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Wilde Novellas

Page 19

by Janelle Dennison

  "I'm not sorry, so don't go and heap guilt on your conscience for my sake." Not quite ready to lower her camera, she took another picture of him, then another. While she wasn't ready to let him look her in the eyes, she had no problem being honest on this particular issue. "I was a willing participant every step of the way, and that was the best sex I've had in a long time. "

  "Yeah, me too." The corner of his mouth quirked, the closest she'd gotten to a smile from him in months, and she caught it on film.

  He tipped his head, and for as much as he'd previously protested her taking his picture, he didn't so much as object to her enthusiasm now. "Are you still planning on staying the entire weekend?" he asked directly.

  He wasn't ordering her to leave, and she took that as a very positive sign. "Yep," she replied with absolute certainty, and took an upper body shot of him before finally lowering her camera.

  His gaze slowly flickered down the length of her, then traversed its way back up to her mouth. "Good, because it's going to take me at least that long to get you out of my system. "

  Shivers of delight rippled through her at the thought of being Adrian's for the weekend, of letting him have his way with her and being able to fulfill a fantasy or two of her own. "I take it we have ourselves a deal?"

  The wicked gleam in his blue eyes spoke volumes. "I believe we do. "

  She breathed a sigh of relief, and felt compelled to let him know she understood his reservations, that she wouldn't exploit him in a way that made him uncomfortable. "Adrian… while a great body is essential for this calendar to draw buyers, it isn't all just about hard bodies. It's also about a certain smoldering look, which you have, a come-hither glance, a tempting smile. Those are the things that cause a woman's stomach to flutter and make her weak in the knees when she looks at a picture of you." He definitely had that seductive effect on her. "I also want you to know that I respect the way you feel about those scars, and I'll take the pictures in a way that won't blatantly display them. I'll even let you have final approval of what shots go into the calendar. "

  He nodded, his expression one of gratitude. "Fair enough. "

  Luckily, he looked good from any angle. She nodded toward the pile of wood, and strove to lighten the last bit of tension between them. "So, are you done taking out your frustration on those logs?"

  He actually laughed, the sound rich and warm, like a fine cognac. "Yeah, I'm done," he said, and buried the blade end of the axe into the tree stump.

  Oh wow, an amused, agreeable Adrian was far more potent than the stubborn man she'd been pursuing for months now. Mia had told her that under normal circumstances Adrian was charming, carefree, and flirtatious, and it pleased Chayse to see this side of him. To be the recipient of more than just his scowls and resistance.

  "I was hoping we could go hiking through some of these trails and I could take more shots of you outdoors, while the sun is still high in the sky," she said.

  Hands propped on his hips, he glanced up at the rugged hills surrounding the cabin, then back to her, a glimmer of doubt in his gaze. "You sure you can handle these mountains?"

  It seemed he'd already learned how best to provoke her, and that she wasn't one to resist a challenge. "Of course I can handle it!"

  "Alright," he drawled lazily. "Then let's do it. "

  Two and a half hours later they returned from their jaunt through the hills behind the cabin. Adrian was running on pure physical adrenaline, the kind that rushed through his blood after a good, long, hard workout. And navigating the uneven terrain and steep slopes that made up the trails he liked to hike definitely qualified as strenuous exercise.

  He cast an amused glance at the woman who'd accompanied him on the hike. While she was panting for breath, her skin flushed and glowing with perspiration, he felt invigorated and ready to do it all over again.

  "Good Lord," Chayse said as she dragged herself up the front steps of the cabin to the porch. "Why didn't you tell me we'd be climbing Mount Everest?"

  He chuckled, glad to see she'd found some humor in the situation when most women would have whined and complained once they'd grown tired. Chayse had been a trooper, sucking it up even when he'd noticed how exhausted she was. And that's when he'd headed back home, knowing she'd had enough.

