seconds, analyzing and dissecting them. Realizing he believed her, he slowly nodded his head. Demi’s having my baby? I’m going to be a father? For real? Scared he was going to trip over his tongue if he spoke, he took a deep breath and waited for his thoughts to clear. “Can I take you to your doctor’s appointment this afternoon?”

  “Sure,” she said with a sheepish smile. “Why not? The more, the merrier. Geneviève, Esmerelda and the rest of my girl squad insisted on tagging along too, so join the party!”

  The sound of her laugh made Chase chuckle, too.

  “Demi, I’m sorry I ever doubted you, but when I saw the live stream, I lost it. I shouldn’t have assumed you’d cheated on me.”

  “I’d never do that. I’m loyal—”

  “And smart, and strong, and talented, and beautiful,” he praised. “I love you, and I’m excited about our future. You mean the world to me, and I can’t wait to meet our baby.”

  “Excited? Really? To be honest, I’m terrified.”

  Chase stared at Demi with fresh eyes. For the first time since he’d watched the live stream, he considered her feelings. Her life had changed in an instant and would never be the same again. It didn’t matter that he loved her, and the baby, and wanted them to be a family; her career would have to take a back seat to her pregnancy, and he knew that would be hard for her. “I don’t want you to worry about anything. I’m going to spoil you and pamper you and ensure you have everything you need.”

  Chase kissed her forehead. He put his hands on her stomach and Demi covered them with her own. She impressed him, wowed him at every turn, and he was going to prove to her how much he loved her. And he did. More than he’d ever loved anyone.

  A grin overwhelmed his mouth and happiness surged through his body. It was a medical miracle, the best news he’d ever received, and Chase was overjoyed. I can’t believe it. This is incredible. I’m going to be a father! He wanted to shout from the rooftops, to tell everyone he knew about the baby, but he tempered his excitement. First, they had to see the doctor and confirm Demi was indeed pregnant, then tell their families. Chase only hoped when they told his parents the good news that his mom wouldn’t have another heart “episode.”

  Chapter 21

  The tension in the great room was so thick, Demi couldn’t breathe and feared she was going to pass out again. Seated on the soft love seat with Chase, surrounded by their friends and family, was nerve-racking, more stressful than taking the SATs. Worried about Althea and Estelle fighting, she’d suggested they go to a restaurant for Sunday brunch, but Chase had insisted on having it at his estate and had hired a catering company to prepare the food.

  Mr. and Mrs. Crawford looked tense, as stiff as wax figures, and Estelle was staring at her so intently, Demi was convinced she had a stain on her plum, halter-style dress. She wanted to go to the bathroom to check, but Demi knew if she left the great room she wouldn’t return—not even if Chase begged her.

  Her mouth was dry and her palms were slick with sweat. Demi wished she could have a cocktail to settle her nerves, but since she was three months’ pregnant, she settled for a sip of ice water.

  Crossing her legs at the ankles, Demi remembered the day Esmerelda live streamed Demi’s pregnancy test results. Once the story had gone viral, Demi’s phone had rung off the hook. She’d made the rounds on all the popular morning shows, sharing the details of her unlikely pregnancy story, and these days Demi couldn’t go anywhere without someone recognizing her or asking for a selfie.

  But not everyone was excited about her newfound fame and increased popularity.

  Estelle and Vernon were mortified by the ten-minute video, and had demanded Chase break up with her—or else.

  Not only had he defied their orders, he’d asked her to move in with him. Caught off guard by his request, Demi had said she’d think about it, but deep down she’d known she couldn’t go through with it. Her parents had never married, and when her dad had picked up and left, her mom had struggled mightily to provide for their family. As a child, Demi had vowed to never depend on a man for anything, and even though she was madly in love with Chase, she wasn’t going to shack up with him. Or give Estelle another reason to hate her.

  “We’re family now, each and every one of us, and I expect us to act like it. Understood?” Chase made eye contact with everyone in the room, but his gaze lingered on his mom.

  Estelle nodded as if she agreed wholeheartedly then puckered her thin lips.

  A giggle tickled Demi’s throat. Chase is right. Estelle is one hell of an actress!

