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Gavin's Curse (Brotherhood of Bandits (Mating Fever) Book 3)

Page 7

by Minx Malone

  When she arrived at Oak Pines, Lori met her at the door with a friendly handshake.

  “He’s been in good spirits this morning.”

  “Did you tell him I was coming?”

  Lori shook her head. “No. I thought it might be a nice surprise for him since he asks for you all the time.”

  She peeked her head around the door and into her father’s room. He was sitting in his wheelchair staring out the window. He looked good. He was slightly thinner than he’d been before but his hair was neatly combed and his eyes were bright and alert.

  He turned his head and spotted her. “Kia! Come in. Where have you been?”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been by for a while.” It was a relief that he recognized her. There had been times in the past year when he asked who she was or if she was a babysitter for his daughter.

  “Dad, I need to ask you a few things. It’s really important.”

  He wheeled himself to the small table in the corner of the room. Kia took the seat opposite him, tucking her purse into her lap.

  “I’ll try to help as much as I can.”

  “Even if it’s about the dragons? I need to know about the suppression drugs you were working on when we lived at Rivenell.”

  His face twisted. “That formula was a failure.”

  “Yes, I know. Did you ever figure out how to fix it? Did that have anything to do with why you left?”

  Moments passed and he continued to stare off into the distance. Kia rubbed her eyes. She’d lost him. His moments of lucidity were like water, you couldn’t hold on to them. Then he started speaking again.

  “After the dragon wars, I knew it wouldn’t be safe to go back there. But Iyaana wouldn’t listen. Your mother was blind to the faults of her people. She was convinced that the new royal regime would welcome us back and that we would be safe there.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I had been working on a suppression formula for years, although at the time I wasn’t calling it that. It was supposed to be used in the rare cases a dragon needed surgery to prevent them from shifting while they were under anesthesia. But in the testing phase, I found that it would not only prevent shifting but allowed some control of the other dragon instincts. It could lessen the side effects for males suffering after the death of a mate, for example.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

  “It was a breakthrough! My formula was going to make it possible for dragons to live safely amongst humans for the first time ever. Your mother didn’t want us to leave dragon territory because she feared for your safety when you were small and unable to control your instincts.”

  “I barely remember her. Just the way she smelled and how soft her hair was.”

  It was one of the things Kia regretted the most about her past. The effects of the drugs she’d been on for years had screwed with her memories and she could barely recall anything before her teen years.

  “Your mother loved you so much. When I developed a new version of the formula that would deaden the dragon instincts completely, King Nataanik wouldn’t approve any testing on live dragons. But your mother and I were desperate.” He hung his head and stared off into the distance for a long while before he spoke again. “I didn’t know it would kill her.”

  Kia covered her mouth with her hand in horror. He didn’t even notice her reaction, completely lost in his memory.

  “The effects didn’t show up right away. She was in pain at first but then it subsided. She could still shift at first so we thought it hadn’t worked. But I didn’t know then that the formulation I’d come up with was essentially poison to the dragon half of her system.”

  Kia blinked back the tears that welled in her eyes listening to his dispassionate recitation of events. Part of her wanted to stop him or leave before she heard any more. However, her horror increased tenfold when she realized the formula he was talking about what was the one Gavin had studied. He’d based his serum on her father’s notes.

  “How long?” asked desperately. When he didn’t answer, she knelt before him and grasped his hand. The contact seemed to bring her father back to the present because he looked startled.

  “The formula that killed my mother. How long did it take?”

  His gaze skittered away. “Not long. It shut down a different part of her system each day until she finally went into a coma. She never woke up again. She was gone inside of a week. Maybe less.”

  Kia stood and grabbed her bag. All she could think of was that it had already been at least four days since Gavin had taken the serum. Every moment counted.

  “Did you ever discover any way to reverse the effects?”

  Her father’s lips thinned.

  She grabbed the handles of his wheelchair and shook it. With her newfound dragon strength, it almost lifted off the ground.

  “For years, you were obsessed with keeping me away from everyone. Why? Is being around other dragons enough to reverse the effects?”

  “I’ll never let them have her. She’s just a baby! No dragon is going to bite my daughter!” He snarled.

  Kia could have sobbed in frustration. The information she needed to save Gavin was locked up in the mind of a bitter old man who still thought she was a little girl.

  Without another word, she left. Time was of the essence and if these were the last moments of Gavin’s life, she knew where she needed to be.

  In the arms of her mate.

  chapter nine

  Kia sat watch over her mate, no longer bothering to stem the tears that rolled down her face. When she’d returned, Nathan hadn’t even asked what she’d discovered. He’d just moved so she could sit next to Gavin on the bed. They all seemed to have accepted that being close to him was all they could do at this point.

  She closed her eyes. Ever since he’d lost consciousness she’d been unable to sense Gavin anymore. Until it had happened, she hadn’t realized how much she’d come to like having that awareness of him in the back of her mind. No matter what she was doing, she’d had him there, a comforting presence that made her feel like she’d never be alone. Now that is was gone, emptiness yawned inside of her like a big, black hole that would swallow her.

