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Healed by the Dragon: Part Three

Page 5

by Jessie Donovan

  Finn looked to Meg and placed a hand over his heart. “As much as it pains me to leave your shining presence, Meg, the rest of the clan is waiting.”

  Meg snorted. “The only reason I’m shining is because there are too many people in this room and it’s too hot.” Meg looked to Arabella. “It’s nice to meet you, lass. Stop by sometime and I can show you the proper way to make scones. Finn will do just about anything for a plate of my scones, which might come in handy for you later on.”

  Arabella grinned and Finn’s heart skipped a beat. Seeing his female smiling and interacting with the Boyds made both man and beast happy. His female replied, “I’ll try, although Finn might keep me occupied for the foreseeable future.”

  Meg’s eyes twinkled. “Ah, to be young and experience the mate-frenzy for the first time. I have such fond memories.”

  Hamish shook his head. “Mum, I don’t need to think about you in a mate-claim frenzy.”

  “As my oldest, you wouldn’t be here without it,” Meg replied.

  The quieter Boyd son, Graham, spoke up. “I’m with Hamish on this, Mum. I’m still trying to wash my brain clean of the story of how I was conceived.”

  As Meg argued with her sons, Finn murmured, “We’ll try to catch up with you later,” before maneuvering Arabella away. Stopping for a second in an empty spot on the side of the room, he whispered, “Are you ready to bolt now?”

  The corner of Arabella’s mouth ticked up. “Is there something in the water here that makes everyone crazy? First the MacKenzies, and now the Boyds. If Bram knew the full extent of the zoo you call a clan, he would never have agreed to the alliance in the first place.”

  Even though Finn knew she was jesting, he frowned. “We’re not crazy. We’re lovable.”

  Arabella laughed until she couldn’t breathe. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she added, “Sorry, but your pouting was too much to bear. You have a positive spin on everything, don’t you?”

  “It’s not a spin if it’s the truth,” Finn stated.

  Arabella shook her head. “I can’t wait for my brother to come visit. Between you, Aunt Lorna, and Meg Boyd, he’s going to be more uncomfortable than he’s ever been in his life. I should bring popcorn when it happens.”

  “Before you start planning family visits, we need to get through this evening first. Are you ready to mingle some more? If so, just avoid calling them crazy or Lochguard a zoo. That may not endear them to you.”

  Arabella tilted her head. “I don’t know, it seems to work with you.”

  With her eyes bright and her posture relaxed, Finn thought she was even more beautiful. He itched to cup her face and kiss her, but he managed to hold back. “Only because it makes you smile and I love to see you smile; it makes you even more gorgeous. My goal is to make you grin so much your face starts to hurt.”

  Arabella’s eyes grew tender. “You’re trying to butter me up before the dancing, aren’t you?”

  He growled and leaned as close as he dare without actually touching her. “Would it kill you to learn to accept a compliment, Arabella MacLeod?”

  She stood up straight, the tenderness replaced with something else he couldn’t define. “I never had many. But even if I learn to take them, I’m not sure I can just allow you to spout fancy words. You might get the wrong idea.”

  “Wrong idea about what?” he growled.

  A second of silence passed and then another. Finally, Arabella’s voice was low as she answered, “That you’re the golden darling of Scotland who could charm the pants off any female.”

  Finn dared to hook his finger under Arabella’s chin. The softness of her skin woke his dragon. If we’re to dance, stop touching her. It only makes me want her.

  This is too important.

  Finn’s steely tone quieted his dragon. He leaned closed to Arabella’s lips and whispered, “You’re the only female I want to charm out of her pants, Ara. If we weren’t in the great hall with both of our dragons on edge, I would show you just how much I want you and only you.” Her breath hitched and the soft sound shot straight to his cock. Through gritted teeth, he added, “Are we clear on this?”

  “Yes,” she answered in a breathy whisper.

  “Good.” He turned them toward the crowd. “Now, the sooner we mingle, the sooner we can dance and I can kiss you. Try to keep the chatter to a minimum.”

