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Dark Widow’s Blessing (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 25)

Page 16

by I. T. Lucas

  Let him try and argue with that.

  There was a knock on the door. “Can I come in?” Misha asked.


  As he entered, the big guy gasped like an excited girl and put a hand over his heart. “You are the most beautiful bride I ever see.”

  Jumping at the opportunity for a translator, the seamstress started talking and waving her hands, to which Misha replied with the occasional Da.

  “She ask if you like the dress.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  When Misha translated, Olga grinned and asked him a new question.

  “She ask if it is too tight or too loose.”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  After that got translated, Olga said something and lifted her arms.

  “She ask that you put your arms up and check if it is comfortable to do.”

  Ella rolled her eyes but did as the woman asked. “Everything is perfect. Please thank her for me and tell her that she’s free to go.”

  After Misha translated, Olga nodded and said something that sounded like congratulations to Ella.

  “She say many happy years of marriage.”

  “Spaseeba,” Ella said.

  Olga grinned and dipped her head. “Pazhalusta.” She collected her stuff, waved goodbye with a big smile, and left the room.

  Ella let out a long breath. “This thing is so heavy. I need to take it off.” Lifting the petticoats, she started toward the walk-in closet.

  “The wedding is at twelve. You sure you want to take big dress off and then put on in an hour and half?”

  Ella swallowed. The noose was closing around her neck, and there was nothing she could do to escape it. In less than two hours, she was going to walk down the aisle in Dimitri’s private chapel, with all of his staff in attendance. He was making sure there were plenty of witnesses.

  “Definitely. I’m going to take a bath and do my hair and makeup.”

  She contemplated using everything in her makeup bag and making herself look like a painted doll. Walking down the aisle, she would smile like a demented clown, so everyone would know the wedding was a joke.

  What could Dimitri do? Send her back to wash her face?

  Yeah, that was probably what he would do. King of his castle and all that. The priest and whoever was going to attend would wait until the master’s wishes were fulfilled.

  “Boss said Pavel is coming to do that for you.”

  Ella perked up. This was the best news she’d gotten in a long while. “Really?” Dimitri didn’t tell me anything.”

  Misha grimaced. “I didn’t know boss wanted to make it a surprise.”

  Yeah, that probably had been the idea. Dimitri liked to surprise her. Mostly, she dreaded his surprises, but not this one. “When is he coming?”

  Misha glanced at his watch. “Ten or fifteen minutes. Pavel cross the second gate one hour ago.”

  Ella debated whether to remove the dress or wait for Pavel to get there so he could see it. Not because she wanted his opinion, but because she knew he would want to. She could just imagine the face he would make. Pavel’s taste in clothing was much more refined than Dimitri’s.

  Except, the monstrosity was not meant for anything other than walking down the aisle in. She would have to stand until he got there because sitting with it on would require some major maneuvering.

  Reaching back, she made sure she could unzip it without help and started to lower the zipper.

  “What you doing?” Misha sounded horrified.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to take it off in front of you. I was just making sure that I can reach the zipper.”

  “Oh.” He let out a relieved breath. “Boss kill me if I see you without clothes.”

  That was probably an exaggeration. Dimitri was strict, but he wasn’t insane.

  She waved a dismissive hand and headed into the closet. Pulling the zipper all the way down, she removed the sleeves first and then stepped out of the dress. The thing didn't even fall over and remained standing like a lace statue. After hanging it up, Ella put on a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater, and opened the door.

  “Do you want some wine?” She headed for the wine cooler.

  “No, thank you.”

  She glanced at Misha over her shoulder. “You really don’t like it? Because if you’re worried about the boss finding out, don’t. I can never finish the bottle, and it just goes to waste.”

  Misha rubbed a hand over his square jaw. “Maybe I take a taste. But wine is for girls.”

  Ella chuckled. “Don’t let Dimitri hear you say that. He loves his wines.”

  “I know. I keep my big mouth shut.”

  Ella smirked as she uncorked the wine and poured it into two glasses. Unwittingly, Misha had confirmed for her that the master bedroom wasn’t under surveillance. The bodyguard would have never dared to talk like that if there was a chance the boss would find out. Up until now, she’d thought the room was bugged but the equipment was turned off whenever Dimitri was there. Apparently, though, it wasn’t bugged at all.


  Every little bit of freedom was precious.

  That was why when a knock sounded at the door, she rushed over, threw it open, and flung herself into Pavel’s arms. “I’m so happy to see you!” she squealed.

  Dislodging her arms from around his neck, he gave her a slight push. “Let me look at you, Ella girl.” He gave her a thorough once over and then nodded. “Excellent. The country air has done wonders for you. Rosy cheeks, shining eyes, you look healthy.”

  She waved a dismissive hand. “That’s the wine, not the air. Come in, and I’ll pour you some of Dimitri’s best.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Pulling a carry-on behind him, Pavel followed her inside.

  Misha got up and the two exchanged back slaps like a couple of bros.

  “You make Ella look good for the wedding,” Misha said.

  Pavel arched a perfectly shaped brow. “I’m going to make her the most beautiful bride to ever walk into a chapel.”

