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Gideon Page 5

by Sharon Hamilton

  She was the biggest tease he’d ever met. She was torturing him with the promise of sex he knew would be outstanding. His manly body part was cheering with pompoms and a whole fuckin’ brass band.

  “Conditional sex, is it? You’re trying to drive a hard bargain,” he barked, trying to play down how fun he thought all this was.

  “I don’t have to try. You know you want me, right? Why not surrender to your urge? So much easier that way, angel. Then you could have me all night long.”

  Bingo. He loved females who bargained, and it was a good deal, too! The smell of her arousal was still on her. He was back, just like he’d been all those years ago, back and ready to be his preangel being, finally! Was she saying she didn’t mind bad boys? Was that what he was now? Maybe she just needed a clarification. Maybe it was okay he let all those people die. And then his conscience began to work overtime; his angel side crept in. Was this wise?

  Who the fuck is she?

  As if she was going to answer him, she inhaled and stepped closer, “I’m saying it one more time, angel. You want me? I need something in return from you. This is the price of my complete surrender.”

  She leaned back, her lids half covering her eyes. Very slowly she turned and climbed up on his bed, so that he could get a good look at her backside, and the lips of her peach hanging wet and quivering between her legs.

  This is so unfair.

  His cock was ready to go. No problem, man, it transmitted to him. It was marching to her tune, suddenly feeling naked and needing the warm sheath she was offering. It had tasted her channel in anticipation, seeking to ram itself to oblivion like an errant body part with its own brain.

  With her knees spread apart, she lowered her chest to the bed and, with one hand, rubbed her pussy up and down the crack, her sultry green eyes following his expression from the shadows at the head of his bed.

  On my bed. Defiling my bed.

  But he’d brought her here after all for that very purpose. He was planning to do worse. Now if he took her and then lost her, he would never be able to sleep again on this bed. Gideon fisted his hands at his sides. Things never used to be so complicated! He was caught. He knew now what it meant to give up a kingdom for a piece of ass, something he’d never been able to understand.

  Her right forefinger called him with a little curling motion and then plunged into her folds.

  I am lost.

  Chapter 5

  Gideon approached her glistening, ripe sex. He tried to look into her eyes, but he was transfixed with the perfectly formed oval of her peach and the gaping slit right down the middle of it. Those two fingers were pushing in and out, sending her scent to envelop him, raising alarms and buzzers all over his body. Her muscles sucked in those digits, but over the noises of her juicy sex, he could hear her ragged breathing and then the moan she made into his plush red bedspread. He was beside himself with need.

  He leapt to the bed, placing his knees outside hers and realized he hadn’t removed his leather pants. Closing his eyes, he willed them away and felt his huge cock spring forward, bouncing off her right butt cheek. Like it had a mind of its own, the red, velvet tip aimed for her core. He ripped her fingers out, and she threw her head back and laughed with glee. He gripped her waist with his right hand and with his left, spread her lips so he could plunge in.

  “No!” she said at first as she began to tense up but then whispered, “Oh, please. Yes,” as he filled her. Remarkably, she only groaned. She didn’t ask those stupid questions; she let him have her hard.

  Now this is more like it. He loved it when they said no but meant yes. And God, she was so tight he was practically creaming already. Even though forced to the hilt, he wanted more. She did, too, as she raised herself up and pressed her backside onto his lap, forcing hard against him so he could penetrate deep. He pumped her like it was his first time. His long wait was over.

  But all of a sudden it hit him. What was it she did want? He hadn’t agreed to answer any of her questions, and yet, by his actions, he was bound to her just as if he had given her his oath. Is this how she understood it, too?

  Oh, this one was wicked. He considered stopping.

  No fucking way. It wasn’t just that he didn’t want to stop. He couldn’t.

  “Harder. Fuck me harder!” she demanded as she turned and sweetly smiled at him, her green eyes half-lidded, egging him on. But then they went all golden and liquidy, like molten metal, unlike anything he’d ever seen.