  Arabella gave a mock salute. “Yes, sir. For once, I won’t fight you.”

  “And why does that make me uneasy?”

  “Why, Finlay Stewart, where has your world-renowned self-confidence gone? I thought you knew everything.”

  He muttered, “I did until I met you.”

  As Arabella grinned at his admission, he maneuvered them to the next friendly family and introduced his future mate.

  Chapter Four

  Twenty minutes later, Arabella’s cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

  On top of that, the way the Boyds and MacKenzies acted was fairly normal for most families of the clan. The odd loner or obvious Duncan supporter would glare and be curt, but for the most part, everyone was warm.

  As much as it felt like a betrayal to her own clan, she was growing to love the people of Lochguard. The choice to come here for a fresh start was the best decision she’d ever made. She only hoped her presence didn’t cause too much trouble for Finn or anyone else. After all, it’d only been a few days.

  Once word got out she was here, there would be trouble. Both the Dragon Knights and dragon hunters hated her and had vowed revenge for her interview, which had revealed their brutal methods and what dragon hunters would do to an innocent. Even though the knights were a separate entity, her interview had foiled their plan to win support to dismantle the Department of Dragon Affairs.

  Even if Finn didn’t worry about the local dragon hunters, the Dragon Knights were scarier. Given they had bombed both the Manchester and London DDA offices a few months earlier, nothing was too extreme for them.

  Her dragon growled. If they show up, let me take care of them.

  Right, because you’re a trained warrior, Arabella said dryly.

  In spirit, yes I am. I won’t let them hurt our mate.

  He’s not our mate yet.

  He is to me.

  Finn walked up and handed her a cup of water. Since she didn’t want to keep talking with her dragon, she was grateful for the distraction. “Thanks.”

  As she drank, Finn’s grin widened and the water in her stomach felt ten times heavier. Lowering the cup, she asked, “What did you do?”

  “Who said I did anything?”

  She sighed. “Finn, between meeting all of these people and keeping my dragon under control, I’m tired. For once, can you give me a straight answer?” He cocked an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes. “Fine, pretty please?”

  “There, now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” She growled and he put up his hands. “Okay, okay. The DJ is about to play our song.”

  “Since when do we have a song?”

  He shrugged. “I picked one.”

  “Finlay Stewart, you had better bloody well start asking me things or I will let my dragon break your penis during the frenzy.”

  He blinked. “What?”

  “You heard me. She has all kinds of ideas to try, and said she may even break your cock. So, if you want me to try and stop that from happening, start bloody asking me what I want instead of just deciding it for me.”

  Finn unconsciously moved a hand in front of his groin. “I was looking forward to the frenzy, but now, I’m not so sure.” When she raised her brows, he cleared his throat. “I will try to ask from now on, provided your life doesn’t depend on it. Even if your dragon will break my cock later, I won’t ask you if it’s okay to save your life before I do it.”

  She shoved against his chest and ignored the heat that flared. “Now you’re just being ridiculous. Of course there will be exceptions in life or death situations. Just tell me about the song. Are we really dancing in front of everyone?”

nbsp; The twinkled returned to his eyes. “Oh, aye. I hope you remember some of the old dances we all learn during our childhood, because we’re doing one of those.” She opened her mouth to ask why, but Finn beat her to it. “The reason is because there’s very little touching involved. You’ve done so well with the clan and I don’t want to ruin that.”

  Her dragon broke out of the latest prison Arabella constructed. She really needed to learn how to create a maze.

  Stop arguing and dance. It’s almost time to kiss him.

  You just want to try and break his penis.

  Not until the end. Otherwise, he’ll never give us young.

  Smiling at her beast’s logic, she asked, There will be some touching. Will you be okay?

  Since it means I can kiss our mate and soon after fuck him, then yes. I will last.

  Arabella was skeptical, but as the pop music quieted and a female’s voice came over the speakers, she pushed aside her doubts to listen to the announcement. “As promised, it’s time for Finn and his lovely mate-to-be to dance for us. Please clear the center area of the hall.”

