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Running From the Vampire Into the Arms of the Wolf:

Page 11

by E A Price

  After the initial killing she had been a bit shell shocked by what had happened, and couldn’t believe that truly her life was her own again. She hadn’t defended herself from his tirades and had just stared at him dazedly.

  After a few days she had told him she was going back home to visit her parents graves and see some old friends again. She made it clear she was going alone.

  He had nodded at her dumbly, wanting to ask her not to go but fearing what her answer would be. He didn’t want her to feel like he was stopping her from getting on with her life, she’d already suffered enough for three years.

  How he regretted not saying anything now, or maybe he should have just tied her to his bed...

  Now she had been gone for three days. With each passing moment since she left he become more prickly and unstable. He had scowled and grunted his way through the rearranged Halloween party. Rosalee had insisted on holding it again.

  He wouldn’t have gone were it not for the insistence of Acksel and his mother who were determined to love him and lure him out into the world no matter what. He had gotten into a small fight with the young wolf called Jimmy but luckily Jimmy had been drunk and couldn’t actually remember who had hit him.

  He started to fear she wasn’t coming back. His mind told him that three days wasn’t much but his wolf snarled at the loss of her, constantly angry at him for letting her go. Oh yeah there was that thing about her being his mate.

  It had been obvious to him since the night he first saved her from the vampire but he had been too chicken to say anything. Now he had lost his chance. He had treated her like shit after the attack and she had run away. He couldn’t really blame her. He would run away from someone like him too.

  He knew he couldn’t let her go. He had to find her. He would go and find her and he would stay with her. Anywhere she wanted to live he’d go with her. He’d give anything to be with her...


  He turned to see Melanie stood in the doorway. Fuck she was beautiful. He’d been too wrapped up in his own thoughts he hadn’t even heard her, or smelled her sweet cherry blossom scent.

  Her caramel skin was luminous and her dark eyes shone. She was wearing the mini skirt he loved, showing off her gorgeous legs. Blood rushed to his groin. His wolf whined in relief at seeing their mate.

  He stared at her hungrily. “When did you get back?”

  “Just now.” She closed the door behind her and walked over to him. She was inches from him, she could feel the heat radiating from his taut body.

  He forced himself to remain cool, despite the war going on between man and wolf. The wolf was pushing the man to take hold of her and bond with her, so she couldn’t leave again. “How was your trip?”

  She shrugged and began tracing the tattoos up his arm. “Okay.”

  “So you’re back?”

  “No flies on you...”

  His chest fell and rose as he struggled to keep his breathing steady. She wasn’t making this easy. “What... what will you do now?”

  She pouted playfully. “Well I figured I’d work my shift here, if I still have my job.”

  He growled at her. “That’s not what I meant.” He said grinding his teeth.

  “I guess it kind of depends... I mean I still have friends and a few family members back home, so I guess I could move back and it wouldn’t be too hard to fit back into my old life.” She looked at him expectantly.

  His face was stormy and his eyes glowed amber. “No.” Man and wolf growled together.

  “No?” She asked innocuously.

  “No. Stay here.”


  He tapped his foot impatiently. Fuck she was stubborn. “Because you’re my mate, I don’t want you to leave.” He said quietly, almost sullenly.

  “I see.”

  He lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “I want to bond with you. I want to be with you.”

  She suddenly beamed at him. “Took you long enough!”

  “Witch!” He grabbed her and pushed her back against the wall and she yowled.

  “Did I hurt you?” He asked hoarsely.

  “Not you...” she gasped. She turned round and his eyes widened as she pulled her t-shirt off.

  Hans moaned at the beautiful sight before him. In the crook of her back, right above her luscious heart shaped ass was an angry reddened tattoo of a wolf howling at a moon, with the name ‘Hans’ emblazoned below.

  He swelled with pride at having his name on her skin. Everyone would know she was his. Well... not that he’d allow anyone to actually look at her there... ever.

