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Running From the Vampire Into the Arms of the Wolf:

Page 3

by E A Price

  Melody tried to focus on her friend, Kayleigh was lovely really, and ordinarily Melody would be listening except... Hans was sat at the other end of the bar.

  He was glaring at her. The way his deep eyes pierced into her made her feel naked. She shivered at her reaction, but not wanting to let him know that she jutted her chin and glared right back at him.

  Hans was sitting with his brother Acksel and the two wolf Deputies Gabe and Jake. The other three wolves were drinking beer, laughing and chatting. Hans was gripping a beer tightly in his fist but ignoring them in favour of annoying her.

  She didn’t know why he was staring at her, presumably he was trying to intimidate her because he hated witches. Hah! Fat chance! She’d been threatened and stalked by the master, one little wolf was nothing to her.

  Melody noted that the Alpha was there with Rosalee. He was practically drooling over her. Not obvious much. They were there with Mac as well as a red wolf shifter she didn’t recognise, who was leering at the amazon like wolf Kim, the manager of Bar Luna.

  She scanned the rest of the bar, when she could force herself to look away from Hans that is. There were quite a few good looking wolves there. They were just a bit too clean cut for her, nothing exciting about a single one of them.

  “Mel you want a drink?” Kayleigh’s chirpy voice broke through her reverie.

  Melody blinked a couple of times. “Yes, but I’ll get it, my round. Anyone else want?”

  They each asked for a beer and Melody went up to the bar, she gave her order to a very grumpy bear bartender.

  She thrummed her fingers on the bar waiting. She felt the hairs on her neck stand up as someone came and stood by her side. She turned to find a young wolf called Jimmy next to her, he was a regular at Pizza Moon. And regularly leered at her ass.

  “Hey Melody.” He grinned at her.

  “Oh hey Jimmy.”

  Jimmy raked his fingers through his dark hair watching her closely. “I’ve never seen you in here.”

  “No, I’ve never been in before.” Witches were wary of pack owned businesses until Liv had mated with a wolf. Now relations between wolves and witches were becoming more cordial.

  “Nice to see you out of uniform.” His appraised her lasciviously. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “No I already ordered one.”

  He continued leering at her unfazed. “Why don’t you come over and join me and my friends?”

  She scowled at him. “I’m already with my friends...”

  “Aww come on... don’t you wanna go out with me?”

  Melody sighed. “Seriously, I’m just not interested okay. I don’t want to be mean but I’d sooner take a bath in razor blades.”

  Jimmy creased his brow but before he could say anything he started when a gruff voice spoke behind him. “Get lost.”

  Jimmy spun round to see Hans stood behind him, he paled a little and shuffled away.

  Hans pursed his lips at her. He’d been watching her all night, annoyed that she and the other witches had turned up at the pack bar. He had barely done more than grunt at her for the past couple days, his lust for her was only growing with every moment. He could barely look her in the face. His wolf had been mournful not being able to get near her. It had been downright irritating putting up with a sad inner wolf.

  He hadn’t wanted to come out that night, he would have preferred to mope at home, working out until he no longer had the energy to think about her. But his damn brother had wheedled him until eventually he gave in and agreed to one drink.

  Finding her at the bar... clearly the fates hated him. When he saw that idiot boy Jimmy attempting to seduce her he’d almost lost control, his beast had almost pushed through in order to maul Jimmy. He’d had to do something about Jimmy.

  He sneered at her. “Aren’t you going to thank me sugar?”

  Melody scoffed. “Awww gee thanks you’re my hero!”

  He snarled. “No need to be such a bitch.” Did she honestly want that little wolf slobbering all over her?

  “Hey! I don’t need your help to repulse men, I do that just fine by myself!”

  He looked her up and down scathingly. “Oh believe me, I can tell.”

  Was he saying she was ugly? How dare he! She felt herself boiling with anger before a wicked thought entered her head. She smirked at him. “Why did you run that poor young wolf off? Unless you want me for yourself stud?”

  His lips curled up. “You’d like that wouldn’t you sugar?” Would she?