  She screamed, and the whole house shook. He thought something was wrong for a minute, but then her little ass began to vibrate, and a golden light poured all over his glistening shaft as he pumped her. Her muscles clamped down hard like he’d been bitten and, with her vibrating sex, she milked him, taking every drop of his seed. He unloaded such a wad, it felt like not only his sac, but both his legs had been drained.

  A fleeting thought about him losing his pecker forever inside this woman was tempered by the sight of his rod, still rock hard, fat, and ready for more. And try as he might, he could not stop.

  She raised her right knee, exposing her belly to him. He slipped her leg over his shoulder as he slid into her deeper at cross-angles. He liked that position, could see her boobs jiggle and shake as he pumped her. And they were just the right size: amply spilling over his large fingers as he squeezed them. She nailed him with her liquid eyes, as the red hair on her forehead got damp and pasted down in dark auburn curls. Her lips made a delicate O, mimicking the button of her ass. She arched backward and sank into the bed, while he watched her eyes tear up, her knee still over his shoulder.

  She had already come once, but he could see she was beginning a large steady ascent to another climax, and briefly he worried about whether or not his house would survive the sonic explosion. And he was headed right alongside her, with no signs of going limp.

  She suddenly grabbed the long tendrils of his hair and pulled his face to hers. She sucked his lips and pricked her tongue on his fangs and poured her own blood into his mouth. Fueled with the warm burn that slid all the way down his spine from the hot taste of her blood, he smelled the pulsing artery in her neck, drew his teeth over it, and sank in.

  His cock lurched, elongated, and deliciously rammed into her soft tunnel seeking its own plunder. She moaned as she rose up into him, giving him her neck fully.

  “Oh, God. I knew it. I knew it,” she said breathlessly.

  Knew what? Bugger it. Let’s get this done, and then I have a host of questions for you, my dear.

  “I want to taste you too,” she whispered.

  He stopped for a second, her blood on his lips as he looked into her golden eyes, now turning ruby red. She licked her own blood from his mouth, and smiled.

  “You are vampire?” he asked. “You cannot be purely human.”

  She fell back with a giggle. He was just about to come. He didn’t want her giggling when he did. But her sex was vibrating while she was giggling, and he shot her full of warm cum and discovered he loved it. He felt a tickling in his chest and realized he had been chuckling, too. It was kind of funny, fucking this little vixen, who thought he was a Guardian angel, and she thought it was funny he wondered if she was a vampire. Well, he could see from her teeth she was not. Not a white fang in sight. Teeth not made for ripping and tearing flesh, like his.

  Vegetarian. He could taste the tofu and green salads. All those heavy workouts so she would have the muscled abs he was staring at, the thighs that made it so she could crack walnuts between her knees.

  Who knew sex could be so fun, so outrageous, so freeing? So incredibly exciting and different. Unlike sex he’d remembered. He could seriously do this 24/7 for weeks on end. Never had he felt this way before. Although he’d been the one to save her, he’d been liberated as well. He felt fantastic.

  “God, where have you been all my life?” he groaned as he stared up at the ceiling, suddenly remembering he had covered it in mirrors just last week. It was that hot dream he had that made him do it.
Did he know she was coming to him?

  Yeah, she was coming all right. The scent of her sex would permeate the air for a week. And if he could convince her to be bound with handcuffs, well then, he could do this several times a day.

  Naked and shackled in my bed. He looked at the leather straps looming over the headboard. Had she noticed?

  She raised her head, found his breast again and squarely bit him on his left nipple. This time it hurt. A lot.

  He jerked back. “Ow.”

  Her mouth was covered in his blood. She ran her tongue over her lower lip and smiled again. “More,” she cooed.

  Damn, what is happening?

  He had to be careful she didn’t take too much of his blood, or it would alter her permanently. He tried to hold her head back as she lunged for his tit again, but she was clearly stronger than he thought.

