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Elemental Dragons Book 1: Blood and Water

Page 26

by Jessica Turnbull

  “Rocky!” I ignore Aqueous as he starts nosing me to test if I’m okay. “What is wrong with you?”

  Wordlessly, Rocky walks away, his hands balled into fists. Cerberus looks between everyone for a few seconds before letting out a sheepish whine and galloping after her angry companion.

  “Are you okay?” I ignore Rocky and tend to my scared friend. If he wants to sulk then so be it.

  She nods slowly, holding her arms out for a hug. Aqueous headbutts me into her arms, making Damayanti whine happily and nuzzle the top of our heads.

  Rocky was out of order.

  Does this mean the group is falling apart? First the separation from Marco and now little squabbles turning into huge arguments. This isn’t good.

  * * *

  I giggle as Aqueous leaps on Damayanti, making the black and white dragon squeal in excitement as she puts him in a headlock. The two dragons continue to wrestle on the grass, growling and screeching as they pin each other.

  After the argument earlier I thought it would be best to spend some time alone with Braith; she was pretty shaken up.

  “They’re such cuties!” Braith coos as Damayanti jumps into the air, soaring above Aqueous’ head.

  “You’ll be flying her soon,” I murmur enviously, watching the bright dragon tease my companion by swooping just above his head, while he’s trying to nip her long tail.

  “I know! I’ll be the best, you know it.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you say that about everything.”

  “'Cause I am!” she argues, crossing her arms sulkily.

  “You’re the best at whining,” I tease.

  “I’ll take it!”

  “You’re so weird!”

  “Nuh-uh! You’re the weird one!” She pushes my shoulder playfully.

  Flicking her arm, I huff: “Whatever!”

  “Hey, Hazy?”


  “Can you promise me something?” She turns towards me, taking my hand slowly.

  “I’m not marrying you,” I giggle.

  She rolls her eyes. “Another day. I want you to promise that you’ll be my friend.”

  “I am your friend, and you know that.”


  “If we live that long.”

  She pushes me playfully. “Thanks, Hazy. We’ll get married one day.”

  “Sorry, I’m not interested in marriage.”

  She prods my side a few times, trying to tickle me. “You’ll change your mind! And when you do, I’ll be here, in a bright white dress, waiting.”

  “I’d pay to see that!”

  We both laugh and continue to watch our companions in a comfortable silence. I am glad I met Braith; she is one of the best friends I’ve ever had, second to Marco.

  I can see us being friends for a long time.


  Chapter Thirty-Three

  “This is stupid. Can’t we do something else?”

  Braith shushes me and continues messing around with my hair. About an hour ago she came to me bored because Marco and Rocky were out, and Olwen had sent her some hair straighteners, which she wants to try out on me seeing as her hair isn’t long enough.

  “You’re going to look outrageously sexy when I’m done with you!” She yanks at my hair once more, making me hiss in pain.

  “Why did your sister send you hair straighteners when you barely have any hair anyway?”

  “She’s a big fan of make-up and shopping and all that crap. I’m only interested in it when I get to do it for other people. Mainly hot girls, though.”


  Pushing my head forward, she squeals in glee. “I’m done! It looks perfect!”

  A small mirror is shoved in my face, allowing me to see the complete mess on top of my head. Strands of blonde hair stick out at weird angles and some parts aren’t even straight at all. Braith needs practice, obviously.

  “Perfect, huh?” I take the mirror from her and unsuccessfully try to comb it down with my fingers.

  “To me. I’m wiping out all the competition, you see. No-one will go near you with hair like that, so I’m instantly your girlfriend.” She leans in close and nuzzles my neck softly. “Let’s make it official.”

  “I’d rather not.” Her lip quivers in hurt as I push her away.

  “Hazel?” Wes’ voice makes me jump, I hadn’t realized he’d come back from helping Ray sort through Cindaraan files.

  “Hm?” I stop brushing my hair to glance at my friend, who looks horrified. “What’s wrong?

  “It’s Draca. It’s growing.”

  “What do you mean?” Braith puts the mirror down to stare at him quizzically.

  With shaking hands, Wes crouches down next to us and plays a video on his phone. A woman in a black dress with a lanyard around her neck steps into view, clutching a microphone.

  “Now we will speak to Dr Gard, who has been caring for the Primordial Dragon since its conception.”

  The camera pans over to an older man in a white lab coat. He glances uncomfortably at the camera. “We have named this specimen Draca after the legends of the infamous Primordial Dragon. It has far surpassed our expectations with its growth and intelligence. We are now working towards seeing if we can re-introduce it back into our ecosystem, with suitable safeguards in place of course.”

  “Isn’t that dragon a little too big for our ecosystem?” The woman chuckles, flashing a fake smile to the camera. “How do we know this dragon won’t just destroy like its ancestors did?”

  “Ah, that is where these guys come in,” He holds up a vial with a small wriggling grey shape in it. “These parasites lived off the Primordial Dragons, if we can harness their power, we can control Draca.”

  The woman scrunches her nose as the parasite leaps to the top of the vial, it’s tail curling around itself. “What is that?”

  “It’s a Wyrm. The previously extinct ruler of the Wyrm family. This little guy may look small,” he shakes the vial, and the Wyrm thrashes wildly. “but they have abilities that we hope to harness to control Draca. Let me show you.”

  “No, that’s quite okay Dr-”

  Before the woman can protest further, Dr Gard pops the lid off the vial, allowing the Wyrm to crawl onto his finger. It coils around his thumb, looking straight at the camera.

  “Listen carefully.” He says, raising his finger closer.

  The camera zooms in on the Wyrm, sharpening its image. It has the body of a snake, but is covered in dull grey scales. It looks straight at the camera with its beady eyes, almost entranced.

  “Why not listen to me?”

  The woman and the cameraman gasp as the Wyrm speaks without moving its lips.

  “I thought this was about-” Braith tries to interrupt.

  “It’s coming.” Wes assures her.

  Dr Gard nudges the Wyrm back into the vial as the woman composes herself. “Dr Gard, what was that?”

  “Our way of controlling Draca. Manipulating its mind. Come, my colleagues have finished setting up.”

  “Setting up for what?”

  Dr Gard points behind him, and a roar makes the camera shake.

  “My God, it’s-!”

  “Beautiful.” Dr Gard finishes.

  The camera turns towards the noise, showing a blurry image of a giant amber dragon before swiftly cutting off. My arm starts to burn and Marine’s bracelet glows brightly, as if reacting to Draca’s roar. It glows brighter and brighter, turning my wrist a sickly shade of red.

  It’s going to come for us.

  About the Author

  I am an author who mainly writes Young Adult Fantasy. However, I am hoping to branch into Sci-Fi, Horror and New Adult. Books got me through my darkest years as a teenager, and I hope that one day mine will inspire young people to keep going. I live in the UK with my two cats, Rocky and Mishka.

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  Also by Jessica Turnbull

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  Short Story Collection

  Read four short stories from the Elemental Dragons universe:

  Circles - Russet dreams of being free, but will this ever become a reality again?

  Hesitation - Hercules has an opportunity for escape, but is it entering the same world it left?

  Passion - Ophelia paints to remind herself of her companion, can she find her inspiration?

  Purpose - Moon has been alone ever since his companion died, can four younglings cheer him up?

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