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Gideon Page 6

by Sharon Hamilton

  She stopped sneaking out to him, and then one day Cletis told him she moved away. Some guy with a big, fancy car bought her, and she left to go work at his house in Chicago, clear across the country. He hoped she was safe and had a good life after all. She was a good person. She deserved as much.

  Cletis and his wife lost their farm in a fast-paced game of poker, and just like that, both families were displaced. Over the next few years, his family moved no less than seven times. His grandparents died, his father took to drinking and staring out the window at nothing all day long, and his mom put the youngest of his brothers and sisters up for adoption, sending him into town to work at a local gas station. He tried to drop out of school to work more hours, but a truant officer came around the station and put the fear of God into the owner, who made him go back.

  By now, Gideon was tall and athletic but with no funds to join any kind of a sports team, so he considered joining the military after high school. The local kids teased him about his ragged looks, so he started stealing clothes from the local Woolworths just so he would have clean pants and shirt for Friday sock hops when he could cop a feel under someone’s trainer bra for free until he got tossed. But some of the girls let him do it, even let him show what he’d learned from Annabelle. He excelled at doing the Frenchie thing with his tongue in their little wet holes. Hell, they’d even line up for him.

  The station owner, for his graduation present, offered to lend him his Lincoln and gave him some money so he could take a date to dinner and the prom. His date was a cute redhead going straight into beauty school after graduation. He loved the way her lashes flittered about, the way she talked incessantly but made his dick hard as he watched her little pink tongue dart around super-white teeth. Oh, what he dreamed she could do with that tongue. And he’d show her what he could do too. She liked to chew gum and wore her hair out in a big, scooped flip that looked like a ski jump. He had the urge to muss it up every time he saw her, almost as much as he had the urge to dive under her petticoats and kiss the lips of her sex and make her cry for him.

  Gideon thought about that night of the prom. The Italian restaurant was decked out in twinkle lights, opera music wafting softly in the background. He ordered an eggplant dish because it was the cheapest on the menu. She, of course, had to have steak, but only ate a couple of bites, which pissed him off. The waiter brought him a doggie bag he slipped under his seat for later.

  They stayed at the prom for about four or five dances, and soon it was obvious if he didn’t relieve himself he’d rupture a vein in his groin. They smoked cigarettes and sipped on some cheap wine he’d stolen from his dad. The more she drank, the bigger her smile and the more she needed help standing, which was all right with him. In fact, she didn’t mind when he held her with one hand and snaked his other hand up the inside of her creamy thigh. When he slipped his finger under the elastic at the top of her leg she jumped. Jumped right onto his finger.

  As he twirled around in her little opening, he saw the beads of sweat form on her softly haired upper lip. Her eyes crossed as she leaned back, showing him her long neck. The porcelain of her skin was intoxicating. She wore a little cross he bent to cover with his mouth. He slipped his tongue down between her breasts as he pushed his way under the top of her scooped-neck prom dress.

  All the petticoats and fabric was annoying him, but he didn’t want to take his finger out of her opening, especially seeing what it was doing to her. So he slid the top of her dress over her shoulders, first one, and then the other, and was surprised to see that the whole thing would slide right off her. He removed his fingers and watched her when he inserted them into his mouth. She laughed and then leaned in to him to have a little lick. She was hot for everything. He was of a mind to do it all, too.

  All she had left was her panties, which she slid down herself.

  “Hey, Gideon, not fair. I’m naked, and you still have everything on.”

  He didn’t want to scare her with his concrete hard cock, but she asked for it. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and she did the rest while he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. Right as rain, his shaft bounced out, engorged and ready to play.

  “Oh, my!”

  Damn it. She’s seen one before.

  “Does every guy look like this?” she asked. Her fingers were all over him.

  “That feels real good, Georgette. Squeeze it a little.”

  She obliged, but still had an unanswered question. “My brother doesn’t look like this.”