  Now this was scary.

  She drank until a huge red welt developed outside her lip line, and he knew she had inflicted a large, serious wound. She’d probably had a full cup of his blood. What would his blood do to her?

  He didn’t have to wait more than about a minute. She drew his cock farther inside and levitated about a foot off the bed, the full weight of his body crushing down on hers as she took him with her. He was going to use his feet as anchors, but instead unfurled his wings with a loud flap like a canvas sail catching the wind.

  Her eyes widened as she lifted her fingers and ran them down his wings on both sides, which caused him to shudder at the pure pleasure of her delicate touch. Definitely the first time this had happened to him. He’d always kept his white wings encased in the wing sac covering his shoulder blades. These black ones gave him virile adrenaline, maleness he had never felt before. He drilled her, pumping her so fast with his stiff, fat cock her eyes fluttered back in her skull and he thought she nearly passed out.

  But then she arched up, and as if some inner power took hold, her skin began to glow while her eyes turned dark blue, like the color of the sky just before sunset. With a few long, careful strokes, they came together. She was a sheer force of nature. The whole universe folded into her chest as she looked at him with the wisdom of the ages and enough fire to consume all of history. Her spasms wrung the magic out of her, and he could feel her orgasm coating his member, which was spurting like a severed artery. Hot cum shot into her body, washing her insides with such force he could feel the backlash. She closed her eyes and moaned, her muscles massaging him.

  Then they melted together, became boneless, sinking back onto the bed.

  He’d never been compelled to kiss a woman after sex or tell her she was great. Just wasn’t part of his DNA. He wasn’t a schoolboy with his first crush. But man, this coupling was amazing, and he had the feeling it would only get better. He wanted to ask her what else she could do. He suddenly wanted to try it all.

  So Gideon kissed her as she raised her arms and let her fingers sift through the silver embroidery of the velvet coverlet. He climbed her body and touched her with his thighs, his abs, his chest; he pinned her hands above her head and pressed her arms with his.

  “Baby, that was… incredible.” He winced internally, dipped his face in the warm wet spot above her shoulder just under her ear. He licked her wounds, leaving some on his tongue to share with her. She was hungry for it.

  “We have to be careful with that, you know,” he whispered.

  “But I don’t want to be careful.”

  Her eyes had gone green again, and with her red hair and peach-toned body splayed out all over his bed, she looked like a forest nymph he’d tracked and dragged home.

  For the first time ever, Gideon didn’t want to move.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “Honey, I don’t know. I’ve… I didn’t want it to end. Never felt like that before.”

  “We have some chemistry, huh?” She smiled wide, and he loved her straight bright white teeth. Normally fangs turned him on, but he liked her top row of perfect teeth.

  “So, does this happen every time you have sex?” he had to ask.

  “No, this has never happened before to me. You are special.”

  He didn’t believe her. Her answer seemed somehow canned.

  She sat up, leaned over, and touched his wound.

  “Does this hurt?”

  “No,” he lied.

  “It looks like it hurts.” She placed her palm against the raw flesh, and a golden light shone out from under her hand. He felt the heat, but it did not burn him. When she removed her palm, his chest was completely healed. She looked as surprised as he was with the change.

  “How did you do that? You have healing powers?”

  “I didn’t think I did.”

  “Yes, you do!” he said, pointing to his healed chest. “I would heal on my own, but what you have done, it’s a miracle. I’ve never seen this before. Truly a miracle.”

  She put her palm against her lips and giggled.

  All he could think of was that he wanted her to bite him again, this time on the other side.

  Chapter 6

  Gideon had learned to push his body to stay awake for days at a time. He’d done it for so long he wasn’t sure he could even sleep. And now, after his encounter with this beautiful fantasy lady, he was flooded with questions that had no answers. His mind was on overdrive trying to comprehend the reality of who she was, or more importantly, what she was. He wondered if he should feel afraid of her for some reason, and after weighing it, decided not to.