  He delicately trailed his fingers over it. “That’s gorgeous, fucking gorgeous.”

  He pressed against her careful not to rub the painful tattoo. He pushed his growing erection against her buttocks and bit her shoulder with blunt teeth. “I fucking love seeing my name on you sugar.”

  She crushed her ass against his shaft and mewled her contentedness.

  Hang on a second... “When did you get it done?”

  “Hmmmm? Couple of days ago.”

  He scowled gripping her hips. “So the shit you gave me a couple of minutes ago was you playing with me? You were always intending to stay?”

  Crap. Her eyes flew open and she tried to squirm out of his touch. “I uh... I... I just needed to make sure you wanted me to stay.”

  He frowned. “You doubted I did?”

  “We haven’t exactly had an easy time of it, and before today you never said you didn’t want me to leave, and you have never said that... that I was your mate.”

  He twisted her head slightly and kissed her. “Melanie Ramirez, I fucking love you. You are my mate. You are going to bond with me. And you are going to live here with me.” His commands were firm and absolute.

  Her lips curled up. “Forever?”

  “Forever. There’s no escape now. ‘Cause if you tried to leave me I would fucking hunt you down and drag you back here and spank you until your ass was red raw.”

  She jiggled her rear. “You’re such an ass man.”

  He squeezed her buttocks. “With an ass as gorgeous as this, can you blame me?”

  His wolf was jumping around wildly, urging him on. Desperate to tie their mate to them, before she left again. Hans had been keeping him at bay but the more aroused he became the less control he had.

  “We need to bond now. My wolf won’t wait any longer.” He reached around and cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples and rolling them between his fingers.

  She whined with need. “Yes. Bond. Now.”

  Spinning her back and moving swiftly they disposed of all their clothes. He kissed her deeply and hard.

  “My back... I can’t be on my back... too painful...”

  He chuckled. “Suits me sugar, nothing I like better than seeing your ass swaying in front of me while I fuck you.”

  She chuckled and rubbed her nipples against his chest. “Ass man.”

  He moaned as blood left his head and made its way south. “I can’t hold back and this won’t last long.”

  She grinned at him. “Hard and fast ass man, suits me fine.”

  He growled and spun her back to the wall. She braced her arms ready for the oncoming onslaught. Without preamble he plunged two fingers through her folds and into her channel. She was already soaking.

  “Inside. Now.” She breathed mimicking the words he had said to her, their first time together. Which had been against this very wall...

  Removing his fingers he spread her legs and guided his cock to her entrance and rapidly thrust his full length in her. She clamped around him tightly.

  “Fuck sugar...”

  “Yes please.” She giggled, tightening her inner muscles.

  He howled at the splendid tightness and pulled back to the tip only to slam back into her. He took her hard and deep. She moaned at each thrust and pushed back against him, demanding more. He stretched and rubbed her in the most marvellous way. Her body was tensing, readying for the approach
ing explosion.

  He watched the ripples of her buttocks mesmerised. Delighting as his shaft entered her, filled her, and then reappeared glistening with her honey. Her snug canal was made for him, fitting him perfectly. Mine.

  He fisted her hair in one hand and pulled her head to the side. He licked her shoulder preparing her for his bite. His manhood swelled even more at the thought of tasting her blood again. Mine.

  Pounding against her ruthlessly, his balls forcefully slapped her. He reached his other hand round and worked her clit with his finger and thumb.

  She wailed at the mingling sensations. Her orgasm quickly gained momentum and began to spiral. Her breathing became short and uneven. He hammered into her harder, his fingers working her nub furiously. Mine.

  She pushed back against him violently and he sank his fangs into neck. The sharp pain pushed her over the edge and she came apart crying his name. He buried himself as deep as possible and burst inside her. Throwing his head back he and his wolf roared in unison. “Mine.”

  Their bliss at the orgasm rolled between them, each relishing the pleasure they gave each other.