  "That was nothing, sweetheart," he said, and jogged effortlessly up the steps behind her. "You ought to join me on a rock climbing expedition sometime. "

  "Thanks, but no thanks." She collapsed in the hammock, her body sprawled on the netting and one leg hanging over the side. "God, I'm so out of shape," she muttered in disgust. "My legs and thighs feel like Jell-O. "

  "But you have to admit you got some great shots out there. "

  Her lashes drifted shut and she grunted. "Yeah, when you stopped long enough to let me take a few pictures here and there. "

  "It was purely an incentive to keep you going and make sure you didn't pass out halfway through the hike," he teased, and realized that he was smiling. Again. "It was one thing to carry your backpack of photography paraphernalia for you, but no way was I going to heft you all the way back here as dead weight. "

  Another grunt, which didn't sound all that complimentary.

  His grin slid into a frown as he stared at her limp form. He'd meant to give her a workout, yes, but maybe he'd pushed her too hard, and that thought prompted a smidgeon of guilt. "You stay put and I'll go get you something to drink. "

  "Trust me, I'm not going anywhere," she murmured.

  He went inside and dropped her backpack off in the living room before heading to the kitchen for a bottled water for her, and a cold beer for him. By the time he returned to the porch, she'd drifted off to sleep and was snoring softly.

  Shaking his head at how quickly she'd dropped off, he perched his backside on the porch railing in front of her, twisted off the cap of his beer, and took a long drink of the malt liquor that quenched his thirst and cooled his body. Unerringly, his gaze drifted to Chayse, at the softly parted lips he'd kissed earlier and ached to kiss again, and the disheveled, chin-length, honey blond curls falling haphazardly around her face. His eyes low-ered to her chest, taking in her braless breasts beneath her T-shirt, and the way the small mounds rose and fell from her even, steady breathing. It was hard not to notice her erect nipples, too, which pressed against the cotton material and made him remember how those crests felt in his mouth, against his tongue.

  Ignoring the heat setding in his groin, he took another swallow of his beer, and was forced to admit that he'd actually enjoyed being with Chayse during their hike. He'd teased her, and she'd laughed and even provoked him a time or two herself. She was definitely a woman who could hold her own with words and comebacks, and he'd had a great time sparring with her. And yes, even flirting with her.

  With his anger and grudge toward her dissipated, and an amenable compromise agreed upon, he'd allowed a few guarded walls to crumble. A smart move, or a stupid one, he wasn't sure yet, but he believed Chayse when she said she respected him and his feelings regarding his scars, and instinctively knew she wouldn't publish any photos without his permission or approval.

  With that understanding between them, he'd decided that he wasn't going to fight whatever was between him and Chayse. His attraction to her was too strong to deprive himself of the pleasure of being with her sexually, and she'd made it perfecdy clear she wanted the same thing. And he'd discovered during their hike that he flat-out liked her. She had a good sense of humor, and enough spunk to keep him on his toes. He admired her determination and grit, and she was completely dedicated to the calendar project he was beginning to suspect she was doing for very personal reasons that she'd yet to share with him. Then again, he'd never asked her why this project was so important, and he was suddenly very curious to know the answer.

  He polished off his beer and decided to go and take a shower, then start fixing dinner. He was just finishing up the steaks on the small outdoor grill he'd set up when Chayse finally woke up from her nap. She sat up in t
he hammock, combed her hair away from her face with her fingers, and rubbed at her eyes. She slowly stood up and straightened, then grimaced and placed a hand at the small of her back, and he could only assume her muscles had tightened up while she slept.

  Transferring the meat to a plate, he turned off the propane tank and climbed the steps up to the porch. "Hey, sleepyhead, you planned that perfectly. The steak and side dishes are done, the table is set, and all you have to do is wash up for dinner. "

  "Wow, impress me with the service around here, why don't you." A sleepy smile curved the corners of her mouth, and her still hazy violet eyes met his. "The St. Claire has nothing on you. "

  He pointed the tongs at her, fighting another smile. "And don't you forget it, sweetheart." He held open the screen door for her, then followed her inside.