  “No, only those men with special powers do.”

  “Special powers?”

  “We’re created to bring pleasure to women. And they never get pregnant. I’m like an angel. An angel of sex.”

  “An angel! Honest?”

  Gideon didn’t have a problem with this lie. He thought he would give her something, some experience she could think about for the rest of her life. It wasn’t totally self-serving. But he smirked when he answered her, “Sure. Why do you think I’m named Gideon? Right out. Of. The. Bible.” She had made a ring of her fingers and was sliding up and down his member, just like Annabelle had done. “You done this before, honey?”

  “I saw one of my brother’s picture books on sex.”

  “Well, you’re a natural, honey… squeeze just a… little… harder… please!”

  “So, Gideon, you’re an angel, sent from God and all?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He smiled down on her as she kneeled, and being a natural, she touched her tongue to the helmet of his penis. A little drop of precum remained as she took one long lick.

  “Tastes funny.”

  “It changes flavors. You’ll see.”

  She had him so worked up he could hardly walk, but he bent over and made a bed of their clothes, and with the pink rayon of her ruby-edged petticoats popping up between his legs, he extended his hand and pulled her down on top of him.

  “See, God gave us these special powers, so we could show you how it’s done. And, since we aren’t really men, you are still a good girl.”

  “You sure?”

  He looked into her bright green eyes, her peach complexion, and made a promise to God and anyone else who would listen. If she’ll let me fuck her, I’ll only take redheads for the rest of my life. I’ll pass up the chocolate ones, the blondes, and brunettes. I’ll just limit myself to redheads. So help me God. Give me this one.

  “Angels never lie, honey. You know that.”

  It was the last thing he heard in his dream. Opening his eyes, he pondered his encounter with his past, the lady stuck on the bus and how confusing it all was now. They were like two ram goats charging against each other, both sides of his personality, each just as strong as the other. One was familiar and one all new, but exciting. The internal tug at his soul made his heart pound, made the bed rattle, caused the little nymph at his side to stir, while he pondered his fate. Was one side going to kill the other? Or could they both learn to live together?

  Almost as if he’d foretold his own future, “I’m an angel,” he’d told her way back then. And, in a twist of fate he would later discover, that Supreme Being answered his call. But he’d made a deal, and a deal was a deal. So, over the next few years as his sexual appetites developed and even after he was turned vampire, he made sure he tried to nail every redhead he met, and very nearly succeeded.

  Chapter 7

  Persephone watched Gideon and his lover resting, sweat glistening over both their bodies. She’d seen couples having sex before, but she’d not seen the healing touch nor the biting and blood beforehand. It was not something they’d trained her for up in the Guardianship. She needed to get more information, but now she was suddenly shy about asking Father about it, fearing some kind of reprisal.

  He must already know this is how it’s done.

  But it had never come up as the topic of conversation with her Guardian friends, and surely, if someone else saw what she’d just witnessed, someone would say something about it.

e was proud of her detachment. The sexual urge was strong with them, but it wasn’t for her, and that was a good thing. Some human things remained of her. Some of her memories were still there, but this, even if she’d had sex before she was turned, was not one of those memories that clung to her.

  Not that she wasn’t curious. His shoulders were larger than she remembered and his face more angular. He seemed to have doubled the muscles she remembered in the Guardianship. His dark angel nature had indeed had its way with his body, altering it yet again.

  Poor Gideon. Her detachment was slipping, but it was hard not to feel sorrow for the person she knew had goodness inside him. Somewhere, it was buried there still.

  She’d always imagined his lovemaking would be something beautiful, pure, and fulfilling, something that would be more than grunting, rutting like an animal, biting and sweating, tearing of sheets, and screaming. Surely this wasn’t how the human population did things. Maybe it was the vampire way.