  “As you all know, Demi is three months’ pregnant, and her first trimester was incredibly stressful,” he continued with a sad smile. “Hopefully those severe bouts of morning sickness are behind us and the rest of the pregnancy will be smooth sailing from here on out.”

  Bewildered by his words, Demi cranked her head in his direction. “Us?” she repeated, forgetting they had an attentive audience that was watching them intently. “Us who?”

  “We’re experiencing this pregnancy together. I’m all in. You know that.”

  “Funny, but I don’t recall you ever racing into the bathroom or hugging the toilet bowl for hours. I recall you watching ESPN on your cell when you thought I wasn’t looking!”

  Giggles and chuckles filled the room and the tension in the air lifted. Demi thought she saw Estelle smirk, but the moment passed so quickly she figured it was a figment of her imagination.

  Chase clasped her hand, raised it to his mouth and kissed it. “Come on, baby, don’t be like that. It was the NBA playoffs. I had to cheer on the Celtics.”

  The women groaned, the men nodded, and Esmerelda cracked jokes in Spanish. Her girlfriends had invited themselves to Sunday brunch, and seeing their smiling faces made Demi feel loved and supported. Althea was sitting on the couch with Moriah and Kym, whispering and laughing, and Demi was glad her mom had hit it off with Chase’s sisters-in-law.

  “As I was saying...” Chase cleared his throat then waited for everyone in the room to settle down. “We hope we can count on you guys to help us with the babies when they arrive in the New Year because I have a feeling we’re going to need all hands on deck.”

  “‘Babies’?” Althea shot to her feet. “As in more than one?”

  Demi beamed. She couldn’t wait to share the details of her first ultrasound appointment with her mom, and show her the photographs.

  It had taken a few days for Demi to come to terms with the shocking news of her pregnancy, but once she had, she’d read everything she could about prenatal health, nutrition and exercise, and had started a web series to share her experiences with other overwhelmed moms-to-be.

  “Yes, Mrs. Harris. We learned yesterday, during Demi’s twelve-week ultrasound, that we’re having twins,” he explained, wearing a proud smile. “By all accounts, this is a miracle pregnancy, and my doctor was dumbfounded when he heard the news. To be honest, I was, too!”

  The mood in the great room was suddenly buoyant an
d excitement crackled in the air.

  “Here, take a look.” Chase took the ultrasound picture out of his pocket and everyone gathered around, peering at the image. “I’m hoping for twin girls, but as long as Demi and the babies are healthy, I’ll be the happiest man alive.”

  Pandemonium broke out across the great room and Demi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Althea sobbed into her pashmina scarf, Genevieve, Shante and Antonella danced, Remington pumped his fists in the air, chanting Chase’s name, Mr. Crawford smoked a cigar and Esmerelda captured the moment on her beloved iPhone.

  There were hugs and kisses, laughs and tears, and Demi giggled every time someone patted her small baby bump. She was chatting with her girlfriends, confiding in them about her unusual pregnancy symptoms, when it happened. Out of her peripheral vision, she saw Chase pull Estelle aside and overheard him say, “Mom, I love you and I always will, but I won’t let you disrespect Demi. She means the world to me and I won’t lose her.”

  Demi leaned forward in her seat, eager to hear Estelle’s response.

  “Chase, honey, I’d never do that. I won’t. I swear on my life,” she promised. “I want you to be happy, and if you choose Demi, I choose Demi—”

  “We all choose Demi!” Jonas shouted, his loud, animated voice reverberating around the room. “Now, can we eat? I can smell bacon and blueberry waffles.”

  Chase clapped his brother on the back. “Not so fast, bro. I have one more thing to say.”

  “Okay, but make it quick. I have places to go, people to see and things to do.”

  Sipping her ice water, Demi considered Chase’s conversation with his mom. She didn’t believe Estelle for a second, but she chose not to dwell on her misgivings.

  Resting a hand on her stomach, she rubbed her belly, marveling at how much her life had changed since she’d returned from Ibiza. She had twins growing inside her and they were her priority—not sucking up to Estelle or trying to win her over. Demi didn’t know if Mrs. Crawford would ever like her, but she’d do everything in her power to keep the peace. Chase had enough on his plate with work, his lingering health issues, and the pregnancy, and she didn’t want to stress him out. They had a plan, a future, and no one was going to stand in their way, not even his mother—


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