  “Quite frankly I’d rather rip off my own arm and eat it than have anything to do with you.” Take that asshole.

  He felt his already considerable anger rising. “Crone.”

  “Yeah wolf boy you said that already.”

  Andy the bear bartender brought over Melody’s drinks. He looked between the two wavering. “Everything alright guys?” He rumbled.

  “Fine!” They both yelled at him.

  Andy held up his hands and walked away.

  “Why are you such an asshole to me?” She asked in irritation. “What have I ever done to you?” She was annoyed at her own reaction to him, her own desire for him. She completely blamed him for the way she felt.

  He was an asshole to everyone, especially witches. But he was even worse to her, the reaction he had to her enraged him. She was a witch, he wasn’t supposed to feel attracted to her. So he punished her for the way he felt.

  Melody was staring at him, a mixture of hurt and frustration in her pretty brown eyes. His heart flipped for her, but he couldn’t admit that to her. His fucking puppy of a wolf was whining again. He had to get a grip.

  “You’re a witch.” Hans said the word with such distaste she almost flinched.

  “Bastard.” She spat at him and threw her beer all over him.

  Hans roared at her and quick as a flash Andy leapt over the bar and grabbed Hans before he could get to her.

  “Fucking witch!” He yelled at her.

  She shrieked and slapped him. How dare he hate her for being a witch? How dare he hold that against her?

  He glowered at her, disbelief written all over his face. Acksel came over and restrained Melody.

  Acksel placed his hands round her waist, and she didn’t object. Hans saw red. How dare he touch her? His wolf snarled at his brother, Acksel had to get his hands off her right now!

  Hans struggled against Andy with renewed vigour and truth be told the enormous bear shifter panted with the effort of keeping the furious wolf under control.

  Melody wriggled against Acksel, her lithe body pressed up against him. In spite of the situation Acksel felt himself warm with need.

  Hans smelled his brother’s reaction to his woman and he and his beast howled. Wait, what? No, not his woman... just not Acksel’s woman.

  A very red in the face Adam roared at Hans to step down. Both he and Melody stopped squirming and looked at the Alpha with some trepidation, Melody definitely more than Hans.

  Adam roared again and all the wolves in the bar bared their necks in submission, Hans submission was admittedly grudging.

  “I... I’m sorry.” Stammered Melody quietly to no one in particular.

  Hans scowled at no one in particular.

  Kayleigh came up behind Melody and took her arm. “Maybe we should go.”

  Melody nodded and smiled apologetically at Acksel and Adam. She risked a glance at Hans but he was focussed on the floor. She sighed and followed her friends out.

  After they left Adam berated Hans for his behaviour... again. It was a speech Hans knew all too well, having heard it many times from this Alpha, and the last Alpha. He was cantankerous, he was never going to change, the Alpha should just get over it.

  He barely listened. He was filled with remorse about his actions towards Melody. Why couldn’t he just act normally? Why did he have to ruin things?

  Chapter Three

  14th October

  Following the incident in the bar the next couple of weeks were generally quite quiet for
Melody. There was drama elsewhere however. For one thing her so called ‘friend’ Dena had tried to kill Rosalee, who it turned out was the Alpha’s mate, and Dena ended up in prison. The woman was a fruitcake.

  The pack were now holding a pot luck, everyone would bring something to eat and afterwards there would be music and dancing. Ilse had closed Pizza Moon early specifically so they could all attend.

  Liv had invited a number of witches; she was determined to make the witches less scared of the pack. As far as Melody could tell only she and a couple of middle aged witches were in attendance. Other than Liv of course. The older witches were probably only there because they were married to humans who worked for the pack owned construction company. Probably worried that they would upset Liv, and by extension Alec, if they did not turn up. Not a man you wanted to be on the bad side of.

  As far as Melody was concerned ‘pot luck’ meant ‘all you can eat’. She certainly wasn’t going to pass that up. As someone who had struggled financially for the past few years she knew a good thing when she saw it.

  Melody juggled her beer and plate of food. Or rather her heavily laden plate of food. She had taken a sample of just about everything.