  She poured wine into another glass and handed it to Pavel. “Can you give me away too? Because it’s going to be awkward to walk alone.”

  He batted his long eyelashes and put a hand over his heart. “I’d be honored. But the boss needs to give his okay first.”

  “Do you have a tux?”

  Pavel humphed. “Do I have a tux? Of course I do.”

  “What about me?” Misha grumbled.

  Pavel put a hand on his hip and struck a pose. “Well, if you wanted me to bring you a tux, you should have said so. I can’t snap my fingers and conjure one from thin air.”

  “I don’t ask about what to wear. I ask why not me walk Ella down the aisle.”

  Oh, damn. She should’ve known he would be offended. “Maybe the two of you could do that together? Or maybe Misha could be my groomsman since I don’t have bridesmaids?”

  Pavel laughed. “I don’t think the boss is that progressive.”

  Ella’s smile wilted. Dimitri’s sham of a wedding was probably going to be very traditional. The question was whether it was going to be registered somewhere official.

  Not that it mattered. If her rescuers were going to fake her death, the marriage contract would be dissolved. She would just assume a new identity, and it would be as if she’d never been married.

  The other option was letting them kill Dimitri, which was still on the table.

  One of the reasons Ella hadn’t talked with her mother since he’d told her about the wedding was that she was still undecided. She couldn’t keep changing her mind. She either left things as they were, or okayed Dimitri’s execution.

  It wasn’t an easy decision to make.

  Heck, it wasn’t the kind of decision that should be left up to her at all. Maybe she should just tell them to do what was more convenient?

  Except, that was a cowardly way out. For them, the choice would be easy. Kill Gorchenco, and frame her with his death, then change her i
dentity and have her in hiding for the rest of her life.

  Not that it would be any different if they faked her death, but at least she wouldn’t have Dimitri’s death on her conscience.

  The third option of refusing to marry him was not really an option at all. If she did that, it would backfire big time and ruin her rescue. Dimitri would get angry and leave her behind in Russia, or take her with him but put her under heavier guard.

  She wasn’t going to risk it because of a meaningless piece of paper.



  As Vivian waited for Magnus to be done in the shower, she gazed at the landscape Dalhu had brought them as a house-warming gift. It was hanging on the wall across from their bed, where she could look at it as soon as she opened her eyes in the morning.

  The painting was special, but she had a hard time putting her finger on what made it so. There were the vivid greens of the treetops that were highlighted by swathes of yellow light penetrating the dense canopy, and then there were the wildflowers blooming in the clearing the sunlight was shining on. Seemingly, it was a simple landscape, but for some reason, the overall effect inspired a sense of calm and hope.

  Or maybe it was the effect of the warm welcome and the wonderful party Amanda had thrown together.

  The second one in a row.

  Vivian owed a debt of gratitude to Kian’s sister that she had no idea how to repay. First, Amanda had organized the ritual to lift the curse, then she’d organized Parker’s transition ceremony and party, and lastly the house-warming and welcome party.

  All the ladies from the witchy ritual had come, and those who had partners had brought them along.

  Brundar had bought a whole cow’s worth of steaks, and together with Anandur, they’d gotten the outdoor grill going. Callie and Wonder had made salads, and Syssi had made her signature vegan lasagna. Others had taken care of the drinks and the desserts. Even Kian had taken a break from his busy schedule to come over and personally welcome Vivian and Parker to the village.

  When the last of their guests had departed, it had been after ten o'clock at night. But although exhausted, Vivian wasn’t done celebrating yet.

  When Magnus came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his hips and the skin on his muscular chest glistening, she was tempted to lick him all over. But before she did that, there was a question about Dalhu’s landscape that had been bothering her.

  “Do you recognize the spot in Dalhu’s painting?

  Magnus glanced at the picture and shook his head. “I think this one came from his imagination. Either that or he combined elements from different locations. I walked all over the place with Scarlet, and I didn’t see anything that looked exactly like this.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Her impression of Dalhu was that he wasn’t much of a talker, but that he expressed himself through his art. That was why he was such a perfectionist about it. Amanda had said that the gift was a big deal since Dalhu deemed most of his landscapes inadequate and was refusing to sell them. But he was happy with this one.

  Vivian understood.

  The calm and hope the landscape inspired had come from his heart. This was what life in the village felt like to him.

  Magnus arched a brow. “Is there some hidden meaning in it that I’m missing? I’m not an expert on art.”

  Vivian pushed up on the pillows and let the blanket slide down and reveal her breasts. “It evokes peaceful and hopeful feelings, and I love looking at it, but I love looking at you even more. How about you drop that towel and let me feast my eyes on your magnificent body.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He let the towel drop and sauntered toward the bed. “You said you were tired.”

  Vivian chuckled. “I am, but not tired enough to postpone our private celebration.”

  With a wicked grin, Magnus pounced. Yanking the blanket off her on the fly, he replaced it with his body that was still warm from the shower.

  Vivian shrieked, then slapped a hand over her mouth. “I forgot that we don’t have soundproof doors in here,” she whispered.

