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The Witch's Brew (The Witch's Brew 1)

Page 2

by Brenda Cothern

  “So, he’s prior military and has security experience,” Mikael clarified the only two points he wanted to acknowledge from Randy’s five because he refused to think about the other three. They were too true for Mikael to give them any serious thought.

  “What does George think?” Mikael continued before Randy could comment again.

  “He likes the look of him,” Randy said seriously.

  Mikael understood he wasn’t referring to George’s opinion of the guy’s appearance. George was straight as an arrow and as the head of Mikael’s club security team, George only cared about what was on the application and the initial impression an applicant made during the first interview.

  “George called him back in, then?” Mikael watched Randy’s reflection in the glass. “He didn’t say anything to me about doing an interview tonight.

  “Yeah,” Randy started, but paused.

  “But?” Mikael prompted.

  “He told him to come in tomorrow,” Randy answered. “When he showed up tonight, George told me to put him there.” Randy nodded to where the norm was still scanning the crowd for expectant trouble.

  “He’s either eager or desperate for work, then,” Mikael commented seemingly to himself.

  “He seemed more eager than desperate from what I could tell.”

  “I guess we will see.” Mikael grinned. “Bring him up in an hour.”

  Mikael wanted to further observe the norm before he met the man. He was curious as to what the guy would do if he left him down in the club long enough.

  “Sure thing, boss.” Randy laughed and dodged Mikael’s playful swat.

  “Ass,” Mikael called out without any heat just as Randy slipped out the door and closed it behind him.


  Mikael spent the entire hour looking down from his perch behind the glass at the man who applied for his new security position. The guy ordered a bottle of water but it remained untouched on the bar after his initial sip. He didn’t even put the cap back on the bottle, but what he did do made Mikael raise a curious brow.

  His new potential employee retrieved a napkin from the holder at the corner of the bar and wrapped it around the plastic bottle. Condensation ensured the napkin would stay. The napkin effectively hid how much water was still in the bottle and had Mikael not witnessed the guy take only one sip, he wouldn’t have a clue that the bottle was still full for the most part.

  He wondered why the man did it, but soon forgot all about the napkin wrapped water bottle when Randy approached the guy and he stood up from where he was leaning against the bar.

  Mikael’s eyes soaked in the sight of every muscle flexing while the man followed Randy. The guy moved like a cat and made Mikael think of the feline garouls that were part of his family and the ones he had known from the past.

  Once more Mikael reminded himself that this applicant was a norm. He also reminded himself of his ‘no fucking family’ rule and the huge man would become family unless he turned out to be an asshole.

  It was exactly an hour later when there was another rap on his door. However, Randy didn’t open it and poke his head in this time. Mikael knew it was because the bar manager had the man who applied for their open security position in the hall with him.

  “Enter,” Mikael called out after he resumed his seat behind his desk.

  Randy opened the door and led the large man in. “This is Adam Travail, boss. He’s the applicant for the open security position,” Randy informed him as if his bar manager hadn’t told him the guy was here an hour ago.

  Centuries of life was the only reason Mikael maintained a professional expression on his face. Randy had said the man was hot and sexy, but those words didn’t even begin to describe the man who followed Randy into the office.

  The broad shoulders, thick muscular arms and legs, and height were all things Mikael had observed while the man had stood at the bar below for the last hour. The short buzz cut proved to be blonde, but Mikael would swear he caught a hint of auburn in the short hair that covered the top of the man’s head.

  Breathtaking green eyes the color of flawless emeralds sat beneath a strong brow and above a Roman nose that may have been broken at some point. It wasn’t crooked, but had a slight bump as if it may have been reset in the past. Lips that were way too kissable, the top being only a tad bit fuller, didn’t smile and that somehow made them all the more attractive to Mikael.

  “Mikael Popov.” Mikael introduced himself and stood before he indicated one of the empty chairs in front of his desk.

  “Need anything else, boss?”

  Randy’s voice made Mikael realize he had been staring at Adam. He had completely forgotten Randy was in the office with them. Again, he was thankful for his age or he may have startled when Randy spoke. He shifted his gaze to Randy while Adam took a seat and his look was met with a smirk that said Randy caught him staring. That smirk also said, ‘I told you so,’ but Mikael didn’t need to be reminded of Randy’s assessment of the gorgeous man now seated in his office.

  “No, that will be all.”

  “Okay.” Randy continued to smirk as he stepped out of the office and closed the door behind him.


  Adam’s first thought on meeting the owner of The Witch’s Brew was holy shit. He had seen the man from a distance and did his homework online, but neither prepared him for the abso-fucking-lutely, drop dead, beautiful man who was now seated behind the desk in his plush office. And the office was plush. It practically smelled of money, but aside from his initial scan of the room his whole focus was on the man in front of him.

  Blonde hair that was almost white fell loosely over a set of shoulders that had to be, just had to be, the result of a workout routine that included pull-ups. Those shoulders tapered down to a trim waist that was a model perfect ‘V.’ Of course, that waist was now hidden behind the desk.