  Was this what Gavin had endured for so long? She had initially been so angry with him, so incredibly livid that he would consider his life expendable enough to test a formula on himself. But now, suffering with the unending agony of being alone in her own skin again, she understood why he’d done it.

  It was like she was on the verge of death, also.

  Ian appeared in the doorway, his expression falling when he saw that Gavin hadn’t woken up. “No change?”

  Nathan shook his head somberly. He placed a gentle hand on Gavin’s shoulders and whispered a few words in foreign language. Instantly Kia knew that it was a farewell. The emotion she’d been holding back burst from her in a sob. This was really happening. Gavin was dying and there was nothing they could do but watch it happen.

  If she had known this would be the outcome she would have never left Gavin’s side to go visit her father. He hadn’t told her anything useful at all. Just kept babbling about how he would never let that dragon bite her. What was his obsession with her being bitten?

  What if that was it?

  She sat up, considering the idea. Her father had gone to considerable lengths to keep her away from everyone but he’d been practically frothing at the mouth at the idea of her being around Gavin. Was it because he posed a special risk to her being her mate? Her father had always said that extreme emotion could override the effects of the drug and there was nothing more overwhelming than mating.

  But if Gavin could barely stay awake, there was no way he’d have the strength to bite her. From how he’d described the mate bite, it wasn’t like taking a bite of food. It required the intensity of emotion to force the fangs to extend and fill with their venom. But did that mean their fangs didn’t have venom at any other time? She had no way of knowing. But his brothers would.

p; She grasped Nathan’s arm urgently. “When you guys bite your mate, what does it feel like?”

  If Nathan found it an odd question, he didn’t show it. “It’s an intense feeling. It kind of feels like your fangs are being pulled down by rubber bands. Why? Do you think biting him would help? Dragon venom doesn’t have any healing effects on us since our bodies produce it naturally.”

  “I wasn’t thinking it would heal him, necessarily. It’s just something my father said. He was so concerned with making sure that Gavin never bit me. It makes me wonder if the mate bite would counter the effects of the drug.”

  They both looked down at Gavin’s still form. Ian finally voiced what they were all thinking.

  “He’s not going to wake up again. It was such a struggle for him to wake the last time. I think– I think this might be it.”

  Kia covered her mouth. “I can’t believe that. This is not how it ends!”

  Ian put a shaky arm around her shoulders. “It’s not how I ever thought it would end either. But he’s too weak to wake up so I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have the strength to bite you. Not hard enough to bind you anyway.”

  Suddenly Nate stood up. “He can’t but she can.”

  Kia looked between them uncertainly. “What, you mean have me bite him?”

  Nate shrugged. “Well, yeah. Traditionally the males do the biting but I don’t see any reason it wouldn’t work the other way. You’re a dragon. You have venom of your own.”

  Her gums itched. She’d had this same reaction when she’d been aroused and also when she’d been angry that Gavin wouldn’t make love to her. She climbed on the bed next to his prone form and inhaled his scent. Her gums ached as her fangs extended slightly.

  Nathan turned his brother’s head slightly. “We usually bite on the neck. The venom needs to get in his bloodstream as fast as possible.” At her hesitation, he touched her shoulder. “You can do this, Kitaana. No matter what you’ve believed your whole life, you’re a dragon. You’re also Gavin’s mate. If anyone can heal him it’s you, little sister.”

  His encouragement overrode her fears. He believed in her. She hadn’t had too many people in her life who’d made her feel capable but Nathan and Ian were counting on her.

  Kia closed her eyes. Then before she could overthink it, she bit down right below his jawline. Her blood heated and her heart pounded as she felt the burn of her venom being released. She kept her mouth closed around his skin until her fangs retracted slightly. When she pulled back, Gavin was just as still as before. The two red puncture wounds at his neck stood out garishly against his pale skin.

  “Gavin, please. Wake up. Don’t leave me now.” She lay gently on his chest and wrapped her arms around his cold form.

  Time stood still as she cried silently against him, holding on to him and wishing that he could hold her back. It only made her cry harder, thinking of all the things they’d never get to do, all the things he’d never get to share with her. Her life was finally beginning and he wouldn’t be there to experience it with her. It was so damn unfair!

  “Shhh, don’t cry my love.”

  A hand rubbed up and down her back. Kia lifted her head in surprise at the touch. Gavin blinked back at her.

  “Gavin! Oh my god it worked.”

  His pupils shifted and elongated into gold-slits. Then he pulled her closer and rolled until she was underneath him. Anything she was about to say was lost as he kissed her passionately, his hands roaming over her entire body. Soft laughter erupted behind them. Gavin paused and glared at his brothers.

  Nathan held up his hands. “We’re leaving now. Glad you’re not dead, bro.”

  Ian waved as they left, pulling the door shut behind them.

  Gavin looked down at her. “Was I really that bad off?”

  “You don’t remember?”

  He grimaced. “I remember the pain. And you. Your scent was all I was holding on to at one point.”

  She clutched him tightly. “I’m still so mad at you. Don’t ever risk your life again. I need you too much.”

  Gavin cut her off with a kiss, his hands becoming more urgent as he helped her out of her shirt. She giggled as he tugged on her jeans. Her venom seemed to have given him a surge of strength and definitely had aroused him.