  As she watched the girl sleeping, she became aware of a dark presence looming over the bed, spying on the sleeping couple just as she was. Whatever it was, Father’s protection must have cloaked her because the shadow traveled with long spiral tendrils, curling around body parts, rubbing up against thighs and cheeks and across their lips, as if craving both of them. It was dangerous and very odd. But whatever it was, it didn’t seem to sense Persephone sitting there on top of the dresser.

  Being extra careful, she held her breath and remained motionless. The girl moaned and arched up, slightly elevating off the ground as if held by an unseen hand.

  Gideon stirred, and the girl’s body floated back down, snuggling against him. But the dark figure remained. Again the long tendrils wrapped around her body, and she was lifted and then covered, like in a shroud.

  Persephone’s heart was racing. Should she wake Gideon? Should she intervene? Persephone didn’t know if she could even stop the dark being from taking the woman. But if it came for Gideon, well then she’d have to act. She’d been ordered to look after him, even at the cost of her own life.

  She considered sending a telepathic message but wasn’t sure if it would alert the evil creature now taking its prize. Just as quickly as the being appeared, it was gone, and with it, the girl.

  Persephone wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do, but she made a decision. She needed to tell him about the shadow figure, but she needed to clear the air first. Perhaps now would be a good time to quickly apologize to him for the pain she’d caused him. Maybe he could take his anger out on her, or attempt to. She was fairly sure Father’s protection would make it impossible for him to hurt her. And that was just something she was going to have to trust.

  She stood in the middle of the floor, became visible, and ran to Gideon’s side.

  “Gideon, Gideon. You must waken.”

  He whirled around, his eyes growing wide, appearing to turn red. His lips curled up to the right in a grimace as he growled, like he’d done so many times in the Guardianship.

  “You!” He flew for her, hands out as if to choke her, but just before impact, his body hit a protection field, and he was knocked to the floor, dazed. Then he attempted to repeat his lunge toward her and again was repelled. That’s when she noticed he was naked. She averted her eyes, but spoke to him from the side.

  “It’s no use. Father’s protection covers me.”

  Gideon wasn’t paying attention. He was throwing glass bowls, a wine bottle, then a lamp. He threw a chair and even a small table, creating a fine rain of wood splinters and glass throughout the bedroom area. His feet were bleeding from his pacing over the broken material. He tried to remove tufts of his own hair from his scalp.

  Persephone gently flicked some dust toward Gideon, and it made him sneeze.

  “No! You, stop that. I’m immune to your little tricks.”

  “You need to calm down, Gideon.”

  “You need to die. You’re the bitch who ruined my life.”

  “Won’t solve anything to be upset. And we don’t have time.”

  “Upset?” he mimicked with his face making a sour prune expression. “What the hell do you know about upset?” He stopped pacing and stood tall, pointing to the ceiling. “And time? I’ve got all the time in the fuckin’ world. You need to go home. Get out of my life and never come back.”

  “Gideon, please, hear me out. Let me talk to you.”

  “I’m done with the talking. We have nothing to say to each other. You’ve done enough. I don’t need anything from you. I don’t want anything from you or your Supreme Being.”

  “Gideon, I have something extremely important to tell you, but first, I want to take responsibility for the pain I’ve caused you. It is my fault you’re going through all this.”

  “Damn right. You understand now what you did?”

  “Yes, I do. And again, I’m very, very sorry.”

  “Apology not accepted.”

  “You shouldn’t have to bear this burden all alone. Let me help you.”

  “You’ve done more than enough to fuck up my life. I’m going to make it my mission to fuck up yours if you don’t stop pestering me. Now leave me alone. Now!”

  “Hear me out, please. It’s important.”

  “Didn’t you get it the first time? You are the last person in the whole universe I want to see right now. Besides, I’m not alone!” He turned to point to the bed, where she knew he was expecting to see the girl. The girl he’d forgotten about when he saw Persephone. He hit his palm to his forehead, and staggered back several steps.

  “I’ve been sent to help you.”