  The pale lavender dress shirt that was tucked into black slacks only enhanced the man’s romance novel model appearance. However, it wasn’t the man’s body or clothes that held Adam’s gaze because those he took in during his scan of the room.

  No, it was the deep blue, deep ocean blue, eyes that would likely appear black in the right light that were currently looking at him as if the man could see into his soul. Those eyes had Adam entranced, and had his pulse spike as well, but outwardly he was sure he appeared nothing but calm. Years of being with Delta schooled him on how to outwardly appear calm even if everything he felt inside was anything but.

  Working for this beautiful man would be a test in restraint for his libido, but he could do it. He never fucked around with those he worked with and certainly never with someone he worked for. So, Adam focused on slowing his rapidly beating heart while he waited for his hopefully new boss to start his interview.


  Chapter Two

  Mikael gave both himself and Adam time to get comfortable. He tried to tell himself he was just waiting for the man’s rapidly beating heart to steady, but knew it was a lie. He had to settle his own.

  “Why do you want to work in a club that primarily caters to our gay community in Chicago?”

  Whoa. Adam was pretty sure the question was going to come up, but he hadn’t expected it to be the very first one asked of him.

  “My experience and background make me an ideal candidate for security work and I didn’t want to join a private firm that would only send me back to guarding people in the Middle East. So, nightclubs seemed to be a good fit for me.”

  Mikael had heard a lot of bullshit in the past when he asked that particular question. However, he never heard bullshit that was so believable before. And it was a bullshit answer. Adam’s heart rate had calmed, but the moment Mikael asked his question, the guy’s heart rate spiked again.

  Adam held his potential boss’ stare and wondered what the man was thinking. He was thinking, too. Adam could practically see the wheels turning as if he were weighing Adam’s reply for truthfulness.

  “Are you gay?” Mi
kael only waited for Adam’s heart rate to settle some before he dropped that question on the man.

  “Excuse me?” Adam blinked. What the hell?

  “Are you gay?” Mikael repeated.

  The man’s orientation only had relevance to the job so Mikael could weigh how easily Adam could be swayed by patrons. Regardless of a customer’s sex, Adam was a meat market about to happen the moment he stepped into the club wearing the bright neon yellow security T-shirt stretched over his chest. A chest that quarters would likely bounce off of as if it were a hardwood table.

  “Mr. Popov, I don’t see where my orientation has anything to do with my ability to provide security in your club.”

  Mikael grinned and leaned back in his chair. “It doesn’t.”

  “Then why ask?” Adam’s pulse sped up again. Fuck, he was getting a hell of a cardio workout and he hadn’t even been seated in front of the gorgeous man for five minutes.

  “I was curious.”

  Mikael smirked and when Adam’s heart rate picked up another notch, he wasn’t sure if it was because the man was excited or afraid that he might be asked to do something sexual in order to get the job.

  Fuck, is he hitting on me? Adam thought and wished that were the case if they were anywhere but here and anything but applicant and potential employer.

  “With all due respect, Mr. Popov, I don’t believe that is any of your business since it is not relevant to my skills or ability to do the job you advertised.” When silence settled for a moment between them, Adam continued. “I don’t engage in sexual activities with coworkers,” Adam paused. “Or my employers.”

  Mikael continued to smirk at Adam. He liked the man’s bluntness and lack of fear when it came to speaking his mind. He didn’t need the answer. It was just a question he asked and one that would easily be answered after the man worked for him for a while.

  “Fair enough.” Mikael leaned forward and his smirk shifted to a grin. “I have a ‘family doesn’t fuck family’ policy, so I’m pleased that you already possess that rule for where you work.”

  “Family.” Adam stated not asked.

  Family was something Adam needed to have again. He had no blood relatives that he knew of and most of his Delta brothers had started families of their own. In fact, he only found himself back in Chicago because here was where he was fostered before he joined the military. The loving couple who were his last foster parents passed away while he was in, so he had no one, was wandering aimlessly and wanting to settle. He also wanted to find somewhere he could use his skills without the threat of flashbacks assaulting him on a daily basis. Working in a Chicago nightclub seemed the perfect solution.

  “Mr. Travail, may I call you Adam?” Mikael asked politely and when Adam nodded, he continued. “Every employee here is family to me whether they work one hour, one hundred, or more. My staff is my family. I treat them as such and I will treat you the same should you be hired. Do you understand?”

  “I do.” Adam smiled for the first time. This job was exceeding his expectations and he was going to do everything in his power to get hired.

  “Why are you here when George told you to come back tomorrow?”

  “To objectively observe your customers without them changing their behavior because ‘security’ was near.”

  Adam didn’t mention he’d already done the same thing four times prior to applying for the position. Of course, those times he wasn’t watching for anything more than who might be gunning to fight and they were slower nights than tonight. After applying for the position, he broadened his scope of observation.

  “And what did you see?” Mikael was truly curious.

  “Three prostitutes and two drug dealers,” Adam answered honestly and almost winced at the way his potential boss’ eyes hardened.

  “Show me,” Mikael practically growled and pushed up from his desk.

  Adam hoped to never be on the receiving end of the fury he could feel radiating off the other man when he stopped to stand next to him in front of the glass window.