  Parker’s room was on the other side of the house, but her shriek had been loud enough for Merlin to hear all the way across the yard.

  Bracing on his elbows, Magnus smiled at her. “No worries, lass. These houses are built for immortals. Everything is soundproofed. The walls, the doors, even the windows.”

  “So Parker can’t hear us?”

  “Nope, but I’d better lock the door.” He jumped off the bed, locked things up, and then pounced back. Grabbing her hips, he spun her around and pulled her hips up.

  Damn, she loved that pose.

  Her bottom, which was her sexiest feature, was on full display, while her breasts, which were the least sexy, at least in her opinion, were hidden under her. Not that she dared say it in front of Magnus. The last time she’d said something deprecating about her breasts, he’d threatened to spank her.

  Hmm, that was something Vivian hadn’t tried yet. She’d read a few romance novels that featured it as part of sex, and she’d been intrigued. As long as it was playful and not painful, she was willing to try.

  Not that she was ever going to suggest it. As comfortable as she felt with Magnus, it was a line that she didn’t dare cross.

  But if he initiated it, she wasn’t going to protest. Well, at least not too loudly or convincingly.

  Imagining that, Vivian’s arousal flared, and she waggled her behind, hopefully in an enticing way.

  “Best ass in the universe.” Magnus cupped her butt cheeks and squeezed, then spread them apart and dragged his tongue over her wet slit. “But this sweet pussy is even better.”

  Oh, boy, to hear Magnus say pussy was so damn erotic. He was so proper most of the time, so refined that she’d felt bad about cussing in front of him because she’d never heard him do that.

  He’d also never talked dirty to her before.

  “And it’s mine.” He licked into her.

  Vivian moaned and pushed back, or tried to, but Magnus was holding on tight, and that was a turn-on too.

  Lifting her bottom, he flicked his tongue over her clit, eliciting a throaty moan from her that startled her in how animalistic it sounded.

  Apparently, when letting loose, Vivian was not as civilized as she’d thought herself to be. There was a wild animal inside her, and she was taking over.

  Vivian had never felt as free to be herself as she was with Magnus. There was no right or wrong, there was no embarrassment, there was only the two of them enjoying each other in every which way either of them desired.

  Letting go of her butt cheeks, Magnus grunted as he pushed his tongue deeper, fucking her with it. She imagined him palming his erection and running his hand up and down the hard length as he tongued her into an orgasm.

  Talk about erotic.

  Vivian wished they had a mirror mounted on the sidewall, so she could see what he was doing. If she was getting so turned on from just imagining it, seeing it would be orgasmic.

  When he retracted his tongue, she whimpered in protest, but then groaned as he penetrated her with two long fingers and flicked that expert tongue over her clit.

  Crying out, Vivian pushed back against his fingers and tongue. With a growl that sent vibrations to the center of her desire, Magnus hooked his fingers inside her and rubbed a spot that pushed her beyond the point of no return.

  On a scream, she came, thrashing and bucking as he kept milking every last drop of climax out of her.



  When Magnus was done wresting the last drops of pleasure out of Vivian, she collapsed on the bed, panting, her limbs loose.

  Reaching into the nightstand drawer, he pulled out a condom and sheathed himself. He hadn’t bothered unpacking most of his things yet, but the condoms had come out from his duffle bag along with the toothbrush and toothpaste.

  A man had to have his priorities straight.

  Vivian moaned and turned around.
Her arms flopping bonelessly to her sides, she smiled. “And now for the main event of this evening’s entertainment.”

  Climbing on top of her, he pinned her wrists to the mattress. “What about the opening act? Not important enough for you?” He nipped her lower lip.

  “Very. But I ache for you to get inside of me.”

  Well, when put like that there was only one thing to do.

  Rearing back, he pushed his hips forward, encountering little resistance as his shaft slid inside all the way to the hilt.

  With a groan, Vivian’s eyes rolled back in her head, and she arched up in pleasure. “Yes, that’s what I need.”

  He pulled back and slammed home again. “This?”

  “Yes, more.”

  Retreating almost all the way, he came back, then again, and again, slamming so hard into her that the bed frame banged against the wall with each forward thrust.

  “Is that what you want, love?”

  Instead of answering him, her inner muscles clamped down on his shaft, rippling over his length.

  Magnus almost climaxed right there and then. Using every ounce of willpower he possessed, he held still.

  Vivian smirked triumphantly, relishing the power she had over him. Or rather the power she thought she had.

  Pulling out again, he hovered at her entrance and waited.

  She thrashed, trying to lift her hips and impale herself on his length, but he held her pinned down with very little wiggle room.

  “Please,” she gasped.

  If Magnus had any doubts left that Vivian enjoyed his dominance in bed, he had none now. The scent of her desire flared, and an outpouring of juices coated the tip of his shaft, making it slide forward even though that hadn’t been his intention.

  “Please what, love. You need to be specific.”

  She glared up at him. “Please fuck me.”

  Ooh, that was good. He’d never heard her say fuck before, and coming from those luscious lips and that angelic face it was hot as hell.

  “With pleasure.” He drove all the way inside her.

  She spread her thighs wider, inviting a deeper penetration.


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