  He rammed into her again and again until he was done. They were both gasping for air.

  He palmed the wall on either side of her head and began licking and sealing the mark on her shoulder. The delicious taste of her blood sending tingles through his body.

  “Fuck sugar, I’m worn out.” She giggled happily.

  His wolf rolled over finally satisfied. The woman was theirs now. All the anger and rage he had felt throughout his life seemed to drift away. At that moment they were calm, they were sated. They were complete.

  His soft penis remained inside her, he was enjoying the pulsing and clutching of her sex. God he didn’t want to move. He wanted to curl his body round hers and stay this way forever. He reached out through their bond, she was a little tired but satiated. He smiled self-satisfied.

  He lightly traced her tattoo. She was fucking amazing. He was there, in her skin. Forever. She shivered at the light touch.

  “Sugar, I am going to get you the most fucking beautiful tattoo you can imagine. Right over my heart, where you belong.”

  She leaned her forehead against the wall, and her sated body trembled beneath her. “Mmmm hmmm. I can’t wait.”

  His fingers trailed down until they came to her tight puckered hole. He poked it and she jerked. She purred as she felt him harden within her, contracting her muscles around him.

  “Worn out my gorgeous round ass, we going for round two?” She asked hopefully.

  “Definitely sugar.” He pulled out of her and she wailed at the loss but soon quietened as she felt the tip press against her rosette.

  She gasped in excitement. “Ass man!”


  15th November

  Melanie smiled at her mate as she handed him another order for a large pepperoni pizza. Hans grabbed her wrist and pulled her across the counter for a kiss.

  After he whispered furiously against her lips. “I saw you smiling at my brother sugar, I don’t like my mate smiling at other men, don’t do it again or tonight you are going to be sorry.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’d warn you not to smile at any other women either but I really don’t think I have to worry in your case. Moody asshole.”

  She walked away swinging her ass exaggeratedly for his benefit. He watched scowling whilst trying not to rise to her bait.

  They had bonded just over a week ago and had settled into life together with surprising ease. Hans had petitioned the Alpha for her to be permitted to join the pack and he had agreed.

  Grudgingly he had asked her if she wanted to get married legally. Wolves considered bonding as their own wedding ceremony, and didn’t consider it necessary to legally wed. Some wolves still chose to go through with it though. Adam the Alpha and his mate Rosalee were getting married of course, which was more a formal celebration of the pack accepting their new female Alpha. Alec the Beta had absolutely insisted his mate Liv marry him, but then he was a tad over possessive about her.

  Melanie had considered it and decided it wasn’t necessary. There was a time when she had dreamed of a happy ever after with a diamond ring, white wedding, good looking accountant husband, dog and a couple of kids... But that seemed like such a long time ago now.

  Instead she had her bite mark on her shoulder, a bonding rite, a scarred and tattooed scary pizza chef mate, as well as a new brother, three new sisters and a mother in law. And she wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  She had chosen to keep her own last name though. After finally reclaiming it she wasn’t so keen to let it go. Hans didn’t care either way. The name wasn’t important, it was the bonding mark that told everyone she was his. And it was the new tattoo on his chest with her name adorning it that told everyone he was hers.

  They decided to live together in Melanie’s rented house. She preferred it so much more than his apartment that in her opinion had seen far too many naked female visitors. Hans argued that her house belonged to Terri Tanner and had therefore seen far too much naked Mal Tanner, but she overruled him.

  His mother had hoped that they would move back onto pack land, and live with her whilst waiting for their own house to become available. She had hinted ‘oh so subtly’ that she wanted to be close when her grandchildren arrived. Melanie had almost choked at that while Hans muttered almost unintelligibly about counting chickens before they’d hatched.

  Hans had said a definitive no on moving back to the pack. His sisters, and a number of the Lucas’ family neighbours, breathed a sigh of relief. For the twins, in the case of their brother less was definitely more.