  “One of your two dealers is the redhead in the pink tank top.” Adam nodded toward the woman on the dance floor. “She’s switched partners more than songs would warrant. Every guy she dances with buries his hands in her back pocket and she sticks one of her hands in one of theirs.”

  It was almost as if Adam directed her movements while Mikael watched her do exactly what Adam described. Mikael raised a hand to his ear before he spoke.

  “Bruce, please escort the redhead in the pink tank top off the dance floor and to the VIP room.”

  Mikael speaking to someone not in the room made Adam realize the man wore an ear piece. It was a good one too, since he hadn’t noticed it. Not like he was expecting to see a communications device or looking for it, though.

  “The second?” Mikael demanded more than asked.

  “The guy with the spiked hair near the restroom. He didn’t catch my eye at first because he’s more subtle. Every fifteen to twenty minutes he goes into the bathroom and stays for ten minutes or so.”

  Once more Mikael put his hand to his ear. “Chris, the guy with the spikes by the restrooms needs to join our guest in the VIP room.”

  Adam didn’t wait for his potential boss to request the descriptions of the prostitutes. He started talking the moment Mikael looked at him. The man who stood at his side spoke to his employees with a calm that betrayed the anger Adam could feel filling the space between them. This was not the way he expected his interview to go. From the first question to still standing next to the frowning man, this had been the strangest interview he’d ever had and Adam still wasn’t sure if he had the job or not.

  “It seems I now have something that requires my attention.” Mikael turned and spoke again, but not to Adam. “Randy… Good. I’ll be right down.”

  Adam followed the man out of the door and when they reached the bottom of the stairs, he wasn’t sure what he should do. It was obvious that his interview was over. It was just as obvious hiring a new security employee was the last thing on his potential boss’ mind. So, Adam decided he just needed to leave. George had his number if Mr. Popov wished to finish the interview.

  Mikael sensed Adam turn toward the entrance to the club and reached out a hand to stop him. The bicep he grasped was hard as steel, but Mikael barely registered the thought. Adam stopped to look at him and the guy raised a questioning brow.

  The music was too loud to actually talk without yelling or being close to Adam’s ear. So instead, Mikael tugged and Adam lowered his head.

  “Where do you think you are going?”

  Adam repressed a shudder at the feel of hot breath against his ear. His ears were always a hotspot for him and it didn’t matter that the words spoken on that breath were benign. He tilted his head so he could reply and was rewarded with the scent of the man’s subtle cologne mixed with what could only be his natural scent that rose up at him and Adam fought the urge to breathe in deeply.

  “I thought we were finished since you have other business that requires your attention,” Adam replied in an even tone.

  “We are nowhere near finished,” Mikael told Adam after the guy tilted his head so he could reply.

  Damn, Adam thought as a spike of arousal threatened to send blood south. The last time Adam had heard those exact words had been after two rounds of hot dirty sex with a guy who was built like the man currently breathing words into his ear. Another tug on his arm and a nod of Mr. Popov’s head indicated he was to follow.

  Mikael led Adam past the front door toward Travis’ bar. A door that blended perfectly with the crazy neon splashes on the black wall was his destination. He didn’t bother to look at Adam or hide opening a side panel and punching in a security code.

  Adam figured he had the job if he was allowed to see the almost hidden door and security panel that would grant them access to what Adam was sure was a hallway. He was right when he stepped into a dim corridor. Adam immediately understood why the lights were so low. It
wouldn’t do to have patrons know where the hall was located.

  Anyone casing the club would think the club’s office, and by extension the safe, would be down this hallway. Adam would bet his paychecks for a year that the safe was upstairs and no one but Mr. Popov’s family knew the office was up there.

  They passed three open doors displaying bar supplies, booze, and what look like an employee break room. Though, from what Adam observed so far in the club the staff was too busy to take breaks. At the end of the hall were a walk-in cooler and an exit. However, they didn’t walk down the hall that far. No, they stopped at a closed door across from the employee break room. Adam raised a brow at the gold lettering on the door that proclaimed VIP.

  Mikael caught Adam’s expression. “They are very important people.” Mikael’s tone was deadly. “Very important people because they could bring trouble to my club and in turn my family.”

  Mr. Popov’s gaze seemed to harden if that were even possible. This was the second time he referred to his employees as family. It gave Adam a warm feeling knowing this man would do whatever it took to keep trouble away from them.

  “And no one brings trouble to my family,” Mikael finished.

  Adam nodded his understanding and Mikael expected nothing less before he opened the door. Mikael gave a nod to Chris and Rita before addressing Randy.

  “Please get our guests a drink, Randy.”

  Randy nodded and Adam schooled his expression of surprise. Not only was he surprised at his new boss’ friendly tone after it had been so deadly just a moment before and his boss’ order to the bar manager, but the last thing he expected to see was the short stout woman wearing a security shirt. Not that Adam didn’t think the woman wasn’t capable of doing the job, but he hadn’t spotted her in the club. Her small stature, 5’6 at most, wasn’t even an excuse for him to have missed her.


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