  She washed her hands at the kitchen sink, then met up with him at the small dining table and sat in the seat next to his, her movements stiff and not at all relaxed. She took in the two rib eye steaks, the rice pilaf, and bowl of salad, then eyed him with mock suspicion. "You have enough here to feed two people. Are you sure you weren't expecting company?"

  "The last thing I was expecting was company of any sort," he drawled wryly, and forked a steak onto her plate. "Everyone in my family who uses the cabin tries to keep the place well stocked. There were extra rib eyes in the freezer, and I defrosted them in the microwave before throwing them on the grill. The rice was from a box in the cupboard, and I bought enough lettuce and fixings at the grocery store on my way up here to make a salad. "

  She helped herself to the rice pilaf and slanted him a wide-eyed, hopeful look. "Do I get creme brulee for dessert?"

  "Don't push your luck," he said, and passed her the salad. "I bought some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, and maybe I'll share it with you. "

  "Now there's an incentive to be good." She stretched her arm to set the bowl down on a cleared spot on the table, and winced and rubbed at her shoulder. "Wow, I can't believe how much I ache all over. You're a hard man to keep up with out there. "

  "You did good," he said, and meant it.

  "Thanks." She poured dressing over her salad and added some croutons. "I wasn't about to admit defeat. "

  He laughed, not at all surprised to find out that she had a competitive nature to go along with all that determination.

  A comfortable silence descended between them as they started in on their meals, and he was amazed how they'd gone from adversaries to friends in such a short time. Not to mention lovers, too. And there was no denying that he preferred their amicable rapport and the draw of sexual awareness between them much more than the contention of the past four months.

  He cut a piece of steak and chewed on the juicy chunk of meat. "So, what's your vested interest in this calendar project, other than being the photographer, that is. "

  She raised a brow, seemingly surprised by his question, and possibly his insight. She took a long drink of the milk he'd poured for her, then asked right back, "What makes you think I have any ulterior motives other than being the photographer?"

  There was enough caution in her expression to confirm his hunch, that there was much more to Chayse Douglas than met the eye. Now that they'd established a truce, he wanted to know what drove this woman, personally and professionally. "Because you're very passionate about the project, and how it's being developed. Is it all for the kids at the Children's Hospital, or is there a more personal reason involved?"

  "Both," she admitted, and pushed her fork through her rice pilaf. After a moment of silence, as if contemplating whether or not to elaborate, she finally continued. "My brother Kevin died from a brain tumor when he was ten. I was fourteen at the time, and I spent most of my spare time at the hospital visiting him. I also met a lot of the other kids who were in there for other illnesses, some terminal, like Kevin's." Her gaze held a wealth of sadness. "I've been involved in other charity events to raise money for the children's ward, but yes, this calendar project is my personal baby. "

  He placed his hand over hers on the table and gave it a squeeze. "I'm sorry about your brother." He couldn't imagine losing one of his brothers, or any of his cousins, for that matter. They were a tight-knit group, and something like that would have devastated all of them—just as her brother's death had obviously devastated Chayse.

  "He was a great kid. Always happy and optimistic, right up to the very end." She ate another bite of her steak, and went on. "But I still miss him, and often wonder what my life would be like if he were still around, if my parents would still be together…" Her voice trailed off and she grew quiet, as if she'd revealed more than she'd intended.

  "They divorced?"

  She nodded, then hesitated for a moment before trusting him enough to divulge more. "After my brother's death, my mother completely shut down emotionally, and she fell into a deep depression and refused to get treatment. My father couldn't handle the situation, so he filed for divorce, went on his way, and ended up marrying another woman. "

  The hurt in her voice was near tangible, wrapping around Adrian's chest and squeezing tight. For months-now all he'd known was the stubborn woman with the smart mouth and spitfire attitude, and he found himself poleaxed by the vulnerable, lost little girl she'd been, and apparently still was deep inside.

  "Where are your parents now?" he asked, curious to know the end to this particular story.