  “I don’t need your help. I don’t need the big guy’s help. I guess I’m on my own now. Just waiting for the gates of Hell to welcome me. You’ve even scared off my… my… friend.”

  “But it doesn’t have to be that way. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”

  “Says who?”

  “Like I said, I’ve been sent to you.”

  “But I just told you I don’t need anybody. Do you have to insert yourself into everything I do? Can’t you leave me alone?” he said, standing naked in front of her. Persephone closed her eyes, balling her hands into fists. “Not looking, Gideon.” She heard rustling coming from Gideon’s direction.

  “I’m decent.”

  Well, he had jeans on, but he was anything but decent. His powerful, broad shoulders and muscled chest was a thing of beauty. He was bigger than she remembered him. When he turned to slip on some old shoes, she saw the large wing sacs, much bulkier than any Guardian anatomy. His dark angel status made him look mean. She found herself staring at him and then remembered the girl. “The girl—Ashley. I’ve come to help you, to warn you!”

  “I think you’ve done enough already. Spying on me, were we?” He growled. “Get any tips or pointers? I know you Guardians and your dirty little secrets. You watched, didn’t you, angel?”

  She had no choice but to hang her head in shame. Her cheeks were flaming.

  “And for your information, I don’t need your help with any of my women. Is that understood?”

  She couldn’t look at him. He was swearing under his breath, pacing back and forth.

  “Now go away and leave me alone,” he boomed. “I’m not doing the Supreme Being’s dirty work any longer. So, for what it’s worth, you’re fired.”

  She began to cry. Trying as hard as she could, she couldn’t stop herself from shaking.

  “And stop crying.”

  That jolted her back to reality. She was used to following orders, but not so harshly spoken.

  He scanned the room and then ran out into the hallway, calling Ashley’s name to the rest of the huge empty house. “So where is she? Some Guardian you are.”

  “She’s been taken, Gideon. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”

  “Taken? Taken by whom?”

  “It was this black, smoke-like figure with long snaky arms or something.” She wiggled her fingers out to the sides like tiny tentacles, holdin
g her arms close to her body. Then she wiped her nose on the sleeve of her white gown. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” she finally said.

  “Did the thing make any sounds? Talk? Summon her or anything? Have a face?”

  “No face. Just a smoke cloud.”


  Persephone put her hand to her mouth. She’d meant to put her hands to her ears but didn’t react in time.

  “Where did they go?”

  She pointed to the wall. That made Gideon angry. He suddenly burst before her in a flash. She could hear his heavy breathing, feel the heat of his huge body standing very close, menacing her. He angled his head slowly like he had a stiff neck and gradually squinted, pointing to the wall. “There’s no window or doorway there.”

  Persephone was shaking again. Her sniffles made it difficult to talk. “Y-Yes. I know. They went through the wall.” She wiped her nose again.

  Gideon let out a stream of invectives. Persephone was glad she didn’t understand half of them. He peered out the bedroom window overlooking the vineyard valley floor, totally obstructed by the night, then opened the double doors to the upstairs deck, peering in the direction of their exit. He searched the horizon, even looking straight above him into the night stars. Nothing he saw snagged his attention.

  “Why didn’t you wake me?” he said when he came back in, closing the doors behind him.

  “I was worried for your safety.”

  “I was fuckin’ asleep! Can’t get much more vulnerable than that. I should have defended her.”

  “I would have defended you if the creature had come after you.”

  “Oh God, what a comforting thought!” He bent down on one knee as if praying to underscore his sarcasm.

  “My contract is not with her. It’s with you. Besides, that thing didn’t even see me. I don’t think.”

  He pulled away, righting himself, standing tall in the middle of the room, still shirtless but looking so strong. Such a perfect specimen, even if he was a fallen Guardian. His black wing sacs began to gape open, and she took that to mean he intended to fly off somewhere. Then he drew in a huge breath. Letting it out, he dropped his head. His shoulders hung like a rag doll on a peg.


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