  As people moved to the sides, Arabella’s heart rate increased. She hadn’t danced the old, traditional dances in twenty years. Finn would owe her big time later on.

  Her dragon huffed. I remember everything. You will be fine. And then we can kiss him.

  When we’re in dragon form, then you can show me your dance moves. It won’t help me in human form.

  I can show you images. Don’t doubt me.

  I’m starting to miss you being silent.

  Her beast huffed just as Finn put out his hand. Shoving her dragon to the back of her mind, she placed hers on top and discarded her glass on a nearby table. With a wink, he guided them to the empty space in the middle of the hall. Once they reached it, Finn released her hand. Taking two steps back, he bowed.

  A slightly upbeat medley of fiddles, a piano, and a few other instruments she couldn’t name filled the room. It was time to see if she really had paid attention to her lessons as a child.

  After sliding two steps to one side, Arabella moved diagonally toward the center to meet Finn. Pressing her open palm against his, they turned. While the turn was only a few seconds, Finn’s gaze burned into hers. Between the desire and slight frenzy in his eyes as well as the roughness of his palm against her, heat flooded her body. Her dragon took notice, but did her best to restrain the frenzy. So far, her beast was keeping her word.

  Then the beat required her to drop her hand and brush past Finn’s shoulder without touching. Twirling back around, she repeated the steps until her hand touched Finn’s again. The jolt of his touch went straight between her legs. Soon, she would have his rough palm caressing her breast, her hip, and the soft spot behind her knee. Suddenly, the thin material of her traditional dress became stifling and Arabella wondered how she would survive the rest of the dance.

  Once the twirl was complete, Finn took hold of both her hands and took the lead. As they moved slowly in a circle, she was unable to look away from her dragonman’s gaze. Everyone else in the room disappeared; in that moment, it was just her and Finn.

  He is ours.

  Arabella wasn’t sure if the claim was hers or her dragon’s.

  As she danced, every movement caused her dress to brush against her skin, making her dragon roar. It wouldn’t be long before her dragon lost control.

  Releasing one of her hands, Finn twirled her out and they moved together, forward and back. Reluctantly, she released his hand and glided back toward where they had started.

  The steps familiar again, she didn’t hesitate to sway her hands to the left and then to the right before raising them out to her sides. After moving her hips left and then right, she twirled twice to stop with Finn right in front of her. He laced his fingers with hers, and she shivered as his male scent of wind and peat surrounded her.

  Raising their arms, he released her hands and outlined her head, torso, and waist without touching her. The act made her dragon snarl. Hurry up. I want him.

  Ignoring her beast, Arabella focused on the music and outlined Finn’s head, shoulders and waist with her own hands. Judging by his slitted eyes, he wasn’t the only one on the verge of losing control.

  She walked past his shoulder and turned until they were facing each other once again. The music died down and even though the dance wasn’t difficult, it was hard to breathe with Finn staring at her as if he couldn’t wait to devour her.

  After their kiss, he would.

  Arabella waited for panic to set in, but all she felt was anticipation. Her nipples were hard and she was already wet from the brief caresses of Finn’s skin against her own. One kiss would probably set her off.

  Yet she was okay with that. Soon, she would have the gorgeous male across from her naked and hers to claim.

  As everyone clapped, her dragon growled. Make sure he knows that as soon as he kisses us, I won’t be able to hold the frenzy off for more than five or ten minutes with him near. We will leave with him or without him. That is the only way to guarantee everyone’s safety.


  Finn walked up to her and leaned to her ear to whisper, “I love watching your tall, lean body move in time to the music. Promise you’ll dance for me again, Ara. Preferably when you’re naked and alone with me.”

  “Maybe, but only if you dance naked for me.”

  He blinked and she reveled in catching him off guard. However, Finn quickly regained his composure and winked. “Aye, I think I can promise you that. Although one look at my magnificent cock and you’ll forget all about the dancing and take me into your own hands.”