  Hans still wasn’t comfortable living in such a close company and besides, he preferred to keep his mate away from other male wolves.

  However, much to Ilse’s delight, Melanie had agreed that they should all get together for a Sunday meal each week. It would mean shutting down Pizza Moon for the night but both women thought it would be worth it. Hans didn’t like the idea, and complained very loudly about it, but ultimately he gave in to what Melanie wanted. She enjoyed spending time with his family, she was looking forward to meeting Hans’s other sister Noa when she came home for Christmas. It had been so long since she had been part of a family. Hans was all for pleasing his mate.

  Melanie still suffered from nightmares, but they were lessened by her mates soothing presence. She felt safe for the first time in years.

  Much to the relief of the pack, Hans had actually mellowed... somewhat. He was still disagreeable and difficult, but considerably less so. Melanie seemed to possess an abundance of patience and forgiveness, and had a calming effect on him. Pack members warmed to her immediately, as far as they were concerned she was a god send.

  The couple fought of course, a lot. Which inevitably led to lots of make-up sex, by and large in the store room.

  They both had a fondness for the store room. Each of them could barely set foot in there without being reminded and aroused by their previous steamy encounters. This led to numerous more steamy encounters.

  Whenever the twins saw their brother and sister in law heading to the stock room together they groaned knowing what was about to happen. Britt and Gwen absolutely refused to step foot in there again, saying it had been tainted.

  Hans’ mother Ilse had asked Melanie to train to take over as the manager of Pizza Moon, to which she agreed. Ilse envisioned Melanie and Hans running the parlour together, while she looked after her grandchildren. She had looked at Hans, Melanie and Acksel pointedly when she said that. Hans had snorted and muttered about imaginary grandchildren whilst Acksel had grinned and waggled his eyebrows at Melanie suggestively. Hans got annoyed and punched his brother. She called them both idiots.

  Melanie surveyed the parlour. Acksel had come in a few minutes ago with the Alpha Adam and the Beta Alec. She looked over her shoulder at Hans. He was flicking cross looks in her direction. She tingled at the thought of what they would do together tonigh
t, of just what her punishment might be if she smiled at Acksel again. A surge of naughtiness washed through her. She strode over to Acksel’s table and beamed at all the men.

  She heard a clatter behind her and the sounds of a short tempered mate marching toward her. Acksel sniggered and Melanie adopted an innocent expression. It was going to be a fun night.

  Hello there!

  Thanks for reading, I hope you liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writing. If you didn’t, I’m sorry –they’re just meant to be a bit of mindless escapism. (My favourite kind!)

  If you are interested in reading some more I currently have three other short novellas in the series published for kindle, which are books 1, 2 and 3 respectively, the blurbs for which are below.

  Also below is the blurb for the next in the series, book 5 called ‘Wolves for Bears’.

  Best wishes

  Elizabeth Ann Price (EAP for short!)

  A Mate for the Beta (Book 1, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

  Wolfs and witches don’t mix. So what happens when a wolf and a witch are true mates?

  Alec Hart, Sheriff of Rose, Virginia and Beta to the Grey Wolf Pack never expected to find a mate. His own angry nature meant that he avoided relationships at all costs, not wanting to tie any woman to a violent wolf. But when he gets a whiff the sweet vanilla scent of his mate he’s powerless to resist...

  Sweet young plump witch Livia Briers never thought she would ever have a shot with the handsome older wolf, instead choosing to lust after him from afar. But drawn together by the disappearance of a local witch can she really keep her hands off him?

  Can a witch and a wolf find happiness together? Or will the prejudices of others tear them apart?

  Please note this novella is approximately 36,900 words in length (a quick read while waiting for the washing machine to finish!)

  But I must advise caution! Contains scenes of a sexual nature with m/f interaction intended for mature readers. (And there’s quite a bit of swearing too!) Naughty Beta...


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