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Page 13

by Catherine Lievens

  “Hugo, you didn’t ask for permission to talk and I’d appreciate if you could be polite when you talk with me.”

  Hugo’s expression became stubborn and Arlen knew he was in trouble. “Why is your name Mr. Giron, sir? Aren’t you the beta’s mate?”

  Arlen sighed. He should’ve known the kids would hear something about his relationship with Gentry and Nick. Only a handful of people had accepted it without protests, and those were all friends of either him, Gentry, or Nick.

  Arlen crossed his arms on his chest and sat on the edge of his new desk. “Yes, I am the beta’s mate, but we are not mated. Even if we were, I would keep my name, so I’d appreciate no more questions on my private life.” Oh, if only it could’ve been that easy. Not that Arlen expected it, of course.

  “But mom has the same name as dad,” Hugo insisted.

  “That’s because she chose to. I didn’t.” Arlen straightened and walked around his desk. “Now, Mrs. Carly told me what she did with all of you, so please take out your math books.”

  “And why aren’t you mated? Don’t you love your mate?”

  Arlen sighed. “Hugo, this isn’t something I want to discuss with you. Please take your book out.”

  Hugo opened his mouth and Arlen cut his protest with an arched brow. Strangely, it was enough for Hugo to shut up and take his things out of his bags, which was kind of surprising.

  The other kids had watched the exchange between Arlen and Hugo with wide eyes, but none of them asked questions, and soon Arlen had a class of quiet students.

  Arlen slumped on the couch and closed his eyes.

  “Bad day?” Nick asked from his left side, a note of amusement in his voice.

  “Not bad, just tiring. I’m not used to this anymore.”

  “There are only five kids in your class.”

  “Yeah, and one of those kids is Hugo.”

  Nick grimaced. “Did he ask a lot of questions?”

  “Not really, but the ones he asked made me more than a little uncomfortable. I don’t think his parents are okay with our throuple, because some of the things he said sounded more like adult words then a seven-year-old ones.”

  Nick put the file he’d been reading when Arlen entered on the coffee table and relaxed back. Their shoulders bumped and they both smiled, then Arlen reached and took Nick’s hand.

  “Kevin still isn’t really okay with Thomas’ mating with Craig, so it’d make sense for him not to appreciate what we have.”

  “Yeah, if he doesn’t like gay couples I can’t imagine he’d like a gay throuple.”

  “I’m not sure he has something against us, just... he was hit hard when Thomas came out, and I think he’s still trying to deal with it.”

  “I can see that. Doesn’t mean I appreciate it when one of my students asks me if I don’t mate with my mate because I’m not in love with him.”

  “I know you are.” Nick kissed Arlen’s cheek and Arlen turned his face so that the second kiss landed on his lips.

  They were still kissing when a pillow hit their heads. Arlen laughed and looked at Gentry, who had his hands on his hips and was glaring.

  “So I’m working my ass off in the kitchen while you two are making out?” His lips twitched as he tried to avoid smiling, but he didn’t completely succeed and Arlen laughed.

  “Sorry. Do you need help?”

  “Everything’s done and in the oven, but thanks for asking.” Gentry sat on both Arlen and Nick’s thighs and wriggled his ass until they made space for him between them. “But I need help for making out.”

  “That can be arranged,” Nick said as he reached for Gentry’s nape.

  “And you’re in charge of the clean up after dinner!”

  Nick shut Gentry up with his lips and Arlen kissed Gentry’s neck. They’d come a long way since he’d first suggested a threesome, and he was glad he had. He’d never been so happy.

  The End

  About the Author

  Catherine lives in Italy, country of good food and hot men. She used to write fantasy as a child, but it was reading her first gay erotic romance novel that made her realize that that was what she really wanted to write.

  After graduating from college in English language and translation, she divides her day between writing, reading, taking care of her son and reading some more.

  You can find her on Facebook and Twitter or on her website:





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