  Shaking her head, Finn looked around the crowd before she could answer and he announced, “And now, Clan Lochguard, it’s time for the First Kiss.”

  As most of the crowd clapped, Finn took Arabella’s hand and guided them to the stage. The clapping didn’t die down and Arabella didn’t have a chance to warn Finn. She only hoped she had a few seconds before the act happened.

  Her dragon’s snarl told she had better.

  Even though Arabella wanted Finn more than anything else she’d wanted in a long time, her heart still beat double-time. Then it hit her—if she and Finn were in the thrall of a mate-frenzy, Duncan could pounce.

  She needed to talk with Finn.

  Once they ascended the stairs, Arabella tugged Finn’s hand and stood on her tiptoes to say into his ear, “Finn, I need a second.”


  Despite his outward nonchalant appearance, Finn’s dragon was clawing to get out of the mental maze he’d created.

  From experience, Finn knew he had a few more minutes before his beast would find the exit point. He wanted to kiss Arabella and whisk her out of the great hall before that happened.

  Then his lass tugged him to a stop and asked for a second of his time. A bad feeling pooled in the pit of his stomach. He’d meant it before, about never forcing her, but everything about Arabella’s actions and demeanor had suggested she was ready for the frenzy. If Finn denied his dragon too much longer, he would have to stay away from Arabella until she could accept him.

  Turning his head to look into her eyes, he asked, “What is it, Ara? Tell me quick.”

  She frowned. “Don’t be snappy. I have something important to tell you.”

  Finn glanced to the crowd. Everyone was watching them, but so far, they probably only thought Arabella was nervous.

  Looking back to Arabella, he steeled his voice with dominance and stated, “Then tell me.”

  When she didn’t glare, he knew something was wrong. She replied, “Maybe you should just kiss me on the cheek.”

  With a growl, he leaned closer. “Are you having second thoughts? Tell me straight, Arabella. The whole clan is waiting.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s not me, but what about Duncan? In the thrall of the frenzy, you’ll be vulnerable. He’ll use it against you.”

  His face softened. “I have safeguards in place. Not only is Fa
ye in charge of security, Bram is sending some reinforcements as we speak.”

  “When did you do that?”

  “While you were getting ready.”

  She frowned. “Oh. You could’ve told me.”

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. “I was too dazzled by your beauty and it slipped my mind.”

  Searching his eyes, she finally replied, “Well, try harder to resist next time. I don’t like being in the dark.”

  “Right now, I’ll promise almost anything if it means you’ll kiss me properly. Then I can take you home and treasure you as you deserve.”

  “Stop it.” The blush on her cheeks stoked both man and beast. Clearing her throat, Arabella lifted her chin. “Well, as long as the clan is taken care of, then let’s give them a show. I don’t want there to be any doubt that you belong to me, Finlay Stewart, and me alone.”

  Her possessiveness made his dragon roar inside his maze. Finn had better hurry up or he might end up taking the lass in a closet somewhere and she deserved better.

  Placing his hand on her back, he guided them toward the stage. “I can’t wait to see you claim me properly, Ara. Don’t hold back.”

  Arabella’s blushed turned brighter. “It’ll have to be soon, too. My dragon gives you five minutes, ten at the most, before she loses control. If you can’t get us out of here soon enough, I’ll leave without you and you’ll just have to catch me.”

  The thought of chasing Arabella and taking her in a hidden clearing somewhere made his cock throb. “If you run, I’ll find you, Arabella. One way or another, I’m claiming you tonight.”

  She merely bobbed her head and he resisted smiling at her response. Despite the power his dragon goddess had over him, Finn kept forgetting she was a virgin. While her dragon wouldn’t be shy, her human half still was.

  He turned them toward the crowd. Since his beast was nearing the exit of the maze, he pushed aside all thoughts of him and Arabella naked and scanned his clan members. Faye was supposed to be guarding the main entrance, but she was absent. Shay was there in her stead.


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