  She chewed her lip wondering where to sit. She noticed Terri the librarian and considered going over, but she seemed to have a young wolf called Mal Tanner draping himself over her. They looked a little cosy, Melody doubted they would welcome the interruption and she didn’t really know Terri that well.

  Liv was sat with Rosalee and their respective mates. Again there was a distinctive snug look about them. Hmmmmmm....

  Melody smiled as she saw Acksel wave at her. He motioned her to come over to his table so she did.

  “Melody come join us.” Offered Acksel pleasantly.

  Acksel moved to one side and she saw Hans, arms crossed, glaring at her. She took a moment to admire the ropy muscles of his flexed arms, as well as the slightly stretched tattoos before she sighed exaggeratedly.

  “Oh it’s you.” She said popping her plate and beer down.

  Acksel pulled out a chair for her and helped her sit down. Hans growled crossly. Melody wasn’t surprised to hear the growl, but she was surprised that Hans was actually looking at Acksel when he did it.

  “In the flesh sugar.” Sneered Hans.

  She huffed at him and began digging into her food with gusto. Acksel looked at her a little wide eyed.

  “What?” She asked, cheeks puffed out with chips.

  Acksel chuckled and shook his head. “Nothing, just glad to see you’re not letting a knife and fork slow you down.”

  Acksel yelped as Hans kicked him under the table. Melody looked at them wonderingly before shrugging and digging back into her food.

  The melodious giggles of their twin sisters Gwen and Britt floated towards them. The three of them looked round to see the twins flirting with two young wolves, Darryl and Eric Tanner.

  Acksel didn’t look particularly happy seeing his baby sisters flirting but Hans looked downright homicidal. He growled loudly and viciously. The young boys went a little pale but quickly recovered.

  Melody smirked at him. “Awww, protective older brother.”

  Hans grumbled and muttered, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

  The Tanner boys bade farewell to the twins, who were casting furious looks at Hans, and walked past their table winking at Melody. “Hey chica.” Called out Eric.

  Hans leapt to his feet and the boys took off like there was no tomorrow. Hans balled his fists, hiding his lengthened claws. He hated them looking at his sisters, but how dare they flirt with Melody? His wolf prowled his mind. They had crossed a line.

  But had they? Why should he care if they tried to flirt with Melody. Short answer, he didn’t. It made no difference to him. No way.

  Hans felt his neck prickle. Melody and Acksel were sniggering at him. He glowered at them and sat back down.

  Acksel cleared his throat. “So, Melody how come you decided to move to Rose?”

  Melody stopped chewing and looked at him. What should she say? What could she say? I’m on the run from a nutjob vampire who’s hunting me...

  “Bad break-up.” Easiest lie, no one wants to hear about that. “I just chose Rose at random, I liked the name and I figured I’d fit in with the Circle.”

  Hans perked up at hearing that she had come to Rose after the end of a relationship. His beast was whining, the idea of Melody with any man unnerved him. He hated that. However, he detected a little hesitation about her answer. Was she lying?

  “Any family?” Asked Acksel cheerfully.

  “No.” She said quickly. “I’m kind of on my own.” She twisted in her seat slightly.

  Hans could see that his brother’s questions were making her uncomfortable. He wondered why, but his first instinct was to stop the person upsetting her. Even if it was his brother.

  A couple of young female wolves sauntered past calling out hello to Acksel, he winked at them and they ran off giggling.

  Hans and Melody rolled their eyes, they caught sight of each other and both chuckled.

  Acksel spun back round to them, frowning at them. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing.” Melody shrugged and continued eating.

  Hans scowled at his younger brother and took a swig of his beer.

  “So, where are you from originally?” Acksel persisted.

  Melody paled a little. Hans threw his empty beer bottle at Acksel’s head leading to an outraged yell by Acksel.

  “Beer me bro’.” Ordered Hans arrogantly.

  Acksel reddened in annoyance. “No way! You can...”

  “If you’re going I’d like another beer too please.” Interrupted Melody, an innocent expression on her face.