  "My mother passed away two years ago, and my father is living in Arizona with his wife and new family." She drained the rest of her milk, and tried for a nonchalant shrug. "I don't talk to him much, maybe twice a year. "

  So, she truly was alone. The thought compounded the ache in his chest and made him want to reach out and pull her into his arms and do his best to chase away those unpleasant memories.

  She ducked her head, looking stunned and a little embarrassed that she'd spilled so much—to him, no less. "I've never told anyone all that, except for my best friend, Faith. "

  He wondered if anyone had ever cared enough to ask, which said too much for his own interest in her life and past. "I promise your secret is safe with me." And what a painful one it was, which made his own private past pale in comparison.

  They finished dinner, and when she stood to help clear the table, she winced again as her tendons protested the extraneous movement.

  Taking the plate from her hand, he stacked it on top of his. "Go and take a long, hot shower to help loosen up those overworked muscles. I'll do the dishes. "

  "Now there's an offer I'm not about to refuse." A playful smile curved the corners of her mouth. "I hate doing dishes. "

  He chuckled and watched her go, refraining from the urge to join her in the shower and help ease those achy muscles and joints in a more hands-on manner. But after their too serious discussion, he suspected she needed a bit of time by herself to regroup.

  Besides, he had the rest of the night to seduce her.

  Chayse stepped out of the shower and grabbed a dry towel, feeling refreshed and somewhat relaxed, if not a little off balance for how easily she'd opened up to Adrian about her past and family situation. It was true she'd never discussed those details with anyone other than Faith, and while she was shocked that she'd revealed so much to Adrian, she had to admit that his genuine interest and undivided attention had prompted her to share. Undoubtedly, those caring traits of his were dangerous to her heart, and she'd do well to keep her emotions out of this weekend's equation. They had a deal, one that encompassed pictures for her calendar and great sex, nothing more, and she'd do well to remember that.

  She toweled off her body, ran a brush through her damp hair to let the strands air dry, and changed into the cotton boxer pajama set she wore at night. She headed out of the bedroom, which adjoined directly to the living room, and came to an abrupt stop when she saw how busy Adrian had been in her absence.

  An air mattress had been blown up and was situated in between the couch and love seat, and was covered with blankets and pillows, making up th
eir own little den of iniquity. Adrian himself was squatting in front of the brick hearth, tending to the crackling fire on the grate. He was shirtless, the way she liked him best, and had changed into a pair of gray cotton sweatpants. He stabbed at a burning log with a poker, and she watched the play of muscles across his broad back, toned and smooth except for those two long scars she'd yet to ask him about. And he owed her the story, after everything she'd divulged earlier.

  "Hey," she said, announcing her presence as she moved deeper into the room, drawn to the man and the warmth from the fireplace. "What's all this?"

  He tossed another log on the grate, adjusted the screen in front of the fire to protect them from popping embers, and straightened. He turned to face her, his gaze taking in her nighttime attire in a quick glance before returning to her freshly scrubbed face. "I thought you might like to relax by the fire. I'll give you a back rub to help soothe your abused body. "

  Her aching muscles rejoiced at his offer, and the rest of her body was equally thrilled at the thought of having his hands all over her. "That sounds wonderful. "

  "Consider me your personal masseur for the evening." A boyish smile eased up the corners of his mouth, and her stomach tumbled and her knees went weak. "It's the least I can do since I'm the one who pushed you out there on the trails today. "

  "So you were," she murmured, realizing just how dangerous a playful, wholly seductive Adrian could be to more than just her senses. The mattress separated them, and uncertain what he wanted her to do, she asked, "Where do you want me?"

  "Now there's a loaded question." His voice was a sexy, teasing rumble, and he crooked his finger at her in a very tempting way. "Come over here, take off your top, and lay facedown on the air mattress. "

  She came around to where he stood, peeled off her cotton pajama top in one quick movement, and lay down in the center of the soft, fire-warmed blankets.


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