  “I need you, too. More than anything.” Gavin kissed her belly and then nipped her right above the edge of her panties. His gaze was intense as he slid the fabric down her legs and threw it over his shoulder.

  Kia shivered as he pushed his sweatpants down. While he’d been unconscious she’d been worried about jostling him too much and had chosen to dress him lightly. It was probably a good thing since he didn’t look to have much patience for undressing right then. He settled against her and she sighed at the sensation of his hot skin sliding over hers.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m being too rough. But I can’t help myself.” Gavin growled against her neck and she went instantly wet.

  His lips traveled over every inch of skin they encountered, licking and biting, like he wanted to consume every part of her. Kia could barely keep up with the sensations radiating through her body. Pleasure swamped her and she allowed it to roll through, shrieking in surprise and pleasure when Gavin thrust into her. He gasped and rested his forehead against hers, a tortured groan leaving his lips when she tightened her internal muscles around her.

  “Do that again,” he ordered harshly and the rough command shocked her into complying.

  He bared his teeth in a feral snarl as his hips swung wildly, pounding her roughly. Kia moaned at the erotic assault, desperate to hold on to the raw desire he’d coaxed from her. Pleasure spiked and exploded through every limb of her body. As she cried out and clasped his shoulders, Gavin went still and she knew he’d found the same satisfaction.

  With a great sigh, he pulled her close and held her in the cradle of his body. “So tired, baby.”

  Concerned, she turned to look at him. He must have understood her worry because he covered her hand with his and squeezed.

  “Not that kind of tired. The I just had intense mating sex and need to recover kind of tired.

  Kia relaxed and rested her head on the pillow. Gavin’s dark eyes were knowing when he pulled her closer. She smiled weakly at the gentle kiss against her temple.

  “Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  Gavin knew he was dreaming. His brothers were there. Nathan and Ian look worried. He wished he could tell them not to worry anymore. That he was with his mate and happy now. His mate was a dragon and they were flying together. Everything was perfect.

  Except the part where rocks kept hitting him in the face.

  He woke suddenly, startled to find Nathan and Ian leaning over him. They both wore sappy grins which made him wonder if they’d been slapping him while he was asleep. Or if they were just really happy to see him alive and well. Nathan cleared his throat and Gavin could have sworn his eyes were a little misty. Damn it, they were all getting soft.

  “Thank God. I was starting to think you two would never come up for air.” Ian ruffed his hair, the motion oddly reminiscent of how he’d treated him when Gavin was a child.

  Gavin pulled Kia closer against his side and made sure the blanket was tucked securely around her. He loved his brothers but that didn’t mean he wanted them catching a glimpse of his mate’s naked body. Her perfect, soft, absolutely delectable naked body. Just that quickly his need returned with intensity. Her venom seemed to have done more than just counteracted the effects of the drug, it had deepened the bond they’d always had, making it more intense.

  Nathan chuckled softly and punched him in the shoulder. “We’re not going to stay long. The effects of the mate bite are pretty crazy.”

  Gavin grinned at that. “Yeah they are. Although I’m not sure how I managed to bite my mate if I was asleep. I don’t remember any of that.”

  Nathan looked over at Kia, still sleeping soundly. “You didn’t. Your mate bit you. She brought you back to us. Your mate is a p
retty special lady.”

  Stunned, Gavin could only listen as his brother continued.

  “Anyway, we just wanted to check on you. Things wouldn’t be the same without your ugly face around here. You know that?”

  Touched, Gavin accepted a one-armed hug from each of his brothers. Over the years they’d been through so much, struggling to survive as outcasts and finally triumphing as successful business owners. They’d come through the fire and emerged on the other side intact. Now they were all mated and happy.

  It was everything their parents would have wanted for them.

  A few minutes after they left, Kia woke. She sat up and looked around the room in confusion. “Did I hear Nathan?”

  “Yeah, he was here. The guys wanted to check on me.”

  She leaned against his shoulder and yawned. “I’m sad I missed him. I wanted to say thank you.”

  “For what? From what I hear, you’re the one who saved the day.”

  She shrugged, a slightly blush covering her cheeks. “I may have bitten you but Nathan is the reason I believed I could do it. He told me that I was a dragon and that I could protect you. Somehow, with him right there, I knew exactly what I had to do.”

  Gavin knew exactly what she meant. His brothers gave him courage everyday and he’d never had to wonder if they supported him. It was amazing what you could accomplish when you had the love of your family.

  Hours later, they’d finally managed to climb out of bed and were sitting on his front step watching the sun go down. As the last streaks of light left the sky, Kia nudged him.

  “That day when we left Rivenell so quickly, you told me you were too ashamed to tell me what you’d done. But then you said that wasn’t the worst part. What did you mean by that?”

  He gathered her close, so grateful that he’d have the opportunity to do this for the next few hundred years at least.

  “My greatest shame was that I knew there was a chance that serum would kill me and I didn’t care. I was actually hoping it would, even if I didn’t admit that to myself. The way I feel about you… Living without you was like death. For so long I lived under the curse of being one half of a whole. Death seemed like an escape.”


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