  Acksel calmed a little. “Sure I’ll get you one.” Acksel huffed at his brother. “Back in a sec’.”

  Melody glanced at Hans. He was regarding her with interest. “Thanks” she said reluctantly.

  “Don’t.” Snapped Hans.


  “Don’t thank me, you wanna keep secrets and lie about your past that’s your business, but don’t lead my brother on. Just stay away from him.” Or just stay away from all men.

  Melody bristled at his tone. If Acksel harboured romantic feeling for her that surely wasn’t her fault. “I have no intention of leading your brother anywhere, I like Acksel as a friend but nothing more.”

  She desperately needed him to believe that, she didn’t like the thought that Hans was walking around out there thinking she had a crush on his brother. Wrong brother...

  Hans and his wolf breathed an internal sigh of relief, however she could always change her mind. Acksel could be damn charming when he wanted to be.... It was one of Acksel’s many qualities that thoroughly annoyed Hans.

  Hans nodded at her and she relaxed again, biting into a cupcake. Acksel’s questions still niggled her. It was getting harder to deflect people’s natural curiosity. How much longer could she get away with lying to people?

  She was particularly uneasy about lying to Hans, a part of her wanted to tell him everything. Whilst the other part of her was unnerved by the fact that he could tell she was lying so easily. Was she that transparent?

  “Hi, can I join you?”

  Melody started as Carly appeared beside her. The little wolf smiled at them.

  Melody motioned for her to sit down and Hans grunted. Carly was the Omega of the pack, she could sense the emotions of all pack members and could even soothe those who weren’t.

  Both Melody and Hans felt instantly peaceful at her presence. Hans didn’t get along with the majority of the pack, Carly was one of the lucky few. Or unlucky depending on how you look at it...

  Melody had met Carly through Liv and had become friends. Melody had surreptitiously been asking Carly about Hans, trying to hide her interest by pretending it was common curiosity. Melody doubted Carly believed that but at least Carly had the decency not to say anything.

  Carly looked b
etween the two of them, a knowing look on her face and started eating. Carly started pointing out pack members to Melody and telling her their names and what they did. Hans sniped sarcastic comments about them, making the two women laugh.

  Acksel came back carrying three beers. He said hello to Carly and sat down.

  He raised an eyebrow in her direction. “These two been behaving themselves in my absence?”

  Hans snorted and Melody huffed in mock annoyance.

  Carly grinned. “Of course.”

  “Probably because I didn’t have a drink in my hand... nothing to throw.” Muttered Melody.

  “That’s what I figured.” Laughed Acksel.

  The four of them sat for a while longer chatting amiably, or at least three of them did, Hans merely grunted responses.

  When the tables were being rearranged for dancing Acksel got up and started organising some of his Enforcers to help.

  “Aren’t you going to help?” Asked Melody pointedly.

  Hans’ lips curled up. “No, I don’t wanna encourage dancing.”

  Melody blinked at him. “Actually me either.” Definitely not her sort of thing.

  A wolf called Bryce meandered over and asked Carly to dance. She eagerly accepted. “I’ll leave you two here to be spoil sports together.”

  Melody stuck out her tongue at the little wolf.

  Hans looked at her awkwardly. “You don’t wanna dance do you?”

  “Hell no. Do you?”

  He snorted in amusement. “Fuck no.”

  They sat together in silence for a while, the only sounds were Melody’s furious chewing. Finally sated Melody pushed her plate away.

  Yawning she stretched out her arms over her head, unfolding her tired muscles. Hans watched as her shirt lifted and showed off an expanse of her caramel stomach.

  Hans felt himself becoming aroused, his erection began swelling. Using the palm of his hand he tried to push his manhood into a more comfortable position.

  Melody watched as Acksel finished twirling a young wolf called Felicity round the floor. He was pretty good. They parted and Acksel came back over, eyes sparkling.

  “Hey Melody how ‘bout a dance?”

  Melody opened her mouth to speak but was stopped short by a glowering Hans. “She doesn’t want to dance.” He snapped at his brother.


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