  As he lay back, her young body warming his left side as she slumbered in a near-coma, he pondered all the possibilities. He would let her rest after the ordeal in the bay and their lovemaking. It felt good to have a companion after so many lonely years by himself without any intimacy. He’d been starved for it. Perhaps because of that he hadn’t noticed the odd things about her.

  He knew she had special powers, but he did not think she was immortal like he was. Nevertheless, he had to find out her story.

  He thought about his life atop the bridge. One day blended into another, adding up to a string of fifty years of unremarkable days watching the world go by. At least part of the world. He couldn’t recall ever sleeping.

  Maybe I took catnaps and was so bored I’ve forgotten?

  But try as he might, he could not remember ever falling into a deep restful sleep. Or waking up with a start. Or dreaming. And yet now he felt like he could sleep, finally sleep, if he wanted to. Perhaps that was part of the dark angel nature he’d gained in the turning.

  Thinking on it further, Gideon felt it was the dreaming part that he missed the most from his mortal life. As a young man, he had visions of women he intended to bed, of islands he wanted to be marooned on with a woman who wore little or no clothing. Her perfect body ripe for him to see any time he wanted, opening up to him, not making him pay, not like the good girls he had to beg for sexual favors. He wanted someone who loved him for who he was. For the sexual animal he was. Girls who wouldn’t judge his overripe libido.

  He could barely remember those days before he became vampire, before he became an angel. He’d followed a destiny that now made sense, he mused as he looked over the sleeping form of his lover. She was cuddled against his bare chest, absorbing his strength and passion even as she slept. He felt tenderness toward this little nymph he had not experienced in years and, for the first time in his life, he knew he was on the right path. He belonged again in the land of the undead, as well as the living. Would he be able to take her with him when he was invited to the gates of the Underworld? Would the Director approve without having to sample the goods?

  He finally drifted off to sleep and suddenly woke up on his father’s farm in Central Oregon. He felt the damp, musty heat in the air while the wheat was growing and heard the sound of wind whistling through eucalyptus trees on its way to the ocean. He’d heard stories about his ancestors who fought in the Civil War, the ones who came out and homesteaded the farm so they could live a life of freedom and abundance.
  However, it had been a struggle living on the farm. There was never enough money. The farm was always in danger, and with it, their entire lives. Didn’t stop him from lying out on warm summer days and pretending he was the king of everything. Those were magical days when he thought such a thing were possible, when he believed he could help his parents, his brothers and sisters, his grandparents, so they could all live in some gigantic house and not have to work so hard to achieve so little. He wished for golden days idyllically spent harvesting vegetables in the garden and drinking too much of Farmer Spencer’s apple brandy he secretly made in the shed behind the big house during prohibition. He and little Jessica Spencer had sold her dad’s brandy at the market run by old man Boone, a man who liked to brag that Daniel Boone was his cousin.

  But in the end, they’d lost the farm and moved to a smaller plot of land they leased from an older childless black family who raised ducks for the fancy restaurants in Portland and Seattle. Papa Cletis, as he started calling him, taught him about playing cards, and what to say to the ladies, even bought him his first whore, a young scared-to-death black girl named Annabelle. He knew it was her first time too, and that somehow made it all right.

  But it wasn’t. It really wasn’t. He began to wake up, and then forced himself back into the pleasant slumber. He needed to see his old life again, something he hadn’t visited for a very long time.

  Maybe my old life was the dream.

  He went deeply back under. That summer he’d saved up enough money doing chores for neighbors to buy another session with Annabelle, who used to sneak out back on balmy summer evenings and show him what she’d learned from the customers and the other more experienced girls. That was for free. He wanted to do it all proper-like, walk to the front desk and ask for her with a wad of cash burning a hole in his pocket.

  They snickered at him, but he got Annabelle one last time in a room all to themselves, where they could experiment all night long, and even got a fireplace and